macos 切换账户_如何在macOS上设置访客用户帐户

macos 切换账户

macos 切换账户

If you loan your Mac to a friend or family member, even for a short time, you may not want to trust them with your account. You could create a new account, or you could just have them use macOS’ built-in guest account.

如果您将Mac借给朋友或家人,即使是很短的时间,您可能也不想用他们的帐户信任他们。 您可以创建一个新帐户,也可以让他们使用macOS的内置来宾帐户。

The guest account allows someone to use your computer without needing to create an individual account for them. Any files created by the guest are stored temporarily, then deleted when they log off. You can further restrict how guests use your computer by assigning parental restrictions.

来宾帐户允许某人使用您的计算机,而无需为其创建个人帐户。 来宾创建的所有文件都会临时存储,然后在注销时删除。 您可以通过分配家长限制来进一步限制访客使用计算机的方式。

一个来宾帐户,两个可能性 (One Guest Account, Two Possibilities)

There’s one important thing to understand about the guest user account, however. What a guest sees and how they can use it depends on whether you have FileVault disk encryption enabled or not.

但是,关于来宾用户帐户,需要了解一件事。 来宾看到的内容以及如何使用它取决于是否启用了FileVault磁盘加密

If FileVault is enabled, the guest user account is similar to a very basic kiosk account. Each time you want to log in to the guest account, you have to completely restart your Mac. The only application available is Safari, and all you can change is the user language, connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot, and restart or shut down the computer.

如果启用了FileVault ,则访客用户帐户类似于非常基本的自助服务终端帐户。 每次您要登录访客帐户时,都必须完全重新启动Mac。 唯一可用的应用程序是Safari,您只能更改用户语言,连接到Wi-Fi热点以及重新启动或关闭计算机。

If FileVault is disabled, though, the guest account is much more useful. For one, guests can log in with fast user switching, meaning no one has to log out of their account to restart the computer.

但是,如果FileVault被禁用,则来宾帐户更加有用。 首先,访客可以通过快速的用户切换来登录,这意味着没有人必须注销其帐户才能重新启动计算机。

Furthermore, guests can use the full range of applications installed on the Mac, access shared folders on your network, and you can fine-tune the guest user account with parental controls. It’s almost like a full account, though making any changes to it still requires administrator privileges, and everything is deleted when the guest user logs out.

此外,guest虚拟机可以使用Mac上安装的所有应用程序,访问网络上的共享文件夹,还可以使用家长控制来微调guest虚拟机用户帐户。 它几乎就像一个完整的帐户,尽管对其进行任何更改仍然需要管理员权限,并且当来宾用户注销时,所有内容都将被删除。

Unfortunately, you have to disable FileVault to get these features—which we don’t recommend doing. Full-disk encryption is a very important security feature we believe everyone should use. It keeps thieves from being able to access the data on your laptop should it get stolen.

不幸的是,您必须禁用FileVault才能获得这些功能-我们不建议这样做。 全盘加密是我们认为每个人都应该使用的非常重要的安全功能。 万一被盗,它使小偷无法访问笔记本电脑上的数据。

If you need to disable FileVault in order to enable the full guest user account, do so only when necessary, and when no longer needed, we recommend disabling the guest account and re-enabling FileVault as soon as possible.


如何启用访客用户帐户 (How to Enable the Guest User Account)

To enable the guest user account, access the System Preferences by clicking on its Dock icon, then open the Users & Groups preferences.


In Users & Groups, the left pane will display the current user (you) and, under Other Users, you should see the Guest User account.


Click on the lock icon in the lower-left corner.


Enter your system password to unlock the Users & Groups preferences.


Once unlocked, click on “Guest User” and then check the box next to “Allow guests to log in to this computer”. When you no longer need the guest user account, follow these steps again and uncheck this box.

解锁后,单击“访客用户”,然后选中“允许访客登录到此计算机”旁边的框。 当您不再需要访客用户帐户时,请再次执行以下步骤,然后取消选中此框。

There are two other options to consider as well.


When you enable the guest account, you can also enable parental controls and allow guest users to connect to shared folders on your network (though again, you can only do this if FileVault is disabled). Parental controls are useful for restricting guest user access to apps, certain websites, when they can use the computer, and more.

启用来宾帐户时,还可以启用家长控制,并允许来宾用户连接到网络上的共享文件夹 (尽管如此,只有在FileVault被禁用的情况下,您才可以这样做)。 家长控制可用于限制访客用户访问应用程序,某些网站,何时可以使用计算机等。

Finally, once the guest user account is enabled, it will be available from the login screen.


You may also access it via fast user switching, if FileVault is disabled.


Enabling the guest account isn’t something you want to do on a full time basis. Rather, you should employ it only as needed, especially if you have to disable FileVault.

启用来宾帐户并不是您想全职完成的事情。 而是,仅应在需要时使用它,尤其是在必须禁用FileVault的情况下。

And, because the guest account isn’t protected by a password, it is inherently insecure. You don’t want to allow unmonitored access to your computer when it is enabled, especially if there are children present.

而且,由于访客帐户不受密码保护,因此本质上是不安全的。 启用计算机后,您不希望允许对其进行不受监视的访问,尤其是在有孩子的情况下。

That said, if you have family or friends visiting for the weekend, and you’re not keen on giving them unfettered access to your computer or creating a special user account for them, then the guest user account can be perfect in such a situation.



macos 切换账户





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