ict中的it和ct_ICT.Social – IT专业人员的社交网络


ICT.social is an international social platform for IT professionals to gather around and resolve programming queries by providing solutions. The platform hosts a large number of databases including online courses (free and paid versions) and articles related to programming and IT sector.

ICT.social是一个国际性的社交平台,IT专业人员可以通过提供解决方案来收集和解决编程查询。 该平台托管大量数据库,包括在线课程(免费和付费版本)以及与编程和IT部门相关的文章。


The best part?


ICT.social works as a social media platform for programmers making it the most convenient and interactive platform for sharing and gaining knowledge. It offers a profile page for each member, personal chat option, tagging of members, and other similar features that a social network has.

ICT.social是程序员的社交媒体平台,使之成为共享和获取知识的最便捷和互动的平台。 它提供了每个成员的个人资料页面,个人聊天选项,成员标记以及社交网络具有的其他类似功能。

The platform offers great opportunities for both beginners as well as experienced programmers. Beginners can visit the ICT.social website to gain knowledge and excel in the programming language they love to work with.

该平台为初学者和经验丰富的程序员提供了巨大的机会。 初学者可以访问ICT.social网站,以获取知识并精于他们喜欢使用的编程语言。

For experienced and expert programmers the platform has a lot of stuff to do with them. Like they can share the project they are working on, ask queries related to any issue, learn new courses, solve quizzes to gain more, and discuss topics related to their work.

对于有经验和专业的程序员,平台与他们有很多关系。 就像他们可以共享他们正在从事的项目,询问与任何问题相关的疑问,学习新课程,解决测验以获取更多收益以及讨论与他们的工作有关的主题一样。

Also, the members of the platform can create their portfolio on the website to showcase their achievements and projects they worked on. With the help of ICT.social, many beginner-level have transformed their skills to the pro level and many of them have got jobs.

此外,该平台的成员可以在网站上创建他们的投资组合,以展示他们的成就和所从事的项目。 在ICT.social的帮助下,许多初学者将其技能转变为专业水平,并且其中许多人找到了工作。

What could be more effective than this?


The platform is for all types of programmers who have a great passion for programming and understanding the field of IT. You don’t need to have prior techy skills to join them. If you want to learn it could be a great opportunity for beginners like you.

该平台适用于对编程和IT领域充满热情的所有类型的程序员。 您不需要具备先天的技巧即可加入。 如果您想学习,对于像您这样的初学者来说可能是一个很好的机会。

Benefits of ICT.social


There are a lot of advantages for programmers and code lovers to join ICT.social. Let’s have a look at how the platform is beneficial for its users:

对于程序员和代码爱好者来说,加入ICT.social具有很多优势。 让我们看一下该平台如何为其用户带来好处:

Free To Join


ICT.social is a platform for programmers and IT geeks to impart and gain fresh knowledge on the subject of matter on which they are seeking to learn. Moreover, the platform provides free online courses for beginners to learn and move to a higher scale.

ICT.social是程序员和IT怪才的平台,他们可以在他们寻求学习的主题上传授和获取新知识。 此外,该平台还为初学者提供免费的在线课程,以使其学习并迈向更高的规模。



In addition, the platform also offers some free features like quizzes to improve IQ, portfolio creation for showcasing projects and works of any use, private messages, sample source codes for learning, user profiles, and member tagging to make the platform more interactive and user-friendly.


Articles Library


ICT.social has a large library of articles for its users to stay engaged in what they are learning. Not limited to this, they also post fresh articles daily so their content always remains up to date. Also, they publish new courses very often so users would never feel that they are missing something.

ICT.social拥有大量的文章库,供用户继续从事他们所学的知识。 不限于此,他们还每天发布新文章,因此其内容始终保持最新。 此外,他们经常发布新课程,因此用户永远不会觉得自己缺少什么。



The platform is a social media hub for all the major technologies that are running in the IT sector such as PHP, Java, C#, C++, VB.net, JS, Python, Swift, Kotlin, etc. and many others. Working on as many different technologies would help the user to understand the norms of the IT sector.

该平台是社交媒体中心,用于IT部门中运行的所有主要技术,例如PHP,Java,C#,C ++,VB.net,JS,Python,Swift,Kotlin等。 使用许多不同的技术将有助于用户理解IT部门的规范。



Communication becomes much easier with ICT.social as speed, time, and money can be saved for sharing information around. Learning a new aspect or resolving any error is much quicker on this platform.

借助ICT,社交变得更加容易,因为可以节省速度,时间和金钱来共享信息。 在这个平台上,学习新的方面或解决任何错误要快得多。

Greater Availability


The website is open for communication which means beginners and pro users can communicate with each other anytime. Moreover, the option for answering the question and private messages to resolve query has increased the availability of resources.

该网站开放供交流,这意味着初学者和专业用户可以随时相互交流。 此外,回答问题和私人消息以解决查询的选项增加了资源的可用性。

Creation of Jobs


The best advantage of ICT.social is it enables users to create job opportunities for themselves by learning and excelling as much as they can. Through advancement in technologies job opportunities like web designers and computer programmers have increased.

ICT.social的最大优势在于,它使用户能够通过尽可能多的学习和创造才能为自己创造就业机会。 随着技术的进步,网页设计师和计算机程序员等工作机会也增加了。

Source of Education


ICT.social platform provides new opportunities for further education to improve qualification in IT sector. By learning and gaining experience one can hold a job and still do a degree.

ICT.social平台为继续教育提供了新的机会,以提高IT部门的资格。 通过学习和获得经验,人们可以从事一份工作并且仍然可以获得学位。

So, these were some of the major advantages of joining ICT.social platform and there is no charge for joining the community. It’s totally free to use. Although there are charges for online courses they are worth buying.

因此,这些是加入ICT.social平台的一些主要优势,加入社区无需付费。 它是完全免费的。 尽管在线课程收费,但值得购买。

Also, the community offers many great features for learning as well as sharing knowledge. The team is working hard to help other programmers and coders to learn something which they have passion for.

而且,社区提供了许多学习和共享知识的强大功能。 团队正在努力帮助其他程序员和编码人员学习他们热衷的东西。

Don’t hesitate and join the community if love doing coding and programming. It will be fun learning with excitement. You can also share your valuable knowledge with others and become a tutor.       

如果喜欢进行编码和编程,请不要犹豫并加入社区。 兴奋地学习会很有趣。 您还可以与他人分享您的宝贵知识并成为一名导师。  

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2019/09/ict-social-a-social-network-for-it-professionals.html






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