


Facebook has become a must-use service for a lot of people. Unfortunately, Facebook has some annoying quirks, not the least of which is how it handles your news feed. Here’s how to make it better.

Facebook已成为许多人的必备服务。 不幸的是,Facebook有一些令人讨厌的怪癖,其中最重要的一点就是它如何处理您的新闻提要。 这是使它变得更好的方法。

There are many reasons to use Facebook that aren’t tied to the whole News Feed, article sharing, and Friend tagging stuff with which it’s most commonly associated. Lots of clubs use Facebook Groups to communicate with members. You may need administer your company’s Facebook page, and you’ll need your own profile for that. If you travel a lot, you may need Messenger to communicate with friends and family who use Facebook. This means that lots of people who would sooner not use Facebook are forced to, either by their family, boss, or just general societal pressure. Here are some things you can do make your experience less awful.

使用Facebook的原因有很多,而与整个新闻源,文章共享以及与之最相关的Friend tag东西无关。 许多俱乐部都使用Facebook组与成员进行交流。 您可能需要管理公司的Facebook页面,并且需要您自己的个人资料。 如果您经常旅行,则可能需要Messenger才能与使用Facebook的朋友和家人进行交流。 这意味着许多不愿使用Facebook的人被家人,老板或仅仅是社会压力所迫。 您可以采取以下一些措施来减少体验。

从新闻提要中删除坏消息 (Remove the Bad From Your News Feed)

The News Feed is the absolute worst thing about Facebook. This constantly updating stream of outrage, baby pictures, and lifestyle bragging almost never shows you anything you actually want to see. Instead, you get whatever Facebook’s algorithm thinks will keep you clicking and scrolling.

新闻源绝对是Facebook最糟糕的事情。 不断更新的愤怒,婴儿照和生活方式吹牛几乎从未显示出您真正想看到的任何东西 。 取而代之的是,您得到了Facebook算法认为可以使您保持点击和滚动的一切。

The first step to making Facebook a more pleasant place is to aggressively take back control of your News Feed. This means unfollowing anyone who’s posting stuff that annoys you, whether that be politics, bad jokes, Fake News, conspiracy theories, or anything else that wastes your mental energy.

使Facebook变得更令人愉悦的地方的第一步是积极地收回对您的新闻源的控制。 这意味着不要关注任何发布烦人的内容的人,无论是政治,恶作剧,假新闻,阴谋论,还是其他浪费您精力的东西。

I have about 1,500 Facebook friends, personally, but I only follow a small fraction of them. When ever you see a post from someone that annoys you, click or tap the three little dots in the top right corner of the post and select Unfollow to stop seeing their posts in your News Feed. You’ll keep them as friends, and they won’t get any kind of notification that you’re not following them. Their stuff just stops showing up in your feed.

我个人约有1,500个Facebook朋友,但我只关注其中的一小部分。 每当您看到某人发怒的帖子时,请单击或点按该帖子右上角的三个小点,然后选择取消关注以停止在新闻源中看到他们的帖子。 您将他们保留为朋友,他们不会收到任何您未关注他们的通知。 他们的东西只会在您的供稿中停止显示。

If you want to take a more instant approach, Facebook also has a built in tool that makes it super easy to unfollow loads of people at once. Just go to Settings > News Feed Preferences and follow the instructions.

如果您想采取更即时的方法,Facebook还提供了一个内置工具 ,使您可以轻松地立即撤消大量人员。 只需转到“设置”>“新闻提要”偏好设置,然后按照说明进行即可。

If you would rather try a trial separation, you can also Snooze someone for 30 days, rather than cutting them out indefinitely. Snoozing is particularly useful if you have a friend that you generally like following, but they’re posting a lot about some temporary thing you’re not interested in.

如果您想尝试分居,也可以将某人延后30天 ,而不是无限期地将其拒之门外。 如果您有一个通常喜欢跟随的朋友,但是打they睡特别有用,但是他们发布了很多您不感兴趣的临时信息。

And you should also take time to evaluate whether all those people you’ve friended really add anything to your day. If not, you can simply unfriend them. It can be a daunting task to tackle your friends list all at once, though. One popular option is to watch for those birthday notifications. When they pop up, just ask yourself if you really need that person on your friends list at all, or if you want to keep them around but unfollow them. Over time, your news feed will get better and better.

而且,您还应该花时间评估您所认识的所有这些人是否真的为您的一天增加了任何东西。 如果没有,您可以简单地与他们成为朋友。 但是,一次处理所有好友列表可能是一项艰巨的任务。 一种流行的选择是监视那些生日通知。 当他们弹出时,问问自己自己是否真的需要朋友列表中的那个人,或者是否想保留他们而不关注他们。 随着时间的流逝,您的新闻提要会越来越好。

为您的新闻提要添加更多好处 (Add More Good To Your News Feed)

Getting rid of the bad is only the start of making your News Feed better. You can also follow more people and pages that actually interest you, and make sure their content shows up at the top.

摆脱不良状况只是使您的新闻提要变得更好的开始。 您还可以关注更多您真正感兴趣的人员和页面,并确保其内容显示在顶部。

Start by just liking a few Pages you know are just going to post nice, positive content. My preference is for photography pages, although The Geek has gone with Simpsons and Futurama meme pages.

首先,只喜欢几个您知道将要发布好的积极内容的页面。 我更喜欢摄影页面,尽管《 The Geek》中没有使用Simpsons和Futurama meme页面。

You can also make new posts from your close friends and family show up at the top of your News Feed. Visit the Facebook Profile of someone who’s posts you want to see first, click or tap the “Following” icon, and then select the “See First” option.

您还可以将来自亲密朋友和家人的新帖子显示在新闻源的顶部。 首先访问您想看到其帖子的某人的Facebook个人资料,单击或点击“关注”图标,然后选择“首先查看”选项。

Now their posts will normally show up before you see any others. You can also do a similar thing with Pages.

现在,他们的帖子通常会显示在您看到其他任何帖子之前。 您也可以使用Pages做类似的事情

完全避免新闻源 (Avoid the News Feed Entirely)

Removing everyone annoying and making sure you see posts you like should make Facebook a whole lot less draining to use. But if that’s not enough, there are a few ways you can avoid the News Feed and the main Facebook site entirely.

消除所有烦人的人,并确保您看到自己喜欢的帖子,这将使Facebook的使用减少很多。 但是,如果这还不够的话,您可以通过几种方法完全避免使用News Feed和主要的Facebook网站。

While we don’t really like to recommend browser extensions for privacy reasons, there are a few out there that totally hide the News Feed on Facebook. Here are some options for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox. If you want to take the risk, it’s up to you.

虽然出于隐私方面的考虑, 我们真的不建议浏览器扩展 ,但是有一些完全隐藏了Facebook上的新闻提要。 以下是SafariChromeFirefox的一些选项。 如果您要冒险,这取决于您。

You can also just avoid the News Feed by using Facebook’s other apps. If you uninstall the Facebook app from your smartphone, you can still use the mobile site if you need to, as well as the Facebook Messenger app for chatting and the Facebook Pages Manager app for managing any pages you need to.

您也可以通过使用Facebook的其他应用程序来避免新闻订阅源。 如果您从智能手机上卸载了Facebook应用程序,则您仍然可以使用移动网站 ,还可以使用 Facebook Messenger进行聊天,以及使用Facebook Pages Manager应用程序来管理所需的任何页面。

On your computer, it’s a little harder, but there is a Facebook Messenger web app available at www.Messenger.com.

在您的计算机上,这要难一些,但可以在www.Messenger.com上找到Facebook Messenger网络应用程序。

关闭所有通知 (Turn Off All Notifications)

Facebook’s business model relies on people spending time just scrolling through the News Feed so that they see ads. Obviously, they want to encourage people to log in as often as possible. One of the ways they do this is by notifying you whenever the smallest thing happens. There’s no point going to all this effort to make Facebook a more pleasant place, if your smartphone is going to light up every 30 minutes with another notification.

Facebook的商业模式依赖人们花时间在新闻源上滚动,以便他们看到广告。 显然,他们希望鼓励人们尽可能多地登录。 他们这样做的方法之一是每当发生最小的事情时都会通知您。 如果您的智能手机每30分钟点亮一次并显示另一条通知,那么将所有这些努力使Facebook变得更令人愉悦是没有意义的。

Fortunately for you, we’ve got a full guide that covers how to disable or customize Facebook’s push, text, and email notifications. Take the five minutes to dig through the many (many) different toggles and options, and turn off as many notifications as you can live without.

幸运的是,我们有完整的指南,内容涵盖如何禁用或自定义Facebook的推送,文本和电子邮件通知 。 用五分钟的时间来挖掘许多(许多)不同的切换和选项,并关闭尽可能多的通知。

Facebook provides a useful service, but that doesn’t mean it’s always fun to use. If you take some of the advice in this article to heart though, it should be a lot less annoying.

Facebook提供了有用的服务,但这并不意味着它总是很有趣。 但是,如果您牢记本文中的一些建议,应该会减少很多麻烦。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/345659/how-to-make-facebook-less-annoying/






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