使Windows 7或Vista Explorer中的Backspace像XP一样上升

One of the biggest annoyances for those going straight from XP to Windows 7 is that the backspace key no longer moves you Up a folder like it used to—now it moves you Back in the folder browsing history.

从XP到Windows 7的用户最大的烦恼之一是,退格键不再像以前那样将您上移至一个文件夹-现在它使您在文件夹浏览历史记录中向后移动。

If you’ve used the key a couple of times, you might think I’m wrong—but you can easily test it out by going into one subfolder, then hitting Back, then going into another subfolder and hitting Back, then going into a third subfolder and hitting Back twice. You’ll end up in the previous subfolder.

如果您几次使用过密钥,您可能会认为我错了,但是您可以通过以下操作轻松地对其进行测试:进入一个子文件夹,然后按Back,然后进入另一个子文件夹并按Back,然后进入第三子文件夹,然后按两次Back。 您将最终进入上一个子文件夹。


If you want to go Up a folder in either Windows 7 or Vista, you can use the Alt+Up shortcut key, which will always go to the parent folder.

如果要在Windows 7或Vista中转到文件夹,则可以使用Alt + Up快捷键,该快捷键将始终转到父文件夹。

The Awesome AutoHotkey Fix


Now that we know the shortcut key that actually works in Windows 7, we can use a small script to make it work the way we really want it to. With AutoHotkey installed, create a new script with New –> AutoHotkey Script, and then paste in the following:

现在我们知道了在Windows 7中实际可用的快捷键,我们可以使用一个小脚本使它按我们真正想要的方式工作。 安装AutoHotkey后,使用New –> AutoHotkey Script创建一个新脚本,然后粘贴以下内容:

#IfWinActive, ahk_class CabinetWClassBackspace::   ControlGet renamestatus,Visible,,Edit1,A   ControlGetFocus focussed, A   if(renamestatus!=1&&(focussed=”DirectUIHWND3″||focussed=SysTreeView321))   {    SendInput {Alt Down}{Up}{Alt Up}  }else{      Send {Backspace}  }#IfWinActive

#IfWinActive,ahk_class CabinetWClassBackspace :: ControlGet重命名状态,可见,编辑1,ControlGetFocus聚焦,if(renamestatus!= 1 &&(focussed =“ DirectUIHWND3” || focussed = SysTreeView321)){SendInput {Alt Down} {Up} {Alt上}}其他{发送{Backspace}} #IfWinActive

Thanks for finding this method goes to joeshmoo from the Productive Geek Forums, who tracked it down buried in an AutoHotkey forum thread. We modified the script slightly to make it work for Windows 7.

感谢您发现这个方法, 来自 Productive Geek论坛的 joeshmoo ,他在 AutoHotkey论坛主题 中进行了追踪 我们对该脚本进行了一些修改,以使其适用于Windows 7。

How Does This Work?


Ordinarily you can simply re-map the key with a Backspace::!{Up} type of deal, but since the backspace key is useful in the search box, location bar, and when you’re renaming files, you can’t just do a simple mapping—instead you have to check to see which control is active before sending the alternate Alt+Up key combination.

通常,您可以简单地使用Backspace ::!{Up}类型的交易来重新映射密钥,但是由于Backspace键在搜索框,位置栏中以及重命名文件时非常有用,因此做一个简单的映射-而是在发送备用Alt + Up组合键之前,您必须检查一下哪个控件处于活动状态。

The first line with the #IfWinActive tells AHK to only activate this shortcut key override if Windows Explorer is the active window, which helps fix any possible conflicts in other applications.

如果Windows Explorer是活动窗口,则带有#IfWinActive的第一行告诉AHK仅激活此快捷键替代,这有助于修复其他应用程序中的任何可能的冲突。

The ControlGet and ControlGetFocus lines do the actual work of checking the status of the controls, and then depending on whether they are focused or you are in the process of renaming a file, it either sends the alternate Alt+Up or just sends the regular Backspace key.

ControlGet和ControlGetFocus行执行检查控件状态的实际工作,然后根据它们是否集中焦点或您是否正在重命名文件来发送替代Alt + Up或仅发送常规Backspace键。

Download a Pre-Made Application to Make Backspace Work like XP


Since the majority of you probably aren’t familiar with AutoHotkey, and don’t have any interest in how the scripts work, I’ve put together a customized version of the script as a tiny little executable that will run in the background.


It doesn’t take a ton of memory, as you can see in the screenshot.



To install HTGBack, just download, extract, and then create a shortcut in the shell:startup folder:



Double-click on the executable, and your Backspace key should start working like it used to in XP. Note that we only tested this on Windows 7, but assume it will work for Vista as well.

双击可执行文件,您的Backspace键应开始工作,就像在XP中一样。 请注意,我们仅在Windows 7上对此进行了测试,但假定它也适用于Vista。

Download HTGBack XP-Style Backspace Key

下载HTGBack XP样式退格键

This utility is licensed under the don’t-be-stupid license, which says that you can use it, distribute it, and pretty much do whatever you feel like with it—just give us credit by linking back to this post.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/8955/make-backspace-in-windows-7-or-vista-explorer-go-up-like-xp-did/





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