ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上关闭手机数据

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If you use an iPhone or iPad (Wi-Fi + Cellular) on the go, you probably rely on cellular data for Internet access while away from your home or office. It’s easy to turn cellular data on or off quickly to troubleshoot or save money on your cell bill. Here’s how.

如果您在旅途中使用iPhone或iPad(Wi-Fi +蜂窝网络),则可能在离开家或办公室时依靠蜂窝数据访问Internet。 快速打开或关闭蜂窝数据以排除故障或节省手机账单很容易。 这是如何做。

什么是蜂窝数据? (What Is Cellular Data?)

Cellular data is a term that means connecting to the Internet using a cellular phone network. That means you can access the Internet on the go, away from Wi-Fi. All iPhone models support cellular data, and certain models of iPad labeled “Wi-Fi + Cellular” support it as well.

蜂窝数据是一个术语,表示使用蜂窝电话网络连接到Internet。 这意味着您可以通过Wi-Fi随时随地访问Internet。 所有iPhone型号均支持蜂窝数据,某些标有“ Wi-Fi +蜂窝 ”的iPad型号也支持该数据。

为什么要关闭蜂窝数据? (Why Turn Cellular Data Off?)

Having cellular data available is almost always a good thing, but there are some times when you may want to temporarily turn it off.


One reason to disable cellular data is that many mobile phone plans charge extra for cellular data access, and many measure how much data you use. To save money on your bill, you can turn off cellular data so you don’t accumulate extra charges. (You can also configure which apps can use cellular data and keep track of how much data you use.)

禁用蜂窝数据的原因之一是,许多手机计划对蜂窝数据访问收取额外的费用,并且许多度量您使用多少数据。 为了省钱,您可以关闭手机数据,以免积累额外费用。 (您还可以配置哪些应用可以使用蜂窝数据并跟踪您使用了多少数据。)

If the Wi-Fi signal you frequently use is poor in a certain location, your phone may automatically switch to cellular data for Internet access, and you may not notice, leading to a much higher phone bill than you expected.


For this same reason, some people need to turn off Cellular Data to troubleshoot Wi-Fi connections. With cellular data turned off, you can measure Wi-Fi speed and connectivity accurately, knowing for certain that the device is getting all of its data from Wi-Fi and not a cellular network.

出于同样的原因,某些人需要关闭蜂窝数据以对Wi-Fi连接进行故障排除。 关闭蜂窝数据后,您可以确定设备是从Wi-Fi(而不是蜂窝网络)获取所有数据的,从而可以准确地测量Wi-Fi速度和连接性。

使用控制中心启用或禁用蜂窝数据 (Enable or Disable Cellular Data Using Control Center)

The quickest way to turn on or turn off cellular data is by using Control Center.

打开或关闭蜂窝数据的最快方法是使用Control Center

Control Center is a collection of shortcuts to commonly used tasks, such as adjusting screen brightness, volume, song playback, and more. It also serves as a way to quickly launch features, such as turning on the flashlight or taking a photo.

控制中心是一些常用任务的快捷方式的集合,例如调整屏幕亮度,音量,歌曲播放等。 它还可以用作快速启动功能的方法,例如打开手电筒或拍照。

First, launch Control Center. Here’s how.

首先,启动控制中心。 这是如何做。

  • iPhone X or newer/iPad running iOS 12 or later: Swipe down from the top right of the screen.

    运行iOS 12或更高版本的iPhone X或更高版本/ iPad:从屏幕右上方向下滑动。

  • iPhone 8 or earlier/iPad running iOS 11 or earlier: Swipe up from the bottom of the screen. (Control Center first appeared in iOS 7.)

    iPhone 8或更早版本/运行iOS 11或更早版本的iPad:从屏幕底部向上滑动。 (控制中心首次出现在iOS 7中。)

How to Launch Control Center on iPhone and iPad

Once you do that, Control Center will pop up. Find the circular icon that looks like an antenna with radio waves around it. That is the cellular data icon.

完成后,将弹出“控制中心”。 找到看起来像带有天线的圆形图标。 那是蜂窝数据图标。

  • If the cellular data icon is green, that means cellular data is turned on.

  • If the cellular data icon is gray, it means that cellular data is turned off.


Tap on the icon to turn cellular data on or off, depending on how you’d like it.


Disable Cellular Data using Control Center

With cellular data turned off, your iPhone or iPad must use Wi-Fi to connect to the Internet.


You can also toggle Airplane Mode (the circular icon with the airplane inside) to turn off cellular data from Control Center. Note that Airplane mode also disables Wi-Fi at the same time, although you can turn Wi-FI back on after enabling Airplane mode.

您还可以切换飞行模式 (飞机内部的圆形图标)以关闭控制中心的蜂窝数据。 请注意,尽管您可以在启用飞行模式后重新打开Wi-FI,但飞行模式也会同时禁用Wi-Fi。

使用“设置”应用启用或禁用蜂窝数据 (Enable or Disable Cellular Data Using the Settings App)

Another way to turn on or turn off cellular data is by using Apple’s Settings app, which can usually be found on your Home screen. Launch it by tapping on the gray gear icon.

另一种打开或关闭蜂窝数据的方法是使用Apple的“设置”应用程序,通常可以在主屏幕上找到该应用程序。 通过点击灰色齿轮图标启动它。

Open Settings on iPhone

Once in Settings, find the “Cellular” option and tap on it.


Cellular option on iOS

In the Cellular menu, locate the “Cellular Data” switch at the top. Tap on the switch to toggle it on or off. When cellular data is enabled, the switch will slide to the right and appear green.

在“蜂窝”菜单中,找到顶部的“蜂窝数据”开关。 点击开关以将其打开或关闭。 启用蜂窝数据后,该开关将向右滑动并显示为绿色。

You can also control roaming data from here. Tap “Cellular Data Options” to find these settings. For example, you could disable cellular data roaming when traveling internationally to protect yourself from extra fees, depending on your cellular plan.

您也可以从此处控制漫游数据。 点击“蜂窝数据选项”以找到这些设置。 例如,您可以在国际旅行时禁用蜂窝数据漫游,以保护自己免受额外费用的影响,具体取决于您的蜂窝计划。

Cellular Data Switch

If you turned off Cellular data, remember to turn it back on again (by repeating the steps above) when going out away from Wi-Fi. Otherwise, some Internet-connected apps, such as Messages and Mail, may not work as expected.

如果您关闭了蜂窝数据,请记住在离开Wi-Fi时再次将其重新打开(通过重复上述步骤)。 否则,某些连接到Internet的应用程序(例如消息和邮件)可能无法按预期运行。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/664574/how-to-turn-off-cellular-data-on-an-iphone-or-ipad/

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