ios 过滤空格

iOS 10 finally adds the ability to filter your email based on a number of preset criteria. The pickings are slim right now, but it’s a promising start.
iOS 10最终增加了基于许多预设条件过滤电子邮件的功能。 现在的选择还很渺茫,但这是一个有希望的开始。
Mail filters may not be anything new to you. If you use Mail on macOS (or other popular email programs for that matter), then you’re already familiar with rules, but you can also easily sort your mailboxes a number of ways. On the mobile Mail app, filters have been absent, until now.
邮件过滤器可能对您来说不是什么新鲜事物。 如果您在macOS (或其他流行的电子邮件程序) 上使用Mail ,则您已经熟悉规则,但是您也可以通过多种方式轻松地对邮箱进行排序。 到目前为止,在移动邮件应用程序上,没有过滤器。

To use filters, open Mail on your iPhone or iPad and tap the new filters button in the lower-left corner.

Tap that little filter button and you’ll see the bottom of the Mail window shows your current filter scheme. In this case we’ve already filtered our mail according to mail sent to the addressee (Me) and any messages that have attachments.
点击那个小的过滤器按钮,您将看到“邮件”窗口的底部显示了您当前的过滤器方案。 在这种情况下,我们已经根据发送给收件人(Me)的邮件以及所有带有附件的邮件过滤了邮件。

Tap on that “Filtered by” link to open the Filter panel. Your options are limited to what you see here.
点击该“筛选依据”链接以打开“筛选器”面板。 您的选择仅限于此处看到的内容。

When you’ve finished choosing how you want to filter your mail, tap the “Done” button in the upper-right corner, and you will be returned to your current inbox or mailbox folder.
Your mail will be filtered until you tap the FIlter button again to turn it off.

Here’s a view of Mail’s filters when we view them from “All Inboxes”. Unlike when you set your filters from one particular mailbox (assuming you have more than one), the all inboxes view lets you include mail from any one or more (or all) of your mailboxes.
这是当我们从“所有收件箱”中查看邮件过滤器时的视图。 与从一个特定的邮箱(假设有多个)设置过滤器不同,“所有收件箱”视图使您可以包含来自一个或多个(或全部)邮箱的邮件。

Here, we’ve filtered all mailboxes to Unread mail sent to Me and CC’d to Me.

Using filters will at least let you sort through the daily deluge you’ve likely become accustomed to. Filters are persistent, meaning they’ll remain as you configured them for each mailbox. For example, if you assign a filter scheme to one account, a different scheme to another, then each scheme will be retained particular to that account for the next time you apply the filters.
使用过滤器至少可以让您对您可能已经习惯的日常洪水进行分类。 过滤器是持久性的,这意味着它们将在您为每个邮箱配置它们时保留。 例如,如果您将过滤器方案分配给一个帐户,将不同的方案分配给另一个帐户,则下次您应用过滤器时,将保留该帐户专用的每个方案。
We’re looking forward to see whether Apple expands these new filters, at least adding criteria, and maybe even the ability to set up custom filter rules. Still, this new feature should give everyone valuable tools to find important e-mail that might have gotten lost among the spam and other nuisance messages.
我们期待看到Apple是否扩展这些新过滤器,至少添加条件,甚至可能设置自定义过滤器规则。 尽管如此,此新功能仍应为每个人提供有价值的工具,以查找在垃圾邮件和其他令人讨厌的邮件中可能丢失的重要电子邮件。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/271865/how-to-filter-mail-on-ios-10/
ios 过滤空格