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If contracts are part of your daily workflow, you know how frustrating it is when people change parts of the document or form they shouldn’t. Fortunately, Microsoft Word has a developer tool that lets you protect the text in your document while still allowing people to fill in blanks.

如果合同是您日常工作流程的一部分,那么您会知道当人们更改不应更改的文档或表格的一部分时,合同会令人沮丧。 幸运的是,Microsoft Word有一个开发人员工具,可让您保护文档中的文本,同时仍然允许人们填写空白。

使文档可填充,不可编辑 (Making Your Document Fillable, Not Editable)

Let’s say, for example, that you have a non-disclosure agreement that you want to send out to an employee that will be joining your company. You want to give the receiving individual the ability the fill in the blanks in the document, but you also want to ensure that none of the information in the NDA is altered or changed in any way. It only takes a few steps to achieve this in Word. Here’s how.

举例来说,假设您有一份保密协议要发送给将要加入公司的员工。 您想让接收者有能力填写文档中的空白,但是您也要确保NDA中的任何信息都不会以任何方式被更改或更改。 只需几个步骤即可在Word中实现这一目标。 这是如何做。

First, grab the legal document you want to work with. Microsoft provides a few basic templates, but there are also a lot of websites that provide detailed, comprehensive legal templates online for free, drawn up by actual attorneys. In this example, we’ll be using an NDA that we grabbed from the above link.

首先,获取要使用的法律文件。 Microsoft提供了一些基本模板,但是也有许多网站免费提供由实际律师草拟的在线详细,全面的法律模板。 在此示例中,我们将使用从上面的链接中获取的NDA。

Once you have your document pulled up, it’s time to add some controls and protection to it. First, you need to get into the “Developer” tab. Word doesn’t display this on the ribbon by default, so let’s go ahead and fix that.

提取文档后,就该添加一些控件和保护了。 首先,您需要进入“开发人员”标签。 Word默认情况下不会在功能区上显示此内容,因此让我们继续进行修复。

Click “File.”


File tab in Word

At the very bottom of the menu, select “Options.”


Options in Word

On the left pane of the Options menu, select “Customize Ribbon.”


Customize Ribbon

On the right, tick the “Developer” checkbox, which you’ll find under “Customize the Ribbon,” and then click “OK.”


Enable Developer Tab

Now you’ll notice the Developer tab appear between the View and Help tabs. Go ahead and switch to the “Developer” tab.

现在,您会注意到“开发人员”选项卡出现在“视图”和“帮助”选项卡之间。 继续并切换到“开发人员”标签。

Developer Tab

Once there, find the “Controls” group, where you’ll see several content control options for rich or plain text, pictures, combo boxes, drop-down lists, date pickers, checkboxes, or building block controls.


content control options

Let’s put it to practice. On the signature section of our NDA template, we’ll insert a date picker and rich text box for us to fill input the date of our agreement and printed name, respectively.

让我们付诸实践。 在NDA模板的签名部分,我们将插入日期选择器和富文本框,以分别填写协议的日期和打印的名称。

First, bring your cursor to the area where you want to insert a date picker. We’re going to place ours here:

首先,将光标移至要插入日期选择器的区域。 我们将在这里放置我们的:

Insert date picker 1

Next, on the “Developer” tab, select “Date Picker Content Control” (it’s the calendar icon).


Calendar Icon

Now you’ll see a box appear. Click the arrow and choose a date from the calendar that pops up.

现在,您会看到一个框。 单击箭头,然后从弹出的日历中选择一个日期。

select date

Next, let’s remove the lines next to “By:” and replace them with a rich text box. Once the lines are deleted, place your insertion point where it needs to go:

接下来,让我们删除“ By:”旁边的行,并用富文本框替换它们。 删除行后,将插入点放置在需要放置的位置:

Rich text location 1

Back at the “Developer” tab, click the “Rich Text Content Control” button.


rich text 1

Your text box will now appear. Repeat the steps for the next line where a name should go, and you’ll have something that looks like this:

现在将出现您的文本框。 对下一个应重复输入名称的行重复上述步骤,您将看到如下所示的内容:

finished signature

As you can see, you now have fillable sections for text and a date.


Using this feature is particularly useful for forms that would be sent out often and have several sections that would need to be filled in by the receiving party. Take the first paragraph of our NDA, for example:

使用此功能对于经常发送的表单以及接收方需要填写的多个部分特别有用。 以我们的NDA的第一段为例:

first paragraph

That one paragraph alone has seven parts that need to be filled out. It makes sense to turn it into a fillable form.

仅这一段就有七个部分需要填写。 将其转换为可填充形式很有意义。

Moving forward, an NDA is not a document that would often have its content changed. Similarly, when sending out a contract to be signed, you want to make sure that none of the content was altered then sent back to you without your knowledge. Restricting editing rights for the receiving party is a great way to protect the integrity of the document, as well as yourself.

展望未来,NDA并不是经常更改其内容的文档。 同样,在发送要签署的合同时,您要确保所有内容均未更改,然后在您不知情的情况下发回给您。 限制接收方的编辑权限是保护文档以及您自己的完整性的好方法。

To make a document un-editable, first, select all the text in the document by pressing Ctrl+A. Once all of the text is highlighted, click “Restrict Editing” in the “Protect” group on the “Developer” tab.

要使文档不可编辑,首先,通过按Ctrl + A选择文档中的所有文本。 突出显示所有文本后,单击“开发人员”选项卡上“保护”组中的“限制编辑”。

Restrict Editing

In the “Restrict Editing” pane that appears on the right, select the option under the “Editing Restrictions” section.


editing restrictions

Next, in the same section, click the arrow to make the drop-down menu appear and select “Filling in forms.”


editing restrictions filling in forms

Finally, select “Yes, Start Enforcing Protection.”


start enforcing protection

To give your document an added layer of protection, you’ll be prompted to create a password. This is completely optional. If you decide to do so, enter a password and then click “OK.” Otherwise, just click Cancel.

为了给您的文档增加一层保护,系统将提示您创建密码。 这是完全可选的。 如果您决定这样做,请输入密码,然后单击“确定”。 否则,只需单击取消。


That’s it. Now you have a fillable document that is protected from unintentional (or intentional) editing. The example we used here is just one of many use cases where this feature would come in handy. Take advantage of this feature next time you have a questionnaire or legal form you’d like to send out!

而已。 现在,您有了一个可填充文档,该文档可以防止无意(或有意)编辑。 我们在此使用的示例只是该功能派上用场的众多用例之一。 下次您要发送问卷或法律表格时,请利用此功能!



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