


When you think of BitTorrent, you probably think about piracy. And yeah, it’s used that way a lot—but that’s not all it’s good for. BitTorrent is just a decentralized peer-to-peer transfer protocol, and how you use it is up to you. Here are our favorite free BitTorrent clients.

当您想到BitTorrent时,您可能会想到盗版。 是的,它已被大量使用,但这并不是所有的好处。 BitTorrent只是一个去中心化的点对点传输协议 ,如何使用取决于您自己。 这是我们最喜欢的免费BitTorrent客户。

BitTorrents合法吗? (Are BitTorrents Legal?)

BitTorrent, the company that created the BitTorrent protocol, designed it with the aim of making it easy to distribute large amounts of data effectively. The peer-to-peer (P2P) technology enables each person downloading the data also to serve that data to others (a process called “seeding”). This drastically reduces the load on a single server and has many uses aside from downloading pirated material.

创建BitTorrent协议的公司BitTorrent对其进行设计,目的是使其易于有效地分发大量数据。 点对点(P2P)技术使每个人下载数据也可以将该数据提供给其他人(称为“播种”的过程)。 这极大地减少了单个服务器上的负载,除了下载盗版材料外,还有许多用途。

So really, BitTorrent is merely a protocol—a tool that, in and of itself, is not at all illegal. It’s what you do with it that matters, just like owning a hammer isn’t illegal, but hitting someone over the head with it is. If you’re considering downloading copyrighted content, that’s illegal.

因此,实际上,BitTorrent仅仅是一种协议,而该工具本身并不完全是非法的。 重要的是您要做的事情,就像拥有一把锤子不是违法的,而用锤子砸头是违法的。 如果您正在考虑下载受版权保护的内容,那是非法的。

But there are also great legal uses for BitTorrent, too. A lot of software distributors—particular those that distribute the various versions of Linux—use BitTorrent to do so. You can even use BitTorrent yourself to more easily share large files with friends and family around the world.

但是BitTorrent也有很大的法律用途。 许多软件发行商,尤其是那些发行各种Linux版本的软件发行商,都使用BitTorrent这样做。 您甚至可以自己使用BitTorrent与世界各地的朋友和家人轻松共享大文件。

With that out of the way, let’s look at the few of the best free BitTorrent clients around.


Qbittorrent :最佳总体BitTorrent客户端 (Qbittorrent: The Best Overall BitTorrent Client)


Back in the day, we had a wonderful BitTorrent client named uTorrent that was super lightweight and packed with features. Somewhere along the way, BitTorrent, Inc. bought uTorrent and loaded it up with crapware and advertisements.

过去,我们有一个很棒的BitTorrent客户端,名为uTorrent,它超级轻巧,功能丰富。 一路上的某个地方,BitTorrent,Inc.购买了uTorrent,并在其中加载了垃圾软件和广告。

In the wake of that, qBittorrent came on the scene. It was designed to be a free, open-source alternative to uTorrent and it pretty much fits that bill. qBittorrent isn’t the most powerful BitTorrent client out there, but it’s still one of our favorites.

之后, qBittorrent出现了。 它被设计为uTorrent的免费开放源代码替代品,非常适合该法案。 qBittorrent不是那里功能最强大的BitTorrent客户端,但它仍然是我们的最爱之一。

That’s because it’s a simple product that does its job well. It doesn’t have loads of extra features or available plugins like some other clients, but it does have essential features like a web-based remote control, prioritization of torrents, IP filtering, selective file download, and even creating torrents.

那是因为它是一个简单的产品,可以很好地完成工作。 它没有像其他客户端一样具有大量额外功能或可用插件的负载,但是它确实具有基本功能,例如基于Web的远程控制,种子优先级确定,IP过滤,选择性文件下载甚至创建种子。

qBittorrent is lightweight, fast, ad-free, and open source. It’s also cross-platform, and you’ll find versions available for Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, and more.

qBittorrent是轻量级,快速,无广告和开源的。 它也是跨平台的,您将找到适用于Windows,macOS,Linux,FreeBSD等的版本。

If you’re looking for a simple torrent client with essential features, qBitTorrent is an excellent choice.


Vuze :适合初学者的BitTorrent客户 (Vuze: A Great BitTorrent Client for Beginners)


Vuze is a simple and feature-packed BitTorrent client. Its main advantage is its interface. Unlike other BitTorrent clients that cram all their settings together, the Vuze interface is surprisingly simple to understand, even the text in the application seems written for beginners. It also includes a built-in search feature and supports numerous plug-ins for additional functionality.

Vuze是一个简单且功能丰富的BitTorrent客户端。 它的主要优点是它的界面。 不像其他BitTorrent客户端将所有设置都塞在一起,Vuze界面非常易于理解,即使应用程序中的文本似乎也是为初学者编写的。 它还包括一个内置的搜索功能,并支持许多用于附加功能的插件。

Vuze comes in a free or paid version. The free version (simply named Vuze) is ad-supported, but the ads are not intrusive.

Vuze有免费或付费版本。 免费版(简称为Vuze)受广告支持,但广告不具干扰性。

The paid version (Vuze Plus, $29.99 per year) removes those ads and offers a few additional features. The is DVD burning. If you still use DVDs, that might be important to you.

付费版本(Vuze Plus,每年29.99美元)会删除这些广告,并提供一些其他功能。 DVD正在刻录。 如果您仍然使用DVD,那对您可能很重要。

The second additional feature in Vuze Plus is built-in antivirus protection powered by Bitdefender. If you download content from unknown sources, this might be useful. You can also decline to install this antivirus during setup if you’d rather not use it.

Vuze Plus中的第二个附加功能是由Bitdefender支持的内置防病毒保护。 如果您从未知来源下载内容,这可能会很有用。 如果不想使用它,也可以在安装过程中拒绝安装此防病毒软件。

The third additional feature and the most important one in our opinion is built-in video streaming. You can start playing or streaming videos right from Vuze, even while they’re still downloading in some cases.

我们认为,第三个附加功能也是最重要的功能是内置视频流。 即使某些情况下仍在下载中,您也可以直接从Vuze开始播放或流式传输视频。

Vuze is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.


Deluge :面向高级用户的可定制BitTorrent客户端 (Deluge: A Customizable BitTorrent Client for Power Users)


Deluge looks like most other BitTorrent clients when you first install it but don’t let its simple looks fool you. It’s a powerful BitTorrent client with some fantastic features.

首次安装时, Deluge看起来与大多数其他BitTorrent客户端一样,但不要让其简单的外观欺骗您。 这是一个功能强大的BitTorrent客户端,具有一些出色的功能。

Deluge is designed to be a minimal BitTorrent client out of the gate, but hugely extensible through the use of plugins. The company behind it offers some official plugins, and there is also a broad ecosystem of third-party plugins available as well. The idea here is that instead of a feature-packed BitTorrent client, you get a client that you can pack with the features you want.

Deluge被设计为最小的BitTorrent客户端,但是通过使用插件可以极大地扩展。 它背后的公司提供了一些官方插件,并且还提供了广泛的第三方插件生态系统。 这里的想法是,您将获得一个可以打包所需功能的客户端,而不是功能强大的BitTorrent客户端。

Deluge is free and ad-free, and it’s the perfect client if you like to tinker around and experiment with new features.


Deluge is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and BSD Unix.

Deluge可用于Windows,macOS,Linux和BSD Unix。

So, those are our favorite free BitTorrent clients. Have any you want to recommend?

因此,这些是我们最喜欢的免费BitTorrent客户。 您有什么要推荐的吗?

Image Credit: Profit_Image/Shutterstock

图片来源: Profit_Image / Shutterstock







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