正则以开头 以结尾_它以“ M”开头,以“ ac”结尾,并吓到了我

正则以开头 以结尾

First up this week I have to come clean about something. This post very nearly didn’t happen. Today I got a new toy and as many of you will know, new toys such as this one take up an awful lot of time. Today marks a very special day for me. After more than a decade of being a dedicated PC user, today I got my first Mac. Yup, that’s right. I’m changing teams. This blog post comes to you courtesy of my brand new MacBook Air. It hasn’t taken me this long to change teams because I have any doubts about the quality of Apple products. It is simply because I don’t like not being good at something (which is unfortunate given the number of things that I’m not good at). My unfamiliarity with all things Mac has been a stumbling block for a long time. The fact that I was one of only two people at SitePoint HQ that didn’t work on a Mac made me start to rethink my position. And I have to be fair, this is one pretty machine. The fact that I can’t find my way around the bloody thing is more than slightly frustrating, but I’m prepared to give it time. So now that I’ve spilled my guts to you, I’ll get on with the task at hand.

这周的第一件事是我必须清理一些事情。 这篇文章几乎没有发生。 今天,我买了一个新玩具,就像你们中很多人所知道的那样,像这样的新玩具占用了很多时间。 今天对我来说是非常特别的一天。 在成为专用PC用户十多年之后,今天我有了第一台Mac。 是的,没错。 我要换队。 这篇博客文章由我全新的MacBook Air提供。 更换团队用了很长时间,因为我对Apple产品的质量没有任何疑问。 仅仅是因为我不喜欢不擅长某件事(鉴于我不擅长的事情很多,这很不幸)。 很长一段时间以来,我对Mac的所有事物都不熟悉。 我是SitePoint总部仅有的两个无法在Mac上工作的人之一,这一事实使我开始重新考虑自己的立场。 我必须公平地说,这是一台漂亮的机器。 我无法绕开这件血腥的事情,这一事​​实不仅让我有些沮丧,但我准备花点时间。 因此,既然我已将勇气告诉了您,我将继续处理手头的任务。

This week I’m really going to just reiterate the same things that I told you about last week – and that’s not because I’m being lazy, but because those two things happen to be extremely important ones for the SitePoint community. The first is the 2010 SitePoint Community Awards. This week is your last opportunity to vote, so please make sure you do. We’re sweetening the deal by offering spot prizes of $200 SitePoint vouchers to five lucky voters. So if you have spent any time over at the SitePoint forums in the past year, this is your opportunity to have your say and thank those people that you think are worthy of wearing a badge for the next 12 months. So…what are you waiting for?

本周,我真的要重申一下我上周告诉您的相同内容–并不是因为我很懒,而是因为这两件事对SitePoint社区来说是极其重要的。 首先是2010年SitePoint社区奖 。 这是您最后一次投票的机会,因此请确保您投票。 我们通过向五位幸运的选民提供200美元的SitePoint代金券的现货奖励来加深交易。 因此,如果您在过去的一年中在SitePoint论坛上花费了任何时间,那么您就有机会发表自己的意见,并感谢那些您认为在接下来的12个月中值得戴徽章的人。 那么... 你还在等什么呢?

The second thing that I want to bring to your attention today is our Great Holiday Photography Competition. Already there are some amazing submissions coming through, and we have a new set of subjects set to be announced next weekend. Whether you’re handy with a camera or not, check it out and send us a snap of what the holidays mean to you. You just never know your luck – there are some pretty cool prizes up for grabs.

今天我要引起您注意的第二件事是我们的“ 伟大的假日摄影大赛” 。 已经有一些惊人的提交,我们将在下周末宣布一组新的主题。 无论您是否方便携带相机,都可以查看一下并向我们发送有关假期对您意味着什么的信息。 您只是永远不知道自己的运气–有一些很酷的奖品可以争夺。

This week on our Facebook page we are counting down the top 5 reasons why you need to master Facebook advertising if you want to drive traffic to your website. This is all in aid of our latest SitePoint live course which kicks off this Thursday. It’s one that is very dear to my heart, not just because it focuses on one aspect of social media, but because it is being run by a very good friend of mine, SitePoint Marketing Manager Jennifer Sheahan. If monetizing Facebook is something that you are interested in, then make sure you follow the countdown and take a look at what the course involves.

本周,在我们的Facebook页面上,我们在计算想要增加网站访问量时需要掌握Facebook广告的5大原因。 这一切都是为了帮助我们在本周四启动的最新SitePoint实时课程。 这是我非常喜欢的一个,不仅仅是因为它专注于社交媒体的一个方面,还因为它是由我的一个好朋友SitePoint市场经理Jennifer Sheahan所经营。 如果您对通过Facebook获利感兴趣,请确保按照倒计时进行,并了解课程涉及的内容。

I’m going to stop there this week because I have lots of work (read: playing on my Mac) still left to do this evening, but before I go, I’ll let you know which topics are hot in the community this week.


Hot Topics This Week


In the JavaScript forum this week the talk is all about how to determine page width and height. Can you help out with that one?

在本周的JavaScript论坛中,所有讨论都围绕如何确定页面的宽度和高度。 你可以帮忙吗?

For a bit of light relief, check out our photo showcase for the month in the General Chat forum. I’m asking you to take a pic of your kitchen sink. Go on…

如果需要一点点缓解,请在“ 常规聊天”论坛中查看本月的图片展示。 我要你给你的厨房水槽拍张照片。 继续…

There is an interesting thread in the X/HTML forum which talks about the downsides of using HTML5. Have you got an opinion?

X / HTML论坛中有一个有趣的话题 ,讨论使用HTML5的弊端 。 你有意见吗?

And the last thread up for this week comes to you from the CSS forum. We have a user having trouble using CSS instead of tables to construct a photo gallery. An oldie but a goodie…

而本周的最后一个话题来自CSS论坛 。 我们有一个用户在使用CSS而不是表格来构建照片库时遇到了麻烦。 老歌,但好东西…

Well… I’m done for the week. You’ll hear from me just once more before Christmas, by which time I expect to be fully Mac literate and prepared to stun with my brilliance. Until then, ciao.

好吧...我已经完成了一周。 在圣诞节之前,您会再一次收到我的来信,到那时我希望我完全具备Mac素养,并准备惊艳我。 在那之前,

note:Want more? 注意:需要更多吗?

If you want to read more from Sarah, subscribe to our monthly community newsletter, The SitePoint Community Crier.

如果您想从Sarah阅读更多信息,请订阅我们的每月社区时事通讯The SitePoint Community Crier

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/it-starts-with-m-and-ends-with-ac-and-it-scares-the-hell-out-of-me/

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