
If you’re thinking about jumping into the NAS game and are shopping around for high-capacity hard drives, not just any hard drive will do. Here’s what you need to know.

如果您正在考虑跳入NAS游戏并四处寻找大容量硬盘,那么不仅任何硬盘都可以。 这是您需要知道的。

It’s easy to think that all hard drives are equal, save for the form factor and connection type. However, there’s a difference between the work your hard drive does in your computer versus the workload of a NAS hard drive. A drive in your computer may only read and write data for a couple hours at a time, while a NAS drive may read and write data for weeks on end, or even longer. This is why it’s important that you get the right hard drive for the job, and that goes doubly for drives you stick in a NAS. Let’s a take a deeper dive.

容易想到所有硬盘驱动器都是一样的,只是外形和连接类型不同。 但是,硬盘驱动器在计算机中的工作与NAS硬盘驱动器的工作量之间存在差异。 您计算机中的驱动器一次只能读写几个小时的数据,而NAS驱动器可能要连续数周甚至更长的时间读写数据。 这就是为什么重要的一点是,您需要正确的硬盘驱动器来完成这项工作,而这对于粘贴在NAS中的驱动器来说却是双重的。 让我们更深入地潜水。

NAS硬盘专门针对NAS环境而构建 (NAS Hard Drives Are Built Specifically for a NAS Environment)

The environment inside of a NAS box is much different than a typical desktop or laptop computer. When you pack in a handful of sweaty hard drives close together, several things happen: there’s more vibration, more heat, and a lot more action going on in general.

NAS盒内的环境与典型的台式机或笔记本电脑有很大不同。 当您将几个满是汗水的硬盘驱动器紧紧地捆在一起时,会发生几件事:振动更多,热量更多,并且通常会有更多动作发生。

To cope with this, NAS hard drives usually have better vibration tolerance and produce less heat than regular hard drives, thanks to slightly-slower spindle speeds and reduced seek noise.


Furthermore, NAS hard drives come with specialized firmware that’s specific for use in a Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) setup. RAID allows you to spread out data across multiple drives (depending on which RAID setup you go with), while your NAS see all these drives as just a single storage pool.

此外,NAS硬盘带有专用固件,专用于独立磁盘冗余阵列 (RAID)设置中使用。 RAID允许您将数据分布在多个驱动器上(取决于您使用的RAID设置),而NAS将所有这些驱动器视为一个存储池。

In short, the firmware on a regular desktop hard drive will force it to continuously try and recover a piece of data if a sector on that drive goes bad, which can result in timeouts. A NAS hard drive, on the other hand, won’t keep trying and trying. Instead, it simply reports an error so that the RAID controller can get the needed data from a different hard drive in the RAID setup.

简而言之,如果常规台式机硬盘驱动器上的某个扇区出现故障,固件将迫使其不断尝试恢复数据,这可能会导致超时。 另一方面,NAS硬盘不会继续尝试。 相反,它只是报告一个错误,以便RAID控制器可以从RAID设置中的其他硬盘驱动器获取所需的数据。

但是,我仍可以在NAS中使用常规硬盘吗? (Can I Still Use a Regular Hard Drive in a NAS, Though?)

One big factor that people can notice right away about NAS hard drives is that they’re slightly pricier than their standard, non-NAS counterparts. This is thanks to the special features we just mentioned, as well as a beefier warranty that some manufacturers provide for NAS-specific drives (although you can score NAS hard drives for cheaper by “shucking” external hard drives). This may lead you to using regular hard drives for your NAS if you’re on a budget, which is completely understandable.

人们可以立即注意到的有关NAS硬盘的一大因素是,它们比标准的非NAS硬盘价格更高。 这要归功于我们刚刚提到的特殊功能,以及一些制造商针对NAS专用驱动器提供的更强的保修(尽管您可以通过“拆装”外部硬盘驱动器来获得更便宜的NAS硬盘)。 如果您的预算有限,这可能会导致您为NAS使用常规的硬盘驱动器,这是完全可以理解的。

We’ll say this: hard drives made specifically for NAS boxes are still relatively new to the market, and they really didn’t become a thing until maybe five or six years ago. Before then, people just used regular hard drives in their NAS setups.

我们这样说:专门为NAS盒制造的硬盘在市场上还是相对较新的东西,直到5或6年前,它们才真正成为一种事物。 在此之前,人们只是在NAS设置中使用常规硬盘驱动器。

However, NAS hard drives are a real improvement. While you can technically use regular hard drives in a NAS setup if you really want to, you won’t get the same level of reliability and performance that you would when using hard drives specifically made for a NAS.

但是,NAS硬盘是真正的改进。 虽然您确实可以在技术上在NAS设置中使用常规硬盘驱动器,但是您不会获得使用专用于NAS的硬盘驱动器时所具有的可靠性和性能水平。

如何识别NAS硬盘? (How Do I Spot a NAS Hard Drive?)

So now that you know the differences between a regular hard drive and one that’s meant for a NAS, how exactly do you know which is which when you’re out shopping for drives?


Most of the time, manufacturers put the word “NAS” somewhere on the packaging and on the hard drive itself, but usually the model name will get higher preferential treatment, and it’ll be something unique to the manufacturer. Here are the model names from a few of the top hard drive manufacturers:

在大多数情况下,制造商会在包装上和硬盘驱动器上的某个位置加上“ NAS”一词,但通常情况下,型号名称会得到更高的优惠,这对制造商而言将是独一无二的。 以下是一些顶级硬盘制造商的型号名称:

If you’re buying used, you might come across older models from the above companies with different names. Seagate’s older NAS hard drives, for example, just went by the name “NAS HDD” instead of IronWolf. Western Digital also had some older NAS drives that went by “Caviar RAID Edition” and “WD RE.”

如果您购买二手货,可能会遇到上述公司使用不同名称的旧型号。 例如,希捷(Seagate)较旧的NAS硬盘驱动器的名称只是“ NAS HDD”,而不是IronWolf。 Western Digital还具有一些较旧的NAS驱动器,这些驱动器分别采用“ Caviar RAID Edition”和“ WD RE”。

As far as which model is the best, you honestly can just play a game of Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe to pick one. However, it’s at least worth knowing the failure rates of each hard drive manufacturer. BackBlaze kept track of their own hard drive failure rates and showed that Seagate was the worst offender. Of course, no matter the brand, any hard drive can fail at any moment for any number of reasons. I’ve personally never had a Seagate drive fail on me, whereas I have had a Western Digital drive fail.

至于哪种模型是最好的,说实话,您可以玩Eeny,Meeny,Miny,Moe的游戏来挑选一个。 但是,至少值得了解每个硬盘驱动器制造商的故障率。 BackBlaze跟踪了自己的硬盘故障率,并表明希捷是最严重的违规者 。 当然,无论品牌如何,任何硬盘驱动器都可能由于多种原因随时发生故障。 我个人从未遇到过希捷硬盘发生故障的情况,而我遇到了西部数据硬盘发生故障的情况。

Your mileage will vary as well, which is why your NAS should run in a RAID setup to keep things up and running should a drive fail at any point. Oh, and of course, you should still keep things backed up.

您的里程也将有所不同,这就是为什么您的NAS应该在RAID设置中运行以在驱动器随时出现故障时保持正常运行的原因。 哦,当然,您仍然应该备份内容。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/345131/how-to-select-hard-drives-for-your-home-nas/





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