Windows supports multiple accounts on the same device. If someone forgets to sign out of their account, their profile still runs processes and consumes resources in the background. Here’s how you can sign out other users on the same computer.
Windows在同一设备上支持多个帐户。 如果有人忘记退出帐户,则其个人资料仍会运行进程并在后台消耗资源。 您可以通过以下方法在同一台计算机上注销其他用户。
如何注销其他用户 (How to Sign Out Other Users)
When a user locks their account, the computer returns to the sign in screen but leaves their account signed in and running all their programs and processes in the background. This could be problematic for other people using the computer. You can sign out other users either with Task Manager or the Comman