


In photography, we talk a lot about “stops”: it’s the standard measure of exposure where an increase of one represents a doubling of the amount of light hitting the sensor or film. One thing that a lot of photographers don’t realize is that exposure actually has an absolute scale. Let me explain.

在摄影中,我们经常谈论“ 光圈 ”:这是标准的曝光量度,其中增加1表示撞击传感器或胶片的光量增加了一倍。 许多摄影师没有意识到的一件事是,曝光实际上具有绝对比例。 让我解释。

曝光值和止损 (Exposure Values and Stops)

When you learn the basics of the exposure triangle—shutter speed, aperture, and ISO—it’s important to know that there are multiple combinations of aperture and shutter speed that give the same exposure, even if the photo might look different because of your chosen aperture or shutter speed. For example, if you were shooting a portrait outdoors and wanted a shallow depth of field, you might go with f/2.0 for 1/2000th of a second; a few moments later if you instead decided to shoot a landscape, you could use f/16 for 1/30th of a second. In both instances, the exact same amount of light hits the sensor, so the brightness and exposure of everything will be identical, but the photos will look totally different because of the different aperture and shutter speed.

当您了解曝光三角的基础知识(快门速度,光圈和ISO)时,重要的是要知道,光圈和快门速度的多种组合可以提供相同的曝光,即使照片因您选择的光圈而看起来有所不同或快门速度。 例如,如果您在户外拍摄人像并想要较浅的景深 ,则可以使用f / 2.0进行1/2000秒; 稍后,如果您决定拍摄风景,则可以使用f / 16进行1/30秒。 在这两种情况下,完全相同的光入射到传感器上,因此所有物体的亮度和曝光都相同,但是由于光圈和快门速度不同,照片看起来会完全不同。

But how do you know which combinations to use? Sure, you can go with trial and error, but there is actually a definitive scale that’s seldom taught. Both f/2.0 for 1/2000th of a second and f/16 for 1/30th of a second have an Exposure Value at ISO 100 (EV100) of 13. There are lots of other combinations that also have an EV100 of 13 like f/8 for 1/125th of a second or f/4 for 1/500th of a second.

但是您如何知道要使用哪些组合? 当然,您可以反复试验,但是实际上很少有明确的量表。 f / 2.0(1/2000秒)和f / 16(1/30秒)在ISO 100(EV100)时的曝光值均为13。还有许多其他组合,EV100也为13,例如f / 8表示1/125秒或f / 4表示1/500秒。

And here’s where things get even neater: an EV100 of 13 actually corresponds to some real-world lighting conditions. A cloudy day or the sky just before sunrise generally has an EV100 of 13, so any combination of aperture and shutter speed that also has an EV100 of 13 will work perfectly.

事情变得更加整洁了:EV100为13实际上对应于一些实际的照明条件。 阴天或日出前的天空通常EV100为13,因此光圈和快门速度的任何组合也都为EV100为13。

为什么曝光值值得理解 (Why Exposure Value is Worth Understanding)

Before going further, I want to step back and explain why EV is worth understanding; it’s unlikely you’ll ever need to break out EV tables to calculate what shutter speed to use while you’re on a shoot.

在继续之前,我想退后一步,解释为什么EV值得理解。 您不太可能需要分解EV表来计算拍摄时要使用的快门速度。

Instead, what an understanding of EV gives you is a deeper understanding of what your camera is doing and why. I’m a big believer that every photographer can benefit from knowing what’s going on with their camera when they press the shutter button. It’s this kind of knowledge that lets you pick the right light meter mode or autofocus settings without just guessing.

取而代之的是,对EV的理解可以使您对相机的工作及其原因有更深入的了解。 我坚信,每位摄影师在按下快门按钮时都可以了解他们的相机状况,从而从中受益。 正是这种知识,使您可以选择正确的测光模式自动对焦设置,而无需猜测。

For me, learning about absolute Exposure Value also made exposure click. All this abstract talk of stops suddenly took on real, concrete meaning. I could understand why certain combinations were equivalent. So don’t feel the need to memorize all the values in this article; instead just try to understand them.

对我来说,了解绝对曝光值也可以带来曝光点击。 所有这些关于停靠站的抽象论述突然间都具有真实,具体的含义。 我能理解为什么某些组合是等效的。 因此,您不必记住本文中的所有价值观; 而是尝试了解它们。

EV100体重秤 (The EV100 Scale)

The EV100 value of 0 is the combination of an aperture of f/1.0 and a shutter speed of 1 second. Everything else is based on that. This means that your camera and lens can, without using any extra kit, use EV100s of between -1 and +21. This is one of the reasons you need special gear to take good photos of the night sky which has an EV100 of between -3 and -11, depending on what the moon, stars, and Aurora are at.

EV100值为0是f / 1.0的光圈和1秒的快门速度的组合。 其他一切都基于此。 这意味着您的相机和镜头可以在不使用任何额外套件的情况下使用介于-1和+21之间的EV100。 这是您需要特殊的装备才能拍摄夜空的理想原因之一, 夜空的EV100在-3到-11之间,具体取决于月亮,星星和Aurora的位置。

Here’s a full table of EV100 values from Wikipedia. It does a really good job of showing which combinations of aperture and shutter speed match up with which EVs.

这是Wikipedia的EV100值的完整表。 它可以很好地显示光圈和快门速度的哪些组合与哪些电动汽车匹配。

More interesting, I think, than seeing how shutter speed and aperture match up, is to see what light levels correspond to what EVs. While your camera can go up to +21, you’re not likely to see EVs much higher than 16 in the real world.

我认为,比看到快门速度和光圈如何匹配更有趣的是,看到什么亮度对应于什么电动汽车。 虽然您的相机可以达到+21,但您在现实世界中看不到比16高得多的电动汽车。

EV100Lighting Condition
16Snow on a sunny day
15Sunny day
14Hazy, some clouds
13Light clouds
12Overcast, shady areas on a sunny day, sunrise and sunset
9 to 11Just before sunrise and after sunset, the blue hour.
8Bright street light, bright indoor lighting
5 to 7Indoor lighting. Bright window light.
2 to 4Dim window light.
-1 to 1Dark morning before sunrise, dark evening after sunset.
-2 to -3Moonlight from a full moon.
-4Moonlight from a gibbous moon.
-5 to -6Moonlight from quarter moon, bright aurora.
-7 to -8Stars and starlight.
-9 to -11Milky Way center.
EV100 照明条件
16 雪在晴朗的一天
15 晴天
14 朦胧,有云
13 轻云
12 多云,阴凉的地方,在晴天,日出和日落
9至11 就在日出之前和日落之后,就是蓝色的小时。
8 明亮的路灯,明亮的室内照明
5至7 室内照明。 明亮的窗户灯。
2到4 昏暗的窗户灯。
-1比1 日出前的黑暗早晨,日落后的黑暗晚上。
-2至-3 满月的月光。
-4 凹凸不平的月亮的月光。
-5至-6 四分之一月的月光,明亮的极光。
-7至-8 星星和星光。
-9至-11 银河系中心。

The above table is a ballpark, but a pretty accurate one. There’ll always be some variation but if you follow it, you won’t be too far out.

上表是一个棒球场,但非常准确。 总会有一些变化,但是如果您遵循它,就不会太遥远。

使用曝光值 (Using Exposure Value)

As I said earlier, understanding Exposure Value is more useful for your photography in an abstract sense than in a practical sense, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways you can’t use it.


If you’re shooting long exposure images with a neutral density filter, you can shoot your test shots without the filter and then, add the filter, add whatever the filter’s stop value is to your current EV, and work out your new shutter speed setting using the EV chart above. You can also use an online EV calculator; it will probably quicker and you’ll also be able to calculate EV values for ISOs other than 100.

如果您使用中性密度滤光片 拍摄长时间曝光的图像 ,则可以在不使用滤光片的情况下拍摄测试照片,然后添加滤光片,将滤光片的停止值添加到当前EV中,然后计算出新的快门速度设置使用上面的EV图。 您也可以使用在线EV计算器 ; 它可能会更快,并且您还可以计算100以外的ISO的EV值。

The other way to use EVs in the real world is through the Sunny 16 Rule. This rule says that if it’s sunny out, set your aperture to f/16 and your shutter speed for a proper exposure will be 1/[Your ISO], so in our case 1/100. If you look up at the chart, you’ll see that f/16 for 1/100th of a second has around an EV100 of 15 which nicely lines up with a sunny day. The thing is, you can then use this as the base for working out correct settings for other lighting situations. A slightly cloudy day needs f/11 at the same shutter speed and ISO, a single stop more. A very cloudy day needs f/8, a heavily overcast day needs f/5.6, and the light around sunset needs f/4.

在现实世界中使用电动汽车的另一种方法是通过Sunny 16规则。 该规则表示,如果晴天,请将光圈设置为f / 16,并且适当曝光的快门速度将为1 / [您的ISO],因此在本例中为1/100。 如果您查看图表,您会发现f / 16在1/100秒内的EV100大约为15,可以很好地与晴天配合。 关键是,您可以以此为基础为其他照明情况制定正确的设置。 多云的天气在相同的快门速度和ISO感光度下需要f / 11,多停一档。 阴天需要f / 8,阴天需要f / 5.6,夕阳周围的光线需要f / 4。

While you should always review your shots to make sure you’re not blowing out your highlights or crushing your shadows, it’s pretty neat to be able to quickly guess at camera settings and be in the right ballpark.

虽然您应该始终检查照片以确保不会炸出高光或压碎阴影 ,但能够快速猜测相机设置并处于正确的位置非常好。

One of the main reasons people struggle to understand exposure is they try to learn it in the abstract. If you understand how it relates to the real world through exposure values, it’s a much simpler concept to grasp.

人们难以理解曝光的主要原因之一是他们试图抽象地学习曝光。 如果您通过曝光值了解它与现实世界的关系,那么它是一个要简单得多的概念。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/399278/exposure-values-give-you-a-better-understanding-of-how-your-camera-works/






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