lorem ipsum_在我们的雷达上:独家电子邮件,PHP数字垃圾和Ipsum

lorem ipsum

Welcome back everyone to another week of On Our Radar! I was going to make another joke about computers to kick us off, but then I lost my drive.*

欢迎大家回到“我们的雷达”这一周! 我本来会开玩笑说关于计算机的话题,但后来我迷失了方向。*

在我们的雷达上 (On Our Radar)

To start us off this week, we’re about to launch an exclusive SitePoint Forums newsletter. It’s fortnightly and will have the best links from the forums and the web. Do you want to be part of this incredibly informative and interesting newsletter? Just sign up!

为了让我们从本周开始,我们将发布独家SitePoint论坛时事通讯 。 每两周一次,它将拥有来自论坛和网络的最佳链接。 您是否想成为这份内容丰富且有趣的新闻通讯的一部分? 只需注册!

TomB is back without creation. Do you think creating/destroying objects on each HTTP request is wasteful? Can we have digital waste? Is there a landfill where bits and bytes go? Anyway, this was enough of a problem for Tom and another forums user, Michael_Morris, that Tom created a little program that gets around this wasteful HTTP requests. Tom is a treasure within the SitePoint forums.

TomB回来了,没有创造。 您是否认为在每个HTTP请求上创建/销毁对象都是浪费的? 我们可以浪费数字吗? 在位和字节处有垃圾填埋场吗? 无论如何,对于Tom和另一个论坛用户Michael_Morris来说,这已经足够成为一个问题,Tom创建了一个小程序来解决这个浪费的HTTP请求 。 汤姆是SitePoint论坛中的宝藏。

Are you a rails enthusiast? Ruprict went to RailsConf and wants to know what your experience was. Adam, because he’s a great guy, responded with 9 hours of video from the conference – so if you missed it and were interested there’s literally no excuse not to watch the conference and surely you can spare 9 hours of Ruby viewing spread over the week.

您是铁轨爱好者吗? Ruprict去了RailsConf,想知道您的经历 。 亚当(Adam)是个很棒的人,他在会议上用了9个小时的视频作为回应–因此,如果您错过了会议并且对此感兴趣,那么实际上没有任何借口可以不观看会议,并且可以肯定,您可以在一周内节省9个小时的Ruby观看时间。

One of the hardest parts of design is making something look good in lieu of actual copy. Ralph’s met this problem many times, as have other web designers, and ‘lorem ipsum’ is an industry standard. But it’s boring. Ralph looks at alternatives from ‘bogan ipsum’ (Australia’s answer to rednecks and chavs) to Nietzsche ipsum. What’s your favourite ipsum to use?

设计中最难的部分之一就是使某些东西看起来好于实际复制。 Ralph与其他Web设计师一样,已经多次遇到此问题,而'lorem ipsum'是行业标准。 但这很无聊。 拉尔夫(Ralph) 研究了从“ bogan ipsum”(澳大利亚对乡下人和农民的回答)到尼采ipsum的替代方案 。 您最喜欢使用什么ipsum?

简而言之 (In Short)

This week in JavaScript, Paul_Wilkins wonders if jQuery is harmful, looks at the latest libraries and frameworks, and ponders how robots would eat. Meanwhile cpradio looks into The Week In .NET with news on the highlights of the CodeLens inclusion in Visual Studio Onlie, free access to Azure (this is a great deal, actually), parsing command line arguments and DRYing out your polices with the Don’t Repeat Yourself principal.

Paul_Wilkins 在本周JavaScript中想知道jQuery是否有害,研究了最新的库和框架,并思考了机器人的吃法。 同时,cpradio考察了《 .NET周 》,其中包括有关Visual Studio Onlie中CodeLens包含的要点,免费访问Azure(实际上是很多事情),解析命令行参数以及使用Don's Dry清除策略的新闻。 t重复自己的校长。

提问时间! (Question time!)

Web devs, a quick question. Let’s say you’re building a retail website, very big on the e-Commerce side, and you have to ‘make it mobile’ because your buzzwords obsessed boss wants to be part of the app craze. Would you push for a responsive mobile design, or create an app?

Web开发人员,一个简单的问题。 假设您正在建立一个零售网站,在电子商务方面非常庞大,并且您必须“使其变得可移动”,因为您对流行语的痴迷使老板想成为应用程序狂热的一部分。 您会推动响应式移动设计还是创建应用程序?

*sorrynotsorry about my laborious use of dad jokes.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-exclusive-emails-php-frenzy/

lorem ipsum





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