在Susy和Toolkits上与Miriam Suzanne进行实时问答

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There are so many toolkits available, and the problem is that most are loaded with features you’ll probably never use.


Miriam Suzanne and the team at OddBird saw this as a recurring problem and decided to do something about it by creating a new toolkit. Susy is a lean CSS framework (really, a Sass add-on, it’s as light as it could be) with carefully selected useful features to help you create responsive layouts.

Miriam SuzanneOddBird的团队将其视为一个反复出现的问题,并决定通过创建新的工具箱来对此做一些事情。 Susy是一个精简CSS框架( 实际上是一个Sass附加组件,它尽可能轻巧),它具有精心选择的有用功能,可帮助您创建响应式布局。

Miriam will be joining us for our next SitePoint Community Q&A to talk about Susy and toolkits! To participate, check out the Q&A event and start entering your questions now. Miriam will be answering them at the time of the event — the 18th of August, at 2pm (PST). If you’re unsure when this is in your timezone, check out this timezone tool.

Miriam将加入我们的下一个SitePoint社区问答,以讨论Susy和工具包! 要参加,请查看问答活动并立即开始输入您的问题 。 Miriam将在活动举行时(即8月18日,太平洋标准时间)下午2点答复他们。 如果不确定时区是什么时候,请查看此时区工具

米里亚姆·苏珊(Miriam Suzanne) (Miriam Suzanne)

Miriam is a co-founder of OddBird, and is the author of Jump Start Sass at SitePoint. She is an artist, author, musician, and web developer, and is the creator of open source Sass toolkits like Susy, and True. She’s also contributed in the past to other open source tools such as Compass.

仪是OddBird的创始人之一,并且是作者跳转开始萨斯SitePoint 。 她是一位艺术家,作家,音乐家和Web开发人员,并且是Susy和True等开源Sass工具箱的创建者。 过去,她还为Compass等其他开源工具做出了贡献。

关于问答 (About the Q&A)

At the Q&A, Miriam will be taking your questions on:


  • Customizing Susy for your projects

  • Other ways to do layouts (and why you might not even need a toolkit)

  • How to select a toolkit, or build your very own!


Head on over to the Q&A anytime before the event and post your question(s)!


什么是苏西? (What is Susy?)

If you use Sass for your styling, and have been using CSS frameworks to create grid layouts, you should take a look at Susy. Susy is perhaps best described as an on-demand grid system. Instead of forcing you into including hundreds or thousands of lines of unnecessary code in your projects, and limiting your customization options, Susy takes a different approach and allows you to create your customized grid layouts, easily, to meet your exact needs.

如果您使用Sass进行样式设置,并且一直在使用CSS框架创建网格布局,那么您应该看一下Susy。 Susy最好描述为按需网格系统。 Susy不是强迫您在项目中包含成百上千的不必要代码行,并限制了自定义选项,而是采用了不同的方法,使您可以轻松地创建自定义的网格布局,以满足您的确切需求。

使用Susy (Using Susy)

Using Susy needs to accomplish something for you. Tools shouldn’t exist for their own sake – they should be included in your projects because they help. Using a fully fledged design framework could be a poor idea if all that you need is a grid system. However, if you need said grid, it can also be just as poor of an idea to write your own from scratch. There’s a middle ground.

使用Susy需要为您完成一些任务。 工具不应该为自己而存在-应该将它们包含在您的项目中,因为它们可以提供帮助。 如果您只需要一个网格系统,那么使用成熟的设计框架可能不是一个好主意。 但是,如果您需要所说的网格,那么从头开始编写自己的网格也可能是一个想法。 有一个中间立场。

Using Susy allows you to quickly prototype your layouts, and build out grid systems that are fully customizable – and instead of having to math out your percentages as you build your own systems, Susy will do the lifting for you.


That’s the difference between using Susy or using a fully fledged framework such as Bootstrap or Foundation – they’re really different tool sets. If you need a full framework, and take advantage of all of its various parts, assets, and features, then that tells you what tool you need! But if you find yourself simply frustrated and trying to solve your grid layout problems, you might want to take a look at Susy.

这是使用Susy或使用成熟的框架(如Bootstrap或Foundation)之间的区别–它们实际上是不同的工具集。 如果您需要一个完整的框架,并利用其所有各个部分,资产和功能,那么这将告诉您所需的工具! 但是,如果您发现自己只是沮丧而试图解决网格布局问题,则不妨看看Susy。

回答你的问题 (Answering Your Questions)

And that’s what we have Miriam here for, at this Q&A – to answer all of your questions about Susy, and development toolkits. She can talk about how to choose the right one for various jobs, and can tell you more technical details about Susy itself.

在这次问答中,我们正是Miriam的目的–回答您有关Susy和开发工具包的所有问题。 她可以讨论如何为各种工作选择合适的人,还可以告诉您有关Susy本身的更多技术细节。

Head on over to the Q&A page and leave your questions, and join us for the live Q&A where Miriam will be around to answer them!

头部到Q&A页面,并留下您的问题 ,和我们现场Q&A,其中杨千嬅将围绕回答他们!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/live-qa-with-miriam-suzanne-on-susy-and-toolkits/

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