php 愿望清单_云应用愿望清单第2部分

php 愿望清单

云的关键要求 (Key Requirements For the Cloud)

Now that the holidays are behind us and we look forward to another year, we’re all back to work trying to build the next big app that will springboard our businesses in 2012. For me to consider your app to be in the big leagues, there are several features I think you should support. In my previous post, I began listing these features. They include:

既然假期已经过去,我们希望再过一年,我们将全力以赴,尝试构建下一个大型应用程序,该应用程序将在2012年推动我们的业务发展。对于我来说,我认为您的应用程序属于大型联盟,我认为您应该支持几个功能。 在我以前的文章中,我开始列出这些功能。 它们包括:

  • local backup of critical application data

  • offline data viewing

  • data integration tools

  • advanced offline features and functionality

  • audit trail of system and application changes

  • mobile integration


As mentioned in the prior post, a local backup of critical data serves as a data insurance policy, ensuring I always have a copy of my data in case you go out of business or when the cloud is unavailable for any reason. Local access should also allow me to view the data when I’m offline and need to make business decisions. If I have access to the data, I should also be able to integrate that data in my environment using a web service you provide. This helps me eliminate redundant data and processing throughout my organization.

如前一篇文章中所述,关键数据的本地备份用作数据保险政策,以确保在您因业务中断或因任何原因导致云不可用时,我始终拥有我的数据副本。 本地访问还应允许我在离线状态下查看数据,并且需要制定业务决策。 如果我有权访问数据,则还应该能够使用您提供的Web服务将数据集成到我的环境中。 这有助于我消除整个组织中的冗余数据和处理。

进阶离线功能 (Advanced Offline Features)

Now that you gave me a local copy of the data and let me view it or move it among my own applications, take it another step further and let me make changes to the data when offline. Rapid adoption of HTML5 and other design techniques make this possible and will make your app stand out from your competition.

现在,您给了我数据的本地副本,让我查看或在我自己的应用程序中移动它,再进一步,让我离线时对数据进行更改。 HTML5和其他设计技术的Swift采用使这成为可能,并使您的应用在竞争中脱颖而出。

Providing an offline version of your app could be a premium feature that improves customer satisfaction as well as generating more revenue for your business. Similar to offline viewing of data and reports, this is another opportunity to promote your brand when offline and remind customers how critical your app is to them. I’m not asking for full functionality when I’m offline, but the ability to perform routine maintenance or changes to customer data or other common functions would keep me productive regardless of connectivity. Once I log back in to your app, you can batch process the updates immediately before I start to use the online version of the app.

提供离线版本的应用程序可能是一项高级功能,可以提高客户满意度并为您的业务带来更多收入。 与离线查看数据和报告类似,这是另一个机会,可以在离线时宣传您的品牌并提醒客户您的应用对他们的重要性。 脱机时我并没有要求提供完整的功能,但是无论是否进行连接,执行常规维护或更改客户数据或其他常用功能的能力都可以使我保持生产力。 一旦我重新登录到您的应用程序,您就可以在我开始使用该应用程序的在线版本之前立即对更新进行批处理。

A key consideration here is to track conflicting changes and flag any made offline that would overlay those made by another user when they were online. Managing data changes against an audit log would ensure conflicting changes were identified. Before the change is committed, it can be approved by a data manager or administrative role specifically defined to referee these types of conflicts.

这里的主要考虑因素是跟踪冲突的更改并标记脱机进行的所有更改,这些更改将覆盖其他用户在线时所做的更改。 根据审核日志管理数据更改将确保识别出冲突的更改。 在提交更改之前,可以由专门定义为裁判这些类型的冲突的数据管理员或管理角色批准该更改。

审计追踪与合规性 (Audit Trails & Regulatory Compliance)

Large enterprises and any publicly traded organization must comply with several requirements related to data management. These can be associated with the handling of personal data, financial record keeping or other regulatory concerns. When those organizations and their data are in the cloud you manage, they need assurance that you understand and address those requirements as well.

大型企业和任何公开交易的组织都必须遵守与数据管理有关的若干要求。 这些可能与个人数据处理,财务记录保存或其他监管问题相关。 当这些组织及其数据位于您管理的云中时,他们需要确保您也了解并满足这些要求。

Details of those requirements typically include the need to track when key data fields change, who made the change and the content of the old and new values. New record insertions to the database as well as deletions are tracked in audit files. Omission of these features would cause an application to fail an IT audit that large organizations must periodically conduct. And that will keep large organizations from adopting your app into their environment.

这些需求的详细信息通常包括跟踪关键数据字段何时更改,进行更改的人员以及旧值和新值的内容。 在审计文件中跟踪对数据库的新记录插入和删除。 省略这些功能将导致应用程序无法通过大型组织必须定期进行的IT审核。 这将使大型组织无法将您的应用程序引入其环境。

IT audits are performed to ensure critical business processes are controlled and managed. The end result ensures critical business data maintains its integrity. Data changes must be approved using controlled processes and an audit trail reports those changes. Unknown or undocumented data changes are unacceptable. In many ways IT audits are similar to financial audits with the end result being the identification of either weaknesses in critical business processes supported by IT or outright violations of compliance requirements.

执行IT审核以确保关键业务流程得到控制和管理。 最终结果可确保关键业务数据保持其完整性。 必须使用受控流程来批准数据更改,并且审计跟踪报告这些更改。 未知或未记录的数据更改是不可接受的。 在许多方面,IT审计与财务审计类似,最终结果是识别出由IT支持的关键业务流程中的弱点或完全违反合规性要求。

A significant amount of information is available identifying how to manage data and what internal controls are needed. The COBIT Framework is an excellent resource used internationally and explains how organizations should handle IT governance. While the COBIT framework may look overwhelming, one of the key features can be summed up by the need to keep audit records for critical data changes and log approvals.

大量信息可用于标识如何管理数据以及需要哪些内部控制。 COBIT框架是国际上使用的出色资源,它解释了组织应如何处理IT治理。 尽管COBIT框架看上去不堪重负,但关键特征之一可以归因于为关键数据更改和日志批准保留审计记录的需要。

In several consulting engagements, I observed clients rushing to the cloud to save money and improve IT solution delivery time. Internal business partners demanded rapid implementation timelines and often engaged cloud solution providers directly without an understanding of IT audit and compliance requirements. Critical business data was moved outside the organization’s control and in some cases co-mingled with the cloud solution provider’s other clients. That can be a very serious breach of compliance especially when dealing with sensitive data.

在一些咨询服务中,我观察到客户为了节省资金并缩短IT解决方案交付时间而急于迁移到云中。 内部业务合作伙伴要求快速的实施时间表,并经常直接与云解决方案提供商合作,而不了解IT审计和合规性要求。 关键业务数据已移出组织的控制范围,在某些情况下与云解决方案提供商的其他客户端混合在一起。 这可能是对合规性的严重违反,特别是在处理敏感数据时。

To address data audit requirements, solution developers should familiarize themselves with COBIT or other IT governance frameworks. Building audit trails and reporting into the application should be part of your feature list and you should highlight those features if your client is a large or publicly-traded organization.

为了满足数据审计要求,解决方案开发人员应熟悉COBIT或其他IT治理框架。 在功能列表中构建审计跟踪并向应用程序报告应该是功能列表的一部分,如果客户是大型或公开交易的组织,则应突出显示这些功能。

移动整合 (Mobile Integration)

As both the mobile and cloud computing industries evolve, it’s getting more difficult to distinguish between the two. Personally, I can’t imagine a cloud app that doesn’t have a mobile feature as part of its requirements. And a mobile app that doesn’t interact with the cloud just seems very “old school.” Even those angry birds connect to the cloud to share scores with the rest of the community of players.

随着移动和云计算行业的发展,区分这两者变得越来越困难。 就个人而言,我无法想象没有任何移动功能作为其要求的一部分的云应用程序。 而且,不与云交互的移动应用看起来非常“老派”。 甚至那些愤怒的小鸟都连接到云,以与其他玩家社区共享分数。

Further evidence supporting the need to integrate mobile and cloud platforms is the rapid rise of mobile devices. Morgan Stanley published a mobile industry analysis report in late 2009 predicting that mobile devices connecting to the internet would outnumber desktop devices doing the same by 2015. Gartner Group believes this scenario will occur as early as next year!

支持移动平台和云平台集成的更多证据是移动设备的Swift崛起。 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)于2009年末发布了一份移动行业分析报告 ,预测到2015年,连接互联网的移动设备将超过台式机,而Gartner Group认为这种情况最早将在明年发生

The rapid migration to mobile devices for internet access means that cloud solutions must consider mobile platforms as a primary user interface for a major segment of their users. But how does this really impact the way developers build their cloud solutions?

快速迁移到移动设备以进行Internet访问意味着云解决方案必须将移动平台视为其大部分用户的主要用户界面。 但是,这对开发人员构建云解决方案的方式有何实际影响?

In 2007 I managed the development of a app for a large client. One of the key pages used by field users was a customer information page displaying nearly all the data sales teams needed prior to a customer visit. The application was designed to efficiently make one call to the database for all relevant customer data and display it on one page. Data was not replicated or displayed on other pages since each page was, in general, a unique object to improve performance.

在2007年,我为大型客户管理了一个基于salesforce.com的应用程序的开发。 现场用户使用的关键页面之一是客户信息页面,其中显示了客户拜访之前所需的几乎所有数据销售团队。 该应用程序旨在有效地一次调用数据库以获取所有相关的客户数据,并将其显示在一页上。 数据没有被复制或显示在其他页面上,因为通常每个页面都是提高性能的唯一对象。

When iPads and iPhones were deployed to the same field sales teams in 2010, many of them began using those devices as their primary method of interaction. While the iPad worked for many, the iPhone interface was too small. We recently enhanced the app by breaking up the customer data calls to specific types of data. The mobile version of the app has unique calls for each type of customer data (i.e. customer demographic, sales history, current orders) focusing on the most common types of functions performed by the sales team. Rather than pull all of the customer data, the calls are efficient and pull a smaller set of data to allow for the mobile environment. Pages are also designed specifically to display effectively on the mobile device by being platform aware.

当iPad和iPhone在2010年部署到相同的现场销售团队时,其中许多人开始使用这些设备作为主要的交互方式。 尽管iPad适用于许多人,但iPhone界面却太小。 我们最近通过将客户数据调用分为特定类型的数据来增强了该应用程序。 该应用程序的移动版本对每种类型的客户数据(即客户人口统计,销售历史记录,当前订单)具有唯一的调用,重点是由销售团队执行的最常见功能。 呼叫不是提取所有的客户数据,而是有效的并且提取较小的数据集以支持移动环境。 页面还经过专门设计,可以通过感知平台来有效地显示在移动设备上。

The bottom line is that the app works on any platform, but has features specifically designed for mobile devices. Your customers expect you to support them on all devices and not penalize them (i.e. slower performance on mobile device due to large data objects) for using mobile devices.

最重要的是,该应用程序可在任何平台上运行,但具有专门为移动设备设计的功能。 您的客户希望您在所有设备上都提供支持,而不会因为使用移动设备而受到惩罚(例如,由于数据对象过多,导致移动设备性能下降)。

Our industry is maturing so rapidly it’s difficult to predict what the next big feature will be. But history has a tendency to repeat itself. The lessons learned in the past as we moved from mainframes to client/server and then to the early web will be applied more rapidly in the cloud. That’s called progress.

我们的行业发展日新月异,很难预测下一个重要功能是什么。 但是历史有重演的趋势。 从大型机到客户端/服务器,再到早期的Web,从过去学到的教训将在云中更快地应用。 那就是进步。

What features are you implementing in your cloud app to make it stand out from your competition? Are there other requirements you think we need to adopt in order to improve the quality of the cloud? I’d like to hear your feedback and discuss it in another post. Thanks!

您正在云应用程序中实现哪些功能以使其在竞争中脱颖而出? 您认为我们还需要采用其他要求来提高云的质量吗? 我想听听您的意见,并在另一篇文章中进行讨论。 谢谢!

Cloud Blocks Image via Shutterstock



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