
Netflix’s “Post-Play” feature is primarily aimed toward binge-watching. It’s nice if you’re catching up on all five seasons of Breaking Bad, but if you’re not consuming your TV in marathon 18-hour sessions, it can be annoying. Fortunately, you can turn it off.

Netflix的“播放后”功能主要用于狂欢观看 。 如果您赶上了Breaking Bad的所有五个季节,那就太好了,但是如果您不参加马拉松式18小时课程的电视消费,那可能会很烦人。 幸运的是,您可以将其关闭。

Don’t get us wrong, we’ve all fallen into the Portlandiaesque-just-one-more-episode trap, which is why Netflix’s autoplaying abilities are so ingenious. It turns out however, we don’t always want to watch a full series in one sitting. Sometimes we like to pick and choose episodes on their individual merits, not just because they’re next up in the queue, or maybe we just want to watch one episode and then something else.

别误会,我们都陷入了波特兰风情,只是一个多集的陷阱 ,这就是为什么Netflix的自动播放功能如此巧妙的原因。 事实证明,我们并不总是希望一次坐下来观看完整的系列赛。 有时,我们喜欢根据自己的优点挑选剧集,这不仅是因为他们排在下一队,或者我们只是想看一个剧集,然后再看其他内容。

Whatever your particular needs and wants, you’re not stuck with Post-Play, you can turn it off, though it’s not exactly practical.


关闭播放后 (Turning Off Post-Play)

Disabling Post-Play isn’t something you can do casually. In fact, unless you know the option exists or go looking for it, you might never find it. That’s because Netflix buries it in your account settings, which means you have to use Netflix.com.

禁用播放后功能不是您可以随便做的。 实际上,除非您知道该选项存在或去寻找它,否则您可能永远找不到。 那是因为Netflix将其隐藏在您的帐户设置中,这意味着您必须使用Netflix.com。

The upside to this is that by applying the change to your viewing profile, it’s universal, which is also it’s downside because next time you’re casting from any of your devices and you want stuff to autoplay, you have to reenable it.


To begin, go to Netflix.com using your browser of choice. On the dropdown menu next to your name in the upper-right corner, click “Your Account” from the choices.

首先,使用您选择的浏览器访问Netflix.com。 在右上角您的名称旁边的下拉菜单上,从选项中单击“您的帐户”。

Next, on the My Account screen, look for “My Profile” and click “Playback settings.”


The Playback Settings options are pretty simple. The first is where you can specify data usage per screen; the default is “Auto.”

播放设置选项非常简单。 第一个是可以指定每个屏幕的数据使用量的位置。 默认值为“自动”。

Under the data usage settings, uncheck the box next to “Play next episode automatically” and then click “Save.”


The next thing you need to do is reload any apps you have connected to your account, which means, if necessary, quitting and reopening them.


On iOS, double-tap the Home button and swipe up the Netflix app, then reopen it.

在iOS上,点按两次“主页”按钮并向上滑动Netflix App,然后重新打开它。

On Android, tap the right Overview button and swipe to close the Netflix app, then reopen it.

在Android上,点击右侧的“概述”按钮并滑动以关闭Netflix App,然后重新打开它。

Since Post-Play is now disabled across all your devices, other computers, gaming consoles, etc., if you want to watch the next episode, you will have to physically click the play button. You can also go back to browsing Netflix or watch a different episode from that series.

由于现在在所有设备,其他计算机,游戏机等设备上都禁用了播放后功能,因此,如果要观看下一集,则必须物理上单击播放按钮。 您还可以返回浏览Netflix或观看与该系列不同的剧集。

To reenable Post-Play, simply retrace the steps outlined above and recheck the box in Playback Settings.


It would be a lot more convenient if we could just turn Post-Play on and off on a per app basis. Sadly, Netflix’s app settings are pretty Spartan. Perhaps the best workaround is to create a second profile and then select it if you want to autoplay all ten seasons of Friends.

如果我们可以仅基于每个应用打开和关闭播放后功能,将会更加方便。 可悲的是,Netflix的应用程序设置非常漂亮。 也许最好的解决方法是创建第二个配置文件,然后如果要自动播放《 Friends》的所有十个季节,请选择它。

While we think Post-Play certainly makes sense and is nice to have, it’s good we can also curb the temptation to binge or pick and choose our own watch-lists. Have a question or comment you’d like to add? Please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

虽然我们认为事后播放确实很有意义并且很高兴,但我们也可以遏制狂饮或挑选自己的观察名单的诱惑。 有您要补充的问题或评论吗? 请将您的反馈意见留在我们的论坛中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/210324/how-to-stop-netflix-from-autoplaying-the-next-episode/





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