ipad iphone开发_如何对iPhone或iPad上的蓝牙问题进行故障排除

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Bluetooth can be a little finicky on its best of days. There are several possible points of failure between your iOS device and whatever accessory you’re connecting to. Here’s how to troubleshoot them.

最好的日子里,蓝牙可能有点挑剔。 您的iOS设备与您要连接的任何附件之间可能存在多个故障点。 这是解决它们的方法。

While it can be temperamental and a bit of a battery drain, Bluetooth remains a great way to connect to nearby devices and accessories. Pairing your devices over Bluetooth allows you to do cool things like trigger reminders when you get out of your car, and is also required for lots of devices like wearables and wireless speakers. So it can be frustrating when Bluetooth connections aren’t working. There are, however, several troubleshooting steps you can take to get your connections going again.

蓝牙虽然很气质,但会消耗一些电量,但蓝牙仍然是连接附近设备和配件的好方法。 通过蓝牙配对设备可以让您下车时做一些很酷的事情,例如触发提醒 ,对于可穿戴设备和无线扬声器等许多设备也是必需的。 因此,当蓝牙连接不起作用时,它可能会令人沮丧。 但是,您可以采取一些故障排除步骤来重新建立连接。

首先尝试显而易见的东西 (Try the Obvious Stuff First)


Like most things gadget related, there are some things you want to make sure of before you get too deep into troubleshooting.


  • Make sure Bluetooth is turned on and Airplane Mode is turned off on your iOS device. You can check this quickly by sliding up the Control Center panel from the bottom edge of the screen and checking the buttons along the top.

    确保iOS设备上的蓝牙功能已打开且飞行模式已关闭。 您可以通过从屏幕底部向上滑动“控制中心”面板并检查顶部的按钮来快速检查。
  • Make sure the Bluetooth device you’re connecting to your phone (e.g. your Bluetooth headphones, fitness tracker, or whatever else) has enough battery charge and is turned on.

  • Make sure your iOS and Bluetooth device are close enough to one another. While Bluetooth standards mandate ranges of no less than 10 meters (33 feet), different hardware, a range of antenna strengths, various types of interference, and several Bluetooth versions commonly in operation mean that range can be tricky. In the real world, most of us would be happy enough with a 33 foot range. When trying to pair devices or troubleshoot why they’re not pairing, make sure the devices are as close as possible. Once you get them paired, you can experiment with more range.

    确保您的iOS和蓝牙设备之间的距离足够近。 蓝牙标准规定的范围必须不少于10米(33英尺),但是不同的硬件,一定范围的天线强度,各种干扰以及通常运行的几种蓝牙版本都意味着该范围很棘手。 在现实世界中,我们大多数人都会对33英尺的范围感到满意。 尝试配对设备或排除未配对的原因时,请确保设备尽可能靠近。 将它们配对后,您可以尝试更大的范围。

If none of those help, we can move on to some other troubleshooting tips.


关闭蓝牙并重新启动手机 (Turn Bluetooth Off and Restart Your Phone)


If you can’t get your iPhone or iPad paired with your Bluetooth device–or if iOS just isn’t seeing the device at all–the old “turn it off and back on again” advice applies, with a bit of a twist thrown in. Restart Bluetooth using the following steps:


  1. Turn off the Bluetooth device you’re trying to pair.

  2. Turn off Bluetooth on your iOS device from Control Center, or by going to Settings > Bluetooth and turning the “Bluetooth” slider off.

  3. Force restart your iOS device by holding the Home and Power buttons down until you see the Apple logo on your screen. If you’re using the iPhone 7 or 7 Plus, you’ll hold down the power and volume down buttons instead.

    按住主屏幕和电源按钮,强制重新启动iOS设备,直到屏幕上看到Apple徽标为止。 如果您使用的是iPhone 7或7 Plus,请按住电源和音量调低按钮。
  4. When your iOS device has restarted, turn Bluetooth back on.

  5. Turn your Bluetooth device back on and try pairing it with your phone.


Most of the time, this technique should solve pairing difficulties.


让iOS忘记您的设备,然后再次配对 (Have iOS Forget Your Device and then Pair It Again)

If you’re having trouble with a device that you have paired with successfully in the past, and restarting Bluetooth didn’t work for you, you can try “forgetting” the device and pairing it again from scratch.


In iOS’ Settings, tap “Bluetooth.”



Tap the “i” button next to the device you’re having problems connecting to.

点按您遇到连接问题的设备旁边的“ i”按钮。


Tap the “Forget This Device” button.



Confirm that you want to forget the device.



And now that iOS has forgotten the device, you can try pairing it again.


重置网络设置 (Reset Your Network Settings)

If none of the steps so far have taken care of your problem, you can also have iOS reset all your network settings. You can read our full instructions for the process here, but the short version is this: head to Settings > General > Reset and tap “Reset Network Settings.”

如果到目前为止,所有步骤都无法解决您的问题,则还可以让iOS重置所有网络设置。 您可以在此处阅读有关该过程的完整说明 ,但简短的版本是:转到“设置”>“常规”>“重置”,然后点击“重置网络设置”。


Just be aware that this will reset all your network settings. All Bluetooth pairings and Wi-Fi networks will be removed, including any VPNs you have set up. This even resets cellular settings, but unless you’re using a carrier that allows you to manually configure carrier settings–such as some mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs)–those settings will get restored automatically. If you are with an MVNO (such as Cricket, Republic Wireless, and other off-contract carriers in the US), you’ll have to set those up again yourself or have them set up by your carrier’s customer service.

请注意,这将重置您的所有网络设置。 所有蓝牙配对和Wi-Fi网络都将被删除,包括您已设置的任何VPN 。 这甚至会重置蜂窝设置,但是除非您使用允许您手动配置运营商设置的运营商(例如某些移动虚拟网络运营商(MVNO)),否则这些设置将自动恢复。 如果您使用的是MVNO(例如Cricket,Republic Wireless和美国的其他合同外运营商),则必须自己重新设置这些价格,或者由运营商的客户服务来设置。

一些最后的选择 (Some Last Resort Options)

If nothing else has worked, you may have to explore a couple of more dramatic options. The first of these is to perform a full factory reset or restore a backup from iTunes. Obviously, this option requires some preparation and will take a little time. The factory reset option will restore your device to a like-new condition, erasing all your personal settings, apps, and data. Restoring from a backup means you’ll have to have made a backup from which to restore in the first place.

如果没有其他效果,则可能必须探索几个更戏剧性的选择。 首先是执行完整的出厂重置或从iTunes 恢复备份 。 显然,此选项需要一些准备,并且会花费一些时间。 恢复出厂设置选项会将您的设备恢复到新的状态,并清除所有个人设置,应用和数据。 从备份还原意味着您必须首先进行备份以从中还原。

And finally, if nothing else here has worked for you, your device may actually have a hardware problem. If you can pair your iOS device with other Bluetooth devices, but one is giving you problems, then the issue may be with that one device. Trying pairing it with another iOS device to test it out. If you’re having trouble pairing with all Bluetooth devices, it’s probably time to schedule a service appointment with Apple.

最后,如果这里没有其他方法对您有用,则您的设备实际上可能存在硬件问题。 如果您可以将iOS设备与其他蓝牙设备配对,但是却给您带来了问题,那么问题可能出在那一台设备上。 尝试将其与其他iOS设备配对以进行测试。 如果您无法与所有蓝牙设备配对,那么可能是时候与Apple预约服务了。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/278170/how-to-troubleshoot-bluetooth-problems-on-your-iphone-or-ipad/

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