


Older man with folded arms in curio shop

Street photography and travel photography are similar genres: really, street photography is just travel photography in your hometown. That means they use the same broad camera settings.

街头摄影旅行摄影是相似的类型:实际上,街头摄影只是您家乡的旅行摄影。 这意味着他们使用相同的广泛相机设置。

Generally, for street and travel photography, you want a relatively natural-looking image. The viewer should almost feel like they see things for themselves. Let’s look at how to achieve that.

通常,对于街道和旅行摄影,您需要一个看起来比较自然的图像。 观众几乎应该觉得自己在看东西。 让我们看看如何实现这一目标。

interior of train station with sun setting in background

街头和旅行摄影用什么镜头 (What Lens to Use for Street and Travel Photography)

There are three traditional focal lengths for street and travel photography: 24mm, 28mm, 35mm, and 50mm. They correspond to some of the most common prime lenses available.

街道和旅行摄影有三种传统焦距 :24mm,28mm,35mm和50mm。 它们对应于一些最常用的定焦镜头

At 50mm, you get a perspective that closely mimics what the human eye sees. Everything looks natural. 35mm, 28mm, and 24mm all show a wider field of view so you can include more of the scene without adding much distortion.

在50mm处,您将获得一个与人眼所见极为相似的透视图 。 一切看起来自然。 35mm,28mm和24mm都显示了较宽的视野,因此您可以包括更多场景而不会增加太多失真

Note that these are the traditional focal lengths on full frame bodies. For crop sensor cameras, they correspond roughly to 16mm, 18mm, 24mm, and 35mm. If you want, you can use a prime, but 18mm, 24mm, and 35mm all fall nicely in the range of the standard 18-55mm kit lens that comes with most cameras. Convenient, eh!

请注意,这些是全画幅机身上的传统焦距。 对于作物传感器相机 ,它们大致对应于16mm,18mm,24mm和35mm。 如果需要,可以使用定焦镜头,但18mm,24mm和35mm都可以很好地属于大多数相机随附的标准18-55mm套装镜头范围。 方便,!

街拍和旅行摄影的光圈 (Aperture for Street and Travel Photography)

Arthur “Weegee” Fellig famously said that the secret to good street photography was “f/8 and be there.” It’s a motto that’s been picked up by photojournalists for a good reason: shooting at f/8 with a 35mm lens gives your images a nice wide depth of field. This means that all you have to do is be where something interesting is happening.

Arthur“ Weegee” Fellig著名地表示,优质街头摄影的秘诀是“ f / 8并在那里”。 摄影记者的座右铭是有充分的理由的:用35mm镜头以f / 8进行拍摄可为您的图像提供很好的景深 。 这意味着您要做的只是在发生有趣的事情。

three restaurant workers chatting outside during a break

Weegee’s suggestion still holds today, although with autofocus cameras (he had to use a manual focus camera) you don’t have to be quite as strict. An aperture between f/5.6 (on wider lenses) and f/11 (on a 50mm lens) will generally give you great results, whatever is happening.

Weegee的建议在今天仍然有效,尽管使用自动对焦相机 (他必须使用手动对焦相机)时,您不必这么严格。 无论发生什么情况,f / 5.6(在较宽的镜头上)和f / 11(在50mm镜头上)之间的光圈通常都会为您带来出色的效果。

街头和旅行摄影的快门速度 (Shutter Speed for Street and Travel Photography)

Most of the time, when I’m shooting street or travel photographs, I use aperture priority mode. As long as the shutter speed stays above around 1/100th of a second, your photos will be sharp and now show any blur from the camera shaking or the subjects moving.

在大多数时候,当我拍摄街道或旅行照片时,我会使用光圈优先模式只要快门速度保持在1/100秒左右以上 ,您的照片就会变得清晰,并且现在显示出相机晃动或拍摄对象移动造成的任何模糊。

Older man with folded arms in curio shop

Unlike a lot of subjects, however, street and travel photos can benefit from a bit of creative blur. This means you might sometimes want to use a shutter speed that’s slow enough to show a bit of movement.

但是,与许多主题不同,街道和旅行照片可以从一些创意模糊中受益。 这意味着您有时可能希望使用足够慢的快门速度来显示一点动感

man in suit riding motorcycle with blurred bus moving behind him

If you want your subjects moving, I find somewhere around 1/15th or 1/30th works well. On sunny days, you will probably need to narrow your aperture to get a shutter speed this slow.

如果您想让拍摄对象移动,我发现1/15或1/30左右的效果不错。 在晴天,您可能需要缩小光圈才能获得如此慢的快门速度。

街道和旅行摄影的ISO (ISO for Street and Travel Photography)

two men sitting on park bench at night; one man sleeping on seat behind them

In general, for street and travel photography you want your ISO at 100 (or whatever your camera’s base ISO is). This is pretty easy to achieve in bright daylight but in narrow alleys, in the evening, or even at night, you’ll need to increase it to keep your shutter speed up. However, since street photographs, in particular, look good when things are a bit rough and raw, you can safely increase it when you need to.

通常,对于街道和旅行摄影, 您希望ISO为100(或相机的基本ISO为) 。 在明亮的日光下很容易做到这一点,但在狭窄的小巷,晚上甚至晚上,都需要增加它以保持快门速度。 但是,由于街景尤其在有些粗糙和原始的情况下看起来不错,因此可以在需要时放心地增加它。

Street and travel photography are really fun ways to use your camera. You probably already have the gear, so get out there and shoot!

街头摄影和旅行摄影是使用相机的有趣方式。 您可能已经有了装备,所以出去那里射击吧!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/402218/what-camera-settings-should-i-use-for-street-and-travel-photography/


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