

In July, we posed the question: Is Google heading down the Yahoo! path? As Google continues its forays into content production — something that that some argue runs contrary to its goal of indexing the world’s information because it puts it in competition with web publishers — we’re left to wonder if the Mountain View-based company is losing focus of its core search and advertising businesses.

7月,我们提出了一个问题: Google是否正在压制Yahoo! 路径? 随着Google继续涉足内容制作领域(有些人认为这与索引全球信息的目标背道而驰,因为它使它与网络发布者竞争),我们不得不怀疑这家总部位于山景城的公司是否正在失去关注重点其核心搜索和广告业务。

“Google built itself to be the 33rd biggest company in the world (by market value) — the 10th largest in the US — based almost exclusively on one thing: its dominance of the online advertising market, specifically the search advertising market,” we wrote in July [note: recent market volatility may have changed those market cap standings]. “But recent forays in areas outside of search and into content production and even areas notoriously difficult to monetize have has made me begin to wonder if Google is heading down the ‘kitchen sink’ path that has been so disastrous for Yahoo!”

我们写道:“按市值计算,谷歌已发展成为全球第33大公司-美国第10大公司-几乎完全基于一件事:它在在线广告市场,特别是搜索广告市场的主导地位。” 7月[注:最近的市场波动可能改变了这些市值排名]。 “但是最近在搜索之外,内容制作领域,甚至是众所周知难以盈利的领域的尝试,使我开始怀疑谷歌是否正在沿着对雅虎如此灾难性的'厨房沉没'之路走!”

One of the most ambitious of Google’s content production projects is the original online cartoon show Cavalcade of Comedy. The cartoon shorts, created by Family Guy’s Seth MacFarlane, are distributed over the Google Content Network (the AdSense network) and carry a corporate sponsorship — Burger King for the first ten episodes.

Google内容制作项目中最雄心勃勃的项目之一就是原始的在线卡通节目《喜剧骑兵队》 。 由Family Guy的Seth MacFarlane创作的卡通短裤在Google内容网络(AdSense网络)上分发,并获得企业赞助-前十集都是汉堡王。

So far, GCN has supposedly driven a large amount of traffic to YouTube, where the segments have become instant hits. 115,000 people have signed up for the related YouTube channel, and the most viewed episode has over 6 million views. It drew 14 million streams in its first 3 weeks.

到目前为止,据称GCN已将大量流量吸引到YouTube,在YouTube上,细分市场已成为热门话题。 115,000人注册了相关的YouTube频道 ,观看次数最高的一集有超过600万观看次数。 在最初的三周内,它吸引了1400万个视频流。

As a follow-up to “Cavalcade,” Google soft-launched POPTUB last month. POPTUB is a celebrity gossip video blog distributed on YouTube, and produced by Embassy Row, the production company run by Michael Davies, the creator of “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” and Pepsi (notice the Pepsi logo stealthily hidden in the POPTUB logo). POPTUB hasn’t garnered much attention so far, but Google will begin delivering via their GCN ad network in the near future, which will expand its reach to a few hundred thousand new web sites.

作为“ Cavalcade”的后续行动,Google于上个月软启动了POPTUB 。 POPTUB是在YouTube上发布的名人八卦视频博客,由Embassy Row(由“谁想成为百万富翁”的创建者Michael Davies经营的制作公司)和Pepsi(请注意,百事可乐徽标秘密隐藏在POPTUB徽标中)制作)。 到目前为止,POPTUB尚未引起太多关注,但是Google会在不久的将来开始通过其GCN广告网络进行投放,这将使其覆盖面扩大到数十万个新网站。

“For Seth [MacFarlane], it’s about launching episodes on a weekly basis,” said Alexandra Levy, director of branded entertainment at Google, explained to Reuters. “With ‘POPTUB,’ we’re creating an organic destination on YouTube meant to live there for a longer period.”

Google品牌娱乐总监亚历山德拉·列维(Alexandra Levy) 对路透社说:“对于塞思(MacFarlane)来说,这是每周发布一集。” “借助'POPTUB',我们可以在YouTube上建立一个有机的目的地,以便在该地方居住更长的时间。”

But, is this a path that Google should be heading down?

但是,这是Google 应该走的路吗?

In the case of some of their other forays into content production and publishing (such as Lively and Knol), the answer for me is a resounding, “No!” But for their video production, the answer is a tentative, “yes.”

至于他们在内容制作和发布方面的其他尝试(例如LivelyKnol ),对我来说答案是巨大的,“不!” 但是对于他们的视频制作,答案是暂时的,是的。

YouTube is feeling the pressure from professional content video sites, like Hulu and CollegeHumor, and has begun taking steps to compete in that area, such as posting full-length television shows. As time-shifting television content and consuming it on smaller screens (web, mobile phone, etc.) becomes more common, users are more likely to demand commercial content, and Google needs to find a way to offer it.

YouTube正在感受到来自Hulu和CollegeHumor等专业内容视频网站的压力,并已开始采取措施在该领域竞争,例如发布完整的电视节目 。 随着时移电视内容并在较小的屏幕(网络,移动电话等)上消费电视内容,用户越来越倾向于要求商业内容,而Google需要找到一种方式来提供它。

As Greg Sterling of Search Engine Land correctly pointed out last week, it was on the back of illegally uploaded commercial content that YouTube first rose to its current position of online video dominance. It seems likely that many online video watchers will begin to tire of the amateur hour stuff (notwithstanding the occasional “History of Dance” viral hit), and demand more professionally produced content. YouTube will be placed at a competitive disadvantage going forward if it isn’t able to provide access to the commercial, full length content that users desire.

正如Search Engine Land的Greg Sterling 上周正确指出的那样 ,由于非法上传的商业内容,YouTube首次上升到目前的在线视频主导地位。 许多在线视频观看者似乎很可能开始厌倦业余时间的内容(尽管偶尔会出现“舞蹈史”病毒式的流行),并要求制作更多专业的内容。 如果YouTube无法提供用户所需的商业性完整内容的访问权限,那么它将在未来处于竞争劣势。

Creating original web content is cheap for Google, and it allows them to keep users craving that sort of thing from jumping ship. The GCN is a amazing distribution channel for Google, and it gives them a built in monetization channel as well. Further, Google is supposedly being very selective about what sort of content it will pursue.

对于Google而言,创建原始的Web内容是便宜的,而且它使他们能够使用户避免这种事情发生。 GCN对于Google来说是一个了不起的发行渠道,它也为他们提供了内置的获利渠道。 此外,据称Google在选择什么样的内容方面非常有选择性。

That said, YouTube’s first foray into original content production — the political video blog CitizenTube — appears to have been largely forgotten. So we’ll have to wait-and-see if POPTUB fares any better.

也就是说,YouTube对原始内容制作的首次尝试-政治视频博客CitizenTube-在很大程度上已经被人们遗忘了。 因此,我们必须拭目以待,POPTUB的票价是否会更好。


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