



If the Gmail scare earlier this week has you thinking about backing up your Gmail or other web-based email account, we’re here to help. Read on to learn how to backup your web-based email using open source email application Thunderbird.

如果本周初的Gmail恐慌使您想考虑备份您的Gmail或其他基于Web的电子邮件帐户,我们将为您提供帮助。 继续阅读以了解如何使用开源电子邮件应用程序Thunderbird备份基于Web的电子邮件。

In case you missed it, earlier this week Gmail suffered an unusual series of glitches that led to 0.02% of Gmail users finding their inboxes totally empty. The good news is that the glitch was fixed and no actual data was lost (they restored the missing email from tape backups that were unaffected by the issue). While that’s wonderful nobody lost any important emails it’s also very unsettling. Not every “Oops, we lost your data!” scenario ends so well. Today we’re going to walk you through backing up your email using the free and robust open-source application Thunderbird.

万一您错过了它,本周早些时候,Gmail 经历了一系列异常事件 ,导致0.02%的Gmail用户发现其收件箱完全为空。 好消息是,该故障已得到解决,并且没有丢失实际数据(它们从不受该问题影响的磁带备份中恢复了丢失的电子邮件)。 尽管这太棒了,但是没人丢失任何重要的电子邮件,这也非常令人不安。 并非每个“糟糕,我们都会丢失您的数据!” 场景结束得很好。 今天,我们将引导您使用免费且强大的开源应用程序Thunderbird备份电子邮件。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)


You won’t need much for this tutorial, just a few minutes to set it up and the following:


For this tutorial we’ll be using Thunderbird for Windows and Gmail. The steps we’ll be guiding you through, however, will work for Thunderbird on any OS and for any web-based email provider which allow you to access your email through a third-party client—in fact, Thunderbird does an excellent job detecting the necessary information just from your email address.

在本教程中,我们将使用Windows和Gmail的Thunderbird。 但是,我们将指导您进行操作的步骤适用于任何操作系统上的Thunderbird以及任何基于Web的电子邮件提供商,这些提供商可让您通过第三方客户端访问电子邮件-实际上,Thunderbird在检测方面表现出色仅从您的电子邮件地址获得必要的信息。

(Enabling Remote Access and Email Server Information)

Depending on the web-based email you’re using you may need to enable access before proceeding. In the case of Gmail, our test service for this tutorials, you’ll need to navigate to Options –> Mail Settings –> Forwarding and POP/IMAP and then toggle the following settings 1. Enable POP for all mail and 2. When messages are accessed with POP keep Gmail’s copy in the Inbox.

根据您使用的基于网络的电子邮件,您可能需要先启用访问权限,然后才能继续。 如果是Gmail(本教程的测试服务),则需要导航至“ 选项”->“邮件设置”->“转发”和POP / IMAP ,然后切换以下设置1.对所有邮件启用POP2.在 收到邮件 时可以通过POP访问,将Gmail的副本保留在“收件箱”中

安装和配置Thunderbird (Installing and Configuring Thunderbird)


Installing Thunderbird is straight forward but there are a few things you may want to consider based on your needs and desire for additional backups. If you’re a Windows user you may consider opting to install Thunderbird portable so that you can have a totally self-contained installation suitable for transferring/backing up to a USB drive. Also, depending on which backup service you use and how much space you have, you might consider installing Thunderbird to your Dropbox (or similar service) directory so that your local backup will also be stored remotely.

安装Thunderbird很简单,但是根据您的需要和其他备份的需求,您可能需要考虑一些事项。 如果您是Windows用户,则可以考虑选择安装Thunderbird便携式计算机,以便您可以进行完全独立的安装,适合于传输/备份到USB驱动器。 另外,根据您使用的备份服务以及所拥有的空间,您可能会考虑将Thunderbird安装到Dropbox(或类似服务)目录中,以便本地备份也将被远程存储。

If you’re satisfied with a local backup (or your backup service nabs your entire drive at one time) go ahead and proceed with the installation without any modifications.


After running Thunderbird for the first time, navigate to Tools –> Account Settings and then click on Account Actions (located in the lower left corner).

首次运行Thunderbird后,导航至“ 工具”->“帐户设置” ,然后单击“ 帐户操作” (位于左下角)。


Fill in your username and password then click continue. For a significant number of web-mail providers Thunderbird will auto-populate the server information (courtesy of the Mozilla ISP Database) as seen in the screenshot below. We’re going to switch from the default of IMAP to POP. If you were planning on using Thunderbird as your daily email client, IMAP would be a vastly superior choice (IMAP allows you to work with email like a remote access file share instead of downloading it to your local machine). For our archiving purpose, however, POP is a superior choice as it will easily and with no fuss download all the old email messages (not just the new ones). If you find yourself wanting to use Thunderbird as a full time client, you can easily switch back to IMAP once you have an archive of your old emails.

填写您的用户名和密码,然后单击继续。 对于大量的Web邮件提供商,Thunderbird将自动填充服务器信息(由Mozilla ISP数据库提供),如下面的屏幕快照所示。 我们将从默认的IMAP切换到POP。 如果您打算将Thunderbird用作日常电子邮件客户端,则IMAP将是一个绝佳选择(IMAP允许您像处理远程访问文件共享一样处理电子邮件,而不是将其下载到本地计算机上)。 但是,出于存档目的,POP是一种上乘的选择,因为POP可以轻松下载所有旧电子邮件(而不仅仅是新电子邮件),而不必大惊小怪。 如果您发现自己想将Thunderbird用作全职客户端,则在拥有旧电子邮件的存档后,可以轻松地切换回IMAP。


Click Create Account and you’re in business. Thunderbird will authenticate your account against the server and warn you if the authentication fails. Baring that, you’ll find yourself back at the Account Settings screen.

点击创建帐户 ,您就可以开展业务。 Thunderbird将根据服务器对您的帐户进行身份验证,并在身份验证失败时警告您。 除此之外,您将回到“ 帐户设置”屏幕。

While we’re still in the Account Settings screen we need to check a few very important settings before leaving. Click on Server Settings under your account login name on the left hand side of the window. We need to make a few adjustments here. Change the Check for new messages every 10 minutes setting to 1 minute. For the initial download we need the frequency of checks really high. Also make sure Leave messages on server is checked and uncheck For at most… and Until I delete them.

当我们仍然在“ 帐户设置”屏幕中时,我们需要在离开之前检查一些非常重要的设置。 单击窗口左侧您的帐户登录名下方的“ 服务器设置” 。 我们需要在这里进行一些调整。 将“ 每10分钟检查一次新邮件”设置更改为1分钟 。 对于初始下载,我们需要非常高的检查频率。 还要确保选中“在服务器上保留消息”,然后取消选中“最多...”和“ 直到我删除它们”


Before we leave the configuration stage, click on the Junk Settings at the top of the left hand column and uncheck Enable adaptive junk mail controls…, the Thunderbird spam filtering is great when you’re using it as a primary client but we don’t want it to do anything but a straight download of our messages. Under Disk Space make sure Don’t delete any messages is checked (it should be, by default). This operation is totally backup-oriented. We don’t want Thunderbird getting any wise ideas and deleting anything.

在离开配置阶段之前,请单击左列顶部的“ 垃圾邮件 设置” ,然后取消选中“ 启用自适应垃圾邮件控件…” ,当您将Thunderbird垃圾邮件过滤器用作主要客户端时,它是不错的选择,但我们不这样做希望它除了直接下载我们的消息外,什么都不做。 在“ 磁盘空间”下,确保选中了“不删除任何消息” (默认情况下应选中)。 此操作完全面向备份。 我们不希望雷鸟获得任何明智的想法并删除任何内容。

When you’re done click OK in the corner and return to the main Thunderbird dashboard. If Thunderbird isn’t already downloading email, click Get Mail in the corner to start the process.

完成后,单击角落的“确定”,然后返回主Thunderbird仪表板。 如果Thunderbird尚未下载电子邮件,请单击角落的“ 获取邮件 ”以开始该过程。


At this point everything is on autopilot. Thunderbird will continue to check your email every minute and download new messages bit by bit. Here is one of the quirks of POP downloading, each batch will be roughly 400-600 messages in size. You’ll never see a massive download of all your email at one time. Be prepared, if you have a big account, to leave it running for awhile. In the case of our test account it took 37 batches to download all 17,000+ emails dating back almost a decade.

此时,一切都在自动驾驶仪上。 Thunderbird将继续每分钟检查您的电子邮件,并一点一点下载新消息。 这是POP下载的怪癖之一,每批的大小约为400-600条消息。 您永远不会一次下载所有电子邮件。 如果您的帐户很大,请做好准备让它运行一段时间。 以我们的测试帐户为例,它花费了37批下载了近十年来的所有17,000多封电子邮件。

When the downloading is done you’ll have an up-to-date backup of your Gmail (or other web-based email) account. All you need to do in the future is run Thunderbird to grab the newest emails and update your archive.

下载完成后,您将拥有Gmail(或其他基于网络的电子邮件)帐户的最新备份。 将来您需要做的就是运行Thunderbird来获取最新的电子邮件并更新您的档案。

Have a pressing question about your email or other technological issues? Hit us up for an answer at
对您的电子邮件或其他技术问题有紧迫的问题吗? 请通过 and we’ll do our best to help. ask@howtogeek.com找到我们的答案,我们将竭尽所能。







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