If you use Safari on your iPad or iPhone, you can store website passwords and then manage them using the Passwords settings. The passwords manager on iOS is easy to use, and one of the best we’ve found on mobile devices.
如果您在iPad或iPhone上使用Safari,则可以存储网站密码,然后使用“密码”设置进行管理。 iOS上的密码管理器易于使用,并且是我们在移动设备上发现的最好的密码管理器之一。
We know that having and using a passwords manager is all but a necessity on any computer or mobile device. For one, if you’re even moderately security conscious, you are probably using strong passwords. Unfortunately, typing strong passwords on a mobile device (assuming a password with upper and lower-case letter, numbers, and symbols) is kind of a pain.
我们知道在任何计算机或移动设备上几乎都需要拥有和使用密码管理器。 例如,如果您甚至对安全性有一定的了解,则可能使用了强密码 。 不幸的是,在移动设备上键入强密码(假设密码包含大小写字母,数字和符号)有点麻烦。
You might also change things up from website to website. It goes without saying that you shouldn’t use the same password twice (easier said than done), so you need to exercise your memory in order to have a unique password for every single website.
您可能还会在网站之间进行更改。 不用说,您不应两次使用相同的密码(说起来容易做起来难),因此,您需要锻炼自己的记忆力,以便为每个网站使用唯一的密码。
To that end, if you use an iPhone or iPad, then Safari already includes an excellent, robust passwords manager, which we’ll show and explain to you today.
在iOS版Safari上使用密码管理器 (Using the Passwords Manager on Safari for iOS)
Access the passwords manager by first opening the “Settings” on your iOS device. Scroll to and tap open “Safari” in the left column, then tap open the “Passwords” category.
首先打开iOS设备上的“设置”,以访问密码管理器。 滚动到并点击打开左栏中的“ Safari”,然后点击打开“密码”类别。

Before you can access your passwords, you will need to verify your identity using Touch ID. On older devices that don’t have Touch ID, you will need to enter your passcode.
在访问密码之前,您需要使用Touch ID验证您的身份 。 在没有Touch ID的旧设备上,您需要输入密码。

Every account on your device will be shown. Your passwords won’t appear, instead you will only see the user ID associated with each account. Notice that there’s an arrow on the right edge of each account row.
将显示设备上的每个帐户。 您的密码将不会显示,相反,您只会看到与每个帐户关联的用户ID。 请注意,每个帐户行的右侧都有一个箭头。

Tap open any account and you will now see your user name, password, and the associated website.

Tap the “Edit” button in the upper-right corner and you can edit everything or delete the account from your device.

Back on the main passwords screen, tap the “Edit” button in the upper-right corner and notice that a selection circle appears to the left of each account row.

With the edit option enabled, you can select multiple accounts at once. The advantage to this is that you can go through all of your accounts and select the ones you no longer have or want stored, then simply tap the “Delete” button in the upper-left corner.
启用编辑选项后,您可以一次选择多个帐户。 这样做的好处是,您可以浏览所有帐户并选择不再拥有或想要存储的帐户,然后只需点击左上角的“删除”按钮。

You don’t have to actually access each account to copy your user name and password to the clipboard. From the passwords screen, you can long-press and the option for both will appear on a context menu.
您不必实际访问每个帐户即可将您的用户名和密码复制到剪贴板。 在密码屏幕上,您可以长按,并且两者的选项都将出现在上下文菜单中。

We’d be remiss if we didn’t point out that you can tap open the “Search” field.
When you do this, the keyboard will appear and you can then tap a few characters to find the account or user name you’re seeking.

Finally, we need to point out that your passwords are saved to iCloud so they’re available on all your iOS devices. If you simply want to prevent Safari information from being synced to iCloud, then tap off the button next to it in the iCloud settings.
最后,我们需要指出,您的密码已保存到iCloud,因此它们在所有iOS设备上都可用。 如果您只是想防止Safari信息同步到iCloud,请在iCloud设置中点击它旁边的按钮。

If you want to turn off iCloud Keychain syncing, then your Safari information such as bookmarks and history will still be synced but passwords will not.

The passwords manager for Safari on iOS is clearly one of the easiest to use and you can quickly transfer information from it to other browser logins.
While we can’t recommend copying sensitive information like this as plain text to your device’s clipboard, it can make things substantially easier. Just be advised that doing so is a security risk.
尽管我们不建议将诸如纯文本之类的敏感信息复制到设备的剪贴板中,但这会使事情变得更加容易。 请注意,这样做会带来安全风险。
We hope you found this article helpful and you now feel comfortable managing website user accounts and passwords on your iPhone or iPad. If you have any questions or comments, we invite you to leave your feedback in our discussion forum.
希望本文对您有所帮助,现在您可以轻松地在iPhone或iPad上管理网站用户帐户和密码。 如果您有任何疑问或意见,我们邀请您将您的反馈意见留在我们的论坛中。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/229237/how-to-use-the-password-manager-in-safari-on-iphone-or-ipad/