

Lots of people say “ Don’t worry about viruses, just get a Mac.” Is this advice on the level? Let’s take a look at the history of Macintosh security, and learn what we can from the Mac.

许多人说:“不用担心病毒,只需安装Mac。” 这个建议在水平上吗? 让我们看一下Macintosh安全性的历史,并了解我们可以从Mac中获得什么。

Today we’ll be talking about a lot of the myths and realities of security and viruses on the Mac platform. We’ll also be discussing why people so commonly think “Macs don’t get viruses” as well as why Macs may (or may not be) safer computers than Windows machines. And as usual, if you have any computing horror stories relating to Macs, viruses, and malware, feel free to share them with us in the comments.

今天,我们将讨论Mac平台上安全性和病毒的许多神话和现实。 我们还将讨论为什么人们如此普遍地认为“ Mac不会感染病毒”,以及为什么Mac可能(或可能不是)比Windows计算机更安全的计算机。 与往常一样,如果您有与Mac,病毒和恶意软件有关的任何计算机恐怖故事,请随时在评论中与我们分享。

营销“无病毒”计算机 (Marketing the “Virus-Free” Computer)

Macs have long been touted as the “virus-free” platform. There are a number of truths to this, as well as a number of myths. Many times, it can be hard to draw the line between what is the truth and what is simply advertising doublespeak. Take a look at the video above. These lines are particularly loaded:

Mac一直被吹捧为“无病毒”平台。 这有许多真理,也有许多神话。 很多时候,很难在真相与简单地重复广告之间划清界限。 看看上面的视频。 这些行特别加载:

PC: I think I got that virus that’s going around. You’d better stay back, this one’s a real hum-dinger.

PC:我认为我正在感染这种病毒。 您最好待在这,这真是一个嗡嗡声。

Mac: Okay, I’ll be fine.


PC: Don’t be a hero! Last year there were a known 140,000 known viruses for PCs.

PC:别当英雄! 去年,已知有14万种已知的PC病毒。

Mac: PCs, not Macs.


This is interesting wording, because it is technically true. Viruses are like any program—they have to be written with platform specific languages, with instructions written for that machine, operating system, type of processor, etc.

这是有趣的措辞,因为从技术上讲是正确的。 病毒就像任何程序一样,必须使用特定于平台的语言编写,并必须针对该计算机,操作系统,处理器类型等编写指令。

What does that mean in non-nerd speak? That Macs can’t run Windows programs without running Windows. And then, it just is a Windows machine. Since viruses are programs too, Windows viruses can’t be run on OS X. So, those “140,000 known viruses” really are inert on Mac OS. What this doesn’t mean (and this is where the clever wording comes into play) is that Macs are somehow immune to viruses. Let’s take a look at the realities of viruses on the Mac platform.

在非书呆子里这意味着什么? Mac不能在不运行Windows的情况下运行Windows程序。 然后,它只是一台Windows计算机。 由于病毒也是程序,因此Windows病毒不能在OS X上运行。因此,那些“ 140,000已知病毒”在Mac OS上实际上是惰性的。 这并不意味着(巧妙的措辞开始发挥作用)Mac可以抵抗病毒。 让我们看一下Mac平台上病毒的真实性。

病毒目标市场 (Target Market of Viruses)


Apple has been criticized by many for opting for “security through minority.” This basically means that Macs are more secure than Windows machines because they have less exposure—that there are simply less Macs around to develop viruses for. When you look at the market share (bar graph above) that Windows computers have and see how they stack up against the number of OS X computers, this begins to become clear.

苹果因选择“ 少数群体提供安全性 ”而受到批评。 从根本上讲,这意味着Mac比Windows计算机更安全,因为它们具有更少的暴露范围-可以为之开发病毒的Mac更少。 当您查看Windows计算机的市场份额(上方的条形图),并查看它们与OS X计算机数量的关系时,情况就变得清晰起来。

Like any business investment, malware and viruses take time and manpower to develop. Remember in the last edition of “Online Safety” when we compared Hackers to organized criminals, or the Mafia? Because they are organized, you can think of them as a business as well. They want the best possible return on the investment of this time and manpower, so it makes the most sense to cast the widest net and go for Windows machines, simply because many many more computers in the world are going to be running Windows. Statistically speaking, the more machines running a platform, the more users are likely to exist that don’t upgrade their security patches, or will allow malware to be installed on their machines.

像任何商业投资一样,恶意软件和病毒需要花费时间和人力进行开发。 还记得上一版的“在线安全”中, 我们将黑客与有组织犯罪分子或黑手党进行了比较吗? 因为它们是有组织的,所以您也可以将它们视为业务。 他们希望在这段时间和人力上获得最大的投资回报,因此,最宽泛的网络投向Windows计算机是最有意义的,这仅仅是因为世界上将有越来越多的计算机将运行Windows。 从统计上讲,运行平台的计算机越多,不升级其安全补丁或允许将恶意软件安装在其计算机上的用户就越多。

While Apple computers have become more and more common in the past ten or so years, the landscape of computer users hasn’t been upset dramatically from where it used to be. It still makes the most sense to develop viruses for the largest platform for the biggest return on investment. Therefore, Macs are “safe” because it’s not a viable investment of time and labor to attack Mac users. Yet.

尽管苹果计算机在过去十年左右的时间里变得越来越普遍,但计算机用户的状况并没有从过去的情况中大幅度地改变。 为最大的平台,最大的投资回报率开发病毒仍然最有意义。 因此,Mac是“安全的”,因为攻击Mac用户不是在时间和精力上的可行投资。 然而。

Pwn2Own和两分钟Mac Hack (Pwn2Own, and the Two Minute Mac Hack)


Meet Charlie Miller. Charlie became a famous name in security cracking by winning prizes and cracking a MacBook Air in a hack that took him a paltry two minutes to perform. While this might seem terrifying at first glance, let’s take a look at what a “two minute hack” actually means.

认识查理·米勒。 查理通过赢得奖品和破解MacBook Air的安全漏洞成为安全方面的著名人物,仅仅花了两分钟的时间就表现出来 。 乍一看,这似乎很可怕,但让我们看一下“两分钟黑客攻击”的实际含义。

Pwn2Own is a conference where security crackers compete by finding flaws in operating systems, browsers, etc. If one of these security experts aren’t prepared to crack a browser or the security of an OS, they simply don’t waste their time trying to do it publicly. It takes many long hours of preparation, study and research to get the hack “in their pocket” so to speak. While Charlie did manage to compromise the security in an incredibly short amount of time (no easy feat) he was only able to do it with lots of hard work and preparation.

Pwn2Own是一个会议,安全黑客通过发现操作系统,浏览器等漏洞进行竞争。如果其中一位安全专家不准备破解浏览器或操作系统的安全性,他们就不会浪费时间来尝试公开做 。 可以这么说,要花很多时间进行准备,研究和研究才能使黑客“袖手旁观”。 查理(Charlie)确实在很短的时间内就折衷了安全性(绝非易事),但他只能通过大量的努力和准备来做到这一点。

It’s worth noting that Charlie is a Mac user himself (check out the Macbook he’s using above) and (for now) supports Mac as a secure platform for end users. In his own words, Charlie says:

值得注意的是,Charlie本人是Mac用户(请查看上面使用的Macbook),并且(目前) 支持Mac作为最终用户的安全平台 。 查理用自己的话说:

“For now, I’d still recommend Macs for typical users as the odds of something targeting them are so low that they might go years without seeing any malware, even though if an attacker cared to target them it would be easier for them.” (source)

“目前,我仍然向普通用户推荐Mac,因为针对他们的东西的几率很低,以至于他们可能走了好几年却看不到任何恶意软件,即使攻击者愿意针对他们,也会更容易。” (资源)

Security through minority seems to be working for Mac, even for security experts like Charlie. This may not always be the case, but for now, it can’t hurt. Also, it’s worth mentioning that Apple did create patches to protect from Charlie’s exploits shortly after Pwn2Own—any respectable software company would pretty much have to!

通过少数族裔实现安全性似乎对于Mac来说是有效的,甚至对于像Charlie这样的安全专家也是如此。 可能并非总是如此,但就目前而言,这不会造成伤害。 另外,值得一提的是,在Pwn2Own之后不久,Apple 确实创建了补丁以保护其免受Charlie的攻击 -任何可敬的软件公司几乎都必须这样做!

Mac病毒的简短列表 (A Surprisingly Short List of Viruses For Mac)


Here’s the good news, Mac users: statistically you are still safer than Windows machines. According to Tom’s Hardware:

Mac用户,这是个好消息:从统计上看,您仍然比Windows计算机安全。 根据汤姆的硬件

“In 2008, there were 1.5 million different pieces of malware targeting Windows machines. There are less than 200 pieces of malware targeting the Mac.”

“ 2008年,有150万种针对Windows计算机的恶意软件。 针对Mac的恶意软件不到200种 。”

Viruses on Macintosh computers are a reality. They just aren’t as common in a profit-driven world of malware. In fact, you’ll likely have a hard time finding a fairly complete lists of viruses for OS X, and anti-virus software for the platform is also fairly uncommon. This doesn’t mean that threats aren’t real and that Macs are mysteriously “immune” to threats. The biggest threat to compromising the security of a machine is often the user, so arm yourself with information!

Macintosh计算机上的病毒是现实。 在以利润为导向的恶意软件世界中,它们并不常见。 实际上,您可能会很难找到适用于OS X的相当完整的病毒列表,并且针对该平台的防病毒软件也相当罕见。 这并不意味着威胁不是真实的,并且Mac神秘地对威胁进行了“免疫”。 损害机器安全性的最大威胁通常是用户,因此请随时准备信息!

那么,Mac真的对病毒安全吗? (So, Are Macs Really Safe from Viruses?)


Macs are a fairly safe platform, but that doesn’t mean that they are always going to be. Nor does it mean that they aren’t without their faults. As time progresses on, it seems inevitable that any platform that is as popular as Mac will enjoy years and years of users carelessly using the internet with no repercussions. In fact, while viruses may be fairly uncommon, there are other kinds of malware that have been known to attack Macs, and it’s probable that instances of this sort of malware will increase over time.

Mac是一个相当安全的平台,但这并不意味着它们会一直存在。 这也不意味着他们并非没有缺点。 随着时间的流逝,似乎不可避免的是,任何与Mac一样受欢迎的平台都将在不经意间使用互联网的情况下不停地享受多年的用户。 实际上,尽管病毒可能很少见,但已知还有其他种类的恶意软件可以攻击Mac,并且这种恶意软件的实例可能会随着时间的推移而增加。

Two things could happen to make attacks on Macintosh computers more common. The first: an increase of Market share of MacOS X computers. This article on Tom’s Hardware cites that a 16% market share of Mac OS could potentially make “profit driven” virus creation a reality on the platform. Looking at the numbers above (fairly recent compared to the writing of this article) we see that Apple still has a long way to go to reach that goal.

可能发生两件事,使对Macintosh计算机的攻击更加普遍。 第一:增加MacOS X计算机的市场份额。 Tom's Hardware上的这篇文章引用了Mac OS 16%的市场份额,这有可能使平台上实现“以利润为导向”的病毒创建。 查看以上数字(与本文写作相比,最近的数字),我们发现Apple仍然有很长的路要走。

Here’s what seems inevitable: more and more people will begin to use personal computers of any variety, be they Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux. While the Windows market is likely to grow faster in a world where more and more people are starting to use the internet, in a world where even more people are using computers, even more people should be using Macs. Will be begin to see niche profit-driven viruses? It seems very plausible—security through minority will probably not work forever.

这似乎是不可避免的:越来越多的人将开始使用各种个人计算机,无论它们是Windows,Mac OS X还是Linux。 在越来越多的人开始使用Internet的世界中,Windows市场可能会增长更快,而在越来越多的人使用计算机的世界中,应该有更多的人使用Mac。 会开始看到利基利润驱动型病毒吗? 似乎很有道理-通过少数群体提供的安全可能永远不会起作用。

Have thoughts on Mac security, malware, or keeping your system safe? Tell us about your experience with viruses (on any platform) in the comments, or email them to

是否对Mac安全性,恶意软​​件或保持系统安全有想法? 在评论中告诉我们您在任何平台上的病毒体验,或通过电子邮件将其发送至

Image Credits: Sad iMac by Alan Edwardes, available under Creative Commons. Sad Mac by Liam Cooke, available under Creative Commons. Apple Macbook Single User Boot by Clive Darr, available under Creative Commons. Jack and Mac by Yersina Pestis, available under Creative Commons.

图片来源:Alan Edwardes的Sad iMac,可在Creative Commons下获得。 利亚姆·库克(Liam Cooke)创作的《悲伤的麦克(Sad Mac)》,可在“知识共享”下找到。 Clive Darr的Apple Macbook单用户引导,可在Creative Commons下获得。 Yersina Pestis的Jack和Mac,可在Creative Commons下找到。


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