


The Excel Logo.

Co-authoring enables you and your colleagues to work on the same Excel workbook simultaneously. Everyone sees all changes in real-time, and across all devices that run Excel for Office 365, for the web, or any mobile version.

共同创作使您和您的同事可以同时处理同一Excel工作簿。 每个人都可以实时看到所有更改,并且可以跨运行Excel for Office 365,Web或任何移动版本的所有设备实时查看所有更改。

To co-author in Excel, you need the latest version of Office 365.

要在Excel中共同撰写,您需要最新版本的Office 365

分享您的工作簿以进行共同创作 (Share Your Workbook for Co-Authoring)

To co-author a workbook, you first need to save it to OneDrive or a SharePoint Online library. To share your workbook with others, click “Share” in the top right corner.

若要共同创作工作簿,首先需要将其保存到OneDrive或SharePoint Online库。 要与他人共享您的工作簿,请单击右上角的“共享”。

Click "Share."

If you haven’t already saved the workbook you want to share to OneDrive or SharePoint, you’ll be prompted to do so.


When the Share pane opens, type the email addresses of the people with whom you want to share the workbook.


Next, click the drop-down button to decide whether each person can edit or just view the workbook. You can also type a message if you’d like.

接下来,单击下拉按钮来确定每个人都可以编辑还是仅查看工作簿。 您也可以根据需要输入消息。

Click “Share” to send an email to everyone you invited.


The Share options in an Excel workbook.

The people you invite can click “Open” in the email invitation to open the shared workbook.


An email invitation to open a shared workbook.

If you don’t want to share the workbook via email, click “Get a Sharing Link” at the bottom of the Share pane, and you share it any way you’d like.


Get a sharing link for the workbook

You can see a list of everyone with whom a workbook was shared in the Share pane.


The Share pane with a list of people a workbook was shared with.

其他人如何打开共享工作簿 (How Others Can Open a Shared Workbook)

The first time someone opens a shared workbook, it opens in Excel on the web. The person can edit the file in Excel online, as well as see who else is in the workbook and what changes they make.

有人第一次打开共享工作簿时,它会在网上的Excel中打开。 该人员可以在线编辑Excel中的文件,以及查看工作簿中还有谁,以及他们进行了哪些更改。

Shared workbook open in Excel for the web.

If someone wants to work in the desktop version of Excel, he can click “Open in Desktop App.”


Click "Open in Desktop App." 

在Excel中共同创作 (Co-Authoring in Excel)

In most versions of Excel—including Office 365, for the Web, and for mobile—you see your co-authors’ selections in real-time. And each person’s selections appear in a different color so you can identify them easily.

在大多数版本的Excel(包括Office 365,Web和移动版)中,您可以实时查看共同作者的选择。 每个人的选择都以不同的颜色显示,因此您可以轻松识别它们。

A shared workbook showing one author's changes in blue.

Unfortunately, not all versions of Excel support this feature. Even if you can’t see their selections, though, you’ll see the changes other authors make.

不幸的是,并非所有版本的Excel都支持此功能。 即使看不到他们的选择,您也会看到其他作者所做的更改。

To see the selections of all co-authors in real-time, you have to use Excel for Office 365 and turn on the AutoSave feature—you’ll find it in the top-left corner of the toolbar.

若要实时查看所有共同作者的选择,您必须使用Excel for Office 365并启用“自动保存”功能-您可以在工具栏的左上角找到它。

The AutoSave feature in the "On" position in Excel.

注释注释 (Annotate with Comments)

A great way to collaborate without changing cell values is to use comments. Comments makes it easy to leave a note or have a conversation in Excel before you make a change.

在不更改单元格值的情况下进行协作的一种好方法是使用注释。 注释使您可以在更改之前先在Excel中留下笔记或进行对话。

To add a comment, click the cell you want to comment on, and then click Review > New Comment.


Click "Review," and then click "New Comment."

Type your comment, and then click the Post button (the green arrow icon).


Type your comment, and then click the Post button.

The comment appears with an icon in the corner of the cell the same color as your co-authoring ID.


A purple comment icon in the corner of a cell.

All authors can read your comment when they position their mouse over the cell.


To reply to a comment, click the comment icon. The Comments pane opens, and you can type your reply.

要回复评论,请单击评论图标。 将打开“评论”窗格,您可以键入您的回复。

Click the comment icon to open the Comments pane, and then type your reply.

If you want to see all the comments in a workbook, click “Comments” in the top-right corner.


Click "Comments."

The “Comments” panel opens, and you see all the comments in the workbook in a conversational format. Each comment also includes a reference to the cell in which it’s stored.

“评论”面板将打开,您会以对话形式查看工作簿中的所有评论。 每个注释还包括对其存储所在单元格的引用。

The "Comments" panel showing all the comments in a conversation.

The option to have conversations in the workbook via Comments is a great advantage over using an external method, like email or Skype.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/435380/everything-you-need-to-know-about-co-authoring-in-excel/






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