


The “rule of thirds” is a concept that you’ll find in a lot of Intro to Photography books and guides. The idea is that you imagine a grid that divides your composition into thirds, both vertically and horizontally, like this. (Although some cameras will now overlay a grid for you).

“三分法则”是一个概念,您可以在《摄影入门》的许多书籍和指南中找到。 这个想法是,您想象一个网格,将您的构图分为垂直和水平三等分,就像这样。 (尽管现在有些相机会为您覆盖一个网格)。

Supposedly, a strong composition is one where the important elements sit as close to the intersection of the thirds, or the third-lines, as possible because that’s where a viewer’s eyes are naturally drawn. Here’s that photo without the lines.

可以说,一种强有力的构图是一种重要元素,其位置尽可能靠近三分之二或第三线的交点,因为那是自然吸引观众的眼睛的地方。 这是没有线条的照片。

Yeah, it’s a pretty good photo. The skier and the main mountain peak are both on the first vertical third-line, each sitting at an intersection with the second horizontal third-line. The second mountain peak sits nicely on the second vertical third-line close to an intersection. So, is it a good photo because it fits the rule of thirds so well? Let’s find out.

是的,这张照片很不错。 滑雪者和主要山峰都在第一条垂直的第三线上,每条线都与第二条水平的第三线相交。 第二座山峰恰好位于第二垂直第三线上,靠近交叉路口。 那么,这是一张好照片吗,因为它非常适合三分法则? 让我们找出答案。

三分法则问题 (The Problems With the Rule of Thirds)

Alright, the answer is no. The rule of thirds is actually a pretty weak compositional guideline. It does more to stop you making bad mistakes than guide you to making strong compositions.

好吧,答案是否定的。 三分法则实际上是一个相当薄弱的构成准则。 它可以阻止您犯下严重的错误,而不是指导您进行出色的构图。

There is a lot more to good composition than just placing the main parts of your image at arbitrary points on a grid. Things like contrast, color, leading lines, and people’s faces—and especially their eyes—all direct where someone will look.

除了将图像的主要部分放置在网格上的任意点之外,好的构图还有很多其他功能。 诸如对比度,颜色,引导线和人的面Kong(尤其是他们的眼睛)之类的东西都直接指向某人的视线。

Another big problem is that you can kind of slap a thirds grid over the top of almost any image and find important parts that sit under one of the third lines. Like this image.

另一个大问题是,您可以在几乎所有图像的顶部打上三分之一的网格,并找到位于第三行之一下方的重要部分。 喜欢这张图片。

And this image.


Could you make a case that the rule of thirds grid fits them? Sure, but the images could also be cropped in a dozen other ways, and you’d still be able to argue that the rule of third fits. As I said at the top of this section, the rule of thirds stops you making some major errors rather than leads to good ones, so, let’s look at those errors.

您能否证明三分法则适合他们? 当然可以,但是图像也可以通过其他多种方式进行裁剪,您仍然可以说出第三条规则是合适的。 正如我在本节顶部所说的那样,三分法则阻止您犯一些重大错误,而不是导致出现重大错误,因此,让我们看一下这些错误。

三分法则做什么 (What the Rule of Thirds Does)

The best thing the rule of thirds does is stops you placing your subject too close to the edge of the frame or, worse, cut off by the edge of the frame like this awful composition below.


It also stops you placing your subject too centrally without good reasons. Central compositions can work great if you know what you’re doing but are often a bit flat and boring.

这也会使您无正当理由而无法将主题过于集中。 如果您知道自己在做什么,那么中央组合就可以很好地工作,但通常会有些枯燥乏味。

As you can see, the rule of thirds composition is much stronger.


When you’re starting, the rule of thirds is a handy guideline, but you shouldn’t blindly stick to it. Let’s take a look at a better approach.

开始时,三分法则是一个方便的准则,但您不应盲目地坚持下去。 让我们来看一个更好的方法。

更好的构图方法 (A Better Approach to Composition)

Composition is an incredibly complex subject. There are lots of subtle things that can guide your eyes. For a true masterclass, you need to look no further than the great painters like DaVinci, Van Gogh, and Picasso: they certainly weren’t just using the rule of thirds. This article can’t go anywhere close to that deep, but let’s look at my original composition for the skier photo.

作文是一个非常复杂的主题。 有很多细微的东西可以引导您的眼睛。 对于真正的大师班,您只需要关注达芬奇,梵高和毕加索等伟大的画家:他们当然不仅仅是在使用三分法则。 这篇文章不能深入到任何地方,但让我们看看我为滑雪者照片制作的原始作品。

As usual, the rule of thirds sorta kinda fits it, but that’s not what makes it a strong composition.


Three things are going on here that draw your eyes directly to the skier, Will: the leading lines, the subject-background contrast, and the color. It’s also a well-balanced image with the foreground, mountains, and sky all getting roughly the same amount of space.

这里发生的三件事直接将您的视线吸引到滑雪者Will身上:引线,主体与背景的对比以及颜色。 这也是一个平衡的图像,前景,山脉和天空都获得大致相同的空间。

Here are all the major lines in the image.


As you can see, they all lead your eyes directly to the focus of the image: Will and the main mountain behind him.


Our eyes are drawn to areas of contrast and bright, saturated color. Will sits at the intersection between the bright foreground and the darker mountains and sky. He’s also the only orange thing in another wise monochrome blue scene. It’s impossible to look anywhere else than at him.

我们的眼睛被对比度和明亮,饱和的色彩所吸引。 威尔坐在明亮的前景与黑暗的山脉和天空之间的交汇处。 他还是另一个明智的单色蓝色场景中唯一的橙色事物。 除了看着他,别无他法。

Some of these factors are also present in the image that’s cropped to the rule of thirds but what makes this image so much better is the strong diagonal and the extra space in front of Will.


That primary diagonal adds a huge amount to the image. Not only does it guide your eyes straight to Will but it neatly divides the foreground and background and gives you an idea of how steep the slope was. The space in front of Will adds to the sense of speed: he’s moving into the empty space. It also makes him smaller in the frame so emphasizes the sense of being out in the mountains I was going for. While the rule of thirds shot isn’t bad, it’s the stuff like this that makes a great photo.

该主要对角线为图像增加了很多。 它不仅可以引导您的眼睛直视Will,而且还可以巧妙地划分前景和背景,并让您了解斜坡的陡峭程度。 威尔前面的空间增加了速度感:他正在搬入空旷的空间。 这也使他的身材变小,因此强调了我要去的山区的感觉。 尽管三分之二的拍摄规则还不错,但像这样的东西才能拍出精美的照片。

进一步创作 (Going Further With Your Compositions)

Hopefully, this article has given you a taste of how much more there is to composition than just drawing an imaginary grid of thirds. We’ve already looked at filling the frame and using limited color palettes here on How-To Geek. You can also play around with some of the techniques above and see how they work with your images. My favorite composition resource is Canon of Design; a lot of their stuff is paid, but there are still some great free articles.

希望本文能带给您更多构图的乐趣,而不仅仅是画一个虚构的三分之二的网格。 我们已经在How-To Geek上研究过填充框架使用有限的调色板 。 您还可以尝试使用上述一些技巧,并查看它们如何与您的图像配合使用。 我最喜欢的构图资源是设计佳能 ; 他们的很多东西都是有偿的,但是仍然有一些很棒的免费文章。







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