mac 自动化
Smart Folders in macOS are a tool to help you organize and find your files. They’re not folders, as they don’t contain anything. They’re saved searches, and can save you a lot of time for searches you perform often.
macOS中的智能文件夹是一种可帮助您组织和查找文件的工具。 它们不是文件夹,因为它们不包含任何内容。 它们是保存的搜索,可以为您经常执行的搜索节省大量时间。
For example, if you often open your downloads folder and sort by Date Added to find your recent downloads, you could instead make a Smart Folder called “Recent Downloads” which only contains files in your Downloads folder added there today, saving you a couple clicks each time.
You make them by defining the search criteria (i.e., all audio files on your drive) and them saving them as a smart folder you can put on your desktop or in Finder’s sidebar. They make use of Finder’s powerful search features that often go overlooked in favor of typing the name into Spotlight.
您可以通过定义搜索条件(即驱动器上的所有音频文件)来制作它们,并将它们保存为智能文件夹,您可以将其放置在桌面或Finder的侧边栏中。 他们利用Finder强大的搜索功能,而往往会忽略该功能,而倾向于在Spotlight中键入名称。
制作智能文件夹 (Making a Smart Folder)
You’ll find the option for making Smart Folders under the “File” menu in Finder. You can get Finder to appear in the top menu bar by quickly clicking on your desktop.
在Finder的“文件”菜单下,您可以找到用于创建智能文件夹的选项。 通过快速单击桌面,可以使Finder出现在顶部菜单栏中。
This will bring up a familiar search dialog. You can click the + button on the right to add new search criteria.
这将弹出一个熟悉的搜索对话框。 您可以单击右侧的+按钮添加新的搜索条件。
You can add as many Smart Folders as you want, and by default, Finder will only pull out files that match all of the options you defined. If you want to change this behavior, you can hold down Option and click on the + button, which will change to three dots. This will group together a list of criteria, and you can choose from Any, All, and None.
您可以根据需要添加任意数量的智能文件夹,默认情况下,Finder只会提取与您定义的所有选项匹配的文件。 如果要更改此行为,可以按住Option键并单击+按钮,这将变为三个点。 这会将条件列表组合在一起,您可以从“任意”,“全部”和“无”中进行选择。
You’re also not just limited to the default search options, if you select “Other” from the dropdown, it will bring up a full list of all the hidden options.
Many of these are hidden for a reason, as you’re likely to never search for a picture based on it’s geotag’s latitude, but you can find some interesting options in here.
If you’re happy with your folder, you can press “Save” next to the + button.
By default it will save to a special “Saved Searches” folder, and add itself to the sidebar. If you’d prefer it on your desktop, you can change it here.
默认情况下,它将保存到特殊的“保存的搜索”文件夹,并将其自身添加到侧栏。 如果您希望在桌面上使用它,可以在此处进行更改。
几个有用的智能文件夹 (A Few Useful Smart Folders)
If you’re having trouble thinking of ways you might use Smart Folders, here are a few of our favorites to get you started.
查找大文件 (Finding Big Files)
A useful search is “File Size greater than 1GB”, or whatever you deem too big. Save this search as a Smart Folder and you can quickly locate large files you might want to delete.
一个有用的搜索是“文件大小大于1GB”,或者任何您认为太大的文件。 将此搜索另存为智能文件夹,您可以快速找到可能要删除的大文件。
删除重复文件 (Deleting Duplicate Files)
Since macOS appends “(1)” to duplicate file names automatically, searching for this (along with a few higher numbers) shows you all the duplicate files on your drive.
您需要删除的DMG (DMGs You Need to Delete)
When you download a macOS app from the internet, it usually comes in a .dmg file. These files take up space and often clutter up your downloads folder. You can find all of them by searching for the .dmg extension. It’s probably safe to delete all of them, assuming you have already installed the apps inside.
当您从互联网上下载macOS应用程序时,它通常以.dmg文件形式出现。 这些文件占用空间,并且经常使下载文件夹混乱。 您可以通过搜索.dmg扩展名找到所有这些文件。 假设您已经在其中安装了应用程序,则删除所有这些文件可能是安全的。
最近下载 (Recently Downloaded)
The example from before is a bit unintuitive to set up; you have to click “New Smart Folder” from within the Downloads folder, which will give you the option to search “Downloads.” From there, you can filter by items created in the last few days.
之前的示例有点不直观。 您必须在“下载”文件夹中单击“新建智能文件夹”,这将为您提供搜索“下载”的选项。 在这里,您可以按最近几天创建的项目进行过滤。
mac 自动化