
While it’s commonly thought Chromebooks aren’t good for anything more than surfing the web, that’s not the case. If you need to do some video editing from your Chromebook, there are definitely some tools out there that can do the job.

人们通常认为Chromebook除了上网以外,没有其他好处,但事实并非如此。 如果您需要通过Chromebook进行视频编辑,那么肯定有一些工具可以完成这项工作。

Of course, we’re not talking full-on Adobe Premier functionality here—Chromebooks are more useful than they get credit for, but dedicated Windows and Mac software is still going to be a more powerful solution. That doesn’t mean you need Premier (or similar), of course. If you just need to do some light duty editing, a Chromebook is very capable. So if you happen to have a super sick video of, say, a guinea pig eating a banana, you can make it social-ready pretty easily on your Chromebook.

当然,我们在这里不是在讨论Adobe Premier的全部功能-Chromebook比其值得称赞的功能有用,但是专用的Windows和Mac软件仍将是一个更强大的解决方案。 当然,这并不意味着您需要 Premier(或类似)。 如果您只需要进行轻量级编辑,那么Chromebook的功能非常强大。 因此,如果您碰巧有一段超级病的视频,例如豚鼠正在吃香蕉 ,那么您可以在Chromebook上轻松地将其制作成社交媒体。

最佳选择:威力导演(Android,免费/订阅) (The Best Option: PowerDirector (Android, Free/Subscription))

While Kinemaster got our pick for the most powerful video editor on Android, PowerDirector just seems to work a little bit better on a Chromebook. The layout is very similar to what you’d get from a full desktop editor and it seems to “feel” a bit better with a mouse.

尽管Kinemaster选择了Android上功能最强大的视频编辑器,但PowerDirector似乎在Chromebook上的工作要好一些。 该布局与您从完整的桌面编辑器中获得的布局非常相似,用鼠标似乎“感觉”好一些。

If you’ve ever used the computer version of PowerDirector, you’ll already be familiar with the interface—it’s very similar, just on a less robust scale. You can trim video clips, add audio, add slow motion (and other) effects, and more. It uses a very intuitive drag-and-drop interface that works very well with both touch and a mouse.

如果您曾经使用过PowerDirector的计算机版本,那么您将已经熟悉该界面-它非常相似,只是规模较小。 您可以修剪视频片段,添加音频,添加慢动作(和其他)效果等等。 它使用了非常直观的拖放界面,可以很好地与触摸和鼠标配合使用。

You can try PowerDirector out for free, but to get the most out of it, you’ll have to shell out a subscription fee—$4.99 a month, $9.99 for three months, or $34.99 a year. It’ worth it if you plan on editing video from your Chromebooks.

您可以免费试用《威力导演》,但要获得最大收益,您将需要支付订阅费-每月4.99美元,三个月9.99美元,或每年34.99美元。 如果您打算编辑Chromebook中的视频,那是值得的。

最强大的选项:KineMaster(Android,免费/订阅) (The Most Powerful Option: KineMaster (Android, Free/Subscription))

Just because it doesn’t get the pick for “best option” doesn’t mean we can ignore KineMaster completely. In fact, it’s more powerful—meaning it has more features—than PowerDirector. But the interface is a little more confusing and doesn’t seem to translate to the bigger screen of a Chromebook quite as well as PowerDirector.

仅仅因为它没有获得“最佳选择”的选择,并不意味着我们可以完全忽略KineMaster 。 实际上,它比PowerDirector更强大(意味着它具有更多功能)。 但是界面有点混乱,似乎并没有转化为Chromebook以及PowerDirector的更大屏幕。

That said, if the most features you can get out of a single package is your endgame here, KineMaster is definitely worth looking at. You can add multiple layers and effects, trim by frame, add audio, adjust lighting, and more. It packs a wallop, especially for a “mobile” editor.

也就是说,如果您可以从一个软件包中获得最多的功能就是您的最终选择,那么KineMaster绝对值得一看。 您可以添加多个图层和效果,逐帧修剪,添加音频,调整照明等等。 它囊括了所有内容,特别是对于“移动”编辑器而言。

Like PowerDirector, however, you’ll have to pay for this type of functionality. It’s $4.99 a month or $39.99 a year, making it more expensive than PowerDirector for the yearly sub. If you’re cool with watermarks and ads, though, you can use KineMaster without paying.

但是,像《威力导演》一样,您必须为此类型的功能付费。 它的价格为每月4.99美元或每年39.99美元,每年订阅费用比PowerDirector贵。 但是,如果您对水印和广告很感兴趣,则可以使用KineMaster而无需付费。

最佳基于Web的选项:WeVideo(免费/付费) (The Best Web-based Option: WeVideo (Free/Paid))

If your Chromebook doesn’t have access to Android apps, then the first two options on our list don’t really help, do they? No worries, we have something for you guys too: WeVideo. It’s probably the most desktop-like option on the entire list—since it’s in the browser, it isn’t constrained to the same limitations that a mobile app is.

如果您的Chromebook无法访问Android应用,那么我们列表中的前两个选项确实没有帮助,对吗? 不用担心,我们也为您提供一些东西: WeVideo 。 它可能是整个列表中最类似于​​桌面的选项-由于它位于浏览器中,因此不受移动应用程序的限制。

WeVideo offers a free tier that lets you do simple things like trim clips and the like, but it’s really pretty limited past that. For example, videos are restricted to 480p and you’re only allowed to produce five minutes worth of publications each month.

WeVideo提供了一个免费层,可以让您做一些简单的事情,例如修剪剪辑之类的东西,但是在那之后确实非常有限。 例如,视频限制为480p,并且您每月只能制作五分钟的出版物。

There are paid tiers that offer more flexibility, however: the $4.99/month “Power” tier will give you 30 minutes of publishing time, as well as bump the resolution up to a modest 720p. It also opens the door to WeVideo’s other editing tools and enhancements, like slow motion, greenscreen, voiceover, and a lot more.

有付费层提供了更大的灵活性,但是:每月4.99美元的“ Power”层将为您提供30分钟的发布时间,并将分辨率提高到适当的720p。 它还为WeVideo的其他编辑工具和增强功能(例如慢动作,绿屏,配音等)打开了一扇门。

If you still need more, there are $7.99, $17.99, and $29.99 (per month) options that remove most of the limitations found in the lower tiers. Still, they’re fairly pricey for what you get—if your device has access to Android apps, you’re better off at least starting there.

如果您仍然需要更多,则可以选择$ 7.99,$ 17.99和$ 29.99(每月)的选项,这些选项消除了在较低层中发现的大多数限制。 尽管如此,它们对于您所获得的价格还是相当昂贵的-如果您的设备可以访问Android应用,那么至少从那里开始最好。

最佳剪辑片段:Google相册(Android,免费) (The Best for Just Trimming Clips: Google Photos (Android, Free))

If all you’re looking to do is clip a video and nothing more, Google Photos is your best option. Unfortunately, the web version doesn’t offer video editing, so you’ll need the Android app. Past that, trimming video is super easy. No need for any extra apps or costs to do something so simple.

如果您只是想剪辑视频而已,那么Google Photos是您的最佳选择。 不幸的是,网络版本不提供视频编辑功能,因此您需要Android应用程序。 除此之外, 修剪视频非常容易 。 无需任何额外的应用程序或费用即可完成如此简单的操作。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/360107/the-best-video-editing-tools-for-chromebooks/





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