nohup 启动命名_命名启动的12个技巧

nohup 启动命名

Recently, I published a roundup of some effective tools to help you name your startup. Tools can be a great help but there is definitely a sense of satisfaction in doing it on your own. Below are a few ideas that will help you brainstorm a new brand name!

最近,我发布了一些有效工具的摘要, 以帮助您命名创业公司 。 工具可以提供很大的帮助,但是独自完成工作肯定会带来满足感。 以下是一些可帮助您集思广益新品牌名称的想法!

Typewriter with blank page.

Thanks to Unsplash for the image.


A good brand name can be very important — every time you explain what your product or service does, the first thing you mention will be the name.


Often you’ll already have a word in mind that is closely related to your product or service. This root word shouldn’t be thrown out just because it’s too bland or common; there are many ways to develop this root word into a brand name.

通常,您会想到一个与您的产品或服务密切相关的词。 不应仅仅因为它太平淡或太普通而扔掉这个词。 有很多方法可以将这个基本字词发展成品牌名称。

复合词 (Compound Words)

Let’s start with something very common — joining two common words to create a new word. You can join two nouns (like Facebook), a noun and a verb (SendGrid) or pretty much any two words! There are plenty of startups who have used this technique and you will find examples everywhere you look — Foursquare, Grooveshark, SlideShare.

让我们从一个非常常见的东西开始-将两个常见的词连接起来以创建一个新词。 您可以将两个名词(如Facebook ),一个名词和一个动词( SendGrid )或几乎任何两个词连接起来! 有很多使用这种技术的创业公司,您随处都可以找到示例-FoursquareGroovesharkSlideShare

Portmanteaus (Portmanteaus)

To go one step further you could look at creating a portmanteau. A portmanteau joins both the sounds and meanings of two words. A good example of a portmanteau is Pinterest, a site that lets you pin your interest. Not only are portmanteaus common in naming companies, many are already in common use. For instance: spork (spoon and fork), smog (smoke and fog) and Brangelina (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie).

要更进一步,您可以考虑创建一个portmanteau。 Portmanteau结合了两个单词的发音和含义。 Pinterest是一个很好的Portmanteau例子,这个网站可以让您固定 兴趣 。 portmanteaus不仅在命名公司中很常见,而且已经很普遍了。 例如: spork (勺子和叉子), 烟雾 (烟和雾)和Brangelina (Brad Pitt和Angelina Jolie)。

听起来好像? (Sounds Like?)

Ever heard of Odeo? Don’t you think it instantly lets you know that it’s sound-related? Well, it sounds very similar to audio and that’s the idea. It’s helpful for your brand name to carry some meaning. Odeo was started by Blogger founder Evan Williams as a podcasting company (Evan also went on to create Twitter and Medium). It’s often difficult to produce such witty names, but it’s certainly worth giving some effort because you might just get lucky.

听说过Odeo吗? 您不认为它会立即让您知道它与声音有关吗? 好吧,这听起来与音频非常相似,这就是想法。 您的品牌名称具有某些含义是很有帮助的。 Odeo由Blogger创始人Evan Williams创办,当时是一家播客公司(Evan还创建了TwitterMedium )。 通常很难产生这样的机智名字,但是值得付出一些努力,因为您可能会很幸运。

创意领域 (Creative Domains)

Many companies integrate their domain name with their brand in such a way that they create something unique and easy to remember. Take for example, and

许多公司将域名与品牌整合在一起,从而创造出独特且易于记忆的内容。 以Last.fmSecret.lySlid.es为例

Sometimes, witty domain names are used as URL shorteners too. for HackerNews is a good example.

有时,机智的域名也被用作URL缩短器。 HackerNewsHackerne.ws是一个很好的例子。

Here’s a list of top level domains to help you figure out something cool!


If you haven’t had any luck so far, you can try thinking of something that relates to an experience. For instance, Paper Boat is a fruit juice brand in India that relates to childhood experiences with its flavors. Their target is to take their customers back to their childhood where making paper boats was a common and enjoyable activity.

如果您到目前为止还没有运气,可以尝试考虑与体验有关的事情。 例如, Paper Boat是印度的一个果汁品牌,与儿童时期的口味有关。 他们的目标是将客户带回到童年时代,在那里制作纸船是一种普遍而又愉快的活动。

添加前缀或后缀 (Add Prefixes or Suffixes)

To spice up your root word, you can try adding a suffix. Here are a few examples; some of which also use their top level domains to create a new word.

为了增加您的词根的趣味性,您可以尝试添加后缀。 这里有一些例子; 其中一些还使用其顶级域名来创建新词。

Another option is to try adding prefixes like get (FileCloud) or on (onSwipe).

另一个选择是尝试添加诸如get ( FileCloud )或on ( onSwipe )之类的前缀。

拼错 (Misspelling)

As many of us nerds know, Google is actually a misspelled version of googol (interestingly, my spell-checker thinks that googol is spelled incorrectly, but identifies Google as a correct word). Over the years, there has been a growing number of companies following this trend — Tumblr (tumbler), Reddit (read it) and Scribd (scribed), for instance.

正如我们许多书呆子所知,Google实际上是googol的拼写错误的版本(有趣的是,我的拼写检查器认为googol的拼写错误,但将Google识别为正确的单词)。 多年来,遵循这种趋势的公司越来越多,例如Tumblr (不倒翁), Reddit (阅读它)和Scribd (记下)。

完全无关 (Completely Unrelated)

The word Apple is not related to computers, but as we know Apple begun as a manufacturer of computers, until they changed their name to Apple Inc. Many thought that Apple’s name and logo were in honor of Alan Turing, a respected mathematician and computer scientist who committed suicide by taking a bite of a poisoned apple. The suspicion that it was in fact in Turing’s honor was laid to rest after Steve Jobs was quoted admitting “God we wish it were. It’s just a coincidence.” You can try naming your brand something completely outside the niche of your product or service, but it might not always work out! Perhaps name your brand in honor of someone whose work allowed your idea to be born?

苹果这个词与计算机无关,但是据我们所知,苹果公司最初是计算机制造商,直到将其更名为苹果公司。许多人认为苹果公司的名称和徽标是为了纪念受尊敬的数学家和计算机科学家艾伦·图灵 。咬了一口毒苹果自杀了。 在引述史蒂夫·乔布斯承认“上帝,我们希望做到这一点”之后,人们怀疑这实际上是为图灵的荣誉而成立的 这只是一个巧合。” 您可以尝试将品牌完全命名为产品或服务的利基之外的东西,但这可能并不总是可行的! 也许以某人的名字来命名您的品牌,以表彰其作品诞生的人?

使用外来词 (Use Foreign Words)

If you are still unsure about what name is best for your startup, perhaps it’s time to give foreign words a shot? Keep in your mind that the name should not be too complex to remember! Sportskeeda — sports worm (keeda is Hindi for worm) — was inspired by the word bookworm.

如果您仍然不确定哪个名字最适合您的创业公司,也许是时候该试一下外国单词了吗? 请记住,该名称不要太难记! Sportskeeda (运动蠕虫( keeda蠕虫的印地语))受书虫这个词的启发。

If you want to go even deeper you can look at fusing a foreign word with another in a portmanteau. A great example of this is Verizon, a combination of veritas – Latin for truth – and horizon.

如果您想更深入一点,可以看看在Portmanteau中将一个外来词与另一个词融合。 Verizon就是一个很好的例子, VeritasVeritas (拉丁语代表真相 )和Horizo​​n的组合

毫无意义(不是很久?) (Meaningless (Not for Long?))

If this article hasn’t helped you so far, it might be time to go ahead and name your startup “Kagazzle”. Or how does “Azoofile” sound? You’re free to use an utterly meaningless word and get away with it. Try FakeWord for a bit of fun and you might stumble across something that actually fits quite well.

如果本文对到目前为止没有帮助,那么可能是时候将该公司命名为“ Kagazzle”了。 或“ Azoofile”听起来如何? 您可以随意使用完全没有意义的单词,然后再摆脱它。 尝试FakeWord会很有趣,您可能会偶然发现一些非常合适的东西。

T恤测试 (T-Shirt Test)

The penultimate thing to do once you think you’ve hit the jackpot is the T-shirt test. Would you like to wear a T-shirt with your brand’s name on it? Try wearing one for a day and see how comfortable you feel and much attention you get. Do people instantly have an idea of what your brand is about? Do they need to?

一旦您认为自己中了头奖,倒数第二件事就是T恤测试。 您想穿上贴有您的品牌名称的T恤吗? 试穿一天,看看您的舒适度和受到的关注。 人们会立即对您的品牌有一个想法吗? 他们需要吗?

域可用性 (Domain Availability)

The one last thing to check is pretty important — the availability or your desired domain. What if you were to name your brand “Orange” and there was no reasonable domain available? Currently and are both taken.

最后要检查的一件事非常重要-可用性或所需的域。 如果您将品牌命名为“ Orange”,又没有合理的域名怎么办? 目前使用了orange.com和。

If your domain is going to be an important part of your brand you should check for availability before you print your business cards. The American band Linkin Park initially wanted their name to be Lincoln Park, but due to unavailability of the domain, they changed to Linkin Park instead. If you ask me, the latter is way cooler!

如果您的域名将成为品牌的重要组成部分,则应在打印名片之前检查其可用性。 美国乐队Linkin Park最初希望将他们的名字命名为Lincoln Park,但由于该域的不可用,他们改用Linkin Park。 如果您问我,后者会更酷!

菲纳利 (

Did these brainstorming tips help you to come up with a name? Do you have something else that has worked well for you? If all else fails, you’re welcome to choose Shaumikapp!

这些集思广益的技巧是否可以帮助您想出一个名字? 您还有其他适合您的东西吗? 如果其他所有方法均无效,欢迎您选择Shaumikapp!


nohup 启动命名





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