


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim remains a milestone game more than five years after its initial release. And since it doesn’t look like we’re getting another entry in Bethesda’s RPG series for a while longer (no, Elder Scrolls Online doesn’t count), even the most dedicated Skyrim player might be looking for ways to get some new life out of the original game.

《上古卷轴5:天际》在其最初发行五年后仍是一个里程碑式的游戏。 而且由于看起来好像我们再也不能在Bethesda的RPG系列游戏中再入一役了(不, Elder Scrolls Online不算在内),所以即使是最专注的Skyrim玩家也可能正在寻找获得新生活的方法脱离原始游戏。

Fortunately, modders have been making vanilla Skyrim better since the game came out. And we’re not just talking about improving the graphics, either (though graphics mods are awesome). At this point, there are mods that add new characters, questlines, enemies, spells, and even new areas to explore. If Skyrim was starting to feel a little dull after five years, these mods will make it feel fresh again.

幸运的是,自游戏问世以来,修改者一直在使Vanilla Skyrim变得更好。 而且,我们也不只是在谈论改善图形(尽管图形mod很棒)。 在这一点上,有一些mod可以添加新角色,任务线,敌人,咒语,甚至可以探索新区域。 如果Skyrim在五年后开始感到有些呆板,那么这些mod将使它再次变得新鲜。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

This guide is for the original PC version of Skyrim, not the Special Edition. The original game has the best selection of mods. Some might be available for the Special Edition too (and a few are also on the Xbox One and PS4 versions), but the original PC game is still the way to go if you want to customize your experience.

本指南适用于Skyrim的原始PC版本,而非特别版。 原始游戏具有最佳的mod选择。 某些游戏可能也可以用于特别版(Xbox One和PS4版本中也有一些游戏),但是如果您想自定义体验,原始的PC游戏仍然是您的最佳选择。

In addition, some of the more advanced mods can’t be found on the Steam Workshop, which is the de facto repository (and the easiest to use for beginners). For more complex fare, you’ll want to upgrade to the third-party Nexus Mod Manager, which we’ve shown you how to use here. You might want to start with Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE), a prerequisite for many advanced game mods. Lots of them need the Mod Configuration Menu as well.

另外,在Steam Workshop上找不到一些更高级的mod,它是事实上的存储库(也是初学者最容易使用的存储库)。 要获得更复杂的票价,您需要升级到第三方Nexus Mod Manager我们已在此处向您展示了如何使用 。 您可能要从Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE)开始,这是许多高级游戏mod的先决条件。 他们中的许多人也需要Mod Configuration菜单

更好的用户界面 (A Better User Interface)

The user interface in Skyrim is designed to be usable with both a mouse and keyboard and a standard console controller. Regrettably, that means it’s not particularly good at either of them, including a lot of tedious scrolling and no real options for organization. Enter SkyUI, the overhauled custom user interface. With this installed you can search your inventory by text, organize items by weight when you’re over encumbered, colored icons for item types, and integration across all shop and lootable menus, too.

Skyrim中的用户界面旨在与鼠标和键盘以及标准控制台控制器一起使用。 遗憾的是,这意味着它们在两个方面都不是特别擅长,包括很多繁琐的滚动和没有组织的实际选择。 输入已修改的自定义用户界面SkyUI 。 安装此程序后,您可以按文本搜索库存,当您遇到麻烦时可以按重量整理项目,彩色图标可以显示项目类型,还可以集成所有商店和可购买的菜单。

新的粉丝 (New Followers)

The follower system is a staple of Bethesda RPGs. But most of the companions you can recruit in Skyrim are either fairly limited characters designed to be battle companions, or tied to specific quests and unavailable for the longer game. There are a wide variety of add-on followers available as game mods that insert new characters specifically designed to be interesting or useful. Some of the best examples include custom-recorded voice lines from the community, full backstories and quests that flesh out the character, and unique equipment to make them stand out from the polygonal crowd. Inigo the good-natured Khajit wanderer and Vilja the generational warrior are good places to start.

随从系统是Bethesda RPG的主要组成部分。 但是您可以在《 天际》中招募的大多数同伴要么是被设计为战斗同伴的相当有限的角色,要么被绑定到特定的任务上,并且无法用于更长的游戏。 有多种附加的追随者可以作为游戏模块,插入专门设计为有趣或有用的新角色。 最好的例子包括社区定制录制的语音线路,充实角色的完整背景故事和任务,以及使他们在多边形人群中脱颖而出的独特设备。 善良的卡吉特流浪者Inigo代代相传的Vilja是很好的起点。

更好的龙 (Better Dragons)

The massive dragon battles in Skyrim differentiate it from the rest of The Elder Scrolls, and they were a huge selling point before the game’s release. But after a few dozen hours, dragons cease to be any particular challenge, and there are only a handful of different types. To add some spice to Tamriel’s skies, try the Diverse Dragons Collection, an omnibus mod that combines custom dragons from a bunch of different creators. These souped-up beasts come with custom attacks and creature models, special effects, and lots of combat modifiers that can make them a real challenge. Speaking of which, if all you want is more epic dragon fights, you can try Deadly Dragons (which can be combined with Diverse Dragons Collection). If you want even more motivation to become a legendary dragon slayer, try a “souls for perks” mod, which lets you trade a leveled amount of dragon souls for skill improvements instead of the standard dragon shouts.

天际 》中的大型龙之战使其与《上古卷轴》的其余部分区分开来,在游戏发行之前,它们是一个巨大的卖点。 但是几十个小时之后,龙不再是任何特殊的挑战,并且只有少数几种不同的类型。 要为Tamriel的天空增添一些香料,请尝试Diverse Dragons Collection ,这是一部综合了来自不同创作者的定制龙的综合模型。 这些强大的野兽带有自定义攻击和生物模型,特殊效果以及许多战斗修饰符,可以使它们成为真正的挑战。 说到这,如果您想要的只是更多史诗般的龙之斗,您可以尝试Deadly Dragons (可以与Diverse Dragons Collection结合使用)。 如果您想要更多的动力成为传奇的屠龙者,请尝试“灵魂的特权” mod,它使您可以交换一定数量的龙魂以提高技能,而不必使用标准的龙吼。

更多魔术和更强悍的战斗 (More Magic and Tougher Combat)

Skyrim’s magic and combat aren’t its best features—games like Dark Souls  and Shadow of Mordor have it beaten dead to rights when it comes to the sheer mechanical joy of fighting. Modders, thankfully, have expanded both of these areas. Duel makes combat more deadly, making it more important to dodge attacks and find the right time to strike rather than simply tanking or blocking all damage. You’ll have to use actual tactics in each and every fight… something most Skyrim players probably haven’t done since they maxed out their Smithing score. There’s not much that can be done for Skyrim’s magic system except expand the spells and effects, but several mods do that to a spectacular degree, including Midas Magic Evolved and Apocalypse Magic.

《天际》的魔术和战斗并不是其最佳功能-当谈到纯粹的战斗乐趣时,《 黑暗之魂》《魔多 影》等游戏就被打败了。 幸运的是,Modders扩展了这两个领域。 决斗使战斗更加致命,这使得躲避攻击和找到合适的打击时机变得更加重要,而不是简单地进行坦克攻击或阻止所有伤害。 在每一场战斗中,您都必须使用实际的战术……大多数Skyrim玩家自从最大化Smithing得分以来可能就没有这么做。 除了扩展咒语和效果外,Skyrim的魔术系统没有什么可做的,但是一些mod做到了这一点,包括Midas Magic EvolvedApocalypse Magic

探索新大陆 (Explore New Lands)

Easily the most ambitious Skyrim mods are the ones that add entirely new areas to the game, or transform existing ones with a ton of new content. Falskaar is surely the biggest of the big, adding a whole new island to the land of Skyrim brimming with new characters, new quests, and a new storyline to follow. It’s full of dozens of custom voiced characters, new equipment, spells, and books, and even custom-made music. There’s also Enderal: The Shards of Order, a total conversion that essentially creates an original fantasy RPG using Skyrim as its backbone. With a completely customized continent and dozens of hours’ worth of quests and gameplay, you can think of this as a community-made companion game (that just happens to be free). A few other examples include Moonpath to Elsewyr, The Forgotten City, and The Cyrodiil Frontier.

最雄心勃勃的《 天际》模组很容易在游戏中添加全新的区域,或用大量的新内容改造现有的模组。 Falskaar无疑是其中最大的一个,在Skyrim的土地上增加了一个全新的岛屿, 到处都是新角色,新任务和新故事情节。 它充满了数十种自定义语音字符,新设备,咒语和书籍,甚至是定制音乐。 还有Enderal:Order Shards,这是一次完全转换,实际上使用Skyrim作为其骨干来创建原始的幻想RPG。 拥有完全自定义的大陆以及数十小时的任务和游戏玩法,您可以将其视为社区制作的伴侣游戏(恰好是免费的)。 其他一些示例包括通向Elsewyr的月径被遗忘的城市西罗迪尔边境

…或只是更改墙纸 (…Or Just Change the Wallpaper)

There are innumerable mods out there that are made and installed just for fun, like the one that replaces dragons with Thomas the Tank Engine or adds a custom “IKEA-born” race. But for a bit of fun that doesn’t actually change Skyrim‘s core gameplay, I recommend Uncle Sheogorath’s custom loading screens. This mod replaces the flavor text that appears whenever you go to a new area with sarcastic and goofy alternative descriptions. It’s a great way to get a quick chuckle without messing up the balance of the rest of the game.

那里有无数的Mod只是为了娱乐而制作和安装的,例如, 用Thomas Tank引擎替代龙或添加定制的“宜家出生”种族的mod。 但是为了获得一点乐趣,但实际上并没有改变Skyrim的核心游戏玩法,我推荐Sheogorath叔叔的自定义加载屏幕 。 该mod用讽刺和愚蠢的替代描述替换了您每次到新区域时出现的风味文本。 这是在不破坏游戏其余部分平衡的情况下快速发出笑声的好方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/302856/the-best-skyrim-mods-that-actually-add-gameplay/


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