


lock and chained computer

Photo by Benjamin Gustafsson


Anytime you’re making connections to anything outside of your network, security should be a concern, and this is doubly true for users of BitTorrent, who are getting data from all sorts of unknown sources.  Here’s how to protect yourself.

无论何时您要连接到网络外部的任何内容,安全性都应该成为一个问题,而对于从各种未知来源获取数据的BitTorrent用户而言,这确实是双重事实。 这是保护自己的方法。

Note: This is the third part in our series explaining BitTorrent—be sure and read the first part of the series, where we explained what BitTorrent is and how it works, and then the second part, where we explained how to create your own torrents.

注意:这是本系列的第三部分,介绍了BitTorrent,请确保并阅读本系列的第一部分,其中我们解释了BitTorrent是什么及其工作原理 ,然后是第二部分,其中说明了如何创建自己的种子文件。

安全威胁 (Security Threats)

It’s important to understand what types of threats are out there in order to effectively block them, so let’s take a look.


Viruses and other forms of malware are the most basic of threats.  The files you download are foreign and you should treat them as such; scan them promptly after downloading them.  Most major anti-virus programs have the ability to add folders for auto-scanning, which is probably the ideal solution if you either don’t have time or don’t want to waste effort doing things manually.

病毒和其他形式的恶意软件是最基本的威胁。 您下载的文件是外国文件,因此应将其视为此类文件; 下载它们后立即扫描它们。 大多数主要的防病毒程序都可以添加文件夹以进行自动扫描,如果您没有时间或不想浪费精力进行手动操作,这可能是理想的解决方案。

Computer Security

Photo by fitbloggersguide


On the more serious side, it shouldn’t be any surprise that your IP address is very easy to trace.  While many people have never had problems, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t worry about things.  In addition to people just eavesdropping on your connections, your downloads can also suffer.  There are increasing incidents of “bad traffic,” peers who send corrupt data in response to BitTorrent calls, forcing users to have to re-download those sections of their files.  Users who transfer copyright-infringing material also have to worry about getting caught via these same methods.  We at How-To Geek don’t condone piracy, of course, but we do support security, and the best way to stay secure is to stay informed.

从更严重的角度来看,您的IP地址非常容易跟踪也就不足为奇了。 虽然许多人从未遇到过问题,但这并不意味着您不应该担心任何事情。 除了人们只是在窃听您的连接之外,您的下载也会受到影响。 越来越多的“流量不良”事件发生,对端发送响应BitTorrent呼叫的损坏数据,迫使用户不得不重新下载文件的这些部分。 转移侵犯版权材料的用户还必须担心通过这些相同的方法被捕获。 当然,How-To Geek不会纵容盗版,但我们确实支持安全性,确保安全的最佳方法是保持知情。

加密 (Encryption)

One way to help alleviate these problems is to enable encryption for your connections.  This prevents the data sent between two peers from being understood by onlookers, although it doesn’t prevent them from seeing their IP addresses or certain details from the tracker, such as amount of data transferred.

缓解这些问题的一种方法是为您的连接启用加密。 这可以防止旁观者理解在两个对等体之间发送的数据,尽管这并不能阻止它们从跟踪器看到其IP地址或某些详细信息,例如传输的数据量。

This is not a perfect solution, however.  Encryption has to be supported by your peers as well, and they may not have their clients set to use it.  Some trackers don’t even allow encryption, but if yours does, it’s not a bad idea to enable preferring encrypted connections, but allowing unencrypted transfers if none are present.

但是,这不是一个完美的解决方案。 同行也必须支持加密,并且他们可能没有设置使用它的客户端。 一些跟踪甚至不容许加密,但如果你做,这不是一个坏主意,让喜欢加密连接,但允许未加密传输,如果不存在。

Enable Encryption in uTorrent


Open uTorrent, go to Options > Preferences, and then click where it says BitTorrent on the left.

打开uTorrent ,转到“ 选项”>“首选项” ,然后单击左侧显示BitTorrent的位置。


Under where it says “Protocol Encryption,” choose Enabled and click on Allow incoming legacy connections.  This will allow outbound encryption but still accept non-encrypted connections when there are no encrypted connections available.

在显示“协议加密”的位置下,选择已启用 ,然后点击允许传入的旧版连接 。 这将允许出站加密,但在没有可用的加密连接时仍会接受未加密的连接。

Enable Encryption in Transmission


Open Transmission and click on Edit > Preferences (Linux) or Transmission > Preferences (Mac OS).  Then click on the Privacy tab (Linux) or the Peers tab (Mac OS).

打开传输 ,然后单击编辑>首选项 (Linux)或传输>首选项 (Mac OS)。 然后单击“ 隐私”选项卡(Linux)或“ 对等”选项卡(Mac OS)。

Screenshot-Transmission Preferences-1

Under the “Encryption mode” dropdown box, select Prefer encryption.  This will still accept unencrypted connections when there is a lack of encrypted connections available.

在“加密模式”下拉框中,选择首选加密 。 当缺少可用的加​​密连接时,它仍将接受未加密的连接。

IP拦截器 (IP Blockers)

Another thing you can do is use an IP blocker.  These programs run alongside an existing firewall (you DO have a firewall, don’t you?) and your BitTorrent client and they filter out IP addresses based on blocklists.  Blocklists compound ranges of IPs that contain known problems, such as monitoring and bad packet transfer.  How well they work is up for debate, and there is no consensus on whether they do anything at all.  Websites and trackers that are fine sometimes get blocked, and you have to manually allow them.

您可以做的另一件事是使用IP阻止程序。 这些程序与现有防火墙(您确实有防火墙,对吗?)和BitTorrent客户端一起运行,它们根据阻止列表过滤IP地址。 阻止列表混合了包含已知问题(例如监视和错误的数据包传输)的IP范围。 他们的工作水平如何尚待辩论,关于他们是否有任何作为尚无共识。 优秀的网站和跟踪器有时会被屏蔽,您必须手动允许它们。

If you’re a cautious person, however, it’s not a bad idea to run an IP blocker just in case.  The most well-known ones are PeerBlock for Windows and Moblock for Linux, and Transmission for both Mac and Linux has the ability to use a blocklist.  PeerBlock, once installed, allows you to download and update blocklists and automatically starts to block IP addresses.

但是,如果您是一个谨慎的人,以防万一,运行IP阻止程序并不是一个坏主意。 最知名的有PeerBlock用于Windows和Moblock用于Linux和传输同时支持Mac和Linux必须使用阻止列表的能力。 安装后,PeerBlock允许您下载和更新阻止列表,并自动开始阻止IP地址。

Install and Configure PeerBlock on Windows


Download PeerBlock from their website.  The beta is pretty stable and provides the most useful features, and is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and 7 (all versions).

从他们的网站下载PeerBlock 。 该Beta非常稳定,并提供最有用的功能,并且与Windows XP,Vista和7(所有版本)兼容。


Installation is a breeze, and once it’s finished and you open up PeerBlock, it will start the configuration wizard.  Hit Next.

安装轻而易举,一旦完成并打开PeerBlock,它将启动配置向导。 点击下一步


On this screen, you can choose which types of blocklists to subscribe to.  You can see here that we chose P2P, and threw in Spyware for good measure as well.  If you’re new to this sort of thing, it’s probably best to choose Always Allow HTTP as well, since it allows all traffic through that port.  If you don’t choose this option, your browsing may be affected, and you’ll find yourself having to manually allow certain websites.  Click Next when you’re done.0

在此屏幕上,您可以选择要订阅的阻止列表类型。 您可以在此处看到我们选择了P2P ,并且还引入了Spyware以作很好的评估。 如果您不熟悉这种情况,最好也选择Always Allow HTTP ,因为它允许通过该端口的所有流量。 如果不选择此选项,则可能会影响您的浏览,并且您将不得不手动允许某些网站。 完成后单击“ 下一步” 。0


Next, you can choose to schedule what and how often to update.  The default are perfectly fine here, so click Next.

接下来,您可以选择计划更新的内容和频率。 默认值在这里很好,因此请单击“ 下一步”。


You’ll see a pop-up and your selected blocklists will automatically update.  Once they’ve finished, the Close button won’t be grayed out and you can click it.

您会看到一个弹出窗口,您选择的阻止列表将自动更新。 完成操作后,“ 关闭”按钮将不会显示为灰色,您可以单击它。


You’ll be greeted with the main PeerBlock screen, where you can view the history of blocked attempts to access your computer, manage your lists, check for updates manually, and so on.  You can exit via the icon in your system tray.

您会看到PeerBlock主屏幕,您可以在其中查看被阻止访问计算机的历史记录,管理列表,手动检查更新等等。 您可以通过系统任务栏中的图标退出。

Blocking IPs on Linux and Mac OS

在Linux和Mac OS上阻止IP

Moblock is a little more powerful and complicated, and although there is a GUI by the name of Mobloquer available, it’s not a walk in the park to set up.  Furthermore, it only works on Linux, and there aren’t a wide variety of comparable tools available on Mac OS that work as well.  Serendipitously for us, however, Transmission can download and utilize blocklists very easily!

Moblock的功能更强大,更复杂,尽管有一个名为Mobloquer的GUI可用,但在公园里散步并不是一件容易的事。 此外,它仅在Linux上有效,在Mac OS上也没有各种各样的可比较的工具也可以正常工作。 但是,对于我们来说,偶然的是,Transmission可以非常轻松地下载和使用阻止列表!

Open Transmission and click on Edit > Preferences (Linux) or Transmission > Preferences (Mac OS).  Then click on the Privacy tab (Linux) or Peers tab (Mac OS) once again.

打开传输,然后单击编辑>首选项 (Linux)或传输>首选项 (Mac OS)。 然后再次单击“ 隐私”选项卡(Linux)或“ 对等”选项卡(Mac OS)。

Screenshot-Transmission Preferences-2

Click the checkmarks next to the Enable blocklist and Enable automatic updates boxes, and then click the Update button.  Transmission will automatically download and utilize the P2P blocklist and will display the total number of rules being followed.  That’s it!

单击“ 启用阻止列表”和“ 启用自动更新”框旁边的复选标记,然后单击“ 更新”按钮。 传输将自动下载并利用P2P阻止列表,并显示要遵循的规则总数。 而已!

私人追踪器 (Private Trackers)

Staying safe is important because you don’t know who (or what) is out there.  But, what if you had a reliable source?  Private trackers serve as an ideal long-term solution because of a few key reasons:

确保安全很重要,因为您不知道那里有谁(或什么)。 但是,如果您有可靠的消息来源怎么办? 由于以下几个关键原因,私人跟踪器可以作为理想的长期解决方案:

  1. A closed, trusted community:  The tracker requires registration and there is a screening process.  Breaking rules can lead to being banned, and in many cases, if people you invite into the community do something to get banned, you also get banned.  While this may seem like a looming storm-cloud, as long as you’re careful you’ll be safe from most threats and so will everyone else.

    封闭,可信任的社区 :跟踪器需要注册,并且有一个筛选过程。 违反规则可能导致被禁止,在许多情况下,如果您邀请加入社区的人做某事被禁止,您也会被禁止。 尽管这看起来像是即将来临的乌云,但只要您小心一点,就可以免受大多数威胁的侵害,其他所有人也可以。

  2. Strict connection rules:  Only approved clients and methods are allowed.  This cuts down on users faking ratios, leeching, etc. and simultaneously dictates how connections should be made to maximize speed and safety.

    严格的连接规则 :仅允许批准的客户端和方法。 这减少了用户的伪造比率,渗水等,同时规定了如何进行连接以最大程度地提高速度和安全性。

  3. Standards for torrents:  Uploaded files have standards as to quality and format, as well as being virus and malware free.  Most trackers require previews for disambiguation of similar torrents.

    种子标准 :上传的文件具有质量和格式的标准,并且没有病毒和恶意软件。 大多数跟踪器都需要预览才能消除类似洪流的歧义。

  4. Ratios:  Each user is required to maintain a certain ratio of uploads to downloads.  This is often judged via total amount in MB, although add new torrents can give you a bonus, or there may be donation-based perks.  This ensures that files have a high availability and helps with speed, although this admittedly varies based on the individual torrents themselves.

    比率 :每个用户都必须保持一定的上载与下载比率。 尽管添加新的洪流可以为您带来红利,或者可能存在基于捐赠的福利,但这通常是通过MB总量来判断的。 这可以确保文件具有高可用性并有助于提高速度,尽管这当然会根据单个种子本身而有所不同。

As you can see, this forms a pretty good long-term solution to a lot of issues you could potentially encounter while using BitTorrent.  You get a lot of perks when you join a private tracker, and there are many out there.  The main downside is that you have to wait for registration or else find someone who can send you an invite, which can take some time.

如您所见,对于使用BitTorrent时可能遇到的许多问题,这形成了一个很好的长期解决方案。 加入私人跟踪器后,您会获得很多好处,而且还有很多。 主要缺点是您必须等待注册或找到可以向您发送邀请的人,这可能需要一些时间。

If you’re the cautious type, it wouldn’t hurt to combine these strategies to mitigate security and privacy threats.  With cybercrime a very real danger, it’s a good idea to take control of your computer’s security through tools like these, without compromising your internet activity too much.  The most important thing you can do, however, is make smart decisions, both in what you download and where you go, and stay informed of what’s out there.  Doing your research is the best way to stay safe.

如果您是谨慎类型,将这些策略组合起来以减轻安全性和隐私威胁不会有什么坏处。 网络犯罪是一个非常现实的危险,因此最好通过此类工具来控制计算机的安全,而又不会过多地破坏您的互联网活动。 但是,您可以做的最重要的事情是做出明智的决定,无论您要下载的内容还是去往何处,并始终了解那里的内容。 做研究是确保安全的最佳方法。

Edit: The tab under Preferences for Transmission on Mac OS was fixed. It now correctly refers to the Peers tab.

编辑:在Mac OS上的“传输首选项”下的选项卡已修复。 现在,它正确地指向“对等方”选项卡。



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