fedora添加源_Sourcehunt Design四月:如何在您的简历中添加Fedora?


After taking a break in March, we are back with Sourcehunt Design for a little spring cleaning! This month, unlike before, we are going to focus solely on two major league open source projects exclusively: Mozilla and Fedora.

在三月份休息一下之后,我们回到Sourcehunt Design进行Spring大扫除! 与以往不同,本月我们将仅专注于两个主要的联盟开源项目: MozillaFedora

Each project involves a giant of the open source world with a thriving, diverse community and a project team that understands the value of great design. Each project warmly welcomes any new contributor keen to get involved.

每个项目都涉及一个庞大的开放源代码世界,这个社区具有蓬勃发展的多元化社区以及一个了解出色设计价值的项目团队。 每个项目都热忱欢迎任何热衷于参与的新贡献者。

Let’s have a look.


Mozilla社区设计 ( Mozilla Community Design)

Mozilla Community Design

Design at Mozilla has been usually an employee specific field for the Firefox creators. It has always been kind of unofficial for volunteers to do design work, and that most of the times happened when approached directly by employees.

Mozilla的设计通常是Firefox创建者的特定于员工的领域。 志愿者从事设计工作一直是非官方的,大多数情况是由员工直接与他们接触。

However, this has changed in the recent months when the Community Design repo has been introduced. With its inception, both employees and volunteers from Mozilla projects could request design help with projects of theirs or chime in to help other contributors with their requests. I have recently wrote on my blog about the initiative also.

但是,在最近几个月引入社区设计存储库后,情况发生了变化。 从成立之日起,Mozilla项目的员工和志愿者都可以请求自己或自己项目的设计帮助,以帮助其他贡献者。 我最近也在自己的博客上写了关于该计划的信息。

Let’s have a look at this process and how you can get involved in a Mozilla project.


GitHub回购 ( GitHub Repo)

You can find the Mozilla Community Design repo on GitHub, part of the Mozilla organization. You will be greeted with an introduction on how the design processes work. A little below, you will find the template for filing issues, so all needed details are included properly when filing requests.

您可以在GitHub上找到Mozilla社区设计存储库,该库是Mozilla组织的一部分。 您将得到关于设计过程如何工作的介绍。 在下面的内容中,您会找到提交问题的模板,因此在提交请求时会正确包含所有需要的详细信息。

Make sure to check out the tutorial in case you stumble upon any issues (no pun intended).

请确保检查本教程 ,以防万一您遇到任何问题(无双关语)。

GitHub Repo

However, we are going to focus here on contributing to design at Mozilla, not requesting design help, so let’s have a look at a good example of a design issue from Mozilla, which I’ve personally completed recently. The Tranvision team is in need of a logo for their software, which is a translation memory web application created by the French Mozilla community and now maintained by both staff from Mozilla and volunteers.

但是,我们将集中精力在Mozilla上为设计做贡献,而不是请求设计帮助,因此让我们看一下我个人最近完成的有关Mozilla 设计问题的一个很好的例子Tranvision团队需要其软件的徽标,该徽标是由法国Mozilla社区创建的翻译记忆库Web应用程序,现在由Mozilla员工和志愿者共同维护。

Pascal Chevrel has created a very clear brief on how he envisions the logo, yet is also giving enough creative freedom to any designer who wants to take this on. Some back and forth discussions helped resolve the request and the logo can be seen live on the Tranvision website. It’s that simple!

Pascal Chevrel为他如何设计徽标创建了一个非常清晰的简介,同时也为想要使用此徽标的任何设计师提供了足够的创作自由。 一些来回的讨论帮助解决了请求,徽标可以在Tranvision网站上实时看到。 就这么简单!

After you finish a request, chances are you will be asked for the final exported files. Feel free to link to them in the corresponding GitHub issue. However, in true open source fashion, push them also to a new folder in the repo itself (or create a pull request for it). Here is a good example of the Mozilla Netherlands logo I created.

完成请求后,可能会要求您提供最终的导出文件。 随时在相应的GitHub问题中链接到它们。 但是,以真正的开源方式,也将它们也推送到存储库本身中的新文件夹中(或为其创建拉取请求)。 这是我创建的Mozilla荷兰徽标的一个很好的例子。

通讯技术 ( Communications)

Once a month, the Community Design group meets on Vidyo, Mozilla’s organization-wide video-conferencing tool. Everyone is free to join, no matter if already contributed or not. This, in fact, is a very rewarding experience itself, as Mozilla’s Creative Team is usually present as well. The meeting happens every second Thursday of the month, at 5:15 to 6PM UTC. You can find the meeting notes on the meeting’s Etherpad.

社区设计小组每月一次在Mozilla的组织范围内的视频会议工具Vidyo上举行会议。 每个人都可以自由加入,无论是否已做出贡献。 实际上,这本身就是一种非常有意义的体验,因为Mozilla的创意团队通常也会参加。 会议在每月的第二个星期四,UTC时间5:15到6PM举行。 您可以在会议的Etherpad上找到会议记录

Furthermore, there is a very helpful video if you need more help on getting involved in the GitHub repo. Feel free to also add more questions on the Mozilla Discourse if you are stuck at some point.

此外,如果您需要更多帮助来参与GitHub存储库, 则有一个非常有用的视频 。 如果您遇到困难,请随时在Mozilla论述中添加更多问题。

There is also a public Telegram group, where members chat.

还有一个公共电报组 ,成员可以聊天。

谁看你的作品? ( Who’ll see your work?)

  • 10,554 Mozillians (Mozilla Contributors) worldwide

  • localized in 87 languages & lo

  • 18% Browser market share globally

  • over 500 Million downloads on Android


Fedora设计 ( Fedora Design)

Fedora Design

As a popular open source Linux-based operating system, designed to offer a secure and general purpose experience. Fedora is said to be the second-most commonly used Linux distribution, after Ubuntu. There are over a hundred distributions based on Fedora, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)which also sponsors the Fedora Project.Here is a broader overview of what Fedora stands for.

作为流行的基于Linux的开源操作系统,旨在提供安全的通用体验。 据说Fedora是仅次于Ubuntu的第二大常用Linux发行 。 有上百种基于Fedora的发行版,其中包括红帽企业Linux(RHEL) ,后者也赞助了Fedora项目。 这里是Fedora代表什么的更广泛的概述。

Unlike the rather new Community Design initiative at Mozilla, Fedora’s Design processes are rather established for quite some time now. As one of the major Linux distributions, Fedora prides itself on being a FOSS distribution that focuses on innovation and close work with upstream Linux communities. This can be also seen on the Fedora Design team: design processes work completely in the open, with a transparent issue tracker, biweekly meetings, a wiki and similar.

与Mozilla上新的社区设计倡议不同,Fedora的设计过程已经建立了相当长的一段时间。 作为主要的Linux发行版之一,Fedora以成为FOSS发行版而自豪,该发行版专注于创新和与上游Linux社区的紧密合作。 在Fedora设计团队中也可以看到这一点:设计流程完全公开进行,并具有透明的问题跟踪器,每两周一次的会议,一个Wiki等。

However, it is to be noted that Fedora officially uses Free/ Open Source Software for their design needs as well. That means that instead of Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, GIMP or Inkscape is used for all design related tasks. This is not a strict requirement though in the beginning, as the Fedora Design team is welcoming new contributors and assists them to get involved. Eventually, you will use GIMP and/or Inkscape in this process, though. I myself am a contributor at the Fedora Design Team, which helped me improve my Inkscape skills as well. Don’t be afraid to give it a try!

但是,应该指出的是,Fedora也出于其设计需求而正式使用免费/开源软件。 这意味着GIMP或Inkscape代替了Adobe Photoshop或Illustrator,用于所有与设计有关的任务。 尽管从一开始,这并不是一个严格的要求,因为Fedora Design团队欢迎新的贡献者并协助他们参与进来。 最终,您将在此过程中使用GIMP和/或Inkscape。 我本人是Fedora设计团队的一名贡献者,该团队也帮助我提高了Inkscape技能。 不要害怕尝试一下!

Fedora帐户系统(FAS) ( Fedora Account System (FAS))

The Fedora Account system is the organization-wide authentication system for everything Fedora. With a single account, you get access to all internal Fedora services and platforms (it’s also based on free and open source software, so you don’t need to worry about your privacy or security should you decided to disable your account at some point). Feel free to create one on the FAS website for the next steps.

Fedora帐户系统是所有Fedora的组织范围内的身份验证系统。 通过一个帐户,您可以访问所有内部Fedora服务和平台(它也基于免费和开源软件,因此,如果您决定在某个时候禁用帐户,则无需担心您的隐私或安全性) 。 随时在FAS网站上创建一个以进行下一步。

维基 ( Wiki)

The first resource you should look up, is the Fedora Design Team wiki page. Here you will find everything you need to get started in various contribution areas, including web design, mockups, artworks stickers and more.

您应该查找的第一个资源是Fedora Design Team Wiki页面 。 在这里,您会找到在各个贡献领域入门所需的一切,包括网页设计,模型,艺术品贴纸等。

One of the most interesting projects (to me at least) is Fedora Badges. ‘Badges’ is a playful rewarding system, which recognizes active Fedora contributors for certain tasks. The more tasks you complete within the Fedora Project, the more Badges you receive.

Fedora Badges是最有趣的项目之一(至少对我而言)。 “徽章”是一个有趣的奖励系统,它可以为某些任务认可活跃的Fedora贡献者。 您在Fedora项目中完成的任务越多,收到的徽章就越多。


That being said, designing badges is a great low entry contribution path to Fedora Design. If you want your designs to be part of the 2nd most used Linux distributions, you should probably start here, with Badges.

话虽如此,设计徽章是Fedora Design的一个低门槛贡献之路。 如果您希望您的设计成为第二大最常用的Linux发行版的一部分,则可能应该从Badges开始。

To kick off, check out the Badges Tracker which advises you where to go next. The design resources are also extremely helpful (I find myself constantly coming back here), however, you should have a look at the Badge style guide first, before you get your hands dirty.

要开始,请查看“ 徽章跟踪器” ,它会为您提供下一步建议。 设计资源也非常有帮助(我发现自己经常回到这里),但是,在弄脏手之前,您应该先阅读徽章样式指南

Choose a badge to redesign.

Grab one of the badge templates and start composing your new artwork based on the requirements of the badge. For example, here is a proposal of a badge I designed, which will be given to Fedora contributors who are part of at least 2 groups in the community. Pandas in Black, you get the idea.

抓住其中一个徽章模板,并根据徽章的要求开始撰写新作品。 例如,这是我设计的徽章的提案,将被颁发给社区中至少两个组的Fedora贡献者。 黑色的熊猫,您明白了。

通讯技术 ( Communications)

The Fedora Design Team holds biweekly meetings on freenode.net IRC on the #fedora-design channel at 1PM UTC. Feel free to pass by also when there is no meeting.

Fedora设计团队在UTC下午1点在#fedora-design频道的freenode.net IRC上每两周举行一次会议。 如果没有会议,请随时通过。

The mailing list is also often used, so make sure to join there as well.


谁看你的作品? (Who’ll see your work?)

  • Fedora currently has 4.5million installs across 87 countries (estimated)

  • Av. Daily installs: 110,000 (estimated)

    平均 每日安装:110,000(估计)
  • Sponsored by Red Hat, first $2 Billion open source company

    由Red Hat赞助,这是一家市值20亿美元的开源公司

狐狸和帽子 ( Of Foxes & Hats)

Lost cat sign on a tree

Contributing and leaving a mark on globally important projects like Mozilla or Fedora is definitely something to tell your mom about. Understandably, it’s not as straightforward as other smaller open source projects we covered, but it’s definitely worth it in the end.

在Mozilla或Fedora等全球重要项目上做出贡献并留下深刻的印象绝对是要告诉您的妈妈。 可以理解,它不像我们介绍的其他较小的开源项目那样简单,但是最后绝对值得。

If you are interested in giving it a try, feel free to reach out to me as well; I’d be happy to help!

如果您想尝试一下,也可以随时与我联系; 我很乐意为您服务!

What excites you most from these opportunities?


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sourcehunt-design-april/






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