
Thanks to iOS 13 and iPadOS 13, it’s finally easy to deal with external storage on the iPhone and iPad. You can connect USB flash drives and SD cards to copy and back up your data. Here’s how you do it.
多亏了iOS 13和iPadOS 13,终于可以轻松处理iPhone和iPad上的外部存储了。 您可以连接USB闪存驱动器和SD卡来复制和备份数据。 这是您的操作方式。
如何将外部存储连接到iPhone或iPad (How to Connect External Storage to iPhone or iPad)
If you use a 2018 iPad Pro with a USB-C port and have a USB-C flash drive, all you have to do is plug in the flash drive.
如果您使用带有USB-C端口的2018 iPad Pro并具有USB-C闪存驱动器,那么您要做的就是插入闪存驱动器。
If you have any other iPad or iPhone, though, you’ll need an adapter. You can use a Lightning to USB adapter to connect any USB flash drive, and this also works for a USB SD card reader.
但是,如果您还有其他iPad或iPhone,则需要一个适配器。 您可以使用Lightning转USB适配器连接任何USB闪存驱动器,这也适用于USB SD卡读取器。
Alternatively, you can purchase Apple’s standalone Lightning to SD Card Camera Reader.
或者,您可以购买Apple的独立Lightning至SD卡相机读取器 。

Support for external hard or solid-state drives is iffy, at best. However, you can connect USB-C-based external drives directly to your iPad Pro via the USB-C port. Drives that require more power—especially those with spinning hard drives—require an external power source.
充其量是对外部硬盘或固态驱动器的支持。 但是,您可以通过USB-C端口将基于USB-C的外部驱动器直接连接到iPad Pro。 需要更多功率的驱动器(尤其是硬盘驱动器旋转的驱动器)需要外部电源。
If you connect a drive and see a message that says, “This accessory requires too much power,” you’ll have to use a connector with a power pass-through. You can get these to work with iPhones and older iPads with a Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter, which lets you power your device (and the drive) via a Lightning port.
如果您连接驱动器,然后看到一条消息:“此附件需要太多功率”,则必须使用带有电源直通的连接器。 您可以通过Lightning转USB 3相机适配器将它们与iPhone和较旧的iPad配合使用,该适配器可让您通过Lightning端口为设备(和驱动器)供电。
如何从外部存储复制文件 (How to Copy Files From External Storage)
We use the Files app to copy data to and from external storage. First, connect your USB flash drive or SD Card using one of the methods outlined above, and then open the Files app.
我们使用“文件”应用将数据复制到外部存储或从外部存储复制数据。 首先,使用上述方法之一连接USB闪存驱动器或SD卡,然后打开“文件”应用。
Go to the “Browse” tab. When you see your drive in the “Locations” section, tap it to see all the files and folders on your drive.
转到“浏览”标签。 当您在“位置”部分中看到驱动器时,请点击它以查看驱动器上的所有文件和文件夹。

Tap a file to preview it. The Files app has a robust media viewer. You can open text and audio files, or even watch video from your drive without exporting it to an app.
点击文件以预览。 “文件”应用程序具有强大的媒体查看器。 您可以打开文本和音频文件,甚至可以从驱动器观看视频,而无需将其导出到应用程序。
Let’s move some data from your external drive to your iPhone or iPad’s local storage. First, in “Locations,” tap the “On My iPhone” or “On My iPad” section.
让我们将一些数据从外部驱动器移至iPhone或iPad的本地存储。 首先,在“位置”中,点击“在我的iPhone上”或“在我的iPad上”部分。

Here, tap and hold the empty space, and then select “New Folder.”

Name it, and then tap “Done” to create a new folder for the files you want to transfer.

Now, from the “Locations” section, select your USB flash drive.

Here, tap “Select” in the top toolbar, and then choose the files you want to move.

In the bottom toolbar, tap “Move.”

This opens a menu with all the available locations in the Files app. Tap “On my iPhone” or “On my iPad” to expand the local storage option. Select the folder you just created, and then tap “Copy.” The files are transferred to the folder.
这将打开一个菜单,其中包含“文件”应用程序中的所有可用位置。 点击“在我的iPhone上”或“在我的iPad上”以展开本地存储选项。 选择您刚刚创建的文件夹,然后点击“复制”。 文件被传送到文件夹。

如何将文件复制到外部存储 (How to Copy Files to External Storage)
After you connect your external drive, you can copy data from any location in the Files app to it just like you did above. This means you can copy files from your iCloud Drive, Dropbox, a connected SMB server, or any app you add to the “Locations” section in the Files app.
连接外部驱动器后,可以像上面一样将“文件”应用程序中的任何位置的数据复制到该文件中。 这意味着您可以从iCloud驱动器,Dropbox,连接的SMB服务器或添加到“文件”应用程序“位置”部分的任何应用程序中复制文件。
使用保存到文件扩展名 (Using Save to Files Extension)
As an example, let’s say you want to export photos to a USB drive. First, go to the Photos app, select the images, and then tap the Share button.
例如,假设您要将照片导出到USB驱动器。 首先,转到“照片”应用,选择图像,然后点击“共享”按钮。

Select “Save to Files.”

This brings up the versatile Files extension, so you can save files to any location, including attached external drives.
Tap your external drive, and then select a folder. You can also tap the New Folder button at the top to create one. Select the folder from the external drive, and then tap “Save.”
点击您的外部驱动器,然后选择一个文件夹。 您也可以点击顶部的“新建文件夹”按钮来创建一个。 从外部驱动器中选择文件夹,然后点击“保存”。

In a second, your photos export at their full resolution to the folder you selected on the external storage device. To confirm this, go to the Files app, and then navigate to the folder.
一秒钟后,您的照片将以完整分辨率导出到您在外部存储设备上选择的文件夹。 要确认这一点,请转到“文件”应用程序,然后导航到该文件夹。

The Photos app is just one example. You can use this method to move PDFs, videos, images, and more from any app to external storage.
相册应用只是一个例子。 您可以使用此方法将PDF,视频,图像等从任何应用程序移至外部存储。
使用文件应用 (Using the Files App)
What if the file is already saved in the Files app? You can use the drag and drop feature to quickly move the files.
如果文件已保存在“文件”应用中怎么办? 您可以使用拖放功能快速移动文件。
Open the Files app, and then navigate to the folder in which you saved the files. Next, tap and hold one file, and then drag your finger away from the icon. You should now be in the file selection mode.
打开“文件”应用程序,然后导航到保存文件的文件夹。 接下来,点击并按住一个文件,然后将手指从图标上移开。 您现在应该处于文件选择模式。

If you want to select multiple files, tap them with your other finger.

Then, use your other hand to switch to the external drive from the “Locations” menu. While still holding the files with one finger, navigate to the folder in which you want to save them.
然后,用另一只手从“位置”菜单切换到外部驱动器。 在仍然用一根手指握住文件的同时,导航到要保存文件的文件夹。
Once you reach the destination folder, you can release the files and they will be copied over to the external storage.

That’s it! You can now remove your USB drive from your iPhone or iPad. There’s no need to safely eject it.
而已! 现在,您可以从iPhone或iPad上卸下USB驱动器。 无需安全弹出它。
成为文件超级用户 (Becoming a Files Power User)
As you might have guessed, the Files app is quite complex, and there are more than a few ways to perform a single action. The best way to become a Files power user is to explore it because the version in iPadOS 13 helps turn your iPad into a real computer.
您可能已经猜到,“文件”应用程序非常复杂,并且执行单个操作的方法不止几种。 成为Files高级用户的最佳方法是对其进行探索,因为iPadOS 13中的版本有助于将iPad变成真正的计算机 。
After you upgrade, the first thing that you should do is enable the dark mode.
升级后,您应该做的第一件事就是启用暗模式 。