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计算机 难题

计算机 难题


Are you a puzzle geek? Does it relax you to sit down and solve a crossword puzzle, Sudoku puzzle, or word search? If you can’t get enough puzzles to solve, we’ve collected some links to sites that will provide many hours of puzzle-solving fun.

您是拼图迷吗? 它会让您坐下来解决填字游戏,数独谜题或单词搜索吗? 如果您没有足够的谜题来解决,我们已经收集了一些指向网站的链接,这些链接将提供许多小时的解谜乐趣。

竹enny新闻和戴尔杂志 (Penny Press and Dell Magazines)

Penny Press and Dell Magazines bring you 5 new entertaining and thought-provoking puzzles every day. Grab a pencil and print out to solve!

Penny Press和Dell Magazines每天为您带来5个新的娱乐和发人深省的难题。 拿起铅笔并打印出来解决!


ProProfs脑游戏 (ProProfs Brain Games)

There is a free puzzle game available to suit nearly every fancy at ProProfs Brain Games, and you are welcome to play each of them as often as you wish and find out how your score stacks up against scores from people all over the world. Their library is approaching four thousand online puzzles and games, and it is bound to grow as the days go by. Keep checking back for the latest updates and to sample one of their new, exciting free puzzles designed to make learning fun.

ProProfs Brain Games提供了一个免费的益智游戏来满足几乎所有的幻想,欢迎您随心所欲地玩每一种游戏 ,并了解自己的得分如何与来自世界各地的人们的得分相提并论 。 他们的图书馆正在接近四千个在线拼图和游戏,而且随着时间的流逝,它必然会增长。 请继续查看最新的更新,并尝试其中的一个有趣的免费新难题,这些难题旨在使学习变得有趣。

ProProfs has adapted many classic games into interactive free brain games with fun twists: Word search, Crosswords, Memory Games, Typing Games, Sliding Puzzles, Brain Training Games and many more brain teasers, games, puzzles. You can also create your own games.

ProProfs已将许多经典游戏改编为具有趣味性的互动式免费脑游戏: 单词搜索填字游戏记忆游戏打字游戏滑动拼图脑力训练游戏以及更多的脑筋急转弯,游戏,拼图。 您也可以创建自己的游戏


拼图选择 (Puzzle Choice)

Puzzle Choice provides many different types of printable and interactive crosswords from which you can choose plus a daily US style crossword.

Puzzle Choice提供了许多不同类型的可打印和交互式填字游戏,您可以从中进行选择,以及每日的美式填字游戏。

Check out their Word Search puzzles or take a look at the Word Play section for a great choice of anagrams, brainteasers, and other printable word games.


Test your trivia knowledge with a Quiz or give your mind a workout with some original Logic or Number Puzzles.



Thinks.com (Thinks.com)

Thinks.com is the place for family-friendly puzzles and games. Whether you are young or old, Thinks.com offers an incredible collection of free online puzzles and games. Enjoy Sudoku, crossword puzzles and jigsaw puzzles. Play great online games like chess, checkers and even Chinese checkers. Thinks.com will keep you happily entertained for hours.

Thinks.com是适合家庭玩的益智游戏的地方。 无论您是老是小,Thinks.com都会提供大量令人难以置信的免费在线拼图和游戏。 享受数独,填字游戏和拼图游戏。 玩国际象棋,西洋跳棋,甚至中国西洋跳棋等出色的在线游戏。 Thinks.com将使您愉快地享受数小时的娱乐。


填字游戏网络 (The Crossword Network)

The Crossword Network allows you to choose from a selection of Quick, Cryptic and Themed Crosswords. View or even create your own Crosswords in American Style, UK Style and Freeform grids.

填字游戏网络使您可以从快速,隐秘和主题填字游戏中进行选择。 以美式,英式和自由格式网格查看甚至创建自己的填字游戏。

This Online Crossword software does not depend upon a java applet download or a Flash player.

该在线填字游戏软件不依赖于Java小程序下载或Flash Player。

You can also receive the latest crosswords as an RSS feed.

您还可以通过RSS feed接收最新的填字游戏。


FreeInternetPuzzle.com (FreeInternetPuzzle.com)

FreeInternetPuzzle.com is a place to hang out and kill some time with games that are intellectually stimulating. They intend to rapidly grow the collection of puzzles on the site, with the initial focus being on creating a library of crossword puzzles and then expanding out into other types of puzzles.

FreeInternetPuzzle.com是一个玩游戏的地方,可以消磨时间并玩一些具有智力刺激的游戏。 他们打算在网站上Swift增加拼图的种类,最初的重点是创建一个填字游戏库,然后扩展到其他类型的拼图。

Solve the interactive JavaScript crossword puzzles online or use the “Print” or “Print Key” links to get printable versions.



WebCrosswords.com (WebCrosswords.com)

WebCrosswords.com has thousands of crossword puzzles and they’re still adding new ones daily. Their one and only focus is to provide an unlimited number of crosswords to you daily so you can satisfy the rewarding craving to solve crossword puzzles. You can enter your email on the main page to receive one new secret crossword puzzle per week in your email.

WebCrosswords.com有成千上万的填字游戏,并且每天仍在增加新的填字游戏。 他们的唯一重点是每天为您提供无限数量的填字游戏,以便您满足解决填字游戏的渴望。 您可以在主页上输入电子邮件,每周在电子邮件中收到一个新的秘密填字游戏。


FreeCrosswordPuzzles.com.au (FreeCrosswordPuzzles.com.au)

FreeCrosswordPuzzles.com.au was started in 2006, initially just offering an easy and a hard British/Australian style crossword a day. It was quickly expanded to have an easy and a hard cryptic crossword, and then an American style crossword was added.

FreeCrosswordPuzzles.com.au成立于2006年,最初只是每天提供简单而艰苦的英/澳式填字游戏。 它Swift扩展为一个简单而又难以理解的填字游戏,然后添加了美式填字游戏。

Crosswords can also be embedded in your own site if you wish.



填字游戏,单词拼图等 (Crossword Puzzles, Word Puzzles and More)

Crossword Puzzles, Word Puzzles and More uploads at least one word puzzle or crossword each day. These puzzles cannot be completed online; they must be printed. Puzzles are available all the way back to March 2000, although the earlier puzzles may not be of good quality, according to the author. There are also free Word Search puzzles available.

填字游戏,单词拼图等每天最多上传至少一个单词拼图或填字游戏。 这些难题不能在线完成。 必须将它们打印出来。 这组作者说,难题可以一直追溯到2000年3月,尽管较早的难题的质量可能不高。 也有免费的单词搜索难题


BestCrosswords.com (BestCrosswords.com)

BestCrosswords.com offers a variety of online and printable crossword puzzles. All the crossword puzzles on the site are free and play directly in your web browser.

BestCrosswords.com提供各种在线和可打印的填字游戏。 该网站上的所有填字游戏都是免费的,可直接在您的Web浏览器中播放。


Dictionary.com每日填字游戏 (Dictionary.com Daily Crossword)

Dictionary.com offers a free interactive Daily Crossword puzzle that allows you to save your progress, as well as crossword help through their Crossword Solver. They also offer other word games.

Dictionary.com提供了一个免费的互动式每日填字游戏,可让您保存进度,并通过其填字游戏求解器提供填字游戏帮助。 他们还提供其他文字游戏


Bols填字游戏 (Bols Crosswords)

Bolscrosswords.com offers a collection of thousands of free crossword puzzles, adding a new one daily. You can also use their site to help you finish off that vexing crossword puzzle. If you are stuck with a tricky clue, have some missing crosswords letters, or are uncertain if you have a legitimate crosswords answer, their Crossword Solver and Crossword Dictionary Lookup tools are perfect for you.

Bolscrosswords.com提供了成千上万个免费的填字游戏,每天都会添加一个。 您还可以使用他们的网站来帮助您完成那个令人头疼的填字游戏。 如果您遇到棘手的线索,缺少一些填字游戏字母,或者不确定您是否有合法的填字游戏答案,那么他们的填字游戏求解器和填字词典查找工具非常适合您。


填字游戏宫 (Crossword Palace)

Crossword Palace provides hundreds of free, original, printable crosswords and Sudoku puzzles. They try to upload new puzzles every week.

填字游戏宫提供数百个免费的原始可打印填字游戏和数独谜题。 他们尝试每周上传新的拼图。


在线单词搜索 (Online Word Search)

Do you enjoy playing word search games? Then you will definitely want to have a look at Online Word Search.

您喜欢玩单词搜索游戏吗? 然后,您一定会希望看看Online Word Search

Each time you visit the site a new, different puzzle will appear (random auto-selection). To highlight words you find just left-click the mouse in one of the word’s ending squares (first and last letters work equally well) and drag to select the entire word. When you release the left mouse button it will change from blue to a very light gray color. You can also choose the word search puzzle you want to have fun with based on categories.

每次您访问该站点时,都会出现一个新的不同的谜题(随机自动选择)。 要突出显示单词,您只需在单词的结尾正方形之一(第一个字母和最后一个字母效果相同)上单击鼠标左键,然后拖动以选择整个单词即可。 释放鼠标左键时,它将从蓝色变为非常浅的灰色。 您还可以根据类别选择想玩的单词搜索难题。


Web数独 (WebSudoku)

WebSudoku.com offers free, interactive Sudoku puzzles for you to do online, in addition to their interactive Sudoku tutorials. They also provide other variations of Sudoku puzzles, like JigSawDoku, and different types of free picture logic puzzles.

WebSudoku.com除了提供交互式Sudoku教程之外,还提供免费的交互式Sudoku拼图供您在线进行 。 它们还提供了数独难题的其他变体,例如JigSawDoku,以及不同类型的免费图片逻辑难题。

You can download Web Sudoku Deluxe for $14.95, which allows you to play offline and you can create your own Sudoku eBook that contains 8 pages of puzzles and 4 pages of solutions for $1.95.

您可以以$ 14.95的价格下载Web Sudoku Deluxe,可让您离线玩游戏,还可以创建自己的Sudoku电子书,其中包含8页拼图和4页解决方案,价格为1.95美元。


疯狂的爸爸 (KrazyDad)

KrazyDad is a puzzle website and (occasional) blog run by a guy named Jim Bumgardner, who’s also a “senior nerd” at Disney Interactive Labs. There are many types of printable puzzles available for free.

KrazyDad是一个拼图网站,(有时)博客是由一个名叫Jim Bumgardner的人经营的,Jim Bumgardner也是迪士尼互动实验室的“资深书呆子”。 免费提供许多类型的可打印拼图。


洛瓦兹在线拼图 (Lovatts Online Puzzles)

Lovatts Online Puzzles offers both cryptic and standard Crossword puzzles for free, as well as Sudoku, Addoku/Killer Sudoku, Word Search, or Code Crackers. Additional Lovatts crossword, puzzles, and games are available for free at YouPlay.com.

Lovatts Online Puzzles免费提供神秘标准的填字游戏,以及SudokuAddoku / Killer SudokuWord SearchCode Crackers 。 您可以在YouPlay.com上免费获得其他Lovatts填字游戏,拼图和游戏。


概念拼图 (Conceptis Puzzles)

With thousands of top-quality logic puzzles available today and more than a hundred new puzzles added each week, conceptispuzzles.com is the leading destination for discerning puzzle fans all over the world.

如今,成千上万的顶级逻辑谜题可用,每周增加一百多个新的谜题, conceptispuzzles.com是全世界有识之士迷的首选目的地。

Since its debut in 2002 conceptispuzzles.com has been continuously offering the most advanced logic puzzling experience available online and in print. The site offers personalized archived collections, active puzzle thumbnails reflecting real solving progress, saving and restoring puzzles on Conceptis’ servers and much more.

自2002年首次亮相以来,conceptispuzzles.com一直在提供在线和印刷版本中最先进的逻辑令人困惑的体验。 该站点提供个性化的存档集合,反映实际解决进度的活动拼图缩略图,在Conceptis的服务器上保存和还原拼图等等。

No matter whether you are an avid solver who can never get enough puzzles or a casual gamer setting on a brief brain-stimulating break, chances are you’re going to love conceptispuzzles.com.


Register for free to play more free puzzles, in addition to archives with thousands of top quality logic puzzles.



TheJigsawPuzzles.com (TheJigsawPuzzles.com)

TheJigsawPuzzles.com is an ever-growing collection of free online jigsaw puzzles. Albums on the left have hundreds of free jigsaw puzzles already – feel free to explore and play it all. Or, bookmark and check the main page daily for a cool Puzzle of the Day.

TheJigsawPuzzles.com是一个不断增长的免费在线拼图游戏集合。 左边的专辑已经有成百上千个免费的拼图游戏-随时探索和播放。 或者,每天添加书签并检查主页,以查看当日的炫酷拼图。


跳汰机区 (JigZone)

JigZone is an online Jigsaw Puzzle where you choose the level of difficulty from a simple 6 piece cut to a challenging 247 piece cut. A new Puzzle-of-the-day is added every day and you can choose your puzzle from the huge collection of stunning images in the Gallery. Upload your photos and make them into jigsaw puzzles that you can share with others. You can even embed jigsaw puzzles into your own web pages and blogs.

JigZone是一个在线拼图游戏,您可以在其中选择难度级别,从简单的6片切割到具有挑战性的247片切割。 每天都会添加一个新的每日拼图,您可以从Gallery中大量令人惊叹的图像中选择拼图。 上载您的照片 ,并将它们变成拼图游戏,您可以与他人分享。 您甚至可以拼图游戏嵌入到自己的网页和博客中。


吉吉迪 (Jigidi)

Jigidi allows you to solve, create, share and talk about jigsaw puzzles. Join Jigidi for free to save your progress, create your own puzzles, and much more.

Jigidi可让您解决,创建,共享和谈论拼图游戏。 免费加入Jigidi ,以保存您的进度,创建自己的谜题等等。

The goal of Jigidi has always been to offer the best online puzzle experience. They strive to combine the fun parts of actually laying a physical puzzle with the obvious benefits of a digital solution.

Jigidi的目标一直是提供最佳的在线拼图体验。 他们努力将实际进行物理拼图的有趣部分与数字解决方案的明显优势相结合。


填字游戏追踪器 (Crossword Tracker)

Crossword Tracker helps you to solve crossword puzzles, allowing you to improve your puzzle solving skills. You can find the answer to a clue using the letters you already know and even see all the other clues they have seen that point to the same answer. Never again get stuck on a puzzle or finish a puzzle not knowing if that word you never heard of was right.

填字游戏跟踪器可帮助您解决填字游戏,从而提高您的解谜技能。 您可以使用已经知道的字母找到线索的答案,甚至可以看到他们看到的指向相同答案的所有其他线索。 永远不会再困惑或完成一个难题,而不必知道您从未听说过的单词是否正确。


填字游戏提示求解器 (Crossword Clue Solver)

Crossword Clue Solver offers a free, quick crossword solver, where you enter the letters you have and they’ll let you know which words fit the bill. They also have a Solution Wizard that leads you through the process of finding a missing crossword solution or solving a clue that has a multiple word answer. There is also a dictionary available on the site.

填字游戏提示求解器提供了一个免费的快速填字游戏解决器,您可以在其中输入字母并告诉您哪些单词适合您。 他们还具有解决方案向导,可引导您完成寻找缺失的填字游戏解决方案或解决具有多个单词答案的线索的过程。 网站上还提供词典。


跨越 (One Across)

One Across helps you solve crossword puzzles by allowing you to enter crossword clues and answer patterns (e.g., Serpent [?a?t?????k?]) and quickly returning a scored list of suggestions (e.g., “gartersnake”, “rattlesnake”). Their system can help on ambiguous clues (e.g., Greenish blue [????]: “teal”, “aqua”, “cyan”, “nile”) as well as highly specific ones (e.g., Designer Schiaparelli [????]: “elsa”).

“一个穿越”可以帮助您输入填字游戏的线索和答案模式(例如Serpent [?a?t ?????? k?])并快速返回打分的建议列表(例如“吊袜带”),从而帮助您解决填字游戏的难题。 “响尾蛇”)。 他们的系统可以帮助处理含糊不清的线索(例如,绿蓝色[????]:“蓝绿色”,“水色”,“青色”,“尼罗河”)以及高度特定的线索(例如,设计师Schiaparelli [???]? ?]:“ elsa”)。

The system is based on the puzzle-solving technology in a computer program created by a team of computer scientists at Duke University that is capable of solving tough American-style crossword puzzles.


They’ve also added other puzzle solving technologies to the site, including help for anagrams and cryptograms, in addition to a simple dictionary lookup.



Finally, the image at the top of this article refers to Google Goggles, the popular scan-the-real-world mobile app, which also provides the ability to solve Sudoku puzzles at a lightning pace.

最后,本文顶部的图片引用了Google Goggles (流行的扫描现实世界的移动应用程序),它还提供了以闪电般的速度解决数独难题的功能。

If you’ve found any other websites offering free puzzles, whether you can do them online or print them out, let us know.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/134276/the-best-websites-for-finding-free-puzzles-to-solve/

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