windows 注销_如何在Windows 8和10中注销

windows 注销

windows 注销


It may seem rudimentary, but if you’re new to Windows–or just upgrading from Windows 7–the simple option to sign out of your account is a bit hidden in Windows 8 and 10. And even we geeks can be baffled at times, especially when Microsoft decides to hide common features away in new places. You can still sign out of Windows from the Start menu; it’s just not part of the Power options any more.

它可能看起来很初级,但是如果您是Windows的新手,或者只是从Windows 7升级,则退出帐户的简单选项在Windows 8和10中就有些隐藏了。甚至我们的极客有时也会感到困惑,尤其是当Microsoft决定在新地方隐藏通用功能时。 您仍然可以从“开始”菜单退出Windows; 它不再是“电源”选项的一部分。

Here are a few different options you have for signing out in Windows 8 and 10.

在Windows 8和10中,您可以使用以下几种不同的退出方法。

使用开始菜单退出 (Sign Out Using the Start Menu)

Starting with Windows 8, Microsoft moved the sign out option from the Power button on the Start menu. They also started calling it “sign out” instead of “log off.” I’m almost embarrassed to admit how many times I clicked on the Start menu’s Power button, thinking I had just overlooked it. Now, you access the sign out option by clicking your user account name at the very top of the Start menu. (This is also where you’ll get the option to switch users–any other users on your PC will show up at the bottom of this menu.)

从Windows 8开始,Microsoft从“开始”菜单上的“电源”按钮移动了“注销”选项。 他们还开始称其为“注销”,而不是“注销”。 我几乎尴尬地承认我单击“开始”菜单的“电源”按钮有多少次,以为我只是忽略了它。 现在,您可以通过单击“开始”菜单顶部的用户帐户名来访问“注销”选项。 (在这里,您还可以选择切换用户-PC上的其他用户将显示在此菜单的底部。)


Logically, it makes sense. Power options affect the computer and user options–such as changing account settings and switching users–are grouped under the user name. The trouble is, they didn’t make it obvious the user name was something to click on and gave no indication about where the sign out option had moved.

从逻辑上讲,这是有道理的。 电源选项会影响计算机,并且用户选项(例如更改帐户设置和切换用户)会归类为用户名。 麻烦的是,他们并没有使用户名明显可点击,也没有说明退出选项已移至何处。

使用高级用户菜单注销 (Sign Out Using the Power Users Menu)

The Power Users menu was introduced in Windows 8, and is one of the handier new additions to the taskbar. You can access it by right-clicking the Start button or pressing Windows+X on your keyboard. Just point your mouse at the “Shut down or sign out” item and then click “Sign out.”

Windows 8中引入了Power Users菜单,它是任务栏上较方便的新增功能之一。 您可以通过右键单击“开始”按钮或按键盘上的Windows + X来访问它。 只需将鼠标指向“关闭或退出”项,然后单击“退出”即可。


For some reason, they thought it would be handy to group sign out with other power options for us power users rather than off on its own. Go figure. Note also that if you access the Power Users menu by pressing Windows+X instead of right-clicking, the menu underlines letters you can use to choose the commands from your keyboard. So, for example, you could press Windows+X, u, i for a quick keyboard-only sign out.

出于某种原因,他们认为为我们的高级用户方便地使用其他高级选项分组退出,而不是自行退出。 去搞清楚。 还要注意,如果通过按Windows + X而不是右键单击来访问“高级用户”菜单,则该菜单会在字母下划线,您可以使用这些字母从键盘中选择命令。 因此,例如,您可以按Windows + X,u,i进行快速的仅键盘退出。

使用Ctrl + Alt + Delete退出 (Sign Out Using Ctrl+Alt+Delete)

As in most previous versions of Windows, you can also still sign out from the security screen you get when you press Ctrl+Alt+Delete.

与大多数以前的Windows版本一样,您仍然可以在按Ctrl + Alt + Delete时从获得的安全屏幕中注销。


Note that this is just the security screen you get when you press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, not the actual lock screen. You cannot sign out from the lock screen, so if you’ve locked your computer, you’ll need to enter your password to get back in and then sign out.

请注意,这只是按Ctrl + Alt + Delete时获得的安全屏幕,而不是实际的锁定屏幕。 您无法从锁定屏幕退出,因此,如果您锁定了计算机,则需要输入密码才能重新登录然后退出。

使用Alt + F4退出 (Sign Out Using Alt+F4)

For this technique to work, you need to be looking at your desktop. Close or minimize all open windows or just hit Windows+D to zip straight to a desktop view. When viewing the desktop, press Alt+F4 (also the standard shortcut for closing most windows). In the Shut Down Windows dialog that appears, select “Sign Out” from the drop-down menu and then click OK.

为了使该技术起作用,您需要查看桌面。 关闭或最小化所有打开的窗口,或直接单击Windows + D直接压缩到桌面视图。 查看桌面时,请按Alt + F4(也是关闭大多数窗口的标准快捷方式)。 在出现的“关闭Windows”对话框中,从下拉菜单中选择“注销”,然后单击“确定”。


Whether you favor clicking your way to a sign out or using keyboard shortcuts, Windows has you covered–and then some. It just may not be immediately obvious to Windows veterans.

无论您是喜欢单击退出方式还是使用键盘快捷键,Windows都可以满足您的需求,然后再介绍一些。 对于Windows老手来说,这可能并不立即显而易见。


windows 注销





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