


If you’ve ever recorded a video on your smartphone, only to find it sideways or upside down, then you know how frustrating it can be to watch it later. If you use Windows, there are a couple of excellent ways to fix this problem.

如果您曾经在智能手机上录制过视频,只是发现它是横向还是颠倒的,那么您知道以后观看它会多么令人沮丧。 如果使用Windows,则有两种出色的方法可以解决此问题。

We’ve got two ways to show you how to rotate a video in Windows. The first is to use the VLC video player. Rotating a video is a bit more complicated in VLC, but it’s a lighter weight download and the chances are you might already have it installed.

我们有两种方法向您展示如何在Windows中旋转视频。 首先是使用VLC视频播放器。 在VLC中,旋转视频要稍微复杂一些,但下载的重量却较轻,而且您可能已经安装了它。

The second way is to use Windows Movie Maker. It’s the simplest way to do it, and we once recommended it if you needed to rotate a bunch of videos. Windows Movie Maker is no longer officially available for download, but we still have the instructions if you happen to have it installed.

第二种方法是使用Windows Movie Maker。 这是最简单的方法,如果您需要旋转一堆视频,我们曾经建议过。 Windows Movie Maker不再正式可供下载,但是如果您恰巧安装了Windows Movie Maker,则我们仍然提供说明。

如何使用VLC旋转视频 (How to Rotate Videos with VLC)

VLC is a free, open-source media player that has built-in codec support for just about every video format out there and it’s available on every platform. It’s pretty much our preferred video player around here. Rotating a video in VLC is not quite as simple as doing it in Windows Movie Maker, but if you’ve already got VLC, you may as well use it.

VLC是一个免费的开放源代码媒体播放器,它对几乎每种视频格式都具有内置编解码器支持,并且可以在每个平台上使用。 这几乎是我们此处首选的视频播放器。 在VLC中旋转视频并不像在Windows Movie Maker中那样简单,但是如果您已经有了VLC,则不妨使用它。

First, open your video in VLC. As you can see, our example is upside down, so we’ll have to flip it.

首先,在VLC中打开视频。 如您所见,我们的示例是颠倒的,因此我们必须将其翻转。

Open the “Tools” menu and select “Effects and Filters” or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E.

打开“工具”菜单,然后选择“效果和滤镜”,或使用键盘快捷键Ctrl + E。

In the “Adjustments and Effects” window, on the “Video Effects” tab, click the “Geometrotry” tab and select the “Transform” check box.

在“调整和效果”窗口中的“视频效果”选项卡上,单击“ Geometrotry”选项卡,然后选择“变换”复选框。

Select a rotation from the dropdown menu (we’re rotating ours by 180 degrees) and then click “Close”. You could use the “Rotate” tool if you want, but selecting a transform from the dropdown is simpler if you just need a basic rotation.

从下拉菜单中选择一个旋转角度(我们将旋转角度为180度),然后单击“关闭”。 您可以根据需要使用“旋转”工具,但如果只需要基本旋转,则从下拉列表中选择一个转换更为简单。

The video should now be correctly oriented. You can watch it right away if you want.

视频现在应该正确定向。 如果需要,您可以立即观看。

This change isn’t permanent, though. You’ll need to save this video in its new orientation for that. Open Tools > Preferences (or press Ctrl +P), and at the bottom of the preferences window, enable “All” settings. With all the settings shown, drill down to the “Sout stream” heading (it will be under “Stream output”), and then click on “Transcode.” On the right, select the “Video transformation filter” option (this replaces the “Rotate video filter” option from older versions of VLC) and then click “Save.”

但是,此更改不是永久的。 为此,您需要将视频保存为新的方向。 打开工具>首选项(或按Ctrl + P),然后在首选项窗口的底部启用“所有”设置。 在显示所有设置的情况下,向下钻取到“输出流”标题(它将在“流输出”下),然后单击“转码”。 在右侧,选择“视频转换过滤器”选项(这将替换旧版VLC中的“旋转视频过滤器”选项),然后单击“保存”。

Enabling the Video transformation option under Transcode in VLC's advanced preferences.

Next, open VLC’s “Media” menu and select “Convert/Save.” In the “Open Media” window, click the “Add” button and choose the file you just rotated.

接下来,打开VLC的“媒体”菜单,然后选择“转换/保存”。 在“打开媒体”窗口中,单击“添加”按钮,然后选择刚刚旋转的文件。

Next, click the “Convert/Save” dropdown at the bottom of the “Open Media” window and select “Convert.”


Click the “Browse” button under Destination in the Convert window that appears. Select a save location, type a file name, and then click “Save.”

在出现的“转换”窗口中,单击“目标”下的“浏览”按钮。 选择一个保存位置,键入文件名,然后单击“保存”。

You shouldn’t have to change anything else. The default conversion profile should work well. Just go ahead and click “Start” to convert and save the file.

您不必更改其他任何内容。 默认的转换配置文件应该运行良好。 只需继续并单击“开始”即可转换并保存文件。

Note: If you have issues with audio after rotating the file, click the wrench-shaped “Edit Selected Profile” button to the right of the Profile box here. On the Audio Codec tab, select “Keep original audio track.” This time, VLC won’t try to transcode (convert) the video’s audio and will use the original audio. We didn’t have to do this, but at least one reader did—it depends on the file you’re converting.

注意 :如果旋转文件后音频出现问题,请在此处单击“配置文件”框右侧的扳手形“编辑所选配置文件”按钮。 在“音频编解码器”选项卡上,选择“保留原始音频轨道”。 这次,VLC不会尝试对视频的音频进行转码(转换),而是使用原始音频。 我们不必这样做,但是至少有一个读者可以这样做-这取决于您要转换的文件。

You can now open your new movie file in any video application and it should play with the correct orientation.


Note: When you’re done rotating videos, you’ll need to go back into the VLC preferences and revert the options back to their defaults.


如何使用Windows Movie Maker旋转视频 (How to Rotate Videos with Windows Movie Maker)

Update: Windows Movie Maker is no longer available for download. We’re including the original instructions here in case you still have it installed.

更新 :Windows Movie Maker不再可供下载。 如果您仍然安装了原始说明,则此处包含原始说明。

Windows Movie Maker is part of the Windows Essential 2012 suite of apps. Though it’s a bit out of date and no longer officially supported, you can still download the Windows Essentials 2012 offline installer (that’s a direct download link that weighs in at 130 MB). Many of the apps still work just fine—including Windows Movie Maker. And you’ll be able to install only the apps you want. Widows Movie Maker is probably the easiest option if you’re just after a way to rotate your videos and maybe do some mild editing.

Windows Movie Maker是Windows Essential 2012应用程序套件的一部分。 尽管它已经过时并且不再受正式支持 ,但是您仍然可以下载Windows Essentials 2012脱机安装程序(该直接下载链接的大小为130 MB)。 许多应用程序仍然可以正常运行,包括Windows Movie Maker。 而且,您将只能安装所需的应用程序。 如果您只是想旋转视频并进行一些温和的编辑,Widows Movie Maker可能是最简单的选择。

If you want something a little fuller-featured and modern—and that’s still free—you might want to give DaVinci Resolve a look. We’re going to use Windows Movie Maker in our example here, but the basic process will be similar in most video editing apps.

如果您想要功能更全,更现代的产品(并且仍然免费),则可以给DaVinci Resolve看看。 在这里的示例中,我们将使用Windows Movie Maker,但是大多数视频编辑应用程序的基本过程都是相似的。

When you start the Windows Movie Maker installation process, you should elect to “Choose the programs you want to install”.

开始Windows Movie Maker安装过程时,应选择“选择要安装的程序”。

Unless you’re interested in the other applications in this package, then go ahead and deselect everything except Photo Gallery and Movie Maker.

除非您对该软件包中的其他应用程序感兴趣,否则请继续选择除Photo Gallery和Movie Maker以外的所有内容。

Once Movie Maker is installed, go ahead and start it and you will see the following window.

一旦安装了Movie Maker,继续并启动它,您将看到以下窗口。

There’s quite a bit going on here, but for our purposes, the rotation process is really quite painless. We’ve already saved our sample movie that we want to fix to our Desktop folder. We’ll just drag that file onto our Movie Maker window to import it.

这里有很多事情要做,但是就我们的目的而言,轮换过程确实很轻松。 我们已经将想要修复的示例影片保存到了Desktop文件夹中。 我们只需将该文件拖到“电影制作器”窗口中即可导入。

If you’re unsure which way to rotate your movie, then go ahead and play it for a few seconds to give you an idea. As you can see, ours needs to be rotated 90 degrees to the left.

如果不确定旋转电影的方式,请继续播放几秒钟,以使您有所了解。 如您所见,我们需要向左旋转90度。

On the Home ribbon, in the “Editing” section, you will see two buttons, “Rotate Left” and “Rotate Right”.


We’ll go ahead and click “Rotate Left” and note that our video is now oriented the correct way.


We’re not finished quite yet, however. We still need to save our video. The easiest way to do this is to click on the “File” menu and select “Save movie”. You’ll be given a lot of settings to choose from. In this case, we’re going to make it easy on ourselves and select “Recommended for this project”.

但是,我们还没有完成。 我们仍然需要保存视频。 最简单的方法是单击“文件”菜单,然后选择“保存电影”。 您将获得许多设置可供选择。 在这种情况下,我们将使自己变得容易,并选择“为此项目推荐”。

If you want, you can save your new movie as a new file, or you can overwrite the old one however, but we don’t recommend you do this unless you’re overwriting a copy of the old one. You don’t want to overwrite the original file unless you’re absolutely sure this new movie is as good or better. Otherwise you could downgrade or possibly erase an invaluable memory that you can never retrieve.

如果需要,可以将新电影另存为新文件,或者可以覆盖旧电影,但是我们不建议您这样做,除非您要覆盖旧电影的副本 。 除非您完全确定这部新电影一样好,否则您不想覆盖原始文件。 否则,您可能会降级或擦除您永远无法获取的宝贵内存。

For this example, we’re just going to save it as “My Movie.mp4” to our Desktop. You can obviously give it any name and save it wherever you like.

对于此示例,我们将其另存为“ My Movie.mp4”到我们的桌面。 您显然可以给它起任何名称,然后将其保存在您喜欢的任何位置。

Your new movie file will be processed and saved in the location of your choosing. You can now view it correctly in your default video player.

您的新电影文件将被处理并保存在您选择的位置。 现在,您可以在默认的视频播放器中正确查看它。

If you’re not pleased with the results, then you can go back and save it again using different settings.


Like we mentioned earlier, using VLC to rotate videos is a little more cumbersome than using a program like Windows Movie Maker. If you just need a video or two edited and you already have VLC installed, by all means go ahead and use it. If you need to rotate a number of videos, you’ll save some time and hassle by downloading something like Windows Movie Maker or another dedicated video editor.

就像我们之前提到的,使用VLC旋转视频比使用Windows Movie Maker这样的程序要麻烦一些。 如果您只需要编辑一个或两个视频,并且已经安装了VLC,则一定要继续使用它。 如果您需要旋转多个视频,则可以通过下载Windows Movie Maker或其他专用视频编辑器来节省时间和麻烦。







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