
想要升级电脑处理器?可能需要同时更换主板。选择最新一代的CPU(如Intel Core i5/i7/i9或AMD Ryzen 3/5/7),考虑性能和价格。确保新CPU与正确插座兼容,比如Intel的LGA-1151或AMD的AM4。主板大小取决于机箱,标准ATX适合大型机箱,Micro-ATX和Mini-ITX适合小型机箱。别忘了检查主板支持的RAM类型(DDR4/DDR3)和最大容量。更换时,确保正确操作,避免硬件损坏。


So you want a new processor. The bad news is, you’ll probably need a new motherboard (and maybe RAM) to go along with it. The worse news is that it’s a real pain to replace all of that hardware.

因此,您需要一个新的处理器。 坏消息是,您可能需要一个新的主板(也许还有RAM)来配合使用。 更糟糕的消息是,更换所有这些硬件确实很痛苦。

But before you replace either piece, you’ll need to select the correct hardware for the replacement. If you’re motherboard or CPU is just malfunctioning, you can just do a straight swap by installing the same model. If you’re looking to upgrade, though, you’ll need to do a bit of research first.

但是在更换任何一块之前,您需要选择正确的硬件进行更换。 如果您的主板或CPU只是发生故障,则可以通过安装相同型号进行直接交换。 但是,如果您要升级,则需要首先进行一些研究。

选择新的处理器和主板组合 (Picking Your New Processor And Motherboard Combo)

If you want a more powerful processor, you’ll have to make sure that you have the right motherboard to support it. And since the motherboard connects to pretty much every other piece of hardware in your desktop, that’s no small matter. Go through the list in order to check all of your hardware for compatibility—if you see discrepancies, you might need to replace those pieces, too.

如果您需要功能更强大的处理器,则必须确保您拥有支持它的正确主板。 而且,由于主板几乎可以连接到台式机中的所有其他硬件,因此这并不是一件小事。 浏览列表以检查所有硬件的兼容性-如果发现差异,则可能也需要更换这些零件。

我要哪个处理器? (Which Processor Do I Want?)

This is a complex question, and probably more than we can explain in this guide. Generally, faster processors and more processing cores means better performance and higher prices. But due to the complexity of CPU designs, it’s not quite so cut-and-dry: processors clocked at similar speeds but with different architecture might have wildly different performance.

这是一个复杂的问题,可能比我们在本指南中可以解释的更多。 通常,更快的处理器和更多的处理内核意味着更好的性能和更高的价格。 但是由于CPU设计的复杂性,它并不是一成不变的:时钟频率相似但架构不同的处理器可能会有截然不同的性能。

The Core i5 is a favorite mid-range choice among gamers.
Core i5是游戏玩家最喜欢的中档选择。

If you can afford it, you want to select the CPUs from the latest generation—they tend to be refreshed on a cycle slightly less than once a year. On the Intel side, Core i5 processors are a good balance between cost and performance; it’s more than enough for most demanding PC games, for example. Core i7 and i9 are higher-end for performance enthusiasts or workstation machines, while Core i3, Pentium, and Celeron chips are for budget builds.

如果负担得起,则希望从最新一代的CPU中进行选择-它们的更新周期通常每年少于一次。 在英特尔方面,Core i5处理器在成本和性能之间取得了很好的平衡。 例如,对于大多数要求苛刻的PC游戏来说,这已经绰绰有余了。 Core i7和i9是性能发烧友或工作站机器的高端产品,而Core i3,Pentium和Celeron芯片则是预算有限的产品。

AMD’s Ryzen 5 and 7 chips are solid budget-friendly picks.
AMD的Ryzen 5和7芯片是预算友好的可靠选择。

On the AMD side, the new Ryzen series offers a surprising range of performance and prices. The Ryzen 3 and Ryzen 5 families are good middle-of-the-road picks, some of which offer integrated Radeon graphics for mid-range gaming capabilities without a separate graphics card. Ryzen 7 and the top-tier Ryzen Threadripper series are for performance junkies.

在AMD方面, 新的Ryzen系列提供了令人惊讶的性能和价格范围。 Ryzen 3和Ryzen 5系列是不错的入门产品,其中一些提供集成的Radeon图形以实现中档游戏功能,而无需单独的图形卡。 Ryzen 7和顶级Ryzen Threadripper系列适用于性能迷。

我需要什么插座? (What Socket Do I Need?)

The “socket” is the part of the motherboard that holds the CPU in place and connects it with the other electronic components in the PC. Each socket generation supports a few dozen different models of CPU; they generally last a few years before they’re upgraded by the manufacturer. So, if your computer is only a few years old, you might be able to upgrade to a more powerful CPU that uses the same socket. Of course, you’ll still need to check the specs for your motherboard. Just because it has the right socket doesn’t mean every CPU that can fit into that socket is supported.

“插槽”是主板上固定CPU并将其与PC中其他电子组件连接的部分。 每个套接字一代都支持几十种不同型号的CPU。 它们通常需要持续几年才能被制造商升级。 因此,如果您的计算机只有几年的历史,则可以升级到使用相同插槽的功能更强大的CPU。 当然,您仍然需要检查主板的规格。 仅仅因为它具有正确的插槽,并不意味着支持所有适合该插槽的CPU。

If you’re using an older PC and you want a big performance boost, you’re looking at upgrading both the CPU and the motherboard—and maybe your RAM, as well.


The first compatibility check for the CPU socket is the brand. The two companies providing nearly the total consumer market for CPUs are AMD and Intel. Intel is the clear market leader, but AMD tends to offer similar performance at slightly lower price levels.

CPU插槽的第一个兼容性检查是品牌。 提供CPU几乎整个消费市场的两家公司是AMD和Intel。 英特尔是明显的市场领导者,但是AMD倾向于以略低的价格提供类似的性能。

Intel’s consumer sockets from the last few years include the following:


  • LGA-1155: Supports Intel processors from 2011 to 2012

  • LGA-1150: Supports Intel processors from 2013 to 2015

  • LGA-1151: Supports Intel processors from 2016 to the time of writing.

  • LGA-2066: Supports the new X-series processors, only available on high-end motherboards


AMD’s recent socket lines are as follows:


  • AM3: Supports AMD processors from 2009 to 2011.

  • AM3+: Supports AMD processors from 2011 to 2016. Some Older AM3 motherboards can be upgraded to AM3+ support with a BIOS update.

    AM3 +:从2011年到2016年支持AMD处理器。一些较旧的AM3主板可以通过BIOS更新升级为AM3 +支持。
  • AM4: Supports AMD processors from 2016 to the time of writing.

  • FMI: Supports AMD APU processors from 2011.

    FMI:从2011年开始支持AMD APU处理器。
  • FM2: Supports AMD APU processors from 2012 to 2013.

    FM2:从2012年到2013年支持AMD APU处理器。
  • FM2+: Supports AMD APU processor from 2015 to 2015.

    FM2 +:从2015年到2015年支持AMD APU处理器。
  • TR4: Supports AMD’s high-end Threadripper chips from 2017 to the time of writing.


我的主板应该是多大? (What Size Should My Motherboard Be?)

The size of the motherboard depends mostly upon your case. If you use a standard ATX mid-tower case, you’ll want a full-sized ATX motherboard. If you use a compact case, like a Micro-ATX or a Mini-ITX, you’ll want the corresponding Micro-ATX or Mini-ITX motherboard. Simple, right?

主板的大小主要取决于您的机箱。 如果使用标准的ATX中塔机箱,则需要全尺寸的ATX主板。 如果使用小型机箱, 例如Micro-ATX或Mini-ITX ,则需要相应的Micro-ATX或Mini-ITX主板。 简单吧?

No matter what size your case is, you can probably find a motherboard that fits its dimensions and your needs. For example, there are plenty of Mini-ITX motherboards that support high-end graphics cards and lots of RAM. You’re really only limited by your budget here.

无论您的机箱大小如何,都可以找到适合其尺寸和需求的主板。 例如,有很多Mini-ITX主板支持高端图形卡和大量RAM。 您实际上仅受此处预算的限制。

A standard ATX motherboard in an ATX case.

There’s no reason to go for a smaller motherboard if your case can fit a larger one, since the smaller de





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