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这篇赞助文章是由我们的内容合作伙伴BAW Media创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

WordPress has become far and away the most popular website-building platform of them all. It has a wealth of tools to help you design and build a professional-looking portfolio, blog, eCommerce site, or virtually any other type of website.

WordPress已经成为毫无疑问的最受欢迎的网站构建平台。 它具有大量工具,可帮助您设计和构建具有专业外观的产品组合,博客,电子商务网站或几乎任何其他类型的网站。

Nothing is perfect. Even if this remarkable web-building platform comes close, there are certain tools or capabilities it lacks — tools or capabilities that could, for example, give your website an important extra feature, or simply put it on steroids.

没有什么是完美的。 即使这个出色的Web构建平台临近了,它仍然缺少某些工具或功能-例如,这些工具或功能可能使您的网站具有重要的额外功能,或者只是将其放置在类固醇上。

Help, as they say, is just around the corner — in the form of WordPress plugins.


However, there are over 55,000 of them.


Hopefully one or more of the eight premium plugins described in this article addresses a capability you’ve been searching for. In any event, we’re willing to bet that you’d like to take a few of these popular plugins for a spin.

希望本文介绍的八个高级插件中的一个或多个能够解决您一直在寻找的功能。 无论如何,我们愿意打赌您希望尝试其中一些受欢迎的插件。

Sounds like a winner.


1. WordPress的简易网站生成器 (1. Brizy Website Builder for WordPress)

There’s no shortage of good reasons to add the Brizy WordPress plugin to your web design toolkit, but before going into more detail, let’s start with several really good ones.

将Brizy WordPress插件添加到您的网页设计工具包中并没有很多充分的理由,但是在开始更详细的介绍之前,让我们从几个非常好的开始。

  • Brizy is easy to set up, intuitive to use, and makes it easy to start a website design.

  • You can build a page in minutes and no coding is required to do so.

  • Brizy won’t cost you a dime. It’s free to download and use.

    Brizy不会花您一毛钱。 它是免费下载和使用。

If that’s not quite enough to give this premium website-building plugin a try, there’s more. You get more than 500 pre-made blocks, 40 popups, and 150 layouts right out of the box — nice to have if you don’t wish to start from scratch.

如果还不够尝试这个高级网站构建插件,那么还有更多。 您可以立即获得500多个预制块,40个弹出窗口和150个布局-如果您不希望从头开始,那就很高兴。

In addition, the package contains 4,000 icons, all the global colors and fonts you’re ever likely to need, a popup builder, app integration and lead generation options, and plenty of helpful documentation including video tutorials.


Whether you’re a long-time WordPress user or just getting started, Brizy provides extras you’ll wish you had known about earlier.


2. wpDataTables (2. wpDataTables)

The wpDataTables learning curve might not be steep, but it is worth every minute that you have invested in getting familiar with this plugin. That’s because this premium plugin can do so many things for you. It’s also a huge time saver, as you’ll discover if you’ve ever had to organize and manage huge amounts of data, in various formats, and from several sources.

wpDataTables的学习曲线可能并不陡峭,但是值得您花每一分钟来熟悉这个插件。 那是因为这个高级插件可以为您做很多事情。 它还可以节省大量时间,因为您会发现是否曾经不得不组织和管理各种格式,多种来源的大量数据。

Not to worry. The user documentation is highly detailed and easy to follow.

不要担心。 用户文档非常详细,易于遵循。

The wpDataTables plugin enables you to build a website that can easily manage data based on Excel and CSV files, Google spreadsheets, MySQL queries, JSON and XML feed and many more easily.

wpDataTables插件使您可以构建一个网站,该网站可以轻松地管理基于Excel和CSV文件,Google电子表格,MySQL查询,JSON和XML feed的数据,并且更加轻松。

You’ll be able to build editable tables and charts featuring among other topics financial or operational statistics, complex analysis and comparison data, and extensive product catalogs.


Those tables and charts will be easy to understand and responsive, and they can be colorful as well.


3. Logic Hop – WordPress的内容个性化 (3. Logic Hop – Content Personalization for WordPress)

Logic Hop has been one of our favorites for a while now, and the reason is simple: Logic Hop is the best personalization plugin for WordPress — hands down.

一段时间以来,Logic Hop一直是我们的最爱之一,原因很简单:Logic Hop是WordPress最好的个性化插件-放下手。

The nitty gritty? Logic Hop is fully GDPR compliant, it works with and without caching, its support team is truly one of the best, and it will make you more money. What’s not to love?

坚韧不拔? Logic Hop完全符合GDPR的要求,它可以与缓存一起使用,也可以不与缓存一起使用,其支持团队确实是最好的支持者之一,它将为您带来更多的收入。 不去爱的种种?

2020 is shaping up to be the year of content personalization. Why? Savvy marketers and developers are starting to realize its true potential. By personalizing a simple call to action, you can increase conversions and sales by over 200%. This isn’t BS — it’s well documented! And Logic Hop makes it easy to do with integrations for your favorite page builders like Divi, Elementor, and Beaver Builder.

2020年将成为内容个性化的一年。 为什么? 精明的营销人员和开发人员开始意识到其真正的潜力。 通过个性化简单的号召性用语,您可以将转化和销售量提高200%以上。 这不是BS —有据可查! 借助Logic Hop,您可以轻松地将自己喜欢的页面构建器(如Divi,Elementor和Beaver Builder)与集成进行集成。

Don’t sit on the sidelines. Start personalizing today.

不要坐在一边。 从今天开始个性化。

4. StarCat评论 (4. StarCat Reviews)

StarCat Reviews is an all-in-one WordPress Review plugin that meets all your review needs. Create any type of review website easily, including a user-generated review site. You can make good money reviewing products and services on your website.

StarCat Reviews是一个多功能的WordPress Review插件,可以满足您的所有评论需求。 轻松创建任何类型的评论网站,包括用户生成的评论网站。 您可以在网站上查看产品和服务来赚钱。

It includes an advanced review system with Multiple Rating Criteria, Pros & Cons, and Review Replies that can be used in any Post, Page, WooCommerce page or CPT. It also has premium add-ons with more powerful features.

它包括一个具有多个评分标准,优点和缺点以及审阅答复的高级审阅系统,可在任何帖子,页面,WooCommerce页面或CPT中使用。 它还具有具有更强大功能的高级附加组件。

5. Amelia WordPress预订插件 (5. Amelia WordPress Booking Plugin)

Amelia is an enterprise-level appointment and event booking plugin that automatically manages your business’s appointment and event operations from a single platform.


Customers like Amelia because it enables them to make, access, reschedule, or cancel appointments at any time. Employees like Amelia because it matches their work schedules with customer needs without back and forth.

客户之所以喜欢Amelia,是因为它使他们能够随时进行约会,访问,重新安排或取消约会。 员工喜欢Amelia,因为它使工作日程与客户需求相匹配,而不会来回走动。

You’ll love Amelia because it will save you a ton of time and money while making your customers happy.


6. WordPress评论 (6. WordPress Review)

WordPress Review is perfect for setting up a website to review products, books, games, or anything else. Different products often call for different types of reviews — such as circle, star, percentage, thumbs up, and so on. WP Review can also create comparison tables to address multiple products. Features include support for 19 time-saving rich snippets and 16 pre-defined website designs. WordPress Review is compatible with any WordPress theme and is fully integrated with WooCommerce.

WordPress Review非常适合于设置一个网站来审核产品,书籍,游戏或其他任何内容。 不同的产品通常需要不同类型的评论,例如圆形,星形,百分比,竖起大拇指等等。 WP Review还可以创建比较表来处理多种产品。 功能包括支持19个节省时间的丰富网页摘要和16个预定义的网站设计。 WordPress Review与任何WordPress主题兼容,并且与WooCommerce完全集成。

7. Heroic KB –知识库插件 (7. Heroic KB – Knowledge Base Plugin)

A speedy response to a customer’s query is a hallmark of good customer service. Customers also like the ability to get a quick and informative answer to a question — something FAQ pages aren’t always good at providing.

对客户查询的快速响应是良好客户服务的标志。 客户还喜欢快速获得问题信息的能力,而FAQ页面并不总是擅长提供。

Your customers will appreciate the knowledgeable answers and information you can provide 24/7 with help from the Heroic KB knowledge base plugin. Its features include live search, article feedback, and answers based on analysis of actions visitors take while visiting your site.

您的客户将感谢您可以在Heroic KB知识库插件的帮助下为您提供24/7的知识渊博的答案和信息。 它的功能包括实时搜索,文章反馈以及基于对访问者在访问您的网站时所采取的操作的分析得出的答案。

8. 排名数学SEO (8. Rank Math SEO)

Making a website as SEO friendly as possible can be a real hassle. The Rank Math plugin, with its clean and simple interface coupled with a variety of SEO-enhancing features, will get the job done.

使网站尽可能SEO友好可能是一个真正的麻烦。 Rank Math插件具有简洁,简洁的界面以及各种SEO增强功能,可以完成工作。

These include WooCommerce SEO, Automated Image SEO, and a variety of Local SEO options. Rank Math will also assess your website for 40 different SEO factors to help ensure it will be an ecommerce powerhouse.

这些包括WooCommerce SEO,自动图像SEO和各种本地SEO选项。 Rank Math还将评估您的网站上40种不同的SEO因素,以帮助确保其将成为电子商务的强国。

结语 (Wrapping Up)

You’ve just discovered eight top plugins for 2020 — one or more of which you could use to put a new or an existing website on steroids. They provide a lot of features and functionalities. They are lacking in many if not most WordPress themes, including more than a few specialty themes.

您刚刚发现2020年有八个顶级插件,您可以使用其中一个或多个在类固醇上放置一个新网站或一个现有网站。 它们提供了许多功能。 它们缺少许多(如果不是大多数)WordPress主题,包括多个特殊主题。

Don’t hesitate to try one or more of these eight top WordPress plugins. If you feel you could put them to good use, you probably could.

不要犹豫,尝试这八个顶级WordPress插件中的一个或多个。 如果您觉得可以很好地利用它们,则可以。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-plugins-website-supercharge/


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