

This the name of a new advocacy initiative in Australia by contract programmer Kurt Linghor — focusing on open source adoption in the public sector down under.

这是合同程序员Kurt Linghor在澳大利亚提出的一项新的倡导倡议的名称-专注于下层公共部门的开源采用。

The fledgling effort, found online at pm-pc.org, seeks to create online report cards on varying levels of government organizations usage of open source solutions. Linghor hopes to achieve this through conducting interviews with IT managers across these institutions.

可在pm-pc.org上在线找到的新兴工作旨在创建有关政府组织使用开源解决方案的不同级别的在线报告卡。 Linghor希望通过与这些机构的IT经理进行访谈来实现这一目标。

Advocacy has done a great deal of good for the open source community over the years, however, as open source matures and becomes viable enterprise material, we also have to tread carefully. Not quaking in our boots at the feet of massive proprietary vendors, but considering the commercial enterprises we seek to invest in our open source endeavors. As much as it may be unpleasant, it remains an issue of perception and presentation in getting past technical managers to executive buy-in for adoption. How we advocate and inquire impacts how those holding corporate checkbooks react to our solicitations.

多年来,倡导为开源社区带来了很多好处,但是,随着开源的成熟和成为可行的企业材料,我们也必须谨慎行事。 我们不愿为大型专有供应商所困扰,而是考虑要寻求对开源事业进行投资的商业企业。 尽管这可能令人不快,但在使过去的技术经理进入高管层接受以供采用之前,这仍然是感知和陈述的问题。 我们如何倡导和询问会影响那些持有公司支票簿的人对我们的邀请的React。

That said, Linghor comes on a bit strong in his media release announcing the scope of Public Money, Private Code. According to Linghor, the information and systems which run our society should not be at the mercy of peddlers of proprietary software. This may turn off some technical managers who cannot take comments like that to their superiors.

话虽如此,Linghor在其媒体发布中宣布了《公共资金,私人法典》的范围时表现得有些强。 Linghor认为,运行我们社会的信息和系统不应受专有软件销售商的支配。 这可能会关闭一些技术经理,他们无法向上级发表这样的评论。

In fairness, Linghor’s basis for the project is quite sound. He believes the debate is stuck in a total cost of ownership (TCO) debate (true). “It is much more than a monetary issue,” he said. He believes the core issue to continue promoting is the process of peer review of open source software, largely insuring proper revisions for security and vulnerability prevention.

公平地说,Linghor在该项目上的基础很稳固。 他认为,辩论将停留在总拥有成本(TCO)辩论中(true)。 他说:“这不仅仅是金钱问题。” 他认为,继续推动的核心问题是对开源软件进行同行评审的过程,主要是确保对安全性和漏洞预防进行适当的修订。

I am very interested in seeing the reports Linghor develops. This fits in with other organizations studying public sector adoption of open source technology, blogged earlier here.

我对看到Linghor的报告很感兴趣。 这与其他研究公共部门采用开源技术的组织相吻合, 此处早些时候发表了博客

Clearly the adoption rate in government and research will impact commercial adoption as open source solutions are proven enterprise ready. Perhaps Linghor’s effort will catch on and we will see either continental or country-based satellite nodes of Public Money, Private Code, which would begin to establish an ‘open’ research base for all to utilize.

显然,由于开源解决方案已被证明可用于企业,因此政府和研究机构的采用率将影响商业采用。 也许Linghor的努力会继续发展,我们将看到大陆或国家的公共资金私人代码卫星节点,这将开始建立一个“开放的”研究基础,以供所有人使用。

— As a disclaimer (maybe?) I am a proponent of mixed platform integration. In my more than 12 years at all levels of technology, I have yet to see a single platform architecture work properly other than in small web deployments or in networks of 25 systems or less. It is a fact of life that most of us will interact with heterogeneous environments in the course of administration, design and development.

—作为免责声明(也许?),我是混合平台集成的支持者。 在我超过12年的各种技术水平上,除了小型Web部署或25个系统以下的网络之外,我还没有看到一个平台架构能够正常工作。 生活中的事实是,我们大多数人在管理,设计和开发过程中都会与异构环境进行交互。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/public-money-private-code/






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