每日新闻摘要:MS Office漏洞现在占攻击的70%

According to new research from Kaspersky Labs, finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office is the new hotness. According to a presentation on its findings, around 70 percent of all attacks detected in Q4 2018 targeted Office.

根据卡巴斯基实验室的最新研究 ,发现和利用Microsoft Office中的漏洞是新的热点。 根据有关其发现的演示文稿,2018年第四季度检测到的所有攻击中约有70%是针对Office的。

That’s up by nearly four times the percentage from just two years before, at the end of 2016. What’s most intriguing about Kaspersky’s findings, however, is that none of the most exploited vulnerabilities targeted Office directly, but exploits found in specific components of the software.

与2016年底的两年前相比,这一比例增长了近四倍 。然而,卡巴斯基的发现最令人着迷的是,利用最多的漏洞没有一个直接针对Office,而是在软件特定组件中发现的利用。

So, why Office? Because Office is prolific. What’s more, because of its prolificacy, it’s often the focus of research to find specific vulnerabilities (by the good guys, mind you). But once a specific vulnerability becomes public, an exploit is available on the dark web “in a matter of days,” according to ZDNet. Seriously, you can’t win.

那么,为什么要办公? 因为Office多产。 而且,由于它的丰富性,它通常是寻找特定漏洞(好人,请注意)的研究重点。 但据ZDNet称 ,一旦特定漏洞公开,就可以在数天之内在黑暗的网络上利用该漏洞。 说真的,你赢不了。

In other news, iOS 13 may get a system-wide dark mode, the Apple Pencil has some weird issues, Google takes steps towards making sure apps from new developers are safe, Microsoft is making its own AirPods, and more. Here are the top stories from April 16th, 2019.

在其他消息中,iOS 13可能会进入系统范围的黑暗模式,Apple Pencil出现一些奇怪的问题,Google采取措施确保新开发者的应用程序安全,微软正在制造自己的AirPods,等等。 以下是2019年4月16日的热门新闻。

  • iOS 13 may get a system-wide dark mode, detachable windows for multitasking, undo gestures, and a lot more. [9to5Mac]

    iOS 13可能会获得全系统的黑暗模式,可拆分的窗口以执行多任务处理,撤消手势等操作。 [ 9to5Mac ]

  • If you charge your Apple Pencil with your iPad Pro, you may have issues unlocking your car with a key fob. Wait, what? [Apple Support via 9to5Mac]

    如果使用iPad Pro为Apple Pencil充电,则可能无法使用智能钥匙卡解锁汽车。 等一下 [通过9to5Mac的 Apple支持 ]

  • Google recently highlighted some changes it’s going to make regarding its relationship with Android app developers. The key here, however, is that it’s going to take “more time to review apps by developers that don’t have a track record.” This means more human interaction to help prevent malware from spreading in Google Play. Good. [Android Developers Blog]

    Google最近强调了将与Android应用程序开发人员进行关系方面的一些变化。 但是,这里的关键是“将需要更多的时间来由没有跟踪记录的开发人员审查应用程序。” 这意味着需要更多的人机交互,以防止恶意软件在Google Play中传播。 好。 [ Android开发者博客 ]

  • It looks like the highly-leaked Pixel 3a and 3a XL will be available starting on May 7th. Not only that, but Verizon’s exclusivity for Pixel phones may be coming to an end, as it’s rumored T-Mobile will starting carrying the 3, 3XL, 3a, and 3a XL. This is such a smart move. [Android Police, The Verge]

    看起来泄漏严重的Pixel 3a和3a XL将于5月7日开始上市。 不仅如此,Verizon在Pixel手机上的独占性可能即将终结,因为有传言称T-Mobile将开始搭载3、3XL,3a和3a XL。 这是一个明智的举动。 [ Android警察边缘 ]

  • Microsoft wants in on this sweet truly wireless earbud action, so it’s developing its own. They’re currently codenamed “Morrisson,” but let’s be real here: they’re going to call them Surface Buds. [Thurrott]

    微软希望采用这种甜美,真正的无线耳塞功能,因此它正在开发自己的产品。 它们目前的代号为“ Morrisson”,但在这里让我们成为现实:他们将它们称为Surface Buds。 [ 瑟罗特 ]

  • AT&T solid its share of Hulu back to, well, Hulu, which means Disney now owns 66 percent of the service. As pointed out by The Verge, that could mean big changes for the service as we know it. Ugh. [The Verge]

    美国电话电报公司(AT&T)巩固了其在Hulu中的份额,可以回溯到Hulu,这意味着迪士尼现在拥有该服务的66%。 正如The Verge指出的那样,这可能意味着我们所知道的服务的巨大变化。 啊。 [ 边缘 ]

  • Sony recently spilled some details of its upcoming console—presumably called “PlayStation 5” but never explicitly stated—and it sounds like an absolute beast. My excitement is overwhelming. [Wired]

    索尼最近泄漏了即将推出的游戏机的一些细节(大概称为“ PlayStation 5”,但从未明确声明),听起来像是绝对的野兽 。 我激动不已。 [ 有线 ]

  • In super cool science news, scientists were recently able to 3D print a functional heart using the patient’s cells. What an absolutely incredible breakthrough for transplant patients. [Engadget]

    在超酷的科学新闻中,科学家最近能够使用患者的细胞3D打印功能正常的心脏。 对于移植患者而言,这绝对是一个不可思议的突破。 [ Engadget ]

  • In less happy science news, SpaceX lost Falcon Heavy’s core booster to rough seas. The core was successfully landed on a drone ship (for the first time, no less), but the sea had other ideas. What a downer. [The Verge]

    在不太高兴的科学新闻中,SpaceX将Falcon Heavy的核心助推器丢给了波涛汹涌的大海。 核心成功地降落在无人驾驶船上(第一次,不少于此),但是大海还有其他想法。 真是令人沮丧 [ 边缘 ]

While it has nothing to do with science or technology, yesterday brought the devastating news of the fire at Notre Dame’s Cathedral. It was truly heartbreaking to see a building that has been standing for nearly 700 years engulfed in flames, but the resilience of the French people who watched is nothing short of inspiring. As the Cathedral burned, they gathered together to sing hymns in a powerful display of humanity.

尽管与科学或技术无关,但昨天带来了巴黎圣母院大火的毁灭性消息。 看到一座已经屹立近700年的建筑被火焰吞没,真是令人心碎,但是观看的法国人的韧性无不令人振奋。 大教堂焚毁时,他们聚集在一起演唱赞美诗彰显人性。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-ms-office-exploits-now-make-up-70-percent-of-attacks/





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