

Twitch.tv is quickly becoming one of the top destinations for game streaming on the web, with video sites like YouTube following closely behind. But you probably already have a decent streaming program on your computer: Steam.

Twitch.tvSwift成为网络游戏流媒体的顶级目的地之一,紧随其后的是YouTube等视频网站。 但是您可能已经在计算机上安装了不错的流媒体程序:Steam。

Sensing the opportunity to set up its own community of streamers, Valve has added the option to easily broadcast your games to friends or anyone who wants to watch using the Steam client as its own streaming client. This makes it easy for users to quickly get themselves up and streaming with just a few settings adjustments, and here’s everything you need to know to get started.

Valve意识到有机会建立自己的流媒体社区,Valve添加了该选项,可以将您的游戏轻松地广播给朋友或希望使用Steam客户端作为自己的流媒体客户端观看的任何人。 只需进行一些设置调整,用户就可以轻松快速地上手并进行流式传输,这是您开始需要了解的所有信息。

设置您的帐户以进行流式传输 (Set Your Account Up for Streaming)

To start, open up your account settings by clicking on the “Steam” option in the menu, and selecting “Settings” from the drop-down menu.

首先,通过单击菜单中的“ Steam”选项,然后从下拉菜单中选择“ Settings”,打开您的帐户设置。


Next, find the “Broadcasting” tab from your account window, highlighted below.



By default, your account will be set to “Broadcasting Disabled”. To enable streaming, choose from one of the three following options.

默认情况下,您的帐户将设置为“禁用广播”。 要启用流传输,请从以下三个选项之一中进行选择。


The first option for how your broadcast is shared is “Friends can request to watch my games”. This restricts your broadcast so only people on your friends list can see that you’re broadcasting, and even then, they’ll have to make a request with you to see the stream before it opens up in their client. Next is the option for “Friends can watch my games”, which means that anyone on your friends list can drop in on the broadcast without requesting access first.

共享广播的第一个选项是“朋友可以请求观看我的游戏”。 这限制了您的广播,因此只有您的好友列表中的人才能看到您正在广播,即使如此,他们也必须向您提出请求才能在其客户端中打开该流。 接下来是“朋友可以观看我的游戏”的选项,这意味着您朋友列表中的任何人都可以直接进入广播而无需先请求访问权限。

Last, there’s the option for “Anyone can watch my games.” This option makes your broadcast fully public on the game’s “Community Hub” page. Anyone scrolling through the “Broadcasts” section of the game’s hub will see your stream, and can tune in without being on your friends list or requesting access first.

最后,还有“任何人都可以观看我的游戏”的选项。 此选项使您的广播在游戏的“社区中心”页面上完全公开。 滚动浏览游戏中心“广播”部分的任何人都将看到您的视频流,并且可以收听而无需在朋友列表中或先请求访问。

更改质量和带宽设置 (Change Your Quality and Bandwidth Settings)

Now that you’re set up to broadcast, it’s time to configure the stream settings that fit your PC’s power and broadband speeds best. To adjust the video resolution of your stream, select the drop-down menu for “Video Dimensions”.

现在您已设置好广播,现在该配置最适合您PC功率和宽带速度的流设置了。 要调整视频流的视频分辨率,请选择“视频尺寸”下拉菜单。


There are four options, ranging from 360p up to 1080p, and which you choose will depend on your gaming PC’s power. Valve hasn’t released any hard guidelines or specification requirements you’ll need to run broadcasting, likely because of the wide variety of games that the Steam service supports.

有四个选项,范围从360p到1080p,并且您选择的选项将取决于游戏PC的功率。 Valve尚未发布运行广播所需的任何硬性准则或规范要求,这可能是因为Steam服务支持的游戏种类繁多。

For example, streaming a low-resource 2D game like Terraria in 1080p would take less of your system’s resources to power both the game and the broadcast at the same time, so it would be possible to stream it in 1080p on an older machine without slowing anything down. If you tried to do the same thing with The Division, streaming in 1080p with the graphics set to Ultra could bring the same PC to its knees.

例如,以1080p格式播放资源低的2D​​游戏(例如Terraria )将占用系统的更少资源来同时为游戏和广播供电,因此可以在较旧的计算机上以1080p格式进行播放。什么都下来。 如果您尝试使用The Division做相同的事情,则将1080p的流媒体(图形设置为Ultra)设置可能会使同一台PC屈服。


Next, you need to choose the Maximum Bitrate that your stream will broadcast with. This controls how much internet bandwidth your broadcast will use to get video off your computer and onto the web, and it will also dictate the overall quality of how your stream looks to other viewers. For example, if you stream at a video dimension of 1080p but limit your bitrate to just 750 kbit/s, even though viewers will see the window at a full resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, the quality of the video itself will still be grainy and pixelated.

接下来,您需要选择流将用于广播的最大比特率。 这控制了广播将多大的互联网带宽用于将视频从计算机发送到网络,也决定了视频流对其他观众的整体质量。 例如,如果您以1080p的视频尺寸进行流传输,但将比特率限制为仅750 kbit / s,即使观看者将以1920 x 1080像素的全分辨率看到窗口,视频本身的质量仍将是颗粒状的和像素化。

If you have a fast broadband connection (anywhere above 60Mbps), the maximum bitrate of 3500 kbit/s will be fine. If you’re unsure if your connection is fast enough, try several different bitrates to find the one that fits your connection best.

如果您具有快速的宽带连接(高于60Mbps的速度),则最大比特率3500 kbit / s就可以了。 如果不确定连接速度是否足够快,请尝试几种不同的比特率,以找到最适合您的连接的比特率。


It’s possible to fine tune these settings further with the help of the “Optimize encoding for” menu. This setting gives you two choices: Best Quality, or Best Performance. Again, Valve hasn’t released specifics on how these two settings actually change your broadcast on the software side of things, so the only way to find out what works best is to try both and see which option your system can handle at load.

可以借助“优化编码”菜单进一步微调这些设置。 此设置为您提供两种选择:最佳质量或最佳性能。 再次,Valve尚未发布有关这两种设置实际上如何在软件方面改变广播的细节,因此,找出最佳方法的唯一方法是同时尝试这两种设置,并查看系统在负载时可以处理的选项。

Next, you can choose where the viewer chat window appears in the game window. The four options rest in each corner of the screen (top-left, bottom-right, etc), or choose “Off” to disable chat completely.

接下来,您可以选择查看器聊天窗口在游戏窗口中的显示位置。 四个选项位于屏幕的每个角落(左上,右下等),或选择“关”以完全禁用聊天。


Last, there’s the option to control what viewers can see while your broadcast is live. By default Steam will only broadcast the video and audio coming from your game, and nothing else. If you click out of the game window during a broadcast, viewers will see a “Please Stand By” message that goes away once you’re back in the game.

最后,您可以选择控制直播期间观众观看的内容。 默认情况下,Steam仅播放来自游戏的视频和音频,而不会播放其他任何内容。 如果您在广播过程中在游戏窗口之外单击,则观看者将看到“请稍候”消息,一旦您回到游戏中,该消息就会消失。


To give viewers the ability to see or hear content from other windows that are active on your desktop, tick off the boxes for “Record video from all applications on this machine” and “Record audio from all applications on this machine”, highlighted above. With these two options selected, any movements you make on your desktop in other windows will be visible as a part of the broadcast.

为了使查看者能够从桌面上其他活动窗口中查看或收听内容,请选中上面突出显示的“记录来自该计算机上所有应用程序的视频”和“记录来自该计算机上所有应用程序的音频”的框。 选中这两个选项后,您在其他窗口在桌面上所做的任何移动都将作为广播的一部分可见。

让您的麦克风准备好流式传输 (Get Your Microphone Ready for Streaming)

Of course, streaming isn’t all that exciting if we can’t hear the user on the other end of the game. To configure your microphone’s settings for a broadcast, start by checking off the box to “Record my microphone”.

当然,如果我们在游戏的另一端听不到用户的声音,那么流媒体并不是那么令人兴奋。 要配置麦克风的广播设置,请首先选中“录制我的麦克风”复选框。


Next, click on the “Configure Microphone” link next to that box. This will take you to the “Voice” tab in Settings.

接下来,单击该框旁边的“配置麦克风”链接。 这将带您进入“设置”中的“语音”标签。

Configuring your microphone in Steam is the same process as configuring it in Windows proper. To start, click on the “Change Device” button, which will take you to the Audio Control panel found in your current build of Windows.

在Steam中配置麦克风与在Windows中正确配置麦克风的过程相同。 首先,单击“更改设备”按钮,这将带您到当前Windows版本中的“音频控制”面板。


If your microphone is properly installed, it will appear in the list of available sound devices.



Click on the microphone you want to use, and choose “OK, I’m finished changing settings” once your done.



Finally, there’s the option to switch between automatic voice transmission, and using a push-to-talk key to activate the microphone when you want to talk. The first option automatically detects when it hears noise from your microphone, and records for as long as the receiving volume is pushed past a certain threshold.

最后,您可以选择在自动语音传输和要通话时使用一键通键激活麦克风之间切换。 第一个选项会自动检测它何时听到您的麦克风发出的噪音,并且只要将接收音量推到某个阈值以上就进行记录。

The second will only turn the microphone on when you push a key. To change which key it is, click on the setting highlighted above, and then hit the key you want to use. Hit the “OK” button, and all your settings will be automatically saved. Now any game you launch within Steam will automatically begin broadcasting.

当您按下一个键时,第二个键只会打开麦克风。 要更改它的键,请单击上面突出显示的设置,然后单击要使用的键。 点击“确定”按钮,所有设置将被自动保存。 现在,您在Steam上启动的任何游戏都将自动开始广播。


To verify you’ve set everything up correctly, look for a small “Live” icon that appears in the top-right corner of your game the next time its launched. This is also where you’ll find information on how many viewers are tuned in, and whether or not the audio from your microphone is being picked up.

要验证您是否已正确设置所有内容,请在下次游戏启动时,在游戏的右上角找到一个小的“实时”图标。 您还可以在这里找到有关收看多少观众以及是否拾取了麦克风中的音频的信息。

如何观看其他游戏广播 (How to Watch Other Game Broadcasts)

To watch a friend’s broadcast, simply find their name in your friends list, and right click their name. If they have broadcasting enabled, the “Watch Game” option will appear from the drop-down menu. Click this, and you’ll be taken to their stream inside the Steam client.

要观看朋友的广播,只需在您的朋友列表中找到他们的名字,然后右键单击他们的名字。 如果他们启用了广播,则“观看游戏”选项将从下拉菜单中出现。 单击此按钮,您将被带到Steam客户端中的他们的流。


To view other people’s public broadcasts who aren’t on your friends list, there are two options available.


The most convenient method is to view the stream in the Steam client itself. Open Steam, and click on the “Community” button from the menu at the top of the window.

最方便的方法是在Steam客户端本身中查看流。 打开Steam,然后从窗口顶部的菜单中单击“社区”按钮。


Select “Broadcasts” from the drop-down menu, and any open streams that are broadcasting will load in a scrollable list.



If you’re not at home or don’t have access to your Steam client, Valve also hosts broadcasts on the Steam Community website. To access public broadcasts, click the link here or visit the URL “http://steamcommunity.com/?subsection=broadcasts” in a web browser.

如果您不在家或无法访问Steam客户端,Valve还会在Steam社区网站上托管广播。 要访问公共广播, 请单击此处的链接,或在网络浏览器中访问URL“ http://steamcommunity.com/?subsection=broadcasts”。


Once the broadcast is loaded, you can change the quality of the stream by clicking the gear icon in the bottom-right corner, and chat with the broadcaster by typing in the highlighted chat window.


Steam广播的局限性 (The Limitations of Steam’s Broadcasting)

Unfortunately, Steam has yet to add support for users running the client in Linux or OSX, though the company says it has plans to integrate compatibility with these operating systems in the near future.  Also, broadcasting games only works on Steam accounts that have at least one verified purchase ($5 or more) tied to their username. This verifies you as a “non-limited” account, a tool that Valve uses to cut down on community abuse.

不幸的是,Steam尚未增加对在Linux或OSX上运行客户端的用户的支持,尽管该公司表示已计划在不久的将来集成与这些操作系统的兼容性 。 另外,广播游戏仅适用于至少已验证购买(5美元或更多)且绑定了用户名的Steam帐户。 这证明您是“非受限”帐户,Valve使用该工具来减少社区滥用。

Lastly, unlike Twitch.tv, there are no options to add custom overlays to your stream. Steam is only capable of recording the game and any windows/applications you have running alongside the game. To stream with overlays or with your webcam placed somewhere on the window, you’d be better off streaming with a program like XSplit to Twitch instead.

最后,与Twitch.tv不同,没有任何选项可将自定义叠加层添加到流中。 Steam仅能记录游戏以及与游戏一起运行的任何窗口/应用程序。 要通过叠加流或将网络摄像头放置在窗口中的某处进行流式传输,最好使用XSplit之类的程序流式传输到Twitch

Although watching streams of people playing video games may not be for everyone, there’s no denying there’s a huge market for it that only continues to grow by the day. Thanks to Steam, jumping in on this trend is an easy process, and gives you the opportunity to share your favorite gaming moments with your close friends or anyone else who might drop by to watch.

尽管观看视频流的人群可能并不适合每个人,但不可否认的是,它的市场巨大,而且这一市场每天都将继续增长。 借助Steam,顺应这一趋势是一个简单的过程,使您有机会与您的密友或其他可能去观看的人分享自己喜欢的游戏时刻。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/245658/how-to-broadcast-your-games-online-with-steam/

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