outlook转发邮件步骤_Microsoft Outlook中的快速步骤指南



Outlook includes a Quick Steps feature that lets you apply multiple actions to a message with one click. Outlook includes several default Quick Steps, but you also can create your own (and delete the default ones if you don’t need them). If you regularly perform the same set of actions, creating a Quick Step and assigning it a hotkey can save you a lot of time. Here’s how they work.

Outlook包括“快速步骤”功能,使您可以一键将多个操作应用于邮件。 Outlook包含几个默认的“快速步骤”,但是您也可以创建自己的快速步骤(如果不需要,可以删除默认步骤)。 如果您定期执行同一组操作,则创建快速步骤并为其分配热键可以节省大量时间。 这是他们的工作方式。

默认的快速步骤 (The Default QuickSteps)

You can find Quick Steps on the “Home” tab of Outlook. When you first start, you’ll see the default Quick Steps there. You can click any of them to apply the included actions to a selected message.

您可以在Outlook的“主页”选项卡上找到“快速步骤”。 首次启动时,您会在此处看到默认的“快速步骤”。 您可以单击其中的任何一个,以将包含的操作应用于选定的消息。

The default quick steps include:


  1. Move to ?: Opens a window for you to select a folder to which you’d like to move the message.


  2. To Manager: Creates a forwarded copy of the currently selected message with your manager’s address in it.


  3. Team Email: Creates a blank message addressed to the members of your team. (If your email is managed by your employer then depending on how your Exchange administrators have configured your mailbox, Outlook may already know who your manager and team members are. If not, you’ll have to fill these in the first time you use these quick steps.)

    团队电子邮件:创建发给您团队成员的空白消息。 (如果您的电子邮件是由您的雇主管理的,则取决于您的Exchange管理员配置邮箱的方式,Outlook可能已经知道您的经理和团队成员是谁。否则,您必须在第一次使用时填写这些信息。快速步骤。)

  4. Done: Marks the message as read and complete, and then sends it to a specified folder. The first time you use this one, you’ll have specify the folder, but from then on Outlook will remember your choice and send it to that folder every time you use the Quick Step.

    完成:将邮件标记为已读并完成,然后将其发送到指定的文件夹。 第一次使用该文件夹时,将指定文件夹,但是从那时起,Outlook将记住您的选择,并在每次使用“快速步骤”时将其发送到该文件夹​​。

  5. Replay & Delete: Opens up a reply to the currently selected message and then deletes the currently selected message after you send the reply.


Outlook only displays Quick Steps that are available. If you haven’t got a message selected, for example, then only the “Team Email” Quick Step is shown because the other defaults work on an existing message.

Outlook仅显示可用的快速步骤。 例如,如果您尚未选择邮件,则仅显示“ Team Email”快速步骤,因为其他默认值适用于现有邮件。

如何创建快速步骤 (How to Create a Quick Step)

To add a new Quick Step, click the “Create New” option in the Quick Steps box.


This opens up a new window where you can name your quick step and choose the actions you want it to perform.


When you click the “Choose an Action” drop-down menu, you get a list of possible actions, each of which may give you additional options to select.


We’re going to add two actions: one to move the message to a folder and one to mark it as read.


Select the “Move to folder” action and choose the folder to which you want messages moved.


Next, click “Add Action” to add a second action.


Select “Mark as read” from the drop-down menu.


Optionally, you can choose one of the built-in shortcut keys and add some text to be displayed when you hover over the Quick Step with your pointer (a brief description reminding your of the actions the Quick Step takes is helpful).


Click “Finish,” and your new Quick Step will appear in the Quick Steps box in Outlook. If you hover over the Quick Step, you’ll see the shortcut key you chose and any tooltip text you entered.

单击“完成”,新的“快速步骤”将出现在Outlook的“快速步骤”框中。 如果将鼠标悬停在“快速步骤”上,将会看到您选择的快捷键以及您输入的任何工具提示文本。

Now all you have to do is select your messages and click the new QuickStep (or hit the shortcut key combo) to apply its actions.


如何编辑或删除快速步骤 (How to Edit or Delete a QuickStep)

If you want to edit or delete a Quick Step, click the small arrow at the bottom right of the Quick Steps group on the Ribbon.


This opens the “Manage Quick Steps” window.


Here you’ve got the option to edit, duplicate (which creates an exact copy of the selected Quick Step if you want a similar one but with a slight variation), or delete a Quick Step.


You can also change the order in which your Quick Steps appear on the Ribbon or create a new Quick Step.


Finally, there’s the option to “Reset to Defaults.”


Selecting the “Reset to Defaults” option deletes any Quick Steps you’ve created and recreates any default Quick Steps you might have deleted. It also removes any changes you’ve made to the default Quick Steps.  Because you can’t undo this action, you’ll be shown a warning. Click “Yes” to make the reset happen.

选择“重置为默认值”选项将删除您创建的所有快速步骤,并重新创建您可能已删除的任何默认快速步骤。 它还会删除您对默认快速步骤所做的任何更改。 由于您无法撤消此操作,因此系统会向您显示警告。 单击“是”进行重置。

You can also bypass the “Manage Quick Steps” window for individual Quick Step actions by right-clicking a quick step in the ribbon. This brings up a context menu where you can edit, duplicate, or delete the Quick Step.

您还可以通过右键单击功能区中的快速步骤来绕过各个快速步骤操作的“管理快速步骤”窗口。 这会弹出一个上下文菜单,您可以在其中编辑,复制或删除“快速步骤”。

And that’s Quick Steps. We haven’t gone through all of the possible actions you can add to a Quick Step because there are tons of them and it’s a pretty intuitive interface once you know how it works.  If you want to make your Outlook experience more efficient and less time-consuming, Quick Steps are a great place to start.

这就是快速步骤。 我们没有完成您可以添加到“快速步骤”中的所有可能操作,因为其中有很多操作,一旦您知道其工作原理,它就是一个非常直观的界面。 如果要使Outlook体验更高效,更省时,则“快速步骤”是一个不错的起点。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/393846/a-guide-to-quick-steps-in-outlook/


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