谷歌 smarthome_如何使用Amazon Echo控制您的Smarthome产品

谷歌 smarthome

谷歌 smarthome

The Amazon Echo can do a lot more than play music and check the weather. As futuristically as you’d expect, it can actually control a wide range of smarthome products so that all your home comforts are just a voice command away. Read on as we show you how.

Amazon Echo不仅可以播放音乐和检查天气,还可以做很多事情。 正如您所期望的那样,它实际上可以控制各种各样的智能家居产品,因此您只需语音命令即可获得所有的家居舒适感。 继续阅读,我们向您展示如何。

你需要什么 (What You Need)


You will—as you might expect—need an Amazon Echo (or any device that supports Alexa for that matter), as well as some compatible smarthome devices.

如您所料,您将需要Amazon Echo (或任何支持Alexa的设备)以及一些兼容的智能家居设备

Other than that, you just need the Alexa app on your phone, which you probably already have downloaded. But if not, it’s available for iPhone and Android.

除此之外,您只需要手机上的Alexa应用程序,您可能已经下载了该应用程序。 但是,如果没有,则可用于iPhoneAndroid

准备您的智能家居设备 (Prepare Your Smarthome Devices)

Before you actually sit down to add smarthome devices to your Echo, we’d strongly recommend doing a little updating and housekeeping on the smarthome side of things. In our experience, Alexa takes a fairly literal approach to importing things and works best with updated software.

在您实际坐下来向Echo添加智能家居设备之前,我们强烈建议您对智能家居方面进行一些更新和整理。 根据我们的经验,Alexa采取相当直觉的方法来导入事物,并且与更新的软件配合使用效果最佳。


As such, we’d recommend first updating the firmware and companion software for the smarthome devices and hubs you intend to add to Alexa.


Next, go through your smarthome devices and make sure that all of the names, settings, labels, and so on are tweaked to your liking. For example, instead of a Philips Hue bulb named “Lamp 1”, you might consider changing it to “Bedside Lamp”. This makes it easier and more natural when giving Alexa commands to turn lights on and off, for instance.

接下来,浏览您的智能家居设备,并确保所有名称,设置,标签等都已根据您的喜好进行了调整。 例如,您可以考虑将其改为“床头灯”,而不是名为“ Lamp 1”的飞利浦Hue灯泡。 例如,当发出Alexa命令打开和关闭灯时,这使操作变得更加轻松自然。

如何将智能家居设备添加到Alexa (How to Add Smarthome Devices to Alexa)

Adding smarthomes devices to Alexa is easy (assuming you’re using a compatible device, of course). To make your experience extra smooth, it’s important to understand how Alexa handles smarthome devices.

将智能家居设备添加到Alexa很容易(当然,假设您使用的是兼容设备)。 为了使您的体验更加流畅,了解Alexa如何处理智能家居设备非常重要。

First, you’ll add the devices to Alexa. Then, for ease of use, you can create groups within Alexa to bundle together certain devices—sometimes Alexa doesn’t import the existing groupings you already have in your smarthome systems, but instead imports each raw device separately.

首先,将设备添加到Alexa。 然后,为便于使用,您可以在Alexa中创建组以将某些设备捆绑在一起-有时Alexa不会导入您的智能家居系统中已有的现有分组,而是分别导入每个原始设备。

For example, let’s say you have a group in your existing smarthome hub called “Bedroom”, and that group contains two light bulbs, a smart outlet, and a space heater. Let’s say you’ve set up a shortcut on the hub software called “Bedroom On” and everything turns on in the morning when you wake up. You can still use all those items with Alexa, but you’ll need to re-create your group within the Alexa app and call it “Bedroom” so that the “Bedroom On” command works with Alexa.

例如,假设您在现有的智能家居中心中有一个名为“卧室”的组,该组包含两个灯泡,一个智能插座和一个空间加热器。 假设您已经在名为“ Bedroom On”的集线器软件上设置了一个快捷方式,并且早晨起床时所有功能都会打开。 您仍然可以在Alexa中使用所有这些项目,但是您需要在Alexa应用程序中重新创建组并将其命名为“ Bedroom”,以便“ Bedroom On”命令可与Alexa一起使用。

With that cleared up, let’s take a look how to do exactly what we just described.


添加设备 (Add Your Devices)

With your smart home devices all updated and your naming schemes tidied up, open the Alexa app on your smartphone and tap the menu icon in the upper-left corner.


Update: The app has changed a bit. See Amazon’s website for the most up-to-date instructions.

更新 :应用程序已更改了一点。 有关最新说明,请访问亚马逊网站

In the slide-out menu that appears, select “Smart Home”.


On this screen there are four sections: Groups, Devices, Scenes, and Smart Home Skills. Start off by tapping on “Devices”.

在此屏幕上,共有四个部分:组,设备,场景和智能家居技能。 通过点击“设备”开始。

Before we can actually add smarthome devices to Alexa, we need to enable the respective smarthome Alexa skills first. So tap on “Smart Home Skill”.

在将智能家居设备真正添加到Alexa之前,我们需要首先启用相应的智能家居Alexa技能。 因此,点击“智能家居技能”。

Follow our guide on how to enable Alexa skills and install the necessary smarthome skills that you need. So if you have Philips Hue lights, you’ll want to install the Hue skill. If you have a Nest Thermostat, you’ll need to enable the Nest skill…and so on for all your devices.

遵循我们的指南, 了解如何启用Alexa技能并安装所需的必要智能家居技能。 因此,如果您有Philips Hue灯 ,则需要安装Hue技能。 如果您有Nest Thermostat ,则需要为所有设备启用Nest技能…等等。

Once you’re finished with that, we’re ready to begin adding devices to Alexa. Go back and tap on “Discover” at the bottom of the screen.

完成此操作后,我们就可以开始向Alexa添加设备了。 返回并点击屏幕底部的“发现”。

The Alexa app will begin scanning your network for any connected smarthome devices it supports. With Philips Hue, you have to go tap the physical button on the Hue Bridge in order for Alexa to access it. Other smarthome products will not require any physical step, though.

Alexa应用程序将开始在您的网络中扫描其支持的任何已连接智能家居设备。 使用Philips Hue,您必须点击Hue Bridge上的物理按钮,Alexa才能访问它。 但是,其他智能家居产品将不需要任何物理步骤。

Once the app is done scanning, you’ll see a list of smarthome devices that were successfully added. Furthermore, if you go back to the main Smart Home screen and tap on “Scenes”, all of your scenes that you’ve created for your various devices will appear here.

应用扫描完成后,您将看到已成功添加的智能家居设备的列表。 此外,如果您返回到智能家居主屏幕并点击“场景”,则为各种设备创建的所有场景都将显示在此处。

Remember earlier in the tutorial when we encouraged you to name your smarthome devices? This is a perfect example of why you want to do that. Kim’s Bedroom Lamp? Headboard? It’s very clear where those are. Office 1? We know it’s located in the office, but have no idea which one it is.

还记得本教程的前面部分,当我们鼓励您命名智能家居设备时? 这是为什么要这样做的完美示例。 金的卧室灯? 床头板? 很清楚这些在哪里。 办公室1? 我们知道它位于办公室,但不知道它是哪一个。

If you have some pressing reason to keep Alexa from controlling a discovered device, now is the time to tap “Forget” to remove it from the Alexa system. Otherwise, just review the list and make sure all the devices you expected to make an appearance did so. If something didn’t appear, it’s likely that you need to install the necessary Alexa skill for it.

如果您出于某些紧迫的原因要阻止Alexa控制发现的设备,那么现在该点击“忘记”以将其从Alexa系统中删除。 否则,只需查看列表并确保您希望出现的所有设备都已这样做。 如果没有出现,则可能需要安装必要的Alexa技能。

将设备分组在一起 (Group Your Devices Together)

You can now organize your smarthome devices into groups to make them easier to control and manage. From the main “Smart Home” screen, tap on “Groups”.

现在,您可以将智能家居设备分组,以使其更易于控制和管理。 在“智能家居”主屏幕上,点击“组”。

Tap on “Create Group” at the bottom.


At the top, give the group a name, like “Office”. Just make sure that it’s not a name that’s already in use by an existing device.

在顶部,给该小组起一个名字,例如“ Office”。 只要确保它不是现有设备已在使用的名称即可。

Keep in mind that Alexa will import room settings from Philips Hue, so you won’t have to group together lights into rooms within the Alexa app, but other smarthome devices may need to be grouped together. Plus, you might want to group together a set of lights and a smart outlet, that way all of these thing will turn on and off together with one command.

请记住,Alexa将从Philips Hue导入房间设置,因此您不必将灯光分组到Alexa应用程序内的房间中,但是其他智能家居设备可能需要组合在一起。 另外,您可能希望将一组灯和一个智能插座组合在一起,这样,所有这些操作将与一个命令一起打开和关闭。

In any case, after you’ve named the group, scroll down and select all the items you wish to include in the group. When you’re done, scroll down to the bottom and tap on “Save”.

无论如何,在为组命名后,向下滚动并选择要包含在组中的所有项目。 完成后,向下滚动至底部,然后点击“保存”。

Your group will now appear in the list with the number of devices that are in that group. Create as many other groups as you’d like by tapping “Create Group”.

您的组现在将显示在列表中,其中包含该组中的设备数量。 通过点击“创建组”可以创建任意数量的其他组。

如何在Alexa中使用Smarthome语音命令 (How to Use Smarthome Voice Commands with Alexa)

While each smarthome device is a bit different in terms of how it’s controlled, the more literal you are with Alexa, the better. When it comes to smarthome lighting, Alexa is good for two kinds of commands: binary (on/off) and graduated (brightness via percentage). For other devices, she’s only good for on/off or on/off and an additional input (like turning a heater on and setting the temperature, if the device supports it).

虽然每个智能家居设备在控制方式上都有些不同,但使用Alexa的文字越多越好。 对于智能家居照明,Alexa适用于两种命令:二进制(开/关)和刻度(亮度通过百分比)。 对于其他设备,她仅适用于开/关或开/关以及附加输入(例如,如果设备支持,请打开加热器并设置温度)。

Let’s take a look at lighting commands as some examples. Although we’re using Philips Hue, these commands work well with any lighting devices hooked up to your Echo. You can use the following commands to control your lights (and other smarthome devices):

让我们看一下照明命令作为一些示例。 尽管我们使用的是Philips Hue,但是这些命令对于连接到Echo的任何照明设备都可以很好地工作。 您可以使用以下命令来控制您的灯(和其他智能家居设备):

  • “Alexa, turn the living room lights on.”

    “ Alexa,打开客厅灯。”
  • “Alexa, turn off all the lights.”

    “ Alexa,关掉所有的灯。”
  • “Alexa, set the bedroom lights to 50%.”

    “ Alexa,将卧室的灯光设置为50%。”
  • “Alexa, turn [groupname] on.”

    “ Alexa,打开[groupname]。”
  • “Alexa, start [groupname].”

    “ Alexa,请启动[groupname]。”

You may find the syntax “start [groupname]” is useful for things that aren’t quite so binary as a light switch. For example, if you want to turn the lights on, the charging strip you have hooked up to a smart outlet, and the space heater in your bedroom as part of your morning routine, you might create a group with all those items called “my morning routine” which could then be triggered by you saying “Alexa, start my morning routine” when you wake up in the morning.

您可能会发现“ start [groupname]”语法对于不太像电灯开关这样的二进制文件很有用。 例如,如果您想打开灯,将充电板连接到智能插座,并在早晨的日常工作中将卧室的空间加热器连接起来,则可以创建一个包含所有名为“我的”的项目的组。当您早上醒来时说“ Alexa,开始我的早晨程序”可能会触发“早晨程序”。


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