


Last week we wrote about an interesting study from Compete that found that Yahoo! actually bests Google in paid search when you look at percentage of paid referrals vs. total referrals. The data, though, as we pointed out, actually indicates that the end user search experience on Yahoo! is worse than on Google.

上周,我们写了一篇来自Compete的有趣研究,发现Yahoo! 当您查看付费推荐与总推荐的百分比时, 实际上 在付费搜索方面 要比 Google更好。 但是,正如我们指出的那样,该数据实际上表明了Yahoo!上的最终用户搜索体验。 比在Google上差。

The reason is that there are two types of searches. The type where you want to page through results and find detailed information about a topic, and the type where you want an instant, specific answer. At the first type of search, some might argue that big three search engines — Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft Live — perform more or less equally. But for the latter variety of searches, Google appears to be the clear leader.

原因是有两种类型的搜索。 您想要翻阅结果并查找有关主题的详细信息的类型,以及想要即时获得特定答案的类型。 在第一种搜索类型中,有些人可能会争辩说,三大搜索引擎(Google,Yahoo!和Microsoft Live)的表现大致相同。 但是对于后一种搜索,Google显然是领先者。

The search engines provide those instant answers by becoming publishers of information rather than just indexers and organizers. For example, as we noted in our post last week, a search for [ounces in a shot] on Google returns a result from the built in unit conversion calculator: “1 shot = 1.5 US fluid ounces”

搜索引擎通过成为信息的发布者而不只是索引器和组织者来提供那些即时答案。 例如,正如我们上周在帖子中所指出的那样,在Google上搜索[ 一枪中的盎司 ]会返回内置单位转换计算器的结果:“ 1枪= 1.5美国流体盎司”

This type of search is almost impossible to monetize, because a user who has an instant answer has is almost certainly not going to click on an advert. But, it stands to reason that the better a search engine delivers answers for these “instant information” type searches, the more likely users are to return to that search engine for the more easily monetizable broad information searches.

这种搜索几乎不可能从中获利,因为拥有即时答案的用户几乎肯定不会点击广告。 但是,有理由认为,搜索引擎为这些“即时信息”类型的搜索提供的答案越好,用户越有可能返回该搜索引擎进行更容易货币化的广泛信息搜索。

Google has a ton of these built in search tools. Users can get instant answers from Google on the weather, stock quotes, sports scores, currency conversions, maps, flight status, dictionary definitions, and more. Both Yahoo! and Microsoft are playing catch up, but each also now offers an impressive list of their own instant information search tools.

Google有很多内置的搜索工具 。 用户可以从Google获得有关天气,股票报价,体育比赛成绩,货币换算,地图,航班状态,字典定义等的即时答案。 两者都是Yahoo! 和Microsoft正在追赶,但现在每个人都提供了自己的即时信息搜索工具的令人印象深刻的列表。

Yahoo!’s list is actually arguably more impressive that Google’s in many ways. Their “search shortcuts” can do almost everything Google’s tools can, as well as deliver additional information like gas prices and traffic conditions. Shortcuts, as they’re called on Yahoo!, generally stand out less in SERPs than the instant information results do on Google — which could contribute to the public perception that Google does a better job at providing instant information.

实际上从许多方面来说雅虎的名单可以说比Google印象深刻 。 他们的“搜索快捷方式”几乎可以完成Google工具所能完成的所有工作,并提供汽油价格和交通状况等其他信息。 正如Yahoo!所称的那样,快捷方式通常在SERP中不如在Google上获得即时信息结果那么引人注目-这可能有助于公众认为Google在提供即时信息方面做得更好。

Microsoft has the longest way to go to catch up to the other two — and that’s evidenced by their distant third, single-digit share of the search market. In a blog post this week, Live Search Product Manager Theo Vachovsky outlined three instant info search tools that Microsoft has turned on right now: traffic information, encyclopedia queries, and horoscopes. They actually work really well — better than similar shortcuts at Yahoo! (Google doesn’t have search tools these areas). A search for [When is the vernal equinox] on Live provides a clear answer via their encyclopedia widget, for example (Friday, March 20, 2009 is the next one). Google and Yahoo! come up empty (though Yahoo! defines it via their dictionary shortcut, and Google points to a Wikipedia page in the top spot that has the answer).

微软拥有追赶其他两个领域的最长的途径-这在它们在搜索市场上遥遥领先的第三个个位数份额中得到了证明。 实时搜索产品经理Theo Vachovsky在本周博客中概述了Microsoft现在已启用的三种即时信息搜索工具:路况信息,百科全书查询和星座运势。 它们实际上工作得很好,比Yahoo!上的类似快捷方式更好。 (Google在这些区域没有搜索工具)。 例如,在Live上搜索[ 春分是何时 ]可以通过其百科全书窗口小部件提供明确的答案(下一个是2009年3月20日,星期五)。 Google和Yahoo! 变成空的(尽管Yahoo!通过其字典快捷方式对其进行了定义,而Google则指向具有答案的顶部的Wikipedia页面)。

Of course, as we said, the way these search engines offer these answer is by publishing content. They’re slowly becoming publishers. Microsoft’s Live Search encyclopedia results are delivered via the Encarta encyclopedia (which they own), for example, while Yahoo!’s dictionary results come from American Heritage, and Google’s sports scores come via STATS, Inc. Those partnerships give automatic top billing in search results to a single company (or to an internal property).

当然,正如我们所说,这些搜索引擎提供这些答案的方式是通过发布内容。 他们正在慢慢成为出版商。 例如,Microsoft的Live Search百科全书结果是通过Encarta百科全书(他们拥有的)提供的,而Yahoo!的词典结果来自American Heritage,而Google的体育成绩是通过STATS,Inc.获得的。结果归于单个公司(或内部财产)。

This is less blatant than Google’s Knol, a Wikipedia-like user generated content site that we wrote about in July, but has more or less the same result of the search engines competing with the sites they index. If Yahoo! can serve gas prices in the top spot of its search results automatically, for example, what happens to sites like GasBuddy.com that rely on search traffic to bring in visitors?

这比Google的Knol更为公然,Knol是我们在7月撰写的类似Wikipedia的用户生成内容的网站,但搜索引擎与它们索引的网站竞争的结果大致相同。 如果雅虎! 可以自动在搜索结果的首位提供汽油价格,例如,依靠搜索流量吸引访问者的GasBuddy.com这样的网站会发生什么情况?

In July, Jeff Jarvis gave some advice to Google about Knol, “Stop before it’s too late. Competing with those you serve — from a position of unbeatable advantage — isn’t just bad business. It’s evil.”

七月,杰夫·贾维斯( Jeff Jarvis )向Google提供了有关Knol的一些建议 ,“不要太晚了。 从无与伦比的优势中与您服务的公司竞争不仅是坏事。 这是邪恶的。”

The same could be said of instant information search tools. What’s your take?

即时信息搜索工具也可以这样说。 你拿什么

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/when-search-engines-become-publishers/






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