dreamweaver8_Dreamweaver 8评论


When I got my review copy of Studio 8, immediately I saved it from that suffocating shrink wrap it came in. The box sure looked nice. The packaging was first rate, much cleaner and more impressive than the MX 2004 packaging. I tossed the box on the couch, grabbed my trusty laptop and set about checking this latest and greatest offering from Macromedia.

当我得到Studio 8的评论副本时,立即将它从令人窒息的热缩包装中保存下来。它的包装盒肯定看起来不错。 该包装是一流的,比MX 2004包装更清洁,更令人印象深刻。 我把盒子扔在沙发上,拿起我可信赖的笔记本电脑,开始检查Macromedia的最新产品。

安装 (Install)

I decided to see what would happen if I installed Studio 8 over Studio MX 2004. I wasn’t sure if this new version would install over, or alongside the old, though I suspected it would install alongside its predecessors, and I was right. Dreamweaver MX 2004 opened right up, no problems. So, just in case you wanted to keep both versions (I can’t think of a reason for such a need, myself), you can do so without conflict. That question answered, I promptly uninstalled Studio MX 2004. See you later, old friend.

我决定看看如果我在Studio MX 2004上安装Studio 8会发生什么。我不确定这个新版本是会安装在旧版本还是旧版本上,尽管我怀疑它会与旧版本一起安装,我是对的。 Dreamweaver MX 2004立即打开,没有问题。 因此,以防万一您想保留两个版本(我自己无法想到有这种需求的原因),您可以做到无冲突。 回答了该问题后,我立即卸载了Studio MX2004。待会儿,老朋友。

The user experience of Dreamweaver 8 is basically the same as its predecessor. Users of the previous version of Dreamweaver will have no trouble jumping right in to version 8. The panels are all about the same, located in the same place, and the toolbars and tabs are the same. Just looking at the app, version 8 is very much like MX 2004, but that’s where the similarities end. Under the hood, Dreamweaver 8 is a whole new beast.

Dreamweaver 8的用户体验与其前身基本相同。 以前版本的Dreamweaver的用户可以轻松进入版本8。面板全部相同,位于同一位置,工具栏和选项卡也相同。 仅看一下应用程序,版本8就非常类似于MX 2004,但这就是结束相似之处的地方。 在引擎盖下,Dreamweaver 8是全新的野兽。

改进措施 (Improvements)

Dreamweaver 8 brings a lot to the table. First and foremost, for the developer, this installment brings Dreamweaver as close to a coders’ IDE as it’s ever been (it’s been pretty far from a coders IDE for a while now) — closer than I had hoped it would be, in fact. We’ve got features we lost ("we" meaning users of ColdFusion Studio 5) and new features, all of which help those of us who don’t want a WYSIWYG editor, to write better code, faster.

Dreamweaver 8带来了很多好处。 首先,对于开发人员而言,这一部分使Dreamweaver尽可能接近编码器的IDE(一段时间以来,它与编码器的IDE相距很远),实际上比我希望的要近。 我们拥有丢失的功能(“我们”表示ColdFusion Studio 5的用户)和新功能,所有这些功能都可以帮助那些不想使用WYSIWYG编辑器的人更快地编写更好的代码。

Coding Toolbar


The gutter now holds a wealth of handy little widgets that facilitate code collapsing, tag wrapping, comment inserting, select parent tag, and more. Common and helpful tasks have been placed at our fingertips. Here’s the coding toolbar in all its glory:

装订线现在拥有许多方便的小部件,这些部件有助于代码折叠,标签包裹,注释插入,选择父标签等等。 常见而有用的任务已触手可及。 这是所有功能的编码工具栏:


Pasting from Word?


Have you ever received copy from Marketing? From a user with Word? Dreamweaver now has Paste and Paste Special. Never again will you have to deal with first cleaning up Word’s crazy text markup. Simply Paste Special that copy right into place, and choose from a number of options as to how you’d like the formatting to be handled. You want to keep just the paragraph info? Done. Keep font formatting? Done. The options are there: choose what works best.

您是否曾经收到过来自Marketing的副本? 来自使用Word的用户? Dreamweaver现在具有“粘贴”和“特殊粘贴”。 您再也不需要再处理第一次清理Word疯狂的文本标记的问题了。 只需将其粘贴就位,然后直接复制就位,然后从多个选项中进行选择即可选择所需的格式。 您只想保留段落信息? 做完了 保持字体格式? 做完了 有选项:选择最有效的方法。



Now you want to drop a number of preformatted types of comments in to your document. Type your comment, select the type of comment tags it needs to be enclosed in, and viola: it’s done. Need JavaScript "//" comments? They’re there. Need multi line JavaScript "/* */"? No problem. ColdFusion or HTML Comments? Done. VB comments are there, too.

现在,您要在文档中放入许多预格式化的注释类型。 输入您的评论,选择需要包含在其中的评论标签的类型,然后中提琴:完成。 需要JavaScript“ //”注释吗? 他们在那里。 需要多行JavaScript“ / * * /”吗? 没问题。 ColdFusion或HTML注释? 做完了 VB评论也在那里。

The uncomment functionality is nice, too. Select a commented section of code and simply click the "uncomment" button to have the comment tags removed. No longer do you have to delete the opening tag, then go to find the closing tag. This feature is particularly handy when you’re commenting and uncommenting large blocks of code.

取消注释功能也很好。 选择代码中有注释的部分,只需单击“取消注释”按钮即可删除注释标签。 您不再需要删除开始标签,而是去查找结束标签。 当您注释和取消注释大型代码时,此功能特别方便。

Code Collapsing


It’s back! If you’ve been using Homesite (or, heaven forbid, CF Studio) all this time, it never left; but for those of us that moved from CF Studio to Dreamweaver, we’ve missed it.

回来了! 如果您一直都在使用Homesite(或禁止使用CF Studio),那么它将永远不会消失。 但是对于那些从CF Studio转到Dreamweaver的人来说,我们却错过了。

Dreamweaver 8 offers the ability to collapse the selected tag, or simply the selected text. I’ve missed this feature sorely for a long time. <CFSWITCH> blocks, large <CFIF>s, and others are all much easier to manage now that I can collapse entire <CFCASE> blocks.

Dreamweaver 8提供了折叠所选标签或仅折叠所选文本的功能。 我已经很久没有使用此功能了。 现在,由于我可以折叠整个<CFCASE>块,因此<CFSWITCH>块,大型<CFIF>块和其他所有块都易于管理。



Much improved workspace layouts make working in Dreamweaver 8 very easy. Previous versions offered either "Coder" or "designer" layouts, and that was pretty much that. Dreamweaver 8 ships with four predefined layouts, but you’re not bound to those: you can customize the layout to suit your own specific needs, and save it as your own. This feature truly rocks — you can have your panes, panels, etc., all exactly where you want them. The built-in dual screen workspace is great, and making it suit my likes and dislikes is easy. The things I want are right where I want them, and they stay there, even when I close Dreamweaver and reopen it later.

改进的工作区布局使在Dreamweaver 8中的工作变得非常容易。 以前的版本提供“编码器”或“设计器”布局,这差不多就可以了。 Dreamweaver 8附带了四个预定义的布局,但您不必受限于这些布局:您可以自定义布局以适合自己的特定需求,并将其另存为自己的布局。 此功能确实令人难以置信-您可以将窗格,面板等完全放在所需的位置。 内置的双屏幕工作区非常棒,并且很容易适应我的喜好。 我想要的东西就在我想要的地方,并且即使在我关闭Dreamweaver并在以后重新打开它时,它们也停留在这里。

The reference materials from O’Reilly have also been updated. New content for XML, XSLT, and Xpath have been added, and the materials for JSP and ASP have been overhauled. ColdFusion 7 and PHP 5 are now supported, as well. I don’t write much PHP at the moment, but I’m told the server behaviors and PHP 5 references are truly great!

O'Reilly的参考资料也已更新。 已添加XML,XSLT和Xpath的新内容,并对JSP和ASP的材料进行了全面修订。 现在也支持ColdFusion 7和PHP 5。 目前我并没有写太多PHP,但是有人告诉我服务器行为和PHP 5参考确实很棒!

Tag Completion


Last but certainly not least, one of my favorite improved features in Dreamweaver 8 is the tag completion functionality. I know: it’s not very sexy. But this incarnation of tag completion is absolutely great in my opinion. The last Dreamweaver version’s tag completion was atrocious — to say the least! I had to disable it completely. As soon as you closed the opening tag ">", the closing tag would appear, which was very annoying when working with tables or when you’re adding a tag to existing code that the tag will wrap around.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,Dreamweaver 8中我最喜欢的改进功能之一是标签完成功能。 我知道:不是很性感。 但是在我看来,标签完成的这种化身绝对是很棒的。 Dreamweaver的最后一个版本的标签完成非常糟糕-至少可以说! 我不得不完全禁用它。 一旦关闭了开始标记“>”,就会出现关闭标记,当使用表或将标记添加到该标记将要环绕的现有代码中时,这很烦人。

This new approach to tag completion keeps tabs on the tags you open and, as you start the "</", it will close the appropriate tag for you. I know, it’s a small feature, but it makes coding just a little bit easier. It’s not perfect by any stretch, but it’s still pretty smart. Dealing with conditional logic can sometimes trick the tag completion tool, making it want to close a tag that, strictly speaking, doesn’t need closing. Still, it’s better than what was there before, and that’s always good.

这种完成标签的新方法会在打开的标签上保留标签,并且在启动“ </”时会为您关闭适当的标签。 我知道,这是个小功能,但它使编码稍微容易一些。 它一点也不完美,但是仍然很聪明。 处理条件逻辑有时可能会诱骗标签完成工具,从而使其想要关闭严格来说不需要关闭的标签。 不过,它比以前的要好,而且总是很好。

新的东西 (New Stuff)



Dreamweaver offers great new support for CSS. The unified CSS panel puts all aspects of using, learning, and mastering CSS into one panel. It’s now very easy to understand visually how styles cascade for a selected element. The rendering of styles is also vastly improved in Dreamweaver 8, which even goes so far as to support advanced CSS like pseudo-elements, and overflow. MX 2004 had some CSS functionality, but this new CSS panel is such an improvement that I consider it a brand new feature.

Dreamweaver为CSS提供了很棒的新支持。 统一CSS面板将使用,学习和掌握CSS的所有方面都整合到一个面板中。 现在,很容易从视觉上理解所选元素的样式如何级联。 在Dreamweaver 8中,样式的渲染也得到了极大的改进,甚至可以支持伪元素和溢出等高级CSS。 MX 2004具有一些CSS功能,但是这个新CSS面板是一种改进,我认为它是一个全新的功能。

The new tie-in with comparison utilities lets you directly tie Dreamweaver to a host of popular code comparison tools, like Beyond Compare, Araxis Merge, and more. Right from within the Files panel, you can compare your file with the version on the testing server. During file gets and puts, Dreamweaver will alert you if the files don’t match, allowing you to open the merge tool before Dreamweaver completes the task.

新的带有比较实用程序的插件使您可以将Dreamweaver直接绑定到许多流行的代码比较工具,例如Beyond Compare,Araxis Merge等。 在“文件”面板中,您可以将文件与测试服务器上的版本进行比较。 在文件获取和放置期间,如果文件不匹配,Dreamweaver会警告您,允许您在Dreamweaver完成任务之前打开合并工具。

Background File Transfer


Ever configure a site so that the remote site was an ftp site somewhere? Did you ever save a file and have to wait while Dreamweaver uploaded it to wherever you had set up the remote site? Not any more! Dreamweaver now offers background file transfer:

是否曾经配置过一个站点,以使远程站点是某个地方的ftp站点? 您是否曾经保存过文件,而Dreamweaver将其上传到设置了远程站点的任何位置,都需要等待吗? 不再! Dreamweaver现在提供了后台文件传输:


Hit "save" and keep on truckin’ — Dreamweaver will transfer the file while you work. There’s no more waiting for each file to upload before you can get back to that all-important code. Gets and Puts are much easier now that you can start the process and continue working. Sorry, you no longer have an excuse to check email and chat with the guy in the next cube while Dreamweaver puts your files on the remote server. Here’s the file activity log:

点击“保存”并继续进行交易-Dreamweaver将在您工作时传输文件。 您无需再等待每个文件的上载,便可以返回到最重要的代码。 现在您可以开始该流程并继续工作,因此获取和投入变得更加容易。 抱歉,当Dreamweaver将文件放在远程服务器上时,您不再有借口检查电子邮件并与下一个多维数据集中的家伙聊天。 这是文件活动日志:

完美吧? (Perfect, Right?)

This new Dreamweaver has one major thing going against it: an issue that has been the bane of Dreamweaver users for as long as I’ve been using it.


Dreamweaver continues to be a resource hog. It continues to consume large amounts of system memory. With only a few files open, Dreamweaver uses about 60MB of system memory. That’s not really a big deal on today’s RAM laden machines, but nonetheless, the program is a RAM gobbler all the same. Eclipse, for example, it uses much less RAM with just as many files open. I realize that’s not exactly an apples to apples comparison, but still… 60MB?

Dreamweaver仍然是资源浪费。 它继续消耗大量的系统内存。 仅打开少量文件,Dreamweaver会使用大约60MB的系统内存。 在当今装有RAM的计算机上,这并不是什么大不了的事情,但是尽管如此,该程序还是RAM吞噬者。 例如,Eclipse使用更少的RAM,打开的文件数量也一样多。 我意识到这并不完全是苹果与苹果的比较,但是……60MB?

That said, Dreamweaver 8 is most definitely worth the upgrade. The feature set is nice, and the stability is good. There’s really nothing about this latest version of Dreamweaver that isn’t attractive. If you’re a developer, you’ll be pleased to hear that, with version 8, Dreamweaver is finally a tool that’s worthy of a developer. If you’re a designer, it’s still a great design tool, made even better by its much improved CSS handling functionality, which makes it that much easier to design a cross browser compatible, CSS enabled web site with very little effort. It definitely helped traverse my own CSS learning curve. If I were a movie reviewer I’d give Dreamweaver 8 two thumbs up!

也就是说,Dreamweaver 8绝对值得升级。 功能集不错,稳定性也不错。 最新版本的Dreamweaver确实没有什么吸引人的地方。 如果您是开发人员,您会很高兴听到版本8,Dreamweaver最终是值得开发人员使用的工具。 如果您是设计师,它仍然是一个出色的设计工具,它通过大大改进CSS处理功能而变得更加出色,这使设计与跨浏览器兼容且启用CSS的网站变得非常容易。 它无疑有助于遍历我自己CSS学习曲线。 如果我是电影评论家,我会给Dreamweaver 8两个大拇指!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/dreamweaver-8-review/






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