xbox one 解码_如何使用智能手机控制Xbox One

xbox one 解码

xbox one 解码

Microsoft’s Xbox SmartGlass app allows you to launch games, browse TV listings, and control apps on your Xbox One. You can even use it to stream live TV from your Xbox One to your phone. It’s available for Android phones, iPhones, Windows 10 and 8, and even Windows phones.

Microsoft的Xbox SmartGlass应用程序允许您在Xbox One上启动游戏,浏览电视节目并控制应用程序。 您甚至可以使用它来将直播电视从Xbox One流式传输到手机。 它适用于Android手机,iPhone,Windows 10和8,甚至Windows手机。

SmartGlass unfortunately doesn’t support game streaming, as the Xbox app for Windows 10 does, but it can still do a whole lot.

不幸的是,SmartGlass不像Windows 10的Xbox应用程序那样支持游戏流 ,但是它仍然可以完成很多工作。

第一步:获取应用 (Step One: Get the App)

Download the Xbox One SmartGlass app from Apple’s App Store, Google PlayWindows Phone Store, or the Windows Store, depending on your platform.

Apple的App StoreGoogle PlayWindows Phone StoreWindows Store中下载Xbox One SmartGlass应用程序,具体取决于您的平台。

While the app was originally intended for phones, it can also be used on iPads, Android tablets, and even Windows 10 PCs. It will probably be most useful on a smaller Windows 10 tablet you might have on a couch than a Windows 10 desktop PC, however.

虽然该应用最初用于手机,但也可以在iPad,Android平板电脑甚至Windows 10 PC上使用。 但是,在沙发上可能比Windows 10台式机更小的Windows 10平板电脑上,它可能最有用。

We’re covering the Xbox One SmartGlass app here, but Microsoft also offers Xbox 360 SmartGlass apps if you’re using an Xbox 360 instead. Download the Xbox 360 SmartGlass app from Apple’s App Store, Google Play, Windows Phone Store, or the Windows Store to use a similar app with the Xbox 360.

我们在这里介绍Xbox One SmartGlass应用程序,但是如果您使用的是Xbox 360,则Microsoft也提供Xbox 360 SmartGlass应用程序。 从Apple的App StoreGoogle PlayWindows Phone StoreWindows Store下载Xbox 360 SmartGlass应用程序,以在Xbox 360中使用类似的应用程序。

第二步:连接到您的Xbox One (Step Two: Connect to Your Xbox One)

Sign in to SmartGlass with the same Microsoft account you signed into your Xbox with. After you sign in, the app should automatically discover your Xbox One, assuming your device and Xbox One are on the same network. Tap your Xbox One and tap “Connect” to connect to the console. Leave the “Connect Automatically” checkbox enabled and the app will automatically connect to your Xbox One in the future.

使用您用来登录Xbox的相同Microsoft帐户登录SmartGlass。 登录后,假设您的设备和Xbox One在同一网络上,则应用程序应自动发现Xbox One。 点击您的Xbox One,然后点击“连接”以连接到控制台。 保持“自动连接”复选框处于启用状态,该应用程序将来会自动连接到Xbox One。

If the app doesn’t find your Xbox One, tap “Enter IP Address” to connect by entering your Xbox One’s IP address. You can find the Xbox One’s IP address at All Settings > Network > Network Settings > Advanced Settings on the Xbox One itself.

如果该应用程序找不到您的Xbox One,请点击“输入IP地址”以通过输入Xbox One的IP地址进行连接。 您可以在Xbox One本身的“所有设置”>“网络”>“网络设置”>“高级设置”中找到Xbox One的IP地址。

第三步:将智能手机用作遥控器 (Step Three: Use Your Smartphone as a Remote)

Once you’ve connected, you can use the app to navigate your Xbox One’s interface. For example, you can tap a game or app in the SmartGlass interface and tap “Play on Xbox One” to launch that game or app on your console.

连接后,您可以使用该应用程序导航Xbox One的界面。 例如,您可以在SmartGlass界面中点击一个游戏或应用,然后点击“在Xbox One上播放”以在控制台上启动该游戏或应用。

If you’ve set up TV on your Xbox One, you can open the menu and tap “OneGuide” to view the TV listings. Tap a program and tap “Play” to start watching it on your TV.

如果您在Xbox One上设置了电视 ,则可以打开菜单并点击“ OneGuide”以查看电视列表。 点击一个节目,然后点击“播放”开始在电视上观看。

While watching TV or using another media app, you’ll get a remote interface with various playback buttons you can tap on your phone to control playback on your console.


The features provided here are different based on which app you’re using. If you’re using a game or app that makes use of your Xbox SmartGlass app’s second screen features, you’ll see more information or controls that make sense for that app. For example, in a game, you may see an in-game map. However, most games don’t implement this feature. Games that do implement this feature use it for something minor, not something essential to game play.

此处提供的功能因您使用的应用程序而异。 如果您使用的游戏或应用程序利用了Xbox SmartGlass应用程序的第二屏幕功能,则会看到更多对该应用程序有意义的信息或控件。 例如,在游戏中,您可能会看到游戏中的地图。 但是,大多数游戏没有实现此功能。 确实实现了此功能的游戏仅将其用于次要目的,而不是玩游戏所必需的。

For example, if you launch the Edge browser, you’ll see a bar with “Microsoft Edge” at the bottom of the screen. You can then tap the remote icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen and you’ll get an interface that provides buttons for swiping and tapping to control the app, as well as an on-smartphone keyboard when you select a text field.

例如,如果启动Edge浏览器,则会在屏幕底部看到带有“ Microsoft Edge”的栏。 然后,您可以点击屏幕右下角的远程图标,您将获得一个界面,其中提供用于滑动和点击以控制应用程序的按钮,以及在选择文本字段时提供的智能手机键盘。

If you want an even better keyboard, you can connect a physical keyboard to your Xbox One’s USB port and use it to navigate the interface.

如果您想要更好的键盘,可以将物理键盘连接到Xbox One的USB端口,并使用它来导航界面。

If you’ve set up over-the-air TV with an antenna, you can now stream TV from your Xbox One directly to your smartphone. To do so, tap the “TV” tile in the SmartGlass app and tap “Watch TV”.

如果您已经设置了带有天线的空中电视 ,则现在可以将电视从Xbox One直接流式传输到智能手机。 为此,请在SmartGlass应用程序中点击“电视”图块,然后点击“观看电视”。

Unfortunately, this feature doesn’t work with cable or satellite TV connected to your Xbox One through its HDMI pass-through cable. You need an antenna and over-the-air television to do this.

不幸的是,此功能不适用于通过其HDMI直通电缆连接到Xbox One的电缆或卫星电视。 您需要天线和空中电视来执行此操作。

使用其他Xbox Live功能,甚至可以通过Internet使用 (Use Other Xbox Live Features, Even Over the Internet)

The main screen provides your Xbox Live activity feed, so you can scroll through recent posts and comment or leave reactions. Open the menu and you’ll find a variety of other features that you can also access over the Internet, even if your Xbox One isn’t powered on.

主屏幕提供了Xbox Live活动供稿,因此您可以滚动浏览最近的帖子并发表评论或留下反馈。 打开菜单,您将找到各种其他功能,即使您的Xbox One尚未打开,也可以通过Internet访问。

You can view your friends list and send messages, read messages, scroll through your achievements, access screenshots and videos you’ve recorded on your Xbox One, and browse the Xbox Store to purchase media.

您可以查看朋友列表并发送消息,阅读消息,滚动浏览成就,访问在Xbox One上录制的屏幕截图和视频,以及浏览Xbox Store购买媒体。

Your Xbox One will automatically wake up and download games and other media you purchase on the store, assuming it’s in the default “Instant On” mode. Games should be ready to play when you get back to your console.

您的Xbox One会自动唤醒并下载您在商店中购买的游戏和其他媒体,前提是它处于默认的“即时开启”模式。 回到控制台后,游戏应已准备就绪。

Microsoft’s Xbox SmartGlass app was more of a differentiator when it launched for the Xbox 360, but Sony has largely matched it with the PlayStation app. SmartGlass still offers a slicker interface and provides a few more features, but it’s not a completely essential companion for the Xbox One. Even games that offer second-screen features don’t require them for gameplay–they’re just a bonus.

微软的Xbox SmartGlass应用在为Xbox 360推出时更具特色,但索尼在很大程度上与PlayStation应用相匹配。 SmartGlass仍然提供了一个流畅的界面,并提供了更多功能,但是它并不是Xbox One的完全必要的伴侣。 即使具有第二屏功能的游戏也不需要它们进行游戏,它们只是一种奖励。


xbox one 解码

如果你想在 C# 中进行 Xbox One 控制器测试,你可以使用 Xbox One 手柄的输入来编写代码。下面是一个简单的示例,展示如何检测手柄按钮的按下和释放事件: 首先,你需要在项目中添加对 `Windows.Gaming.Input` 命名空间的引用。 ```csharp using Windows.Gaming.Input; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Gamepad.GamepadAdded += GamepadAdded; Gamepad.GamepadRemoved += GamepadRemoved; while (true) { // 在此处处理手柄输入 } } static void GamepadAdded(object sender, Gamepad e) { // 手柄连接时触发此事件 e.ButtonPressed += ButtonPressed; e.ButtonReleased += ButtonReleased; } static void GamepadRemoved(object sender, Gamepad e) { // 手柄断开连接时触发此事件 e.ButtonPressed -= ButtonPressed; e.ButtonReleased -= ButtonReleased; } static void ButtonPressed(object sender, GamepadButtonEventArgs e) { // 手柄按钮按下时触发此事件 var button = e.Button; Console.WriteLine($"Button {button} pressed"); } static void ButtonReleased(object sender, GamepadButtonEventArgs e) { // 手柄按钮释放时触发此事件 var button = e.Button; Console.WriteLine($"Button {button} released"); } } ``` 这个例子注册了 `GamepadAdded` 和 `GamepadRemoved` 事件,用来检测手柄的连接和断开。在 `ButtonPressed` 和 `ButtonReleased` 事件中,你可以处理手柄按钮的按下和释放操作。 请注意,这只是一个简单的示例,你可以根据自己的需求扩展和修改代码。希望对你有所帮助!




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