


Macs automatically go into a low power sleep mode when you leave them idle for several minutes, or when you close your laptop’s lid. Some Macs also support “standby mode”, which is basically the same as hibernate on a Windows PC. Here’s how to configure when your Mac hibernates.

当Mac闲置数分钟或合上笔记本电脑的机盖时,它们会自动进入低功耗睡眠模式 。 某些Mac也支持“待机模式”,该模式与Windows PC上的Hibernate模式基本相同。 这是MacHibernate时的配置方法。

By default, Macs manufactured in 2013 or later will enter standby mode after three hours of sleep. Older Macs will enter standby mode after about 70 minutes of sleep. In standby mode, the Mac will save the contents of its memory to disk and shut down to save power, but it’ll take longer to become usable when you start using it again.

默认情况下,2013年或之后生产的Mac将在睡眠三个小时后进入待机模式。 大约70分钟的睡眠后,旧版Mac将进入待机模式。 在待机模式下,Mac会将其内存中的内容保存到磁盘上,然后关闭以节省电量,但​​是再次使用时,将需要更长的时间才能使用。

待机要求 (Standby Requirements)

Standby is designed to work entirely in the background, which is why there’s no graphical option to configure this. Unlike on a Windows PC, where it’s possible to get a “Hibernate” option in the shutdown menu, there’s no way to get a graphical “Standby” option in your Apple menu alongside the “Sleep” option.

Standby设计为完全在后台运行,这就是为什么没有图形选项可以配置它的原因。 与Windows PC不同,在Windows PC上可以在关闭菜单中获得“Hibernate”选项,而在Apple菜单中无法与“睡眠”选项一起获得图形化的“待机”选项。

Macs will only go into standby mode in specific situations. MacBooks–that is, portable Macs and not desktop Macs–will only go into standby mode if they’re on battery power. They’ll never go into standby mode if they’re plugged in. MacBooks will also never go into standby mode if they have an external device connected, including Ethernet, USB, Thunderbolt, an SD card, a display, or even a wireless Bluetooth device.

Mac仅在特定情况下会进入待机模式。 MacBooks(即便携式Mac而非台式机)只有在依靠电池供电时才会进入待机模式。 如果插入电源,它们将永远不会进入待机模式。如果MacBook连接了外部设备(包括以太网,USB,Thunderbolt,SD卡,显示器甚至是无线蓝牙),它们也将永远不会进入待机模式。设备。

Desktop Macs will go into standby mode if they have an external device connected, but they will never go into standby mode if external media like a USB drive or SD card is mounted on the Mac.


如何更改待机延迟 (How to Change the Standby Delay)

If you want to make your Mac hibernate instead of sleep whenever possible, you could set the standby delay to a short amount of time. If you want to make it hibernate less often, you could set the standby delay to a longer amount of time.

如果要使Mac尽可能从Hibernate方式进入Hibernate状态,可以将待机延迟时间设置为较短的时间。 如果要使其Hibernate频率降低,可以将待机延迟设置为更长的时间。

The standby delay is a hidden option that isn’t available in the Energy Saver configuration window. To check it, you’ll need to open a Terminal window. You can open a terminal window by pressing Command+Space to open the Spotlight search dialog, typing “Terminal”, and pressing Enter. Or, open a Finder window and head to Applications > Utilities > Terminal.

待机延迟是一个隐藏选项,在“节能器”配置窗口中不可用。 要检查它,您需要打开一个终端窗口。 您可以通过按Command + Space打开Spotlight搜索对话框 ,键入“ Terminal”,然后按Enter来打开终端窗口。 或者,打开Finder窗口,然后转到“应用程序”>“实用程序”>“终端”。

Run the following command to check your standby delay time:


pmset -g | grep standby

If you see a “1” next to “standby”, that indicates your Mac supports standby and it’s enabled.

如果您在“待机”旁边看到“ 1”,则表明您的Mac支持待机并且已启用。

The number you see next to “standbydelay” is how long your Mac waits before going into standby mode after sleeping, in seconds. So, for example, a standbydelay value of 10800 in the screenshot below means 10800 seconds. That’s 180 minutes, or 3 hours.

您在“ standbydelay”旁边看到的数字是您的Mac在睡眠后进入待机模式之前等待的时间(以秒为单位)。 因此,例如,下面的屏幕快照中的standbydelay值为10800表示10800秒。 那是180分钟,即3个小时。

Update: Starting with macOS Mojave, the single “standbydelay” setting is gone and there are now three options you need to consider: standbydelaylow, standbydelayhigh, and highstandbythreshold. “standbydelayhigh” sets the number of seconds your Mac waits to enter standby at high battery, “standbydelaylow” sets the number of sectons your Mac waits to enter standby at low battery, and “highstandbythreshold” sets the threshold at which at chooses between the two. For example, if “highstandbythreshold” is set to “50”, your Mac will use the high standby time above 50% battery and the low standby time below 50% battery.

更新 :从macOS Mojave开始,一个“ standbydelay”设置消失了,现在您需要考虑三个选项:standbydelaylow,standbydelayhigh和highstandbythreshold。 “ standbydelayhigh”设置Mac电池电量过高等待进入待机状态的秒数,“ standbydelaylow”设置Mac电池电量低时等待进入待机状态的秒数,“ highstandbythreshold”设置两者之间进行选择的阈值。 例如,如果将“ highstandbythreshold”设置为“ 50”,则Mac将使用高于50%电池电量的高待机时间和低于50%电池电量的低待机时间。

To change the standby delay, run the following command, replacing # with your desired standby delay in seconds:


sudo pmset -a standbydelay #

For example, if you wanted to have your Mac go into standby 60 minutes after it enters sleep mode, run the following command:


sudo pmset -a standbydelay 3600

Enter your password at the password prompt. Your change will take effect immediately.

在密码提示下输入密码。 您的更改将立即生效。

Update: You can change this in a similar way on macOS Mojave. For example, to configure your Mac to wait for 60 minutes before it enters sleep mode below 40% battery and for 180 minutes above that threshold, you’d run the following commands:

更新 :您可以在macOS Mojave上以类似方式更改此设置。 例如,要将Mac配置为等待60分钟,然后进入低于40%电池电量的睡眠模式,再等待超过该阈值180分钟,请运行以下命令:

sudo pmset -a standbydelaylow 3600
sudo pmset -a highstandbythreshold 40
sudo pmset -a standbydelayhigh 10800

To have your Mac go into standby mode, you can either close the lid, press the power button, or select the “Sleep” option in the Apple menu.


To control exactly how long your Mac waits before going into sleep mode, head to System Preferences > Energy Saver and adjust the “Turn Display Off After” slider. This setting controls when your Mac goes into sleep mode, and it goes into standby (or hibernate) mode a certain number of minutes after this.

要精确控制Mac进入睡眠模式之前等待的时间,请转到“系统偏好设置”>“节能器”,然后调整“之后关闭显示”滑块。 此设置控制Mac何时进入睡眠模式,并在此后一定时间进入待机(或Hibernate)模式。

如何完全禁用待机模式 (How to Completely Disable Standby Mode)

You can disable standby mode entirely, if you like. This isn’t necessarily a good idea, as it means a portable MacBook will gradually drain its battery rather than entering a very lower power mode standby mode when you leave it in sleep mode. But it’s your choice.

如果愿意,您可以完全禁用待机模式。 这不一定是个好主意,因为这意味着便携式MacBook会在逐渐进入睡眠模式时逐渐消耗电池电量,而不是进入低功耗待机模式。 但这是您的选择。

If you’d like to disable standby mode entirely, set the “standby” value to “0” by running the following command in a terminal window:

如果要完全禁用待机模式,请在终端窗口中运行以下命令,将“ standby”值设置为“ 0”:

sudo pmset -a standby 0

To re-enable standby later, run the following command:


sudo pmset -a standby 1

If your Mac isn’t going into standby mode after the exact delay you specify, be sure to check that something isn’t preventing it from entering standby mode entirely. For example, just leaving an SD card plugged in and mounted all the time will prevent any Mac from hibernating.

如果在指定的确切延迟后Mac仍未进入待机模式,请确保检查是否有某些因素阻止了Mac完全进入待机模式。 例如,只要始终保持SD卡插入并安装就可以防止任何Mac进入Hibernate状态。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/260478/how-to-choose-when-your-mac-hibernates-or-enters-standby/






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