SitePoint播客#115:直播在WordCamp Raleigh第2部分

Episode 115 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week the panel is made up of Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy), Brad Williams (@williamsba), Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves).

SitePoint Podcast的第115集现已发布! 本周的小组由帕特里克·奥基夫( @ifroggy ),布拉德·威廉姆斯( @williamsba ),斯蒂芬·塞格雷夫斯( @ssegraves )组成。

This show was recorded live at Wordcamp Raleigh with guests Dave Moyer, Kevin Dees, Douglas Hanna, John Ford and Chris Cochran with some great contributions from audience members too. It is the second hour of what was recorded there.

该节目是在Wordcamp Raleigh与Dave Moyer,Kevin Dees,Douglas Hanna,John Ford和Chris Cochran的嘉宾现场录制的,观众也做出了很多贡献。 这是那里记录的第二个小时。

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您可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

SitePoint Podcast #115: Wordcamp Raleigh Part 2 (MP3, 55:48, 51.2MB)

SitePoint播客#115:Wordcamp Raleigh第2部分 ( MP3,55:48,51.2MB )

现场表演成绩单。 (Live show transcript.)

Patrick: And we will open up the second hour by bringing up our friend Dave Moyer, Dave, come on up here. (Applause)

帕特里克(Patrick):我们将在第二小时开放我们的朋友戴夫·莫耶(Dave Moyer),戴夫(Dave),来这里。 (掌声)

Brad: Dave’s back.


Patrick: Dave is the founder and CEO of Bitwire Media, his personal website is, and Dave is helping us out on the technical end of the Podcast just as he did last year, I like to call him the Chief Technology Officer of the SitePoint Podcast at WordCamp Raleigh, it’s a very specific title, very specific.

帕特里克(Patrick):戴夫(Dave)是Bitwire Media的创始人兼首席执行官,他的个人网站是 ,与去年一样 ,戴夫(Dave)正在帮助我们解决Podcast的技术问题,我想称他为Podcast的首席技术官是WordCamp Raleigh的SitePoint播客,这是一个非常具体的标题,非常具体。

Dave: It sounds good though.


Patrick: And it applies to one day out of the year.


Dave: Hi guys!


Patrick: Dave, welcome again, thank you for helping us out again.


Dave: Well, thank you for having me.


Patrick: We really appreciate it, it’s a thankless, quiet, in the background, no one gives you anything job, and we appreciate it.


Dave: It’s fun.


Patrick: So, I wanted to talk to you about your experience last year a little bit, there’s a video online, people can view it on Dave Moyer’s YouTube channel, Dave Moyer 2005.

帕特里克:所以,我想和您谈谈您去年的经历,有一个在线视频,人们可以在Dave Moyer的YouTube频道Dave Moyer 2005上观看。

Dave: Yes, that’s it, you got it.


Patrick: And have you run into any bachelorette blowouts yet? Have you had anyone ask you what type of underwear you’re wearing yet?

帕特里克(Patrick):您还遇到了单身女郎的井喷吗? 您有没有人问您要穿哪种内衣?

Dave: (Laughs) and I think Amanda was in the audience earlier and she was there for that.


Patrick: She’s gone now, so that story is that we’re at the Oxford and there’s a bachelorette party and people are just getting involved with it, there’s nothing like that this year.


Dave: Because I do blog and so I run around and I know some of my YouTube audience is tuning into this now so hi guys, but I run around with a camera in front of my face and I film it for YouTube and for some reason people are entertained by that, and we ran into a bachelorette party.


Patrick: Stephan, he’s in the video and we’ll get to that in a second.


Stephan: No comment.


Dave: So, you dug that up.


Patrick: No, I actually saw it after you posted it and I said, oh, I remember that, but in the video it’s Stephan and like you mentioned she who was here earlier, and the bachelorette party was for Kelly and nobody really knows who Kelly is and Stephan says to the camera —


Dave: She’s the bachelorette, well, she was a bachelorette.


Patrick: Stephan says to the camera I love Kelly, I’ve known Kelly for years (laughter), we’ve been waiting so long for her to get married, and just to be clear Stephan doesn’t know Kelly.


Stephan: I don’t know who Kelly is.


Patrick: Right. And then someone yelled out, “What type of underwear are you wearing,” and there’s where the video ends.

帕特里克:对。 然后有人大声喊道:“你穿什么类型的内衣?”然后是视频的结尾。

Dave: (Laughs) and I didn’t realize that until after I edited it either, I went back in and heard that and went, ooh.


Patrick: So we’ll have to include that link in the show notes when we post the story up. So, let’s get into some more on topic stuff here. Now, what’s different from last year, we had you on last year, what’s changed in one year’s time for you?

帕特里克:所以当我们发布故事时,我们必须在展示笔记中包括该链接。 因此,让我们在这里进一步讨论主题。 现在,与去年有什么不同,我们去年邀请您参加,一年的时间给您带来了什么变化?

Dave: For me, well, I mean I’ve had such a fantastic year, and I work like you mentioned with Bitwire so we produce blogs and online videos and online podcasts and all kinds of fun stuff, and we had the WordCast Podcast that does WordPress and blogging news and tips and social media stuff, we just hit 100 episodes just about a week ago, so that’s amazing. And YouTube has been so much fun making all kinds of great things; I’ve had such a fantastic year and I’m so lucky to be working with so many amazing people all the time, I’m really excited.

Dave:对我来说,我的意思是我度过了非常棒的一年,就像您提到的Bitwire一样,我们制作博客,在线视频,在线播客以及各种有趣的东西,而WordCast播客做WordPress以及撰写博客新闻和技巧以及社交媒体之类的东西,大约一周前,我们刚打了100集,这真是太了不起了。 YouTube制作各种很棒的东西真是太有趣了; 我度过了非常棒的一年,我很幸运能一直与这么多出色的人一起工作,我真的很兴奋。

Patrick: It’s a love-fest.


Dave: It really is.


Patrick: So speaking of the 100 episode milestone, what does that mean to you personally looking back on the show’s history?


Dave: To me personally I mean it’s really funny because we did the episode as a retrospective, so we went back through and we played bits from episode one and we played all the way through, and the entire time I was going crazy; can we really put this stuff on the Internet, how do we do this, this is so horrible, it sounded so bad, but it’s really fascinating, and I think it’d be fun to even listen back to SitePoint episode one when you all first came on.

戴夫:就我个人而言,我的意思是真的很有趣,因为我们将这一集作为回顾来进行,所以我们回过头来,从第一集开始播放一些片段,一直播放到整个过程,直到我发疯为止。 我们真的可以把这些东西放到互联网上吗,我们怎么做,这太可怕了,听起来很糟糕,但这确实很有趣,我想当你们都听一遍SitePoint时还是很有趣的第一次来。

Patrick: It was as great as it is now, next question, no. We’ve always maintained the same level of excellence.

帕特里克:现在是如此美好,下一个问题,不。 我们始终保持相同的卓越水平。

Dave: I’m sure. But it’s so fun, it’s so fun, and at the same terrifying to see how far that you’ve come and to see —

戴夫:我确定。 但这很有趣,也很有趣,同时让您惊叹不已,看到您走了多远,看到了-

Patrick: Yeah, you’re thinking can I delete this? Will anyone notice and hit the trash or more private or whatever.

帕特里克:是的,您在想我可以删除它吗? 任何人都会注意到并砸垃圾或更多私人物品或其他物品。

Stephan: It’s kind of like going back and reading your own posts.


Patrick: Your own blog posts, your own blog posts like sometimes, geez, thank goodness I only get five visitors a day.


Dave: But it’s important to see that as a really great positive bit of feedback for what you’re doing now so you can see that you’ve improved and you can see that you’re doing better, and you can also see, ooh, doing this right or I like this from before, try to do more of that, it’s self-feedback, it’s neat.

戴夫:但是,重要的是要看到这是对您现在正在做的事情的积极反馈,因此您可以看到自己有所进步,可以看到自己在做得更好,也可以看到,哦。 ,做对了还是我喜欢以前做的,尝试做更多的事情,这是自我反馈,很整洁。

Patrick: Yeah, I noticed that my interview wasn’t noteworthy enough to be included in that 100th episode so I thank you for that.


Dave: Oh, why wasn’t it? I should’ve polled that.

戴夫:哦,为什么不呢? 我应该调查一下。

Patrick: I’m just kidding. But when I read through your bio there’s a lot of stuff, there’s a lot of interests, there’s a lot of things that you do. What is your focus I guess right now, like what are you spending a majority of your time on and what are you working towards right now?

帕特里克:我只是在开玩笑。 但是,当我阅读您的个人简历时,会有很多东西,有很多兴趣,您要做的事情很多。 我现在猜想您的重点是什么,例如您将大部分时间花在什么上以及您现在正在努力做什么?

Dave: It’s funny because I have all kinds of horrible ADD, I think, so I’m always bored on one thing, move on to another, but for me it’s all — even online writing a blog post, making a podcast, making a YouTube video, it’s all a creative process, it’s all production, it’s all creating some neat thing that connects with someone, and I’ve done live stuff, I’ve done theatre, and to me it’s all that creative process of making that show, putting that production together, and so I work all the time on these fantastic podcasts, like I’ve said, WordCast, I do Life Plugged In with the amazing Lamarr Wilson, we talk about how technology fits in with one’s life because we’re sick of spec shows and all the geeky, we want practical, so that’s what we do every week and it’s so much fun. And YouTube has been crazy, I mean it’s bizarre compared to some of the other stuff; lots of times people will show up at conferences and say you look very official, not like Kelly’s bachelorette party (laughter).

Dave:这很有趣,因为我有各种各样可怕的ADD,所以我总是对一件事感到无聊,然后再转到另一件事,但对我而言,这一切-甚至是在线撰写博客,制作播客,制作YouTube视频,这都是一个创意过程,都是制作过程,都是在创造一些与某人联系的简洁事物,我做过现场表演,表演过剧院,对我来说,这就是制作该节目的所有创意过程,把这些制作放在一起,所以我一直都在制作这些精彩的播客,就像我说过的那样,WordCast,我和令人惊叹的Lamarr Wilson做生命插播,我们谈论技术如何适应人的生活,因为我们厌倦了规格秀和所有令人讨厌的事情,我们想要实用,所以这就是我们每周要做的事情,它非常有趣。 YouTube太疯狂了,我的意思是,与其他一些东西相比,这很奇怪。 很多时候人们会出现在会议上,说你看起来很正式,不像凯利的单身派对(笑声)。

Patrick: And what type of underwear are you wearing?


Dave: Yes, should be on the nametags.


Patrick: So how many times are you podcasting a week?


Dave: I do right now about three, I cut down to three shows a week, so I do WordCast, Life Plugged In and I also do a show called Plugin Picks in association with WordCast we talk about WordPress plugins every week.

戴夫:我现在大约做三场,我每周减少到三场演出,所以我做WordCast,Life Plugged In,并且我还和WordCast一起做一个名为Plugin Picks的演出,我们每周谈论WordPress插件。

Stephan: We were talking a little bit earlier about how you do the podcast, you do a lot of it live, you’re doing intros, outros, all this stuff live; can you explain a little bit about that because that’s a little different than what we do in our weekly show.

史蒂芬(Stephan):我们刚才在谈论播客的制作方法,直播的很多工作,介绍,演出,直播等等。 您能解释一下吗,因为这与我们在每周演出中所做的有些不同。

Patrick: It’s way easier than what we do which is to prerecord it and then edit anything out that was bad.


Dave: Yeah, and I didn’t start out that way, I started out with the free software and the sounds that I edited in afterwards, and I’m lucky enough now that I have the studio set up and I’ve got the buttons that I can click and I have the sliders that I can do. And so I’ll play my intro music and I’ll talk over it and then I’ll fade it out and then I’ll fade it back up when we’re closing the show. But for me the reason I do that, one, I like the energy of it, I like the live production, I think it provides that energy that you don’t get when you’re just trying to imagine in your head that the music is there. I’m also comfortable enough now to a point because I’ve done thousands of these now, which is bizarre to think, but I’ve been podcasting for over six years and so I’m comfortable to the point that I’m okay with leaving a cough in or it’s alright with me because I feel like the coherence of the show is there and I don’t want to go in and edit too much out because it’s that live feel, it’s that radio kind of style, so for me it’s alright.

戴夫:是的,我并不是从那开始的,而是从免费软件和后来编辑的声音开始的,现在我很幸运,因为我已经建立了录音棚,并且已经有了我可以单击的按钮,还有可以做的滑块。 因此,我将播放介绍性音乐,并进行讨论,然后淡出,然后在结束演出时将其淡出。 但对我来说,这样做的原因是,我喜欢它的能量,我喜欢现场表演,我认为它提供了当您只是想在脑海中想像音乐时所没有的能量在那儿。 我现在已经很适应了,因为我现在已经完成了数千次,这很奇怪,但是我已经播客了六年多了,所以我感到很舒服留下咳嗽,或者对我没事,因为我觉得节目的连贯性在那里,我不想进去编辑太多,因为那是现场的感觉,那是广播的一种风格,所以对于我没关系。

Patrick: Cool. Let’s talk about a story.

帕特里克:酷。 让我们谈一个故事。

Stephan: Yes, we have a story and it is from TechCrunch again, and A Facebook IPO is Inevitable is the title, and COO Sheryl Sandberg spoke briefly on Reuters, she said publicly that an IPO is inevitable for Facebook and that’s what companies do and they won’t be sold, so what do you think about that? Do you think she’s just kind of getting us riled up about it?

斯蒂芬:是的,我们有个故事,又是TechCrunch的故事,标题是Facebook IPO是不可避免的,首席运营官Sheryl Sandberg在路透社上简短地说道,她公开表示IPO是Facebook不可避免的,这就是公司所做的,他们不会被出售,那么您对此有何看法? 您认为她只是让我们对此感到恼火吗?

Dave: It’s funny because the idea of companies not being public is somewhat new, the default is now private where in the past, Google, Microsoft, you think about the big tech giants, Google investors are rich now because they started off at the very beginning and Google grew into this behemoth, and Facebook is now on the same level, and so to me it’s kind of aren’t they supposed to be? Not the fact that they’re being sold but the fact that they’re going public, it makes sense.

Dave:这很有趣,因为公司不公开的想法有些新,默认值现在是私有的,在过去,Google,Microsoft(您想到的是大型科技巨头)现在Google投资者很富有,因为它们从一开始就一开始,Google成长为这个庞然大物,而Facebook现在处于同一水平,所以对我来说,它们不是应该的吗? 这不是说它们被出售的事实,而是它们要公开上市的事实,这是有道理的。

Patrick: Right, because like you said, it kind of used to be if there was a big company you’d expect them to be traded publicly where it was an oddity with like UPS where UPS IPO’d not that long ago, I don’t know what specific year, but five, six to ten years ago, and UPS is this huge leader in the shipping field and so they weren’t publicly traded, and to have an established company like that go public was a strange thing.


Dave: It’s all startups now, it’s the startup mentality, because everything is designed to be small and everything is designed to be very, very efficient operation, and the new corporate culture we don’t have cubicles, everyone’s in the same room and Zen office and whatever it is, for some reason that goes along with we’re private, no public trading.


Patrick: Yeah, you have offices where Justin Timberlake can walk right in and smash your monitor and he doesn’t even think twice about it.

帕特里克(Patrick):是的,您有办公室,贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)可以走进去砸碎您的显示器,他甚至都不会三思而后行。

Dave: I want one of those.


Patrick: A Justin Timberlake or the office or a monitor?


Dave: All three at once (laughter), in any order.


Brad: Anyone actually buy LinkedIn stock?


Patrick: No? Because LinkedIn if you don’t know just recently went public two days ago I think, and the price doubled in one day, more than doubled I think from 40 to 45 that it was priced at to close in the 90’s I think, and it reached 100; has it gone up since or was it just IPO on Friday?

帕特里克:不? 因为LinkedIn如果您不知道两天前才刚公开上市,而且价格一天之内就翻了一番,我认为它的价格从40倍增至45倍,我认为它的收盘价是90年代,达到100 从那以后上涨了吗?还是周五才进行首次公开​​募股?

Audience Member: It IPO’d Friday morning


Patrick: There you go.


Dave: Does anyone here spend significant time on LinkedIn honestly? Really? Okay.

戴夫:这里有没有人老实说在LinkedIn上花费大量时间? 真? 好的。

Patrick: The thing about LinkedIn is it’s almost, and I think there are people who spend significant time, I don’t.


Dave: Neither do I, no.


Patrick: I don’t think that’s a bad thing necessarily, and the reason I say that is because they have a niche and they pursue it really well and they do what they do well, I compare it in a small way to a service called Lanyrd, have you heard of Lanyrd?

帕特里克:我认为这不一定是一件坏事,而我之所以这么说,是因为他们有一个利基市场,他们追求得很好,并且做得很好,我将它与一种叫做“服务”的服务进行了小幅比较。 Lanyrd,您听说过Lanyrd吗?

Dave: I’ve heard of the name.


Patrick: Okay, so they’re like a conference directory, I think we’re all familiar with Lanyrd, and it’s a simple site but it’s not, it’s aesthetically pleasing and it just works well to show you conferences that your Twitter friends are going to, Twitter followers or people you follow are going to, and it’s very service specific where I love the site, I’ve loved the site, but I don’t have a reason to spend much time there. It’s almost like I think services can exist without monopolizing your time.

帕特里克:好的,所以它们就像一个会议目录,我想我们都对Lanyrd很熟悉,并且它是一个简单的网站,但事实并非如此,它在美学上令人愉悦,并且很好地向您展示了Twitter朋友正在参加的会议。到Twitter追踪者或您关注的人去,并且它是特定于服务的,我喜欢该网站,我喜欢该网站,但是我没有理由在这里花费很多时间。 几乎就像我认为服务可以存在而不会独占您的时间。

Dave: That’s true.


Patrick: I think there’s a value in that where a service doesn’t have to own me to have community or a sense of community or to have activity on it. Now that said, LinkedIn groups I get emails all the time with 100 new discussions, I mean I just don’t participate in any of them.

帕特里克(Patrick):我认为服务的价值在于不必拥有我就可以拥有社区或社区意识,也不必为此开展活动。 如此说来,LinkedIn小组会一直收到有关100个新讨论的电子邮件,这意味着我只是不参与其中的任何一个。

Dave: They’re filtered out of mine, yeah.


Patrick: So I think maybe it’s a taste thing, too, taste thing, goal thing.


Dave: And if you need it.


Patrick: And if you need a job, too, you’re more likely to be on it heavy.


Dave: Because I’m not constantly business networking, I’m not looking through people’s resumes, I’m not trying to build my network with people.


Stephan: I would probably use it more if they’d stop suggesting CEO positions for me, no; because I’m clearly not cut out for it.

史蒂芬(Stephan):如果他们不再建议我担任首席执行官一职,我可能会更多地使用它。 因为我显然不适合这样做。

Brad: I’m not on there 24/7 but I always make sure my information is correct; if something changes I update it.

布拉德:我不在24/7,但是我总是确保我的信息是正确的。 如果有什么变化,我会更新。

Stephan: I think there’s someone…


Patrick: Douglas Hanna


Audience Member: Our company recruits off of LinkedIn from senior level people to lower level people.


Patrick: So Douglas Hanna from A Small Orange their company recruits off LinkedIn which is a lot of companies do that, I mean I had person on Facebook contact me; through the Facebook of business networking I had them contact me, which is LinkedIn. It is, it’s such a powerful thing, it’s such a valuable thing I think to see the degree of connections and how you fit in with people, I mean not only on a business level but it’s just cool.

帕特里克(Patrick):所以他们的公司从A Small Orange的Douglas Hanna聘请了LinkedIn,很多公司都是这么做的。 通过商业网络的Facebook,我让他们与我联系,这是LinkedIn。 这是一件如此有力的事情,我认为这是一件很有价值的事情,我想看看人脉关系以及您如何与人融洽相处,我的意思是不仅在业务层面上,而且很酷。

Dave: The one thing LinkedIn has that I wish Facebook had is the degree away from people, because then I could go on celebrities’ and say ooh I’m friends with someone who’s friends with them.

Dave: LinkedIn希望Facebook拥有的一件事是远离人们,因为这样我就可以去做名人,说哦,我是与某人成为朋友的朋友。

Patrick: Don’t they have that on the profile to the right they have like you’re connected through?


Dave: You have mutual friends but you can’t see like I’m five degrees away from–


Patrick: You’re right; I think you can see like three or four degrees though.

帕特里克:你是对的。 我认为您可以看到三度或四度。

Stephan: There’s a Facebook application idea of six degrees of Kevin Bacon.

史蒂芬(Stephan): Facebook应用程序的想法是将凯文·培根(Kevin Bacon)分为六个学位。

Dave: Yeah. Someone make that.

戴夫:是的。 有人做到了。

Patrick: Well, Kevin Bacon has to join first.


Audience Member: He is on LinkedIn.


Patrick: I think I’ve heard about that, like that was a big deal. Well, cool Dave, where can people find you online?

帕特里克:我想我已经听说过,就像那样,这很重要。 好吧,很酷的Dave,人们可以在哪里找到您?

Dave: is my site and I’m @davemoyer on Twitter because we’re social media people, we know what that means and it’s not just for Oprah, and is where all of my fantastic professional stuff can be found, ooh.

Dave: Davemoyer.org是我的网站,我在Twitter上是@davemoyer ,因为我们是社交媒体人士,我们知道这意味着什么,不仅对奥普拉(Oprah)如此, BitwireMedia.com是我所有出色专业知识的来源找到了,哦。

Patrick: Dave Moyer.


Audience Member: Can you spell that?


Dave: B-i-t-w-i-r-e, yes.


Patrick: Dave Moyer, Thank you. Back to the grind!

帕特里克:戴夫·莫耶,谢谢。 回到研磨!

Stephan: Thanks Dave. (Applause)

史蒂芬:谢谢戴夫。 (掌声)

Dave: Throw me off the stage. Thank you.

戴夫:让我离开舞台。 谢谢。

Patrick: Time for another trivia question. Brad, why don’t you take this one.

帕特里克:是时候提出另一个琐事问题了。 布拉德,你为什么不拿这个。

Brad: Sure. Yeah, so the winner will get a StudioPress Pro Plus All Themes Package from which is valued at almost $300.00, and a copy of my new book Professional WordPress Plugin Development written by myself, Ozh Richard and Justin Tadlock. So the trivia question is through Wednesday how many U.S. states sent at least one attendee to WordCamp Raleigh; in the States?

布拉德:好的。 是的,所以获胜者将获得Studiopress.com的StudioPress Pro Plus所有主题包,价值将近$ 300.00,以及我本人,Ozh Richard和Justin Tadlock撰写的新书《专业WordPress插件开发》。 因此,琐事的问题是到星期三,有多少美国州派出至少一位与会者到WordCamp Raleigh。 在美国?

Audience Member: Seven


Patrick: No, It’s more


Brad: Any guesses?


Audience Member: 17?

观众: 17?

Brad: Close!


Audience Member: 16!

观众: 16!

Brad: Got it, 16; 16 states represented here.

布拉德:知道了,十六岁; 这里有16个州。

Patrick: So Steve will give you the book and if you could give him a business card or write your name on a piece of paper over there I’ll make sure you get the StudioPress Pro Plus license which is a great package of themes from StudioPress. And with that it’s time to bring up our next guest, Douglas Hanna, CEO of A Small Orange, personal website, welcome to the show (applause). And you come from Georgia?

帕特里克:史蒂夫会给你这本书,如果你能给他名片或在那张纸上写上你的名字,我将确保你获得StudioPress Pro Plus许可,该许可是StudioPress精选的主题包。 因此,是时候迎接下一位嘉宾了,个人网站Douglashanna.com的A Small Orange首席执行官道格拉斯·汉纳(Douglas Hanna)欢迎莅临演出(鼓掌)。 你来自乔治亚州吗?

Douglas: No, I’m actually not from Georgia, I was born in New Jersey and I grew up in South Florida.


Patrick: Okay but is the company based in Georgia?


Douglas: We are currently but we’re moving to actually Durham, North Carolina in the next month.


Stephan: That’s big news.


Douglas: It is.


Patrick: Very nice.


Stephan: What’s the meaning of A Small Orange?


Douglas: This is a great question, it’s one that we get regularly; the meaning unfortunately has very little significance, it was the founder’s AIM screen name, and he was committed to have a screen name with no numbers in it, and A Small Orange is somehow what he came up with. He used to operate it just under his name, his name is Tim Dorr, so it’s just web hosting, and as it got bigger he rebranded to Small Orange, and we’ve since tried to add some meaning to the name, our slogan is Homegrown Hosting, trying to represent that it’s organic and personable and all that, but the history of the name has unfortunately very little significance.

道格拉斯:这是一个很好的问题,这是我们经常得到的问题。 不幸的是,这个含义没有什么意义,它是创始人的AIM屏幕名称,他致力于使用一个没有数字的屏幕名称,而A Small Orange是他想出的。 他曾经以他的名字来操作它,他的名字叫Tim Dorr,所以它只是Timdorr.com虚拟主机,随着它的规模越来越大,他更名为Small Orange,从那时起,我们一直在尝试为这个名字添加一些含义,我们的口号是“本地托管”,试图表示它是有机的,风度翩翩的,但遗憾的是,名称的历史意义不大。

Patrick: You haven’t gone all the way out for the full on fresh squeezed yet.


Douglas: No, we had a slogan contest and some of them are like they would have gotten caught in every spam filter in the world, it’s like organic, natural, fresh squeezed hosting, we’re like, nah, it’s not going to work.


Stephan: And being from Georgia you would think it’d be A Small Peach.


Douglas: Yeah.


Brad: Thought maybe it had a border reference.


Douglas: Nope.


Patrick: You’re moving to Durham, orange groves grow for days here so you’re all set.


Stephan: What are some challenges of running a hosting based business that you’ve seen so far?


Douglas: Yeah, so web hosting is a business where execution is everything, and if you guys think your individual businesses are hard imagine trying to provide support and then we have almost 35,000 customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and anything that can go wrong with your website can also go wrong with 35,000 other people’s websites, and half the time when something happens they ask us about it. So it’s a big support challenge, like web hosting companies are essentially support companies that happen to provide web hosting and that’s fine with us, that’s something we work really hard on but it’s not easy.

道格拉斯:是的,所以虚拟主机是一个执行力很强的业务,如果你们认为您的个人业务很难想象,想尝试提供支持,那么我们每天7天,每天24小时,每周将近35,000名客户可能会导致您的网站出现问题,也可能会导致35,000个其他人的网站出现问题,并且有一半的时间发生问题时,他们会向我们询问。 因此,这是一个巨大的支持挑战,就像虚拟主机公司本质上是恰巧提供虚拟主机的支持公司一样,这对我们来说很好,这是我们真正努力的事情,但这并不容易。

Patrick: That’s a great way to put it I think.


Stephan: I mean I guess we should point out I am a customer, disclaimer.


Brad: So I always imagine like in the hosting space I’ve always wondered what, or how I should say, with small shared packages, $5.00, $10.00, does the cost for that actually justify the time spent on those clients because it just seems to me that minimal amount of money versus like you said the support that’s required to maintain those clients, is that a big part of your business?

布拉德:所以我总是想像在托管空间中,我一直想知道,对于小型共享软件包($ 5.00,$ 10.00),我应该怎么说,或者该怎么说呢,这笔费用确实证明了花在那些客户身上的时间是合理的,因为这似乎对我来说,与您说的维持您的客户所需要的支持相比,这笔微不足道的钱是您业务的很大一部分吗?

Douglas: Profitability on those accounts boils down to how often they contact us; if you contact us like twice we’ve lost money on those cheap $25.00 a year accounts, if we never hear from you and you’re a customer for five years we’ve made money and probably our actual hard costs have been pretty minimal.

道格拉斯:这些帐户的获利能力归结为他们与我们联系的频率; 如果您两次联系我们,我们就在这些便宜的每年25.00美元的帐户中亏损,如果我们从没有收到您的来信,而您是客户的五年,我们就已经赚了钱,而且实际的实际成本可能很小。

Patrick: Contacted you two times every five years. Never contact us and we’ll be profitable.

帕特里克:每五年与您联系两次。 永远不要联系我们,我们将盈利。

Douglas: Yeah, a year most likely.


Brad: Is it more that kind of, not upsell them specifically but…


Douglas: Yeah, the small accounts get people in the door and they might refer other people to us and they might be support intensive, we don’t want to use the word annoying, but support intensive, and they’ll be customers hopefully for a while and then hopefully they’ll like our services and recommend us to their friends and co-workers, and that’s great and could easily make it worth it even if they are more support intensive, but in a vacuum if they contact us more than a couple times it’s hard to make money on that.


Brad: Kind of switching gears here going over to the WordPress Showcase, did you actually build the showcase? I know essentially the showcase is kind of your thing on .org.

布拉德:这里有种切换方式,可以用于WordPress展示柜,您实际上是在建造展示柜吗? 我知道本质上来说,展示是您在.org上的事情。

Douglas: Yeah, I didn’t build it, Showcase itself actually uses WordPress, so it’s a customized WordPress theme and I didn’t do that but I got involved with it basically after the sites and the codecs have been added to it, I got involved with it after that, started curating it almost.


Brad: What are some of the more unique kind of uses of WordPress, whether in the Showcase or not that you receive, some that just really stand out from the majority?


Douglas: Sure. I think, and I talked about this a little bit in my presentation earlier today, a lot of people will totally step away from the blog concepts and will go into content management and social networking sites and membership sites and a lot of them use BuddyPress for that. And I think probably the most interesting WordPress sites I see tend to use BuddyPress, and those that are really doing interesting things beyond just blogging or content management; just recently The Royal Ballet in England they made a timeline, ballets of like the last 80 years or something, and it was really simple from a WordPress perspective that each entry in the timeline was essentially opposed to any time period of the category, and it was just a really simple application of WordPress but they definitely thought about it kind of outside the box.

道格拉斯:当然可以。 我想,在今天早些时候的演讲中我谈到了这一点,许多人完全放弃了博客的概念,而进入内容管理和社交网站以及会员网站,其中许多人使用BuddyPress来那。 而且我认为,也许我看到的最有趣的WordPress网站倾向于使用BuddyPress,而那些实际上除了博客或内容管理之外还在做有趣的事情的网站。 就在最近,英国的皇家芭蕾舞团制作了时间表,就像过去80年之久的芭蕾舞,从WordPress的角度来看,很简单,时间表中的每个条目基本上都与该类别的任何时间段相对,只是WordPress的一个非常简单的应用程序,但是他们肯定想到了它。

Brad: So how are sites added to the showcases, do you have to submit them or do you actively go out there and try to find unique cases?


Douglas: It’s a combination, people will send them to us, that’s most of them, I’m not going out there regularly and browsing around for sites because the submission quantity is so high we don’t really need to do that, but maybe Automatic like business development people will find a site and then they’ll send it to me and things like that, but between kind of a broad network plus individual user submissions sites will get added, and then there a criteria for if they make it or not.


Brad: Yeah, so let’s dive into a story. So it’s been announced that Netflix is now the largest single source of Internet traffic in North America, which is a pretty astonishing post, I guess I mean if you think about it I mean the website’s hit more than YouTube; does that surprise you, do you see that only going up from here?

布拉德:是的,让我们深入探讨一个故事。 因此,已经宣布Netflix现在是北美最大的互联网流量单一来源,这是一个非常惊人的帖子,我想我的意思是,如果您考虑一下,这意味着该网站的受欢迎程度超过了YouTube; 这会让您感到惊讶吗,您看到它只是从这里升起吗?

Douglas: From a technical point of view not really because HD video is just so balance intensive and it makes sense in that regard, and if you measured it by number of visitors it’d probably be a lot more proportional from what you expect, but video definitely you have a lot of bandwidth, and I think like half of that top ten that wasn’t http traffic was like very video intensive. And I hope Reed Hastings’ prediction of the gigabit Internet connection in homes in a year comes true.

道格拉斯(Douglas):从技术的角度来看,并不是真的因为高清视频是如此平衡,而且在这方面很有意义,而且如果您按访问者人数来衡量,则可能与您的预期成比例,但是视频肯定有很多带宽,而且我认为非HTTP流量的前十名中有一半是视频密集型的。 我希望里德·黑斯廷斯(Reed Hastings)对家庭中的千兆互联网连接的预测能够实现。

Stephan: I think we all hope that.


Douglas: Yeah, generally.


Brad: The CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings, says that he expects gigabit connections at home to be commonplace within 10 years, which is aggressive in my opinion.

布拉德(Brad): Netflix的首席执行官里德·黑斯廷斯(Reed Hastings)说,他希望家庭中的千兆位连接在10年内变得司空见惯,在我看来这是激进的。

Douglas: I think it’s feasible. Hong Kong and really high density cities that are not in the regulated United Stated Internet world you’re seeing 100 megabits I think for pretty accessible prices, and even like a lot of the universities here are probably getting up to 30 and 40 I think without trying too hard, and obviously between 100 and 1,000, 1,024 is a long way to go, but I think it’s feasible especially given how fast technology changes. I think maybe the most interesting part about this Netflix conversation is maybe how that will affect some of the net neutralities debates going on because I think as people who know less about this start seeing more and more discussion about how much bandwidth individual sites use up it’s really going to prompt a lot more net neutrality sessions.

道格拉斯:我认为这是可行的。 香港和不在受管制的美国互联网世界中的真正高密度城市中,您会看到100兆位的价格,这是相当容易获得的价格,即使像这里的许多大学一样,我也认为最多可以容纳30到40兆位太努力了,显然在100到1,000之间,1,024是很长的路要走,但是我认为这是可行的,尤其是考虑到技术的快速变化。 我认为有关Netflix对话的最有趣的部分可能是它将如何影响正在进行的网络中立性辩论,因为我认为随着对此了解较少的人开始越来越多地讨论各个站点占用多少带宽,确实会带来更多的网络中立性会议。

Stephan: Especially when companies like Comcast have their own video service, do you think that that’s going to play a part in it, I think so.


Douglas: I think it might play a part in their corporate interest, in their lobbying. But yeah, I think basically the bandwidth issue is not surprising, but I think how that will affect if at all the net neutrality argument is going to be really interesting.

道格拉斯:我认为这可能会影响他们的公司利益和游说活动。 但是,是的,我认为基本上带宽问题并不奇怪,但是我认为,如果根本不考虑网络中立性,那将如何影响呢?

Patrick: Very cool. Well, Douglas Hanna, where can people find you online?

帕特里克:非常酷。 好吧,道格拉斯·汉纳(Douglas Hanna),人们可以在哪里找到您?

Douglas: I have a Twitter account, @douglashanna, I don’t really Tweet.

道格拉斯(Douglas):我有一个Twitter帐户@douglashanna ,我不是真的发推文。

Patrick: Yeah, I know; I followed you.

帕特里克:是的,我知道。 我关注你了。

Douglas: Once a year maybe. So I have a personal website,, and I blog actually at, it’s a blog and customer service experience, and our company website is

道格拉斯:也许每年一次。 所以我有一个个人网站 ,而我实际上是在serviceuntitled.com上写博客,这是一个博客和客户服务经验,我们公司的网站是

Patrick: Excellent, thank you very much for joining us today.


Douglas: Thank you guys, thank you for having me. (Applause)

道格拉斯:谢谢你们,谢谢你让我来。 (掌声)

Patrick: Cool. So our next guest is in the building, I can see him from here, he’s next to our last guest, but we have a trivia question and I think I would like to read this one. The person who correctly answers this question will receive a BackupBuddy unlimited site’s license by iThemes which is worth $150.00 for backing up your WordPress sites as well as a copy of, can you see the theme from here, Professional WordPress by Brad Williams, David Damstra and Hal Stern. Here’s the question: I came up with this question, Brad didn’t come up with this one, there’s no ego here, but frequent WordCamp speaker Brad Williams is known to include what horror film favorite in his presentations?

帕特里克:酷。 所以我们的下一位客人在大楼里,我可以从这里看到他,他在我们的最后一位客人旁边,但是我们有一个琐碎的问题,我想我想读一下。 正确回答此问题的人将获得iThemes提供的BackupBuddy无限站点许可证,价值150.00美元,可用于备份您的WordPress网站以及该站点的副本,您可以从此处看到该主题吗,Brad Williams,David Damstra和哈尔·斯特恩。 这是一个问题:我想出了这个问题,布拉德没有提出这个问题,这里没有自我,但是众所周知,WordCamp的演讲者布拉德·威廉姆斯在演讲中包括了最喜欢的恐怖片吗?

Audience Member: Zombie Land?


Patrick: Close. Horror film favorite; you will accept that?

帕特里克:关闭。 恐怖片的最爱; 你会接受吗?

Brad: I accept that.


Patrick: Okay since no one else raised their hand, Zombies, not Zombie Land. Cool, so Steve will give you that book and I will hook you up with that license later.

帕特里克:好吧,因为没有人举起手来了,僵尸,而不是僵尸之地。 太好了,因此史蒂夫(Steve)会给您那本书,稍后我会为您提供该许可证。

Stephan: And Brad will be talking about the zombie apocalypse later today.


Patrick: Yeah, we’re definitely going to bring that up.


Stephan: Is that tied to the rapture?


Brad: Uh, maybe.


Patrick: The rapture ends with this podcast. It’s just an awful thing to end with.

帕特里克:狂喜以这个播客结束。 最后只是一件可怕的事情。

Stephan: It’s just joke fodder.


Patrick: It’s so great, like when I found out that that was going to happen that was today, and we had a podcast today, I was like gold, thank you, thank you for the rapture, for now.


Audience Member: You want to go to their website and hear the logic behind the date, it’s pretty funny.


Stephan: Even though the calendar’s lost 10 days since then, so they’re like 10 days off.


Audience Member: They’re basing on a Biblical thing and they took numbers from all over the place and manipulaed them with major explanations, it’s really funny.


Patrick: We don’t want to go down that road too far, we’ll bring our next guest on, his name is John Ford, come on up. (Applause) John Ford has the title of VaultPress Safekeeper at Automatic, and his personal website is at, thanks for joining us.

帕特里克(Patrick):我们不想走那么远,我们要带下一位客人,他的名字叫约翰·福特(John Ford),快点过去。 (掌声)约翰·​​福特(John Ford)在Automatic拥有VaultPress Safekeeper的头衔,他的个人网站在 ,感谢您的加入。

John: Thank you.


Brad: So how’s VaultPress doing?


John: It’s been really exciting. It’s going really well, we have a great number of customers who are making us work really hard, and what’s been fun about it especially is seeing all the challenges you run into with all the different types of server setups and configurations because it’s a little bit different in that we do realtime backups, so anytime a post is saved or an image is uploaded we actually get that change immediately and then you can look back at all your stats off the time and download the backups from then, so it creates some really unique challenges with WordPress, the load on the server, because most people are on shared hosting accounts, things like that, so it’s a lot of fun.

约翰:真是令人兴奋。 一切进展顺利,我们有大量的客户让我们非常努力地工作,尤其有趣的是看到所有不同类型的服务器设置和配置都遇到了所有挑战,因为这有点不同之处在于我们进行实时备份,因此无论何时保存帖子或上传图片,我们实际上都会立即得到更改,然后您可以不时查看所有统计信息并从那时开始下载备份,因此它确实创建了一些WordPress面临的独特挑战是服务器的负载,因为大多数人都使用共享的托管帐户,类似的事情,所以这很有趣。

Brad: So VaultPress has been around — has it been a year?


John: Not quite a year, we’re still in beta.


Brad: And you’re still owned privately, yes?


John: Right.


Brad: So you basically have to sign up and then you get, what is it, the golden ticket.


John: Yeah, golden ticket.


Brad: Do you have an idea of when the private beta’s going to end and it’s going to be open to the public?


John: That’s something we talk about internally as well, it’s kind of –, to anybody listening all you have to do is send us a message and you get a ticket immediately to get in if you say something to us, but most people don’t, so if you Tweet about it, let us know hey you want a ticket now, we’ll give you a ticket; so really anybody can get in.

约翰:这也是我们在内部谈论的话题,对任何人来说,您要做的就是向我们发送消息,如果您对我们说些话,您会立即获得入场券,但是大多数人不会t,因此,如果您对此进行了推文,请告诉我们,您现在想要一张票,我们会给您一张票; 所以实际上任何人都可以进入。

Patrick: You can’t call that a golden ticket then, it’s a piece of paper.


John: (Laughs) it’s an email.


Brad: That would be @vaultpress on Twitter.


John: Right.


Brad: One of the FAQ questions, and I’m sure that I’m sure you get asked quite a bit is Multisite support, which it currently does not. Do you have any idea when that might be coming, or is that coming?

布拉德:常见问题解答中的一个,我确定我肯定会问到您很多有关多站点支持的问题,而目前尚不支持。 您是否知道何时会来临?

John: It’s definitely coming, we don’t have a set date, we’re working on a bunch of things and that’s one of them but unfortunately no timeframe.


Brad: I can imagine that that can be a challenge because Multisite, two sites or two million sites. That’s probably the biggest question right?

布拉德:我可以想象这可能是一个挑战,因为多站点,两个站点或两百万个站点。 这可能是最大的问题吧?

John: Right. And so anyone that sends us a message we have a list, we’ll let everybody know when that’s ready and when we start testing that, so if anybody wants to get on that waiting list just send an email to and we’ll do that.

约翰:对。 因此,只要有人向我们发送消息,我们就会有一个列表,我们会在准备就绪时以及开始测试时通知大家,因此,如果有人希望进入等待列表,只需发送电子邮件至,然后我们会做到的。

Brad: If I am running Multisite then I use VaultPress on a single site that’s in the network, or does that just not work at all?


John: Not right now since Multisite does store content in different locations, the plugin will work but not all your content will be backed up so that’s why we say we don’t support it because we can’t guarantee we could actually restore that site for you.


Brad: And then you also listed the Enterprise packages this year, so how’s that going and what can we expect?


John: Magical. It’s a secret.

约翰:神奇。 这是一个秘密。

Brad: Still a secret, you can’t give us any little –?


Patrick: Get off the show, get off right now, leave the stage; I’ll tip this chair right over. No. Okay, that’s fine, we respect that, begrudgingly.

帕特里克(Patrick):下场表演,现在下车,离开舞台; 我马上把椅子给小费。 不。好的,很好,我们谨对此表示尊重。

Brad: Kind of along the same lines what can we expect from VaultPress in the future?


John: Well, there’s a never ending to-do list that the VaultPress safekeepers get to go through and work on everyday, some of the things I’m really excited about are we have a new designer actually that’s starting on our team, so Matt Thomas, he’s one of the main designers that’s been around with WordPress and Automatic for a long time and he’s fantastic, well he’s going to be put on a lot of other important projects, so we have a new guy coming on that’s going to continue to polish and work on a lot of the interface themes, and we’re very excited about the work that he’s done so far. And we’re a lot to do with notifications and security scan, we continue to push that because although it comes across mostly as a backup service, it’s what most people see, we actually like to think of it in the other direction where we’re actually more like a concierge security scan service, so if something happens to the site, we find something that’s wrong we’re going to go in and fix it so people can contact us to help them fix it, so that’s where the peace of mind comes in hand; the backup is there to facilitate that moreso. You know there are a lot of backup services out there, they’re so many solutions for backing up files that we don’t really want to target just that, we like all the other things that come with it.

约翰:嗯,VaultPress的保管人员每天都有一份永无休止的待办事项清单,每天要做的工作,令我感到非常兴奋的是,实际上我们已经有一个新设计师开始在我们的团队中工作,所以Matt托马斯(Thomas),他是与WordPress和Automatic长期合作的主要设计师之一,他非常出色,他将被安排在许多其他重要项目上,所以我们有一个新人将继续从事完善和处理许多界面主题,我们对他到目前为止所做的工作感到非常兴奋。 我们与通知和安全扫描有很多关系,我们会继续努力,因为尽管它主要是作为备份服务出现的,但大多数人都看到了,我们实际上希望从另一个方向考虑它。实际上更像是礼宾安全扫描服务,因此,如果网站发生问题,我们会发现错误的地方,我们将进去进行修复,以便人们可以与我们联系以帮助他们进行修复,因此,头脑在手; 那里的备份很方便。 您知道那里有很多备份服务,它们提供了很多用于备份文件的解决方案,我们并不是真的想要这样做,我们喜欢它附带的所有其他功能。

Brad: Yeah, I think if anyone out there has never actually seen VaultPress in action it’s kind of mesmerizing, like actually sitting there at the dashboard of WordPress and watching it, because it is in real-time and it’s all nice and — lot of AJAX going on, and it’s basically telling you what it’s backing up and (inaudible) especially on the initial load. So it’s really cool I have a lot of clients that use it, I certainly support it, so it’s a great service.

布拉德:是的,我想,如果外面真的没有人真正看到过VaultPress的话,那真是令人着迷,就像实际上坐在WordPress的仪表板上并观看它一样,因为它是实时的,而且很好,而且-很多AJAX正在进行,它基本上是在告诉您正在备份什么((听不清)),尤其是在初始加载时。 所以这真的很酷,我有很多客户都在使用它,我当然支持它,因此它是一项很棒的服务。

John: Thanks.


Stephan: Let’s talk about a story here.


John: Sure.


Stephan: Harris Interactive just did a study and they found that they asked 2,124 people whether they disagree or agree with this statement that large Internet companies, they’re too powerful, they control too much of the Internet, and just wanted to get your thoughts on that because 76% of these people responded that they agree that large Internet companies, Google, Facebook, are too powerful.

斯蒂芬:哈里斯互动公司(Harris Interactive)刚刚进行了一项研究 ,他们发现他们问了2124人是否不同意或同意以下声明:大型互联网公司,他们的实力太强大,他们控制着太多的互联网,只是想让你想到因为有76%的人回答说他们同意大型互联网公司Google,Facebook太强大了。

Patrick: Was there any kind of demographic on that? I mean did they have like a listing of who was polled like was it just adults, online adults in the U.S.?

帕特里克:在这方面,有人吗? 我的意思是,他们是否像被调查的人一样列出了谁,就像美国的成年人,在线成年人一样?

Stephan: American adults. Yeah, the age group it’s pretty much across the board when you look 18 to 34, 35 to 44, it’s 74%, 76%, 76%, so pretty much all age groups the majority of them think that online companies are too strong.

斯蒂芬:美国成年人。 是的,当您看到18至34岁,35至44岁的年龄段时,这个年龄段的情况就差不多了,分别是74%,76%,76%,因此几乎所有年龄段的大多数人都认为在线公司太强大了。

John: I’m really fascinated by this. When I first started doing personal blogging was in 2003 and I didn’t want any pictures of me out there, I didn’t want to use my real name, I wanted to be hidden, it was only for family and friends, I was kind of in that state of I don’t want my information out there, it’s not gonna happen. And then as time went on all the different services come out, start blogging more, you’re interacting more with people, I thought you know I just need to own this; I want when you search for John Ford, it to be all about me, I have full control over the content because it’s all about me. It’s really tricky though, you know, because there’s an actor John Ford that’s much older, he’s passed away but he’s in IMDB and other things, so it’s been a big challenge to try to surpass that and get the Google juice going.

约翰:我真的很着迷。 当我2003年首次开始做个人博客时,我不想要我的任何照片,我不想使用自己的真实姓名,我想被隐藏起来,那只是为了家人和朋友,我当时是在那种状态下,我不想让我的信息在那里,那不会发生。 然后随着时间的推移,所有不同的服务问世,开始写更多博客,您与人们的互动越来越多,我以为您知道我只需要拥有它; 我想当您搜索John Ford时,一切都与我有关,我对内容拥有完全的控制权,因为它与我有关。 但是,这确实很棘手,因为有一个演员约翰·福特(John Ford)年纪大得多,他已经去世了,但他从事IMDB等工作,因此,试图超越这一点并推动Google的发展成为一个巨大的挑战。

Stephan: Are you the number one Google result?


John: No, I’m still working on it. So even like is taken, so I had, so all the domain names are kind of fun though, URL’s, John Ford is speaking at WordCamp Raleigh, so you can read them. But, so I’m kind of to that place where I really enjoy services that Google does, Facebook is really great, family and friends are on there, and they’re so powerful and mesmerizing and can do what they do because of the information they have, and obviously that’s how they make their money super-targeted as they can predict what I want to see, what I might be interested in, so it’s hard to say no that’s not a good idea. And I guess the main question is when is it evil? When have they crossed that line or what would be considered evil because so far I don’t think they’ve done anything I would consider evil but it’s hard to tell because everything’s hidden.

约翰:不,我还在努力。 因此,即使采取了,我也有了,所以所有的域名都很有趣,URL的John John Ford在WordCamp Raleigh讲话,所以您可以阅读它们。 但是,所以我很喜欢我真正喜欢Google的服务,Facebook很棒,家人和朋友都在那儿,他们是如此强大,令人着迷,并且可以根据信息来做他们所做的事情他们拥有,而且很显然,这就是他们使金钱成为超级目标的方式,因为他们可以预测我想看到的东西,我可能感兴趣的东西,因此很难说不,这不是一个好主意。 我想主要的问题是什么时候邪恶? 他们什么时候越过界线或什么被认为是邪恶的,因为到目前为止我还不认为他们做了任何我认为是邪恶的事情,但由于一切都是隐藏的,所以很难说。

Patrick: And I gave a presentation at a conference I think in Kansas last year, and part of that was taking a screenshot off Facebook of actually the venue’s Facebook page I was speaking in. So, I brought it up and I saw the ads on the side which of course were targeted to me and it’s singles, Christian Singles, looking for a date tonight? And I just said, you know what, I’m going to leave that in because it was funny, people laughed and it’s not that big a deal. But I’ll play the bad guy for just a second here and say that is maybe some of this due — I think some of this could be due to not everyone is meant to run something, to be in charge of something, to run a large organization or even to run an online community or forum, and so I know if you ever run a forum you come across a situation you have to deal with, you have ban people to block people from the site, whether it’s blog comments or it’s a forum, and those people don’t like you, they feel like you have too much power: Hitler, Stalin, Gestapo, that’s you. Yeah, I mean because that’s what Hitler did, right, I mean it was from a real forum post, like the guy was like a forum post crazy (laughter), and that’s the thing, I mean there’s a lack of understanding of appropriate administrative control let’s say and then abuse, because people feel like if action is taken against them it’s abuse, a lot of people, and I almost feel like that that somewhat skews this poll because a lack of understanding of what it takes to actually run an active online community or a website that has some level of engagement.

帕特里克(Patrick):我去年在堪萨斯州的一个会议上作了一次演讲,其中一部分是从Facebook上截取了我正在发言的实际Facebook页面的屏幕截图。因此,我提出来了,我看到了广告哪一方是我的目标,那是单身,基督徒单身,今晚在找约会? 我只是说,你知道吗,我要把它留在里面,因为这很有趣,人们笑了,这没什么大不了的。 但是我会在这里扮演坏人一秒钟,然后说这也许是其中的一些原因-我认为部分原因可能是因为并非每个人都打算运行某项任务,负责某项任务,大型组织甚至是在线社区或论坛的管理者,所以我知道,如果您曾经运营过一个论坛,而遇到了必须处理的情况,那么无论是博客评论还是一个论坛,而那些人不喜欢你,他们会觉得你有太多力量:希特勒,斯大林,盖世太保,就是你。 是的,我的意思是因为那是希特勒所做的,对,我的意思是那是来自一个真实的论坛帖子,就像那个家伙像一个疯狂的论坛帖子(笑声)一样,就是这样,我的意思是对适当的行政管理缺乏了解先说控制然后再滥用,因为人们觉得如果对他们采取了行动就是滥用,很多人,而且我几乎觉得那使这次民意测验有些偏离,因为人们缺乏对实际开展一项积极活动所需要的了解在线社区或具有一定参与度的网站。

John: That’s very true. Wasn’t there a case recently where a Google employee, a higher-up employee said remove my content from these searches and tried to get a pass, I don’t remember if that actually —

约翰:没错。 最近没有发生过Google员工(一位更高级别的员工)说从这些搜索中删除我的内容并试图获得通行证的情况,但我不记得这是否真的-

Stephan: I think so, yeah, I was reading something about that. They said I don’t want my search — when you search this I don’t want me coming up.

斯蒂芬:我想是的,是的,我在读一些有关的东西。 他们说我不要搜索-当您搜索时,我不要我走。

John: Yeah, when is that okay. I mean it’s their company so it’s their content, so you think well yeah you can change it, but guess what, the whole world is impacted by that.

约翰:是的,什么时候可以。 我的意思是这是他们的公司,所以这是他们的内容,所以您认为很好,可以更改它,但是您会猜到是什么,整个世界都在受此影响。

Stephan: Right. Or on the flip side could I email anyone and say please remove my name from all these searches?

斯蒂芬:对。 或者,另一方面,我可以给任何人发送电子邮件并说请从所有这些搜索中删除我的名字吗?

Patrick: Of course not, not in a million years. Like I won’t even remove all your forum posts because of how it will damage the other threads.

帕特里克:当然不是,不是在一百万年之内。 就像我什至不会删除您所有的论坛帖子一样,因为它会破坏其他主题。

Brad: And then it goes back to like what everyone says; if you don’t want something online don’t put it online. Everything you put online you have to assume is going to be found.

布拉德:然后又回到了每个人都说的话。 如果您不想在线购买某些东西,请不要在线购买。 您必须假设的所有在线内容都将被找到。

Patrick: They can only use what you give them, right? They use it against you but you still gave it to them. I’m sorry, you have a point?

帕特里克:他们只能使用您给他们的东西,对吗? 他们用它来对付你,但你还是把它交给了他们。 对不起,你有意思吗?

Audience Member: Well, I just wanted to throw in there in this conversation with Facebook having a bad rap amongst other things, but Facebook in particular, Epic just posted an update to the Electronic Pop Scene Information Center, that Facebook has gone far, and if they’d stopped another going ahead again, putting folks who write any sort of app or cool thing you might use, you know that poke you or whatever, poke me back, you know all the games, to access personal information, and I have a niece online, who is just starting to look very womanly, and it scares me to death! that someone online, could write some fun little plugin like send your friend smilies, and on the back of that will be something that will get her private information, and all of her friends, and that is a distinct possibility from the way I understand this. Do you guys know anything about this or have any thoughts?

听众成员:嗯,我只是想在与Facebook进行的交谈中加入一个糟糕的说唱,但特别是Facebook,Epic刚刚发布了电子流行场景信息中心的更新,Facebook已经走了很远,并且如果他们停止了另一项工作,将编写任何类型的应用或很酷的东西的人放回去,那您就知道p了您或其他东西,又给了我oke,您知道了所有游戏,可以访问个人信息,而我在网上有一个侄女,侄女刚开始显得很女人味,这吓死我了! 一个在线的人可以编写一些有趣的小插件,例如发送您的朋友表情符号,然后在该插件的背面将获取她的私人信息以及所有她的朋友,这与我理解的方式截然不同。 你们对此一无所知或有什么想法吗?

Patrick: So to summarize a concern that application developers will have too much access to your personal information and that it can impact minors or other people that may not be fully aware of the consequences of installing an application.


Audience Member: More important to me than application developers, I have no problem with someone that wants to write a fun program, but I’m more worried about the predators out there who want to steal identities, who want to lure little girls to the mall, you know.


Patrick: Right. You know there are predators who write apps, they’re a part of the population so I bet there are app developers, I don’t know, do you have any thoughts about that?

帕特里克:对。 您知道有编写应用程序的掠食者,它们是人口的一部分,所以我敢打赌有应用程序开发人员,我不知道,您对此有何想法?

John: I’ve not heard of the recent update that they might be doing that again, it is tricky because what information is too much? And right now you can find out most of this information anyway, and just people aren’t aware it’s just not as easy, you’re not creating a game to do it.

约翰:我没听说过最近的更新,他们可能会再做一次,这很棘手,因为什么信息太多了? 现在,您无论如何都可以找到大多数信息,只是人们不知道这不是那么容易,您不是在创造一个游戏来做到这一点。

Patrick: Yeah, I mean on the other side of it is you have to install the app. You have to say okay do this. And it’s not fair maybe that there’s negative intentions to it that you’re not aware of, but I don’t know Facebook’s app system, like I’m not an app developer. What safeguards if any do they have?

帕特里克:是的,我的意思是,您必须安装该应用程序。 您必须说可以。 也许您没有意识到它的负面意图是不公平的,但是我不知道Facebook的应用程序系统,就像我不是应用程序开发人员一样。 他们有什么保障?

Brad: To put this all in something like a WordPress context it’s almost like a plugin, you install a plugin; if they tell you what the plugin does but unless you actually review every line of code you’re just trusting what they say, and there are malicious plugins out there. It’s the same thing with Facebook, you’re installing the app, no matter what they say it’s going to do you still have to kind of trust that app, so I think especially for like with kids and things I think it goes back to watching what they do online if anything else.

布拉德:要把这一切都像WordPress上下文一样,几乎就像是一个插件,您需要安装一个插件。 如果他们告诉您插件的功能,但是除非您实际查看每行代码,否则您就只能信任他们所说的内容,并且那里有恶意插件。 与Facebook相同,您要安装该应用程序,无论他们说要做什么,您仍必须信任该应用程序,因此我认为尤其是对于像孩子一样的人,我认为它可以追溯到观看他们在网上做什么(如果还有其他事情)。

Patrick: Right. And I mean more than anything it’s just keeping them from putting the information out there to begin with to be harvested by anything. I mean because when I was — I came up with the Internet, I mean I’m 26; as the Internet was growing in popularity, I mean ’95, ’93, ’96 when the Internet was really growing in leaps and bounds and has continued to grow, I was online like not as early as a lot of people but in ’95, so I would have been like 11, I was developing websites in ’98 when I was like 13, and my parents weren’t over me like hawks, but they did keep an eye on me and they taught me good principles of life in general, like you never tell anybody where you live, don’t tell any strangers where you live, anybody that we’re not with don’t do that, you don’t go to this place with strangers; you have these practices and I just applied them to the Internet and I never had any trouble.

帕特里克:对。 我的意思比什么都重要,它只是在阻止他们从任何地方收集信息。 我的意思是因为我那时-我想出了互联网,我的意思是26岁。 随着Internet的普及,我的意思是'95,'93,'96,当时Internet确实突飞猛进并且持续增长,我上网的时间不像很多人那样早,而在'95 ,所以我本来就像11岁的时候,我在98岁的时候就正在开发网站,那时我13岁的时候,我的父母并没有像鹰派那样在我身边,但他们的确注视着我,并且他们教会了我良好的生活原则总的来说,就像您从不告诉任何人您的住所,不告诉任何陌生人的住所,与我们不在一起的任何人都不要那样做,您不会与陌生人一起去这个地方; 您有这些做法,而我只是将它们应用于Internet,就再也没有遇到任何麻烦。

Brad: You don’t FourSquare check-in at home?


Patrick: I don’t even FourSquare check-in now, what do you think this thing does?


John: Well, that’s what we did, my brother and I did for our parents in reverse, we taught them Internet etiquette and what not to put on there and things like that. So these kids are probably the smarter ones as they’re getting started. But that’s a big thing, educating them, letting them know what’s good practice.

约翰:恩,这就是我们所做的,相反,我和哥哥和我为父母做的事,我们教给他们互联网礼节,以及不该放在那儿的事情以及诸如此类的事情。 因此,这些孩子在入门时可能是更聪明的孩子。 但这是一件大事,对他们进行教育,让他们知道什么是好的做法。

Patrick: Even if you’re not an expert in technology you can still be — give your kids good principles of living your life and how much you share with people whether you’re on the street with them or online.


John: Exactly. It’s social, in person or online.

约翰:没错。 它是社交的,可以亲自或在线进行。

Stephan: I was going to say this isn’t really a new problem, right, because depending on where you live if you pay property taxes people can find you, they know how much you paid for your house. I work for the government, my salary is published weekly as it updates, so I have no expectation of privacy, people know everything about me and my wife because she’s a public employee.

史蒂芬:我要说的并不是一个新问题,对,因为人们可以在你住的地方缴纳房产税,因为他们可以找到你,他们知道你为房子付了多少钱。 我为政府工作,我的薪水每星期更新一次,所以我不希望有隐私,人们对我和我的妻子都一无所知,因为她是公职人员。

Patrick: You can buy stock in his salary, so on Empire Avenue, so if he makes more you make more.

帕特里克(Patrick):您可以用他的薪水购买股票,例如在帝国大道(Empire Avenue),因此,如果他赚更多的钱,您就赚更多。

Stephan: So it’s kind of, you know, I don’t have that expectation but I could see I don’t want my photo everywhere, or I don’t want information about what my wife exactly does.


Patrick: You can’t help that.


Stephan: We have a question?


Audience Member: Yeah, I was going to make a comment, because it is exactly what the gentlemen on the end..


Patrick: Patrick


Audience Member: You have to teach your children. It’s like going out in the middle of the street and taking your clothes off or something, if you’re — just because it’s the internet, doesn’t mean that you’re going to be —

观众:您必须教您的孩子。 这就像走在马路中间,脱掉衣服之类的东西,如果您是-只是因为它是互联网,并不意味着您一定会-

Patrick: Right, it’s a good point, because it’s the Internet —


Audience Member: It’s the public domain!


John: Don’t take your clothes off on the Internet. I’m down with that.

约翰:不要脱掉你的衣服在互联网上。 我对此感到沮丧。

Patrick: It’s a good point because just like — it’s not that different, right, it’s computers, it’s technology, there’s a certain scariness to it, you know, the immediacy of the information and how it can be exchanged and shared, but when it comes down to it it’s not all that different.


Audience Member: A lot of the kids don’t understand it so it’s up to the parents to teach them.


Patrick: The computer’s not a babysitter.


Audience Member: You don’t see an — issue with Facebook selling or allowing anyone access to your personal information, even though you have it set to private where only your friends can see it?


Patrick: Well, I don’t know if that’s the exact outlay of the settings, but I think we need to wrap up on this story, and it’s a difficult issue, I manage online communities and it’s not the same exactly, but people do trust you with information, and I handle that responsibility very seriously but at the same time with certain people I’m not your parent, like I’m not here to watch over you and make sure that you don’t share too much; we don’t allow people to share their personal home addresses on my communities on their forums because there’s no reason for it, right. And we’ll do those sorts of things but in general like we can’t baby you or watch over you 110%, and I’m sorry I’m looking at you so much but you’re the guest, he’s like what the heck? Are you invading my privacy?

帕特里克:嗯,我不知道这是否是设置的确切费用,但是我认为我们需要总结一下这个故事,这是一个棘手的问题,我管理着在线社区,并且不完全相同,但是人们可以相信您的信息,我会非常认真地处理这一责任,但与此同时,我与某些人(我不是您的父母)在一起,就像我不是在这里监视您,并确保您不会分享太多信息; 我们不允许人们在其论坛上的我的社区中分享他们的个人家庭住址,因为没有理由。 我们会做这些事情,但总的来说就像我们不能让您满意或无法照顾您110%,对不起,我这么多地看着您,但您是客人,他喜欢哎呀? 你在侵犯我的隐私吗?

John: I have all their home addresses if anybody wants them.


Patrick: No you don’t. John Ford, where can people find you online?

帕特里克:不,你不会。 John Ford,人们在哪里可以找到您?

John: It’s or @iamjohnford on Twitter.


Patrick: Just like iamdiddy, okay cool.


John: Thanks a lot, guys.


Patrick: Thank you, John Ford. (Applause) Awesome, so what we are going to do now is to remind you one last time that if you’d like to be brought on as a guest on the show, you’ve seen plenty of people do it with ease; drop a card with your name on it into that bowl over there, there’s index cards right next to it, write your name on it and stick it in and we’ll be doing another drawing for another guest just as we did with Ms. East, so definitely do that. Let’s talk about a story real quick before we do that drawing.

帕特里克:谢谢约翰·福特。 (鼓掌)太棒了,所以我们现在要提醒您的是最后一次,如果您想作为演出的嘉宾,您会发现很多人都在轻松地做这件事。 将上面贴有您名字的卡片放到那碗里,旁边有索引卡,在上面写上您的名字并贴上,我们将像与East女士一样为另一位客人做另一幅画,所以绝对可以。 在进行绘制之前,让我们快速地谈论一个真实的故事。

Brad: Yeah, so basically Twitter is requiring all third party services now to use OAuth which essentially what that means is if you want to use Twitter with your application whatever it may be, you actually have to go to Twitter, allow it, and then they’ll send you back to the website. Prior to that a website could ask for your credentials and then send your credentials, login and password, to Twitter and authorize it that way.

布拉德:是的,所以基本上Twitter现在要求所有第三方服务现在都必须使用OAuth,这实际上意味着如果您想将Twitter与您的应用程序一起使用,那么实际上您必须转到Twitter,允许它,然后他们会将您送回网站。 在此之前,网站可以要求您提供凭据,然后将您的凭据,登录名和密码发送到Twitter并以这种方式进行授权。

Stephan: And the way Twitter kind of explained this was we want people to see what they’re agreeing to before they accept it because with XAuth you could put in your credentials, never get the terms of what you’re agreeing to, and you’re agreeing to allow them to access your direct messages, etcetera.

史蒂芬: Twitter解释这种方式的方式是,我们希望人们在接受之前先了解他们的同意,因为使用XAuth,您可以输入凭据,而永远不会获得您同意的条款,而您同意允许他们访问您的直接消息等。

Brad: And it’s also like for safety, essentially giving Twitter information to a third party website.


Stephan: Who could store it if they wanted.


Brad: I mean I think it’s a great idea. I mean it’s a great requirement I should say because, you know, there’s no reason to give your account information for any site to any other 3rd party site, it just shouldn’t happen any more. I mean, you wouldn’t want to give out your Facebook information, you wouldn’t want to give out your bank information to a 3rd party website.

布拉德:我的意思是我认为这是个好主意。 我的意思是说这是一个很高的要求,因为,您知道,没有理由将任何站点的帐户信息提供给任何其他第三方站点,只是这种情况不再发生了。 我的意思是,您不想提供您的Facebook信息,也不想向第三者网站提供您的银行信息。

Patrick: And by information we’re talking about login information, username, your password.


Stephan: And a lot of the fuss about this is that Twitter is trying to force people onto their native client by forcing the third party clients to rewrite their client software to include this. So what do you guys think about that idea? I like the Twitter client, a lot of people love Echofon but I’m not a fan.

斯蒂芬:关于此的许多大惊小怪的是,Twitter试图通过强迫第三方客户端重写其客户端软件以使其包括在内,从而迫使人们使用其本机客户端。 那么你们如何看待这个想法? 我喜欢Twitter客户端,很多人都喜欢Echofon,但我不是粉丝。

Brad: I never go to right?


Stephan: But do you use Twitter on your phone?


Brad: Yeah, I do use the official client on my phone.


Patrick: I use Twitter on my phone as far as text messages are concerned, not an app.


Stephan: So it’s kind of a big move though.


Brad: Yeah, I mean the bigger move is when they got rid of basic authentication, kind of the old-school method, same principle, I could have a third party website ask for your username and password, and then I could post anything to Twitter through your account.


Patrick: Which seems crazy, right, it seems literally crazy because every security advice that you’ll read, any piece of advice you read will say never give your username and password, we’ll never ask for this, and yet it was legitimate.


Brad: Any time you make a change like this it’s gonna make a few people mad ’cause they have to change their code, but I mean at the end of the day it’s all about security you don’t want somebody hijacking your account. Look at like, the Playstation network got hacked, you know, what if some 3rd party website you gave your Twitter information to got hacked, and all of a sudden they hack into your Twitter and they start posting links to inappropriate sites or something. I think this makes sense, and the dust will settle when this happens and that’ll be that.

布拉德:每当您进行这样的更改时,都会使一些人发疯,因为他们必须更改其代码,但我的意思是,到最后,一切都是关于安全性的,您不希望有人劫持您的帐户。 看起来,Playstation网络遭到黑客攻击,如果您将某个第三方信息提供给您的Twitter信息遭到黑客攻击,突然之间,他们入侵了您的Twitter,并开始发布指向不适当站点或其他内容的链接,那该怎么办? 我认为这是有道理的,当这种情况发生时尘埃就会沉淀下来,仅此而已。

Stephan: It makes me wonder if people actually read the terms of service when —


Brad: No way, (laughs) never.


Patrick: Steve can you bring me that bowl for our final guest drawing, and I should add that the guest wins a couple of books as well, they win Host Your Website in the Cloud by Jeff Barr, and Professional WordPress Plugin Development by Brad Williams, Ozh Richard and Justin Tadlock, so last chance. Christopher Cochran, are you in the room?

帕特里克:史蒂夫,您能带我去拿这碗饭作为我们最后的来宾图纸吗,我还要补充一点,来宾还赢得了几本书,他们赢得了杰夫·巴尔(Jeff Barr)的“在云中托管您的网站”,以及布拉德·威廉姆斯(Brad Williams)的Professional WordPress Plugin Development ,Ozh Richard和Justin Tadlock,那么最后的机会。 克里斯托弗·科克伦 ,你在房间里吗?

Brad: Come on down.


Patrick: Come on up. Alright, stranger, who are you, what do you do?

帕特里克:来吧。 好了,陌生人,你是谁,你怎么办?

Chris: I’m Chris Cochran, I actually work for Brad, I’m the Senior Designer at Webdev Studios and, yeah, I pretty much design websites from creating mockups in PSD to coding them and displaying them on the Web.

克里斯:我是克里斯·科克伦(Chris Cochran),实际上是我为布拉德(Brad)工作的人,我是Webdev Studios的高级设计师,是的,我几乎设计了一些网站,从在PSD中创建模型到对其进行编码并将其显示在Web上。

Patrick: Why do you work for Brad?


Chris: Um, I mean I love Webdev Studios, we have two offices, they’re more of a relaxed office but we’re mostly based out of each of our homes, so I get to work from home and it’s really nice. And I was telling you actually yesterday that public speaking is something very not my type of thing, so this is quite interesting right now, it’s funny that now I’m talking right next to him.

克里斯:嗯,我的意思是我喜欢Webdev Studios ,我们有两个办公室,它们更像是一个轻松的办公室,但我们大多数人都在家中办公,所以我可以在家工作,这真的很好。 我昨天真的告诉过你,公开演讲不是我的事情,所以这很有趣,现在我在他旁边讲话很有趣。

Stephan: How long have you been working for Brad?


Chris: I’ve been working almost three years, maybe four.


Stephan: Oh, I’m sorry.


Chris: Yeah (laughs).


Brad: Chris is actually the first official employee at WebDev. He started as an intern, and then blossomed from there.

布拉德:克里斯实际上是WebDev的第一位正式员工。 他从实习生开始,然后从那里开花。

Chris: Yeah, it’s quite interesting. I actually knew very little about the Web when I first started, and since then I’ve just quickly picked up WordPress and kept on going with that, CSS and now learning PHP and quickly developing from that further and further and now doing plugin development as well and just like going way through themes and learning much more.

克里斯:是的,这很有趣。 实际上,刚开始时我对Web知之甚少,从那时起,我很快就掌握了WordPress,并继续使用CSS,CSS和PHP,并在此基础上进行了越来越多的开发,好,就像遍历主题并学到更多一样。

Patrick: So how bad is Brad as a boss? No, I’m just kidding.

帕特里克:布拉德担任老板有多糟糕? 不,我只是在开玩笑。

Chris: No, Brad’s not that bad (laughter). No, he’s great, he’s great

克里斯:不,布拉德还不错(笑)。 不,他很棒,他很棒

Patrick: So beyond WordPress, beyond your job, what are you passionate about, what do you do?


Chris: Actually music and food. Before doing web design actually illustration, I went to school for logo design and just like print, and it’s just hard to find work in print and I ended up coming across Webdev Studios, applied for an internship and ended up doing well, liking it, and now I kind of love the Web, and I actually bring a lot of my print to the Web too, so that’s kind of interesting. Other than that I love music, bass guitar, piano, and I love cooking; I’m going to actually start a food blog posting some of my recipes and things like that.

克里斯:实际上是音乐和美食。 在进行实际的网页设计插图之前,我像印刷品一样去学校学习徽标设计,而且很难找到印刷品,最终我遇到了Webdev Studios,申请了实习并最终做得很好,喜欢它,现在我有点喜欢网络,实际上我也把很多照片带到了网络上,所以这很有趣。 除此之外,我还喜欢音乐,贝司吉他,钢琴,还喜欢烹饪。 我实际上将开始一个美食博客,发布一些我的食谱和类似的东西。

Brad: So you love Genesis,


Chris: I love Genesis.


Brad: theme framework, and you also run


Chris: Genesis tutorials.


Brad: So what is it about Genesis that you love so much, compared to other themes or frameworks out there?


Chris: Well, I mean using like 2010 is another one that we use quite often, but the difference between like 2010 and doing a child theme of 2010 and doing like a child theme with Genesis is the amount of books that are involved that filter and really easy modification of the theme without actually having to copy down an entire file just to make a minor change. If I wanted to change say the title in archive themes on 2010 I would need to completely copy down index.php or search.php just to change that one line, where within Genesis it has a filter wrapped around the title where I can write a quick filter inside my functions.php file and change that one text without having to copy that whole file which may change in the next update, so that’s really nice.

克里斯:恩,我的意思是说像2010年是我们经常使用的另一种,但是像2010年和2010年做一个儿童主题以及用创世纪做一个儿童主题之间的区别在于,涉及到的书籍数量会被过滤和真正轻松地修改主题,而无需实际复制整个文件即可进行较小的更改。 如果要更改标题名称,请在2010年的存档主题中更改标题,我只需要完全复制index.php或search.php即可更改该行,在Genesis中该标题周围有一个过滤器,可以在其中写一个快速过滤我的functions.php文件中的内容,并更改一个文本,而不必复制整个文件(在下次更新中可能会更改),所以这非常好。

Brad: You actually have a concrete horse in front of your house. Why?

布拉德:实际上,您家门前有一匹水泥马。 为什么?

Chris: Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever told you exactly why it’s there. Well, I bought a house and it actually came with a concrete horse in the front, and it’s just the biggest joke within the company and I’m actually hoping to catch the Google truck going by and wear like a cowboy outfit on with like a lasso and have that on Google Maps. But the concrete horse is actually there because the previous owner since she was a girl she asked her father for a pony and ended up getting her a concrete horse (laughter). This concrete horse is actually set in six feet of concrete as well, so if I want to move it I would either need to cut off its feet and this whole horse just basically dig six feet and dig it up.

克里斯:是的,我想我从来没有告诉过你它为什么存在的确切信息。 好吧,我买了一所房子,实际上它前面是一匹水泥马,这只是公司内最大的笑话,我实际上是希望赶上那辆Google卡车,穿上像牛仔装一样的衣服。套索,并在Google地图上显示。 但是混凝土马确实在那儿,因为前任主人自小就向父亲要求一匹小马,最后给她买了混凝土马(笑声)。 实际上,这匹混凝土马也被固定在六英尺长的混凝土中,因此,如果我要移动它,我要么需要剪掉它的脚,这整只马基本上就只挖了六英尺并把它挖了起来。

Patrick: Maybe that could be an office day project, a day on the road, like a vacation.


Chris: Brad’s been wanting to steal it. Yeah, and I also have frogs as well on each side of my door.

克里斯:布拉德一直想偷它。 是的,我在门的每一侧也有青蛙。

Patrick: Do you live in Narnia? (Laughter)

帕特里克:你住在纳尼亚吗? (笑声)

Chris: The previous owner he was saying that everyone had lions in front of their door and he was like I’m just going to go with frogs.


Patrick: I appreciate that as iFroggy, he sounds like a really cool guy (laughter), like a fine gentleman and good human being.


Chris: Yeah, there’s 2 frogs by the side of my front door, and a horse.


Patrick: Awesome. Well, where can people find you online?

帕特里克:太棒了。 那么,人们在哪里可以找到您?

Chris: You can find me on Twitter @tweetsfromchris, and I work for Webdev Studios so if you go to you can find my profile on there as well as our work portfolio and what we do, it’s pretty cool.

克里斯:您可以在Twitter @tweetsfromchris上找到我,我在Webdev Studios工作,因此如果您访问,则可以在该网站上找到我的个人资料以及我们的工作档案以及我们的工作,这很酷。

Patrick: Excellent, thank you Chris, appreciate it. (Applause) One more time we’re going to do a bonus guest, and this guest will get Brad’s book because Brad’s employee does not need Brad’s book, they already have it in triplicate. Kevin Dees, come on up Kevin, why so serious? (Applause) he doesn’t work for Brad, let me just say that. I thought we had a no Brad employee rule, first of all, because there’s like nine of you here.

帕特里克:太好了,谢谢克里斯,谢谢。 (鼓掌)再有一次我们将要奖励一位客人,这名客人将得到Brad的书,因为Brad的员工不需要Brad的书,因为他们已经一式三份了。 凯文·迪斯(Kevin Dees),凯文(Kevin),为什么这么认真? (鼓掌)他没有为布拉德工作,请允许我这么说。 我以为我们没有Brad员工规定,因为在座的大概有九个人。

Stephan: We should clarify Brad brought his entourage with him to WordCamp.


Patrick: He’s got nine people here, Brad Williams, nine employees here. For every two of you there’s one of them and they want your business, so keep an eye out. Kevin Dees, you’re going to be on the podcast I think we talked about soon, so we’re going to make this pretty quick, but what do you do?

帕特里克:他有9个人,布拉德·威廉姆斯,有9名员工。 你们每两个人中就有一个,他们想要您的生意,所以要当心。 凯文·迪斯(Kevin Dees),您将登上播客,我想我们很快就会谈到,所以我们将使其变得非常快,但是您会怎么做?

Kevin: Well, I’m a professional fiddler and I tap dance. No, it’s a joke. Actually I’m a product developer for a company called Merge Web in Greenville, South Carolina, and I have Doug Cone to thank for getting me up here because he talked me into putting a little piece of paper in the bucket there, and he does NullVariable so I want to thank him for getting me up here. Yeah, that’s what I do, also run a podcast myself called Web Weekly, and we have a pretty good following, I think we had you on the show, Patrick, but I can’t remember.

凯文:嗯,我是专业提琴手,我踢踏舞。 不,这是个玩笑。 实际上,我是南卡罗来纳州格林维尔的一家名为Merge Web的公司的产品开发人员,我感谢Doug Cone让我回到这里,因为他说服我在那儿放了几纸NullVariable,所以我要感谢他让我来这里。 是的,这就是我所做的,我自己也运行了一个名为Web Weekly的播客,我们有很多追随者,我想我们有你在节目中,Patrick,但我不记得了。

Patrick: That’s right, not memorable.


Kevin: Right, not memorable at all. No, you are very memorable. Thank you for coming on the show by the way.

凯文:对,一点也不值得纪念。 不,您非常难忘。 谢谢您参加这个节目。

Patrick: My pleasure.


Kevin: And so thank you for having me here.


Patrick: Of course. So you’re here at the conference because you’re a developer, do you do a lot of WordPress or are you mostly with other platforms?

帕特里克:当然。 因此,您在会议上是因为您是开发人员,您是否使用了很多WordPress,或者您主要使用其他平台?

Kevin: I actually work a little with three platforms specifically, from Expression Engine, Drupal and WordPress, so I’m spread thin a little bit, but I really like WordPress for the specific features of like it’s ability to build up quickly for smaller client sites, meaning something not like McDonald’s, so I wouldn’t exactly want to build McDonald’s website on WordPress, I’d want to go with more custom solution there.

凯文:我实际上是专门与三个平台一起工作的,分别来自Expression Engine,Drupal和WordPress,所以我的工作范围很小,但是我非常喜欢WordPress的特定功能,例如它可以为小型客户端快速建立功能。网站,其含义不像麦当劳,所以我不希望在WordPress上建立麦当劳的网站,我想在那里使用更多自定义解决方案。

Brad: Why is that?


Kevin: Well, being open source McDonald’s might not like that. Anyway, for security reasons they want something proprietary so they can own it, etcetera, etcetera, is what my assumption would be. But yeah, WordPress is great, it gives you a lot of features, especially in the new versions coming up with 3.2, I like the new themes. But custom post types have been a really good move in recent versions, and so I’ve been using those mostly to help build sites, and also with Drupal is like its ability to create custom content types quickly and easily via the content management system itself.

凯文:恩,开源麦当劳可能不喜欢那样。 无论如何,出于安全原因,他们想要专有的东西,以便他们可以拥有,等等,这就是我的假设。 但是,是的,WordPress很棒,它为您提供了许多功能,尤其是在3.2版本中,我喜欢新主题。 但是自定义帖子类型在最近的版本中确实是一个不错的举措,因此我一直主要使用这些内容来帮助构建网站,而且Drupal就像它能够通过内容管理系统本身快速轻松地创建自定义内容类型的功能。

Stephan: We were talking about jQuery yesterday, but you had an interesting take on the topic, you said that you use jQuery just for the visual stuff for the most part.


Kevin: For the most part, like where there’s backwards compatibility issues I’ll use jQuery, but I won’t really use jQuery like to completely build out a website which would be more or less if I was going to use jQuery to build out like all the functions in the website that would be more or less functional programming because that’s kind of how jQuery is set up, although you can — jQuery is an object oriented language itself like Framework. So what I like to do is I like to build my own objects and then insert jQuery into the portions where maybe backwards compatibility would be an issue such as selecting a class on an HTML element in IE, specifically you have to do like class name versus just .class on that type of object.

凯文:在大多数情况下,例如存在向后兼容性问题,我将使用jQuery,但我不会真正使用jQuery来完全构建一个网站,如果我打算使用jQuery进行构建,则或多或少会就像网站上的所有功能一样,或多或少都需要进行功能性编程,因为这是jQuery的设置方式,尽管您可以-jQuery是一种面向对象的语言,例如Framework。 因此,我想做的是我要构建自己的对象,然后将jQuery插入可能向后兼容的部分,例如在IE中选择HTML元素上的类,特别是必须像只是该类对象上的.class。

Stephan: How many people use jQuery here, anybody? All the developers. Because I’m a big fan and that was an interesting take on how you use it, I like that, that’s a good idea.

史蒂芬:有多少人在这里使用jQuery? 所有开发人员。 因为我是一个忠实的粉丝,而且这是您如何使用它的有趣方式,所以我喜欢,那是个好主意。

Kevin: Yeah, yeah, like for me also like if you’re building something on top of a framework, obviously that framework itself is not the optimal like language, that being you have to go through its functions and it has to error check everything, so if you can do some of that error checking yourself versus having to put it through everything and make it turn its wheels it’s going to be a little bit faster. So if I want to go like, for example, select something by its ID and that’s all I really wanted to do I could use JavaScript’s built in, select element by ID versus running it through jQuery which is going to be a little bit slower.

凯文:是的,是的,就像我在框架之上构建东西一样,显然框架本身并不是最佳的语言,这是因为您必须经历其功能并且必须对所有内容进行错误检查,因此,如果您可以自己检查一些错误,而不是必须将其放入所有零件并转动它的轮子,那么它将更快一些。 因此,例如,如果要按其ID选择某项,而这正是我真正想要做的,那么我可以使用JavaScript的内置功能,按ID选择元素,而不是通过jQuery运行它,这会有点慢。

Patrick: Excellent. Well, where can people find you online?

帕特里克:太好了。 那么,人们在哪里可以找到您?

Kevin: People can find me online as Kevindees on Twitter and Drupal and Forrest and GitHub and just about anywhere else, and you can also check out our podcast at, though it’s not video quite yet.


Patrick: Excellent, thank you.


Kevin: Thank you. (Applause)

凯文:谢谢。 (掌声)

Patrick: Well, it’s just about in the books, another year, year two. We’d like to say a big thank you to a lot of people, but first and foremost Steve Mortiboy, Michael Torbert, Craig Tuller, organizers in the conference for having us yet again, everyone involved with WordCamp Raleigh here who’s running the show and helping to put on this event. Our podcast team members at SitePoint, Louis Simoneau and Lisa Lang, everyone at SitePoint, Dave Moyer helping us out with the technology stuff, all the volunteers here at the conference, Steve Allis for helping us with the prizes, Ryan Kirkandall for helping us with the audio, we really appreciate all of you for giving of your time in this way, all of our prize sponsors of course: Studio Press, Shopp, Headway Themes, iThemes, Semper Fi Web Design, Wiley and AMACOM, and of course all of you for joining us today, we really appreciate it. And with said let’s go around the table one last time, Brad?

帕特里克:嗯,就在书上,第二年。 我们要对很多人表示由衷的感谢,但最重要的是会议的组织者Steve Mortiboy,Michael Torbert,Craig Tuller,他们再次邀请我们参加本次展会的所有与WordCamp Raleigh合作的人,帮助举办这个活动。 我们在SitePoint上的播客团队成员,Louis Simoneau和Lisa Lang,在SitePoint上的每个人,Dave Moyer都在帮助我们解决技术问题,会议上的所有志愿者,Steve Allis来帮助我们获得奖项,Ryan Kirkandall来帮助我们音频,我们非常感谢大家以这种方式给予您的宝贵时间,当然,我们的所有奖项赞助者:Studio Press,Shopp,Headway Themes,iThemes,Semper Fi Web Design,Wiley和AMACOM,当然还有您今天加入我们,我们非常感谢。 并说了最后一次让我们围着桌子转转,布拉德?

Brad: Brad Williams,, and I’m on Twitter @williamsba.

布拉德:布拉德·威廉姆斯, ,我在Twitter @williamsba上

Stephan: I’m Stephan Segraves and I’m on Twitter @ssegraves and my blog is

斯蒂芬:我是斯蒂芬·塞格拉夫(Stephan Segraves),我在Twitter @ssegraves上,我的博客是。

Patrick: And I am Patrick O’Keefe of the iFroggy network,, I blog at, you can find me on Twitter @ifroggy, i-f-r-o-g-g-y. You can follow our usual co-host Louis Simoneau @rssaddict and SitePoint @sitepointdotcom. You can visit SitePoint/podcast to leave comments on this show which will come out in two parts over the next two weeks by each hour, and you can also subscribe to receive every show automatically. Thank you for listening and enjoy the rest of the conference. (Applause)

帕特里克(Patrick):我是iFroggy网络(的帕特里克·奥基夫(Patrick O'Keefe),我在Managingcommunities.com上发布博客,您可以在ifroggy的 Twitter @ifroggy上找到我。 您可以关注我们通常的联合主持人Louis Simoneau @rssaddict和SitePoint @sitepointdotcom 。 您可以访问SitePoint / podcast对该节目发表评论,该评论将在接下来的两周内按每小时分为两个部分,并且您还可以订阅自动接收每个节目。 感谢您收听并享受会议的其余部分。 (掌声)

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

Thanks for listening! Feel free to let us know how we’re doing, or to continue the discussion, using the comments field below.

谢谢收听! 欢迎使用下面的评论字段让我们知道我们的状况,或者继续讨论。


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