


Blogger Dan Zarrella, who calls himself a “Viral Marketing and Social Media Scientist,” has an interesting report up on his site exploring the ways and types of content people share with each other via the Internet. Zarrella put a preview of the report on the excellent CenterNetworks blog indicating that one of his key findings was that among the most savvy media sharers, humor comes second to news content.

博客作者Dan Zarrella自称为“病毒式营销和社交媒体科学家” ,在他的网站上有一篇有趣的报告,探讨了人们通过Internet彼此共享内容的方式和类型。 Zarrella在出色的CenterNetworks博客上发布了该报告预览,表明他的主要发现之一是在最精明的媒体分享者中,幽默仅次于新闻内容。

That might come as a downer for CenterNetworks author Allen Stern, who has been routinely posting hilarious videos with his take on tech news. But Allen may not have to worry, because there could be a slight flaw in the spin Zarrella put on his report.

对于CenterNetworks的作者艾伦·斯特恩(Allen Stern)来说,这可能是令人沮丧的,他一直在发布带有高科技新闻的搞笑视频。 但是艾伦可能不必担心,因为扎雷拉在报告中提出的自律性可能存在轻微缺陷。

Zarrella surveyed 420 web users gathered via Twitter, blog posts, Craigslist, and email. The majority of his respondents shared content at least once per week and with less than 50-100 people.

Zarrella通过Twitter,博客文章,Craigslist和电子邮件收集了420位网络用户的意见。 他的大多数受访者每周至少分享一次内容,并且与50至100人分享内容。

The most frequently used source of one-to-few content sharing (i.e., sharing with one or just a handful of people) was email, and the most likely sources of content being shared was blogs, followed by mainstream news sites, social news sites, and emails from friends.


Zarrella found that in general, frequent users of sharing technologies like Twitter, social news sites, and forums, tend to share more often and have a farther reach than those who use that type of site less frequently. He also found that frequent users tend to share more news content, while occasional users opt to share more humor content. Could that mean that early adopters are more serious than mainstream users?

Zarrella发现,与使用频率较低的网站的用户相比,通常使用Twitter,社交新闻网站和论坛等共享技术的频繁用户共享的频率更高,影响范围更广。 他还发现,频繁的用户倾向于共享更多的新闻内容,而偶尔的用户则倾向于共享更多的幽默内容。 这是否意味着早期采用者比主流用户更认真?

Those who use social media sharing technologies less frequently also tend to rely more on email and mainstream news sites to find the content they share than do their more social media savvy counterparts. That could indicate that blogs, Twitter, and sites like Digg still don’t have much penetration among mainstream users.

那些使用社交媒体共享技术的频率较低的人,与那些精通社交媒体的同行相比,往往更依赖于电子邮件和主流新闻站点来查找他们共享的内容。 这可能表明博客,Twitter和Digg之类的网站在主流用户中的渗透率仍然不高。

In his CenterNetworks post, Zarrella said his results indicated that news content was more likely to go viral than humor. That might not be true outside of social media sites, though. Zarrella’s report found that prolific sharers (likely early adopters) share more news and non-prolific sharers (likely mainstream users) share more humor, and his report indicated that viral sharing technologies like social media sites, blogs, and Twitter were still the domain of early adopters.

Zarrella在其CenterNetworks帖子中说,他的结果表明新闻内容比幽默更容易传播病毒。 但是,在社交媒体网站之外可能并非如此。 Zarrella的报告发现,多产的分享者(可能是早期采用者)分享更多的新闻,非多产的分享者(可能是主流用户)分享了更多的幽默,并且他的报告表明,社交媒体网站,博客和Twitter等病毒共享技术仍然是早期采用者。

But because so many of his respondents came from Twitter, it might be biased toward the early adopter set, so his overall numbers might be a bit out of whack. Things don’t go truly viral very often without the help of those mainstream sharers. I.e., the ones who still use email and prefer humor content over news. If you’re looking to have something go viral over email — where the mainstream audience plays — you still might have a better shot if it’s humorous.

但是,由于他的这么多受访者来自Twitter,所以它可能会偏向于早期采用者,因此他的总体人数可能有点不合理。 没有这些主流共享者的帮助,事情往往不会真正真正流行。 即,那些仍在使用电子邮件并且偏向于幽默内容而不是新闻的人。 如果您希望通过电子邮件传播一些东西(主流听众会在这里传播),那么如果幽默的话,您可能会有更好的选择。

His report also doesn’t seem to deal at all with video sites like YouTube.


Zarrella’s complete report is available for free on his site (though registration is required) and could be helpful for anyone looking to figure out where to target specific types of content for the best viral impact.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/report-news-more-likely-to-go-viral-than-humor/


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