Laracon US 2016会议已售罄! ( Laracon US 2016 Conference is Sold Out! )

With the 2016 Laracon US conference already sold out and just but a few weeks away, it is expected that Laravel 5.3 will be released during the 3 day conference from July 27th to July 29th of 2016.
由于2016年的Laracon美国会议已经售罄,仅几周后,预计Laravel 5.3将在2016年7月27日至7月29日的3天会议期间发布 。
We'll have Chris, Nick, and Mathias out at Laracon this year so look for a first-hand recap during Laracon.
克里斯 , 尼克和马蒂亚斯(Mathias)将于今年在拉腊Kong(Laracon)参加,因此希望在拉腊Kong期间进行第一手回顾。
In this article, we will take a look at what to expect in 5.3
介绍Laravel Echo ( Introducing Laravel Echo )
In May 2016, Taylor Otwell made a screencast on Laracasts introducing Laravel Echo using Laravel Spark as one of the new things coming in Laravel 5.3.
2016年5月,Taylor Otwell在Laracasts上进行了电视广播,介绍了使用Laravel Spark作为Laravel 5.3中的新功能之一介绍Laravel Echo。
Laravel Echo is a vast improvement over the event broadcasting system In Laravel and how it Interacts with Pusher.
Laravel Echo是对Laravel中的事件广播系统及其与Pusher的交互方式的巨大改进。
-Taylor Otwell
Laravel Echo basically makes it easier to work with web sockets by removing all the complexities involved in making real time web applications intuitive.
通过消除使实时Web应用程序变得直观的所有复杂性,Laravel Echo基本上使使用Web套接字更容易。
There is no documentation yet on Laravel Echo so we will not delve into how to create a real time app sample just yet.
Laravel Echo上没有任何文档,因此我们暂时不会深入研究如何创建实时应用示例。
For those of you that dare venture, such as Matt Stauffer that have gone ahead to dig into the source, you may tinker with Laravel Echo in one of the following ways
对于那些敢于冒险的人,例如马特·斯塔弗 ( Matt Stauffer) ,他们已经开始深入研究源代码,您可以通过以下其中一种方式来修改Laravel Echo
- Watch Taylor Otwell's screencast on how to create a simple realtime todo app with Vue.js, Laravel Spark and *Laravel Echo * 观看Taylor Otwell的截屏视频 ,其中介绍了如何使用Vue.js , Laravel Spark和* Laravel Echo *创建一个简单的实时待办应用程序
- Take a look at Matt Stauffer's blogpost on how get started with Laravel echo in creating a simple chat application. 看看Matt Stauffer的博客文章 ,了解如何在创建简单的聊天应用程序时使用Laravel echo入门。
引入新的$ loop变量 ( Introducing the New $loop Variable )
Laravel's blade templating engine provides convenient directives for working with PHP's control and loop structures.
Taking a look at the loop structures, Laravel allows us to iterate through data with ease.
@for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
<li>{{ $i }}</li>
@foreach($users as $user)
<p>{{ $user->name }}</p>
Laravel 5.3 will be introducing a new $loop
variable that will be available for each iteration in the @foreach
Laravel 5.3将引入一个新的$loop
The loop variable will have some of the following properties.
: Boolean value that evaluates to true on the first iteration.first
: Boolean value that evaluates to true on the last iteration.last
: A 1-based index of the items in the loop with the first item being at index 1.index
: The number of items on the loop.count
: The number of items remaining in the loop. For n items in a loop with the current position being 4, this value would ben-4
:循环中剩余的项目数。 对于当前位置为4的循环中的n个项目,该值为n-4
: Integer value of the depth of the loop.depth
: Returns a reference to the parent$loop
for aforeach
with a depth of more than 1, otherwise, null for a loop with a depth of 1.parent
What this means is that you will be able to do cool things like:
在排行榜上显示玩家相对于所有玩家的位置 (Show the position of a player against all players on a leader board)
@foreach($leaderboard as $player)
<p>{{ $player->name }} - {{ $loop->index }} of {{ $loop->count }}</p>
对循环中的第一项和最后一项具有特殊的样式 (Have special styling for the first and last items in a loop)
@foreach($leaderboard as $player)
<p class="winner">{{ player->name }}</p>
<p class="loser">{{ player->name }}</p>
<p>{{ $player->name }}</p>
介绍新的JSON列查询和更新方法 ( Introducing The New JSON Column Query and Update Methods )
While returning data from a database model returns JSON data, this has merely been an array that can be converted to and from JSON format.
In Laravel 5.3, you can now look forward to a new way of querying and updating data based on the JSON properties.
在Laravel 5.3中,您现在可以期待一种基于JSON属性查询和更新数据的新方法。
这对您意味着什么? (What does this mean for you?)
In this section, we will use the same example of a players table.
A player can have attributes that are vital to the player character, this details which include name, date of birth, phone number and email address are justified to have their own respective fields.
玩家可以具有对玩家角色至关重要的属性,包括姓名 , 出生日期 , 电话号码和电子邮件地址在内的这些详细信息应具有各自的字段。
We can however have some additional data that may not be key to identify the character of a player record but may be necesarry to have as part of a player's profile.
Our Player migration will look like this:
Schema::create('players', function (Blueprint $table) {
This means that with a record template that looks like this, we can query and update the data based on the statistics of each player using the arrow notation.
"id": 1,
"name": "John Kariuki",
"dob": "2016-06-07",
"phone_number": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"email": "",
"stats": {
"goals": 20,
"red_cards": 2,
"yellow_cards": 3,
"benched": false
使用where()方法查询JSON数据 (Querying JSON data using the where() method)
To get a list of all players with 20 goals, we will make a query whose where clause has two parameters. The first being the json field name with an arrow notation followed by the property name, and the second being the value to equate to.
为了获得所有有20个进球的球员的列表,我们将查询其where子句具有两个参数的查询。 第一个是带有箭头符号的json字段名称,后跟属性名称,第二个是要等于的值。
->where('stats->goals', 20)
使用update()方法更新数据 (Updating data using the update() method)
We can also update the player details based on a value in the JSON field.
->where('stats->red_cars', '>', 3)
->update(['stats->benched' => true]);
As for Laravel 5.3, this feature is limited to databases that have JSON data type support such MySQL 5.7 and PostgreSQL 9.5.
对于Laravel 5.3,此功能仅限于支持JSON数据类型的数据库,例如MySQL 5.7和PostgreSQL 9.5 。
Take a look at how Prosper Otemuyiwa, an open source envagelist, plans on taking advantage of the JSON column to index and look up data on this Facebook post.
看看开源的envagelist Prosper Otemuyiwa如何计划利用JSON列来索引和查找此Facebook帖子上的数据。
允许将其他值传递给firstOrCreate ( Allowing Additional Values To Be Passed To firstOrCreate )
The firstOrCreate
method will allow you to provide additional parameters to it.
方法将允许您提供其他参数 。
So instead of having to check if a record exists and creating it like this:
$site = Site::firstOrNew(['user_name', 'scotch']);
if (! $site->exists) {
$site->fill(['website' => ''])->save();
return $site;
You can now do this:
return Site::firstOrCreate(
['user_name', 'scotch'],
['website' => '']
In both cases, we will get a site whose name is scotch if it exists but if does not, we will create one with a username of scotch and website value of
介绍集合中的运算符:: where() ( Introducing Operators In Collection::where() )
While the where method in Laravel 5.2 allows you to filter a collection by equality of a given key/value pair, we can expect that Laravel 5.3 to have some additional operators.
虽然Laravel 5.2中的where方法允许您通过给定键/值对的相等性来过滤集合,但我们可以期望Laravel 5.3包含一些其他运算符。
$players = collect([
['name' => 'John', 'age' => 20],
['name' => 'Jane', 'age' => 21],
['name' => 'June', 'age' => 22],
['name' => 'Alex', 'age' => 23],
['name' => 'Jude', 'age' => 24],
['name' => 'Luke', 'age' => '24'],
$players->where('age', 23);
///['name' => 'Alex', 'age' => 23]
$players->where('age', '==', 24);
['name' => 'Jude', 'age' => 24],
['name' => 'Luke', 'age' => '24']
$players->where('age', '===', 24);
//['name' => 'Jude', 'age' => 24]
$players->where('age', '<=', 22);
['name' => 'John', 'age' => 20],
['name' => 'Jane', 'age' => 21],
['name' => 'June', 'age' => 22]
With the operator parameter, you have the option of using one of the following:
= == === != !== <= >= < > <>
= == === != !== <= >= < > <>
This in turn means that the whereloose method will be deprecated since there will be no need for loose comparisons.
查询生成器返回一个集合 ( Query Builder Returns A Collection )
In Laravel 5.2, the database query builder returns an array where each result is an instance of the PHP StdClass
在Laravel 5.2中, 数据库查询构建器返回一个数组,其中每个结果都是PHP StdClass
This is bound to change in Laravel 5.3 to return a collection instead.
在Laravel 5.3中,这势必会更改,以改为返回一个集合。
I personally think will be a really good change since you do not need the collect
method to convert the array to a Laravel collection. It also goes without saying that collections are much easier to work with as opposed to arrays.
方法将数组转换为Laravel集合。 不用说, 集合比数组更容易使用 。
快速了解迁移 ( A Quick Look At Migrations )
介绍Laravel迁移路径 (Introducing Laravel Migration Paths)
Laravel 5.3 will support multiple migrations paths through a service provider.
Laravel 5.3将支持通过服务提供商的多个迁移路径。
With this, running migrations from your Laravel project and all the packages that need to run migrations is as easy as php artisan migrate
这样,从Laravel项目中运行迁移以及运行迁移所需的所有程序包就像php artisan migrate
While this may not seem as a big improvement compared to some of the other improvements, migration paths are bound to make it easier to load migrations from packages.
According to Alex Bowers in this article,
根据Alex Bowers在本文中的介绍 ,
A required step previously was to have a publication step, or a copy paste step for the migrations from vendor/package/database/migrations to database/migrations.
以前需要执行的步骤是发布步骤或复制粘贴步骤,以便从供应商/包/数据库/迁移到数据库/迁移的迁移 。
This new feature allows the migrations to stay where they are, and not clutter up your migrations folder.
回滚迁移,一次仅一步 (Rollback Back Migrations, One Step At A Time)
Laravel 5.3 is set to provide a new option to enable you to rollback one migration as opposed to the entire migration
Laravel 5.3设置为提供一个新选项,使您可以回滚一个迁移而不是整个迁移
php artisan migrate:rollback --step=1
存储上传的文件从未如此简单 ( Storing Uploaded Files Has Never Been Easier )
Laravel makes it all too easy to store uploaded files to any of your disks as configured in config/filesystems.php
. In this case, disks refer to your storage location which currently include:
将上传的文件存储到任何磁盘上变得非常容易。 在这种情况下,磁盘是指您的存储位置,当前包括:
- Local starage 当地饥饿
- Amazon s3 - Implementation available through the league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 package Amazon s3-通过League / flysystem-aws-s3-v3软件包可实现
- Rackspace - Implementation available through the league/flysystem-rackspace package Rackspace-通过League / flysystem-rackspace软件包提供的实现
Read more about the specific configuration for each storage drive on the filesystems documentation.
In Laravel 5.3, the UploadedFile
class has a store
method that accepts the file path to store the file and an optional second parameter of the storage location of choice.
在Laravel 5.3中, UploadedFile
$storagePath = $request->avatar->store('images');
$storagePath = $request->avatar->store('images', 's3');
The file name is intentionally omitted since an md5 hash of the file contents is generated as the file name.
To override this implementation and store a file with a name of your choice, use the storeAs
method which accepts the file name as a second parameter
$storagePath = $request->avatar->storeAs('images', 'avatar.jpg');
$storagePath = $request->avatar->storeAs('images', 'avatar.jpg', 's3');
Twitter上的单词:简单的分页模板,Laravel队列以及一些 ( Word On Twitter: Simple Pagination Templates, Laravel Queues and Then Some )
Taylor Otwell recently tweeted about Documentation driven development
and if you follow him, well then let's just say you will always be up to date on peek previews of what's coming.
泰勒·奥特威尔(Taylor Otwell)最近在推特上发表了有关Documentation driven development
推Documentation driven development
He wrote a tweet on June 1st 2016 on customizing pagination using views which was in response to this issue on Github. This makes it easier to have custom pagination styles as opposed to being limited to the Bootstrap template implementation.
他于2016年6月1日写了一条有关使用视图自定义分页的推文,以回应Github上的此问题 。 相对于限于Bootstrap模板实现,这使具有自定义的分页样式更加容易。

Some improvements in the Laravel queue service have been mentioned on twitter by Taylor Otwell and @laravelphp.
Taylor Otwell和@laravelphp在Twitter上提到了Laravel队列服务的一些改进。

结论 ( Conclusion )
I have just but lightly touched on what to look out for on Laravel 5.3 which is expected to support PHP 5.6, PHP 7 and HHVM.
我只是略微触及了在Laravel 5.3上寻找的内容,该版本有望支持PHP 5.6,PHP 7和HHVM。
While I have not touched on the methods that are being done away with besides whereloose()
, I would like to mention the lists()
method which will be removed in favour of the pluck() method.
Some changes are also expected in the Validation class. What changes have you seen in Laravel 5.3 so far? What are you looking forward to in 5.3? Let's get talking on the comment section.
在Validation类中还需要进行一些更改。 到目前为止,您在Laravel 5.3中看到了哪些变化? 您在5.3中期待什么? 让我们谈谈评论部分。