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翻译 jquery mobile_jQuery Mobile课程1
jquery mobileIn a new series of articles, we will talk about jQuery Mobile framework, which easily allows you to create responsive mobile websites. 在一系列新文章中,我们将讨论jQuery Mobile框架,该框架可轻松使您创建响应式移动网站。 ...
2020-08-06 14:03:30
翻译 jquery mobile_jQuery Mobile第2课
Today we continue our lessons about jQuery Mobile. In this lesson we will look at examples of jQuery Mobile initialization, creation of pages, event handlers, page transitions and other. 今天,我们继续关于jQu...
2020-08-06 13:53:34
翻译 Ionic –用于构建看起来本机HTML5移动应用程序的高端框架
主流移动 框架 ionicGone are the days when developing an app took multiple days and even weeks. Today, the world of mobile app development is filled with stunning open source front-end SDKs(Software Developm...
2020-08-06 13:44:04
翻译 angularjs教程_AngularJS教程–第1课
angularjs教程AngularJS is one of the fastest growing javascript framework. And it is not surprising – we may use MVC and MVVM design patterns that are essential to build modern websites at the present t...
2020-08-06 13:34:18
翻译 sass入门_Sass入门
sass入门New SASS tutorial tells about many aspects of using SASS: installation, known facts, variables, mixins, nested rules, inline imports, and more. It certainly will be useful for beginners programm...
2020-08-06 13:24:33
翻译 jquery mobile_jQuery Mobile第3课
jquery mobileOur third jQuery Mobile tutorial is ready. The new lesson tells about mobile page orientation, page events (pagebeforecreate, pagecreate, pageinit etc), touch and swipe events, virtual mo...
2020-08-06 13:02:54
翻译 Susy与Bootstrap提供的网格系统有何不同
Comparison of Susy and Bootstrap. Susy and Bootstrap comparison. Ever since the inception of grid system layouts, they are widely used in website designs to arrange graphical elements like images and ...
2020-08-06 12:53:13
翻译 精通css和css权威指南_新手CSS动画指南
精通css和css权威指南Anyone who lands up on your website would need a reason to stay. CSS i.e Cascading Style Sheets gives you that reason. CSS is basically a way to style your web pages and also to create an...
2020-08-06 05:58:35
翻译 带气泡CSS3动画烧瓶
In our new tutorial we will create animated flask with bubbles. Not so long ago I was tasked to create an animation in the form of bubbles emitting from the flask. It was the original step of an adver...
2020-08-06 05:48:55
翻译 固定资产标签模板_数字资产组合–网站模板
固定资产标签模板Digital portfolio – website template 数字资产组合–网站模板 Today we will create a single page template for our portfolio. As you know, your own portfolio has always been an important attribute for almo...
2020-08-06 04:39:13
翻译 jquery缩放图片_jQuery CSS缩放图像教程
jquery缩放图片Today I will tell you about another one useful tool of JQuery – Zoomimage plugin. It allow to reach different design ideas with images resizing. Features 今天,我将向您介绍JQuery的另一个有用工具-Zoomimage插件...
2020-08-06 04:09:33
翻译 symfony2_使用Symfony 2构建Web应用程序:一次单击即可满足您的需求
symfony2Symfony 2 tutorial. Mobile application has taken a huge leap. Today, mobile applications are not just apps anymore – they are actually solutions to business issues. From a simple informative a...
2020-08-06 04:00:09
翻译 搜索或添加rss feed_如何轻松制作自己的RSS Feed
搜索或添加rss feedHow to Easily Make your own RSS feed using PHP + SQL 如何使用PHP + SQL轻松制作自己的RSS feed RSS Feed is an important part of a website/blog to attract and bring back users and make them permanent ...
2020-08-06 03:31:30
翻译 使用Jcrop(jQuery)在运行时裁剪图像
Today we use jcrop api. During browsing the Internet I noticed one new good plugin which we can use to work with images. This is JCrop plugin, it can help us to perform different effect with images (a...
2020-08-06 03:21:33
翻译 jquery导入实现导入_使用jFeed(jQuery)导入RSS feed
jquery导入实现导入RSS feed – using jFeed (jQuery) to aggregate RSS This simple tutorial will show you how to Import rss feeds of any site into your own custom area/block of website. It can be used as news i...
2020-08-06 03:02:08
翻译 程序员外包定价表_带有引导程序的响应式定价表
程序员外包定价表Pricing tables are widely used on many websites. If you haven’t created pricing tables with bootstrap, our tutorial will be useful for you. Simple responsive pricing tables – they look great o...
2020-08-06 01:40:15
翻译 如何使用CSS和JavaScript创建垂直时间轴
css 垂直时间轴Vertical Timeline tutorial. Internet users love graphics that make it easier to digest information. Even more, they love interactive graphics that allow them to participate above and beyond j...
2020-08-06 01:30:16
翻译 如何轻松制作PHP聊天应用程序
php 聊天程序redisHow to Easily Make Chat application with PHP + SQL 如何使用PHP + SQL轻松创建聊天应用程序 Today I will tell you about creating simple Chat application using our existing login system. This will be usef...
2020-08-06 01:01:00
翻译 比较CSS预处理器:SASS和LESS
Sass and LESS both are CSS Preprocessors. These are two of the most commonly used processors in the industry. CSS processors are very powerful and help you to streamline the development process. Altho...
2020-08-06 00:50:49
翻译 成功创建HTML / CSS电子邮件模板的步骤
html加css模板As we know, websites widely use email for mass mailing of news and other messages. This is one of the main means of delivering information. The letter itself plays a big role – many things d...
2020-08-05 23:39:39
翻译 魔术唤醒_魔术布局:jQuery动画页面元素
魔术唤醒Dear reader, today we are going to tell you about new plugin that we discovered – Magic Layout. This simply plugin serves only one task – it animates blocks on web page. You can see the possibili...
2020-08-05 23:29:58
翻译 使用jQuery轻松对Web按钮/对象进行动画处理
jquery禁止/恢复按钮Today I will tell you about animations in web using jQuery. As we know – jQuery offer us several default methods of effects: fade(In/Out/To), hide, show, slide(Down/Toggle/Up), toggle. Th...
2020-08-05 23:19:22
翻译 导入多个RSS feed-使用newsWidget(jQuery)
Importing multiple RSS feeds – using newsWidget (jQuery) 导入多个RSS feed-使用newsWidget(jQuery) Some times ago I told how to display rss feed at our website. But some times ago my friend ask me how to dis...
2020-08-05 23:08:41
翻译 使用dhtmlxScheduler创建在线事件日历
dhtmxScheduler is a JavaScript tool that allows you to create your own online event calendar. In this article we’ll try to create an application of such a kind and then add some extra features to it. ...
2020-08-05 22:58:20
翻译 Sass&Susy –用于创建很棒的网格的流行框架
sass框架As a web designer, working with grids is indeed one of the best things that you can do for delivering a top-quality website or web application. Believed to be one of the most vital components of...
2020-08-05 22:36:51
翻译 wordpress主题开发_了解WordPress主题开发标准的详细信息
wordpress主题开发WordPress theme development is more than just creating an appealing design. It includes writing clean code, testing of all types of content, and using the right template files. However, o...
2020-08-05 21:46:26
翻译 joomla新建模板_Joomla模板设计
joomla新建模板Joomla template example. This is our first article on this CMS. Today we talk about Joomla template design for front-end developer completely unfamiliar with CMS. Joomla is one of the most p...
2020-08-05 17:07:53
翻译 视差滚动_视差滚动教程
视差滚动As you probably know, Parallax is a visual effect, where positions of objects look differently when we view them from different positions. The parallax scrolling creates the illusion that the two ...
2020-08-05 16:47:27
翻译 带有Three.js的WebGL –第8课
Our lessons on webgl are continuing. Today we start another topic where we will be working with sprites and texture animation. If you do not know, sprites are simply images, that could be attached to ...
2020-08-05 16:27:45
翻译 html .next()_HTML6提示或HTML.next
html .next()HTML6 notion, despite the fact that the HTML5 specification was planned to fully adopt and achieve the broadest possible compatibility in 2014, now began to appear ideas about how this spe...
2020-08-05 15:57:06
翻译 开放图元标记(Facebook)
No wonder, Facebook is social network number one that is used widely (especially in advertising) by nearly all companies worldwide. It is much more convenient to use the most known network where almos...
2020-08-05 15:06:53
翻译 Bootstrap 3的材料设计
Material Design Bootstrap 3. Today we review Material Design Bootstrap 3 theme. This theme is a new skin for your website, in case if your website is built with the Bootstrap framework 3. The theme do...
2020-08-05 13:43:57
翻译 前端vue框架 响应式框架_响应框架–比较表
前端vue框架 响应式框架Responsive frameworks are very popular nowadays. Today we look at a great compilation of all currently existing responsive frameworks. This table is a deep comparative analysis of framewo...
2020-08-05 10:24:38
翻译 使用Bootstrap 3网格系统的自适应设计
Bootstrap 3 tutorial. In this tutorial we will talk about the main building blocks that are common to most websites and about the creation of adaptive layout using a grid system of bootstrap3. Bootst...
2020-08-05 10:15:09
翻译 jquery 幻灯片_有关使用jQuery创建支持滑动的幻灯片的完整教程
jquery 幻灯片No matter what’s the basic purpose of your website, if you’ve equipped it with a fully-functional Javascript slideshow, you’ve reduced the gap between your business and the targeted customer...
2020-08-05 09:34:11
翻译 Bootstrap 3导航栏
Today we continue Bootstrap 3 lessons and review Bootstrap 3 Navbar. In our new lesson we will try to disassemble the navbar component in Boostrap 3. During making a new bootstrap template, we usually...
2020-08-05 09:14:22
翻译 jquery创建css_创建一个简单而时尚CSS Jquery菜单
jquery创建cssNowadays, css menus are becoming more and more popular, which is not surprising. Small size, fast speed, ease to create. In today’s tutorial I will tell you how to create a stylish navigati...
2020-08-05 08:34:45
翻译 float CSS –各种CSS属性之一
float css – one of various CSS properties float CSS –各种CSS属性之一 Today I will tell you about CSS. This is will property called ‘float’. This property already in CSS since first version. And of course s...
2020-08-05 08:13:29
翻译 ajax 文件上传 文件名_创建基于Ajax的文件上传器
ajax 文件上传 文件名I got one interesting theme. How to upload files without refreshing whole page during submitting. Hope this will interesting to you. Lets check 2 methods – using ordinary iframes and exte...
2020-08-05 04:22:51
翻译 css可见性_CSS可见性–关于以及如何使用它
css可见性CSS Visibility – About and How to use it CSS可见性–关于以及如何使用它 Today we will talk about CSS again. And this is will property called ‘visibility’. This property already in CSS since second version (C...
2020-08-05 01:42:18
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