facebook 添加好友_Facebook为您的新闻源和VR添加了250个人的群聊,3D照片

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Today Facebook announced that it will integrate Groups with Messenger, allowing users to form up to 250-person chatrooms and 50-person video calls. It’s also adding support for 3D photos uploaded from iPhones.

今天,Facebook宣布将Groups与Messenger集成在一起,允许用户建立多达250人的聊天室和50人的视频通话。 它还增加了对从iPhone上传的3D照片的支持。

250人群组聊天…是的,您可以关闭通知 (250-Person Group Chats… Yes, You Can Turn Off Notifications)

A handful of controversies have taken their toll on Facebook, causing users to migrate to other social media platforms. Last year, Facebook reportedly lost the attention of more than 2.8 million young users. Rather than trying to bring new users in, Facebook is focused on keeping the people who currently use the service engaged and active. The new group chat feature should increase activity within groups and give users a reason to continue spending time on Facebook. It should also provide a real-time sense of community within groups by providing a space for people with similar interests to make deeper connections.

少数争议在Facebook上造成了损失,导致用户迁移到其他社交媒体平台。 据报道,去年,Facebook失去了280万年轻用户的注意力。 Facebook并没有试图吸引新用户,而是专注于让当前使用该服务的人们保持参与和活跃。 新的群组聊天功能应增加群组内的活动,并为用户提供继续花时间在Facebook上的理由。 它还应通过为具有相似兴趣的人提供更深层次的联系来提供空间,从而提供群体内部的实时社区意识。

It’s no secret that group chats walk the line between “this is fun and useful,” and “this is annoying.” In a wondrous act of forward thinking, Facebook designed the new group chats in a way that keeps you from being involuntarily dragged into a group of 200+ people talking at the same time. When somebody wants you to join their chat, they send an invite to your inbox. Then it’s up to you to approve or decline (or ignore) their invite. If you choose to join an active group chat, Facebook gives you the option to toggle the notifications on and off. Group chats will slowly roll out over the next few weeks.

小组聊天在“这既有趣又有用”和“这很烦人”之间走开,这已经不是什么秘密了。 通过出色的前瞻性思考,Facebook设计了新的群聊,从而避免了您被不经意地拖入200多人同时讲话的情况。 当有人要您加入聊天时,他们会向您的收件箱发送邀请。 然后由您决定批准或拒绝(或忽略)他们的邀请。 如果您选择加入活动的群聊,Facebook会为您提供打开和关闭通知的选项。 在接下来的几周内,群聊将慢慢展开。

Facebook Groups have served as a modern incarnation of internet forums. People who are interested in fitness, politics, and pets can find communities of like-minded people to talk with. The new group chat feature has the potential to solidify and expand the sense of community that already exists in Facebook Groups.

Facebook Groups已成为互联网论坛的现代化身。 对健身,政治和宠物感兴趣的人可以找到志趣相投的人一起聊天。 新的群聊功能可以巩固和扩大Facebook网上论坛中已经存在的社区意识。

Facebook的3D照片集成还为时过早 (Facebook’s 3D Photo Integration Isn’t Premature, It’s Proactive)

Also new today, Facebook’s integration of 3D images seems to be an act of serious forward-thinking, and the update will be more exciting as 3D cameras become common in phones. As of right now, you can only upload 3D photos from an iPhone with a compatible camera, but all users can interact with 3D photos by tilting and pinching them. Facebook suggests taking well lit photos about 4 feet away from your subject if you want it to work in 3D. Understandably, it’s difficult for phones to judge depth in conditions with poor lighting or a lack of contrast.

如今,Facebook的3D图像集成似乎也是一种认真的前瞻性行为,并且随着3D摄像头在手机中的普及,其更新将更加令人兴奋。 截至目前,您只能使用兼容的相机从iPhone上传3D照片,但是所有用户都可以通过倾斜和捏捏来与3D照片进行交互。 Facebook建议您以3D模式拍摄距离目标约4英尺的光线充足的照片。 可以理解,在光线不足或缺乏对比度的情况下,手机很难判断深度。

It’s interesting that Facebook is announcing these updates on the same day, because both Group Chats and 3D photos offer a dimension of liveliness and “authenticity” that Facebook has lacked in the past.


Sources: Facebook, Techcrunch

资料来源: Facebook, Techcrunch

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/facebook-adds-250-person-group-chats-3d-photos-for-your-news-feed-and-vr/

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